Become the Strongest Master With a Genius Student

Chapter 5

Thud… thud… thud…

The sound of a small girl hitting a stone, despite her bleeding hands, seemed not to stop her from continuing to strike the rock.

Hours passed, and the little girl kept practicing with no intention of stopping. If someone passed by and saw her, they would surely be terrified by the amount of blood on the ground and the stone.

However, the practice was not in vain. There were quite deep marks on the stone when she raised her trembling hands. Yet, she was not satisfied with these marks; she wished the stone would shatter completely with her blows so that her master would praise her for her hard work.

Due to overexertion, her hands became immobile. The little girl then picked up a red fruit (similar to an apple but larger) lying on the ground, placed on leaves she had brought from home. As she ate the fruit, a miracle occurred—her tired body and injured hands slowly recovered to their original state within seconds.

The rapid improvement in her physical strength, which she had only trained for a week, was certainly due to the effects of the fruit, vegetables, and food prepared by her master. Realizing this, the little girl wanted to ask her master about the effects of the fruit. However, seeing her master remain as silent as usual, she could only bury her questions. Ruan Xiaoyue believed that the fruit must come from the immortal realm, brought to the mortal world by her master.

If her master, Vheena, could hear her disciple's thoughts, she would probably say, “It’s just some wild fruit and vegetables I found in this forest! I planted them in the backyard because I was too lazy to look for them. If it really has such effects, why didn’t you say anything?!”

But, that would only be if Vheena knew of the misunderstanding. In reality, this misunderstanding would continue to grow without Vheena’s knowledge.

Indeed, Ruan Xiaoyue was very grateful for the change in fate she had received. She feared that one day all these changes might turn out to be a dream. Even after several days, everything still felt unreal to her.

Once a street urchin, she did not want to return to that pitiful life. She was truly happy to be a disciple of an immortal. Although her master’s training was very tough, it was far better than her previous life.

As the day grew brighter and her stomach rumbled, she could only go home to eat. The house of her master remained a mystery to her. Perhaps due to her low cultivation level, she could not discern its secrets. However, Ruan Xiaoyue knew that her master’s house was very different from an ordinary person’s home. She always felt her body growing stronger and purer while staying in that house.

After eating the food left by her master and washing the dishes, she spent an hour cleaning the house, backyard, storage room, and chicken coop.

“With everything clean, I can return to practice. Okay! Time to continue smashing that big rock!” she exclaimed enthusiastically while clenching her fists.

Carrying some of the red fruit picked from the tree, she went back to the hill with the big stone and resumed her training. By evening, Ruan Xiaoyue went home to bathe.

While living with her master, she was always reminded to clean herself. Seeing the empty bath container, she went to a sufficiently large river not far from her home, carrying a wooden bucket to fill the bath container. After several trips back and forth to fill the water, she returned home and waited for her master to come back.

As the evening darkened, she heard footsteps and the door opening, which she assumed was her master. When her master came in, she approached to help carry the goods to the storage room.

“Welcome back, master! Let Ruan take the goods to the storage room!”

“Wow, wow, as usual, you are always so enthusiastic. When I am away, you didn’t slack off in your training, did you?” her master replied with a smile, seeing her enthusiasm.

“Of course not, master! Ruan did not slack off even once! Even after finishing push-ups, sit-ups, squat jumps, and running, Ruan continued to hit the big stone until the evening!”

“O-ou… sorry, sorry, I was just joking.” Her master responded with embarrassment upon seeing her flushed face from shouting.

Seeing her master’s shy smile made her face flush. She had never seen anyone as beautiful as her master. Although she had never left the border town before, she was sure her master was the most beautiful person in the world.

After placing her master’s goods in the storage room, she immediately helped her master cook dinner. As she set the plates on the table, her master, who was sitting, spoke to her.

“RuanRuan, do you want to sleep with master later? Of course—”

“Yes! Yes! I want to, master!”


There was no way for Ruan Xiaoyue to pass up the opportunity given to her by her master. Enjoying sleeping with her beloved master made her mind wander far away.

‘No way! I’m going to sleep with master? But why did master invite me? Hawawa… then I can smell master’s scent, right?!’ she thought with a blushing face.

She was so happy to hear her master’s words, she just kept daydreaming. Even her master was forced to drag her body to the room to sleep together.

The next morning, after breakfast, as she continued her training as usual, Ruan Xiaoyue felt something strange in her body. She didn’t know what had changed, but when she started her punching practice, she realized what had happened.

Seeing the 5-meter deep dent from her punch left her bewildered. She was sure her training routine had always been the same. After pondering for a while, she realized the cause of her explosive growth.

“Strange, my training has always been the same, but why has my strength increased so much? Could it be because I slept with master? Did master do something while I was sleeping? If not, why did master suddenly invite me to sleep together?”

“I’m sure that must be it! Master, why did you increase my strength? I could have destroyed this big stone in a month. Sniff… your concern is truly great, master! Yosh!! With this, I can definitely destroy the stone in three days!”

Ruan Xiaoyue was deeply touched and happy for her master’s attention. If Vheena, her master, were there, she would certainly deny it. Unfortunately, the person in question was not with her disciple at that moment.

Another major misunderstanding was added that would cause trouble for Vheena in the future.

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