Becoming a God

Chapter 20 – Secrets, Plans, harvests, slaves (♥♥)

I lay on my bed and stare up at the blank ceiling, a wave of fatigue hits my body after the activities today but I stay awake probing the religious icon located inside my head, it has been entirely isolated from affecting my body but it’s still sending and receiving energy through the planes that I cannot control but this allows me to probe its origin and discover things about it.

A thread of energy comes down through a link in the planes, I cannot perceive the source but I can sense the energy come down giving me a piece of strength and nourishment. I can feel some other energy leaving via the same link once the nourishment has been completed, I seize this link and redirect it unknown if this will actually work and connect it to my own original form…

This redirection holds and I can only wait and see if it sticks, I have no idea what this will do but it seems to be the energy the gods are after.

All gods have an icon of some sort, typically given out in some sort of ritual hence the name ‘Ritual Icon’ where the only limit is the imagination of the god in question. On a planet like this, filled with dark and evil gods, there’s no way they can be good for the populace yet life seems stable enough for most people.

I’m just a visitor on these realms, these planets are just a blip in the radar and the people I meet will long perish before I truly age a day yet doesn’t that also make me a god of sorts?

Some thoughts come over my mind yet they’re also dismissed just as quickly, I am unable to prove anything and already have a clear path forward by seeking the items that will lead me higher.

I can give people a chance to follow me but I cannot be held back by them, something is telling me that I need to ascend to the highest plane and I cannot be delayed.

I clench my fist in the air, the knuckles crack one by one as feelings waft over my body.

Feelings of rage and anger, frustration and annoyance.

A feeling of helplessness.

I let out a sigh and lower my fist, I could collapse this whole realm if I wanted yet I feel so weak compared to the forces that I cannot perceive.

I sit on the side of the bed, several hours have passed yet as I listen I can hear some running water bringing a smile to my face.

“I guess there are some benefits being at this level.”

I get up from the bed and quietly walk towards the bathroom, the feelings of pleasure and joy are certainly addictive.

I open the hallway and spot Ashley’s door open, I walk towards the bathroom and try the door, it’s unlocked.

I open the door revealing the steamy shower room, I tip-toe towards the shower where Ashley is quietly humming to herself, I take off my robe and approach the shower door but pause for a moment, I create a flash of a portal in the shower room clearing out the steam.

Ashley’s eyes go wide upon seeing the sudden change then our eyes lock, she frowns at me for a moment then her face goes red and she turns around, “Get out, I’m using the shower.”

“I need to shower too so I’ll join you.”

“You can shower by yourself.”

“We’ll save water this way, plus I have to go soon.”

Ashley suddenly freezes, “Really?”

I nod while opening the shower door, “I’ll probably be back later,” I step up to the young woman and allowing the water to run over me, I run my hands down her slick breasts.

“You seem different than usual, when you came back so are you really going to come back?”

I massage her breasts, “Well I should but if I don’t, just contact Tabi at Blood Crucible City. Just say God K sent you.”

“God K?”


“Who’s Tabi? Is it another girl you know?”

“Sort of,” I open my mouth to explain a bit more about my origins when the door swings open, the partially steamy room still allows vision.

Rebecca has stepped in, she’s wearing a night gown looking rather tired, “You two are talking too much,” she says while approaching us.

I open the shower door and pull her in, “Just who I was looking for.”

I spend some time explaining things to Rebecca too before the three of us begin another round of passionate sex, this time within the shower where it ends up being an awkward time that is uncomfortable for everyone, the girls spend some extra time cleaning up afterwards as I exit the shower and put on my robe.

“You two stay safe, make sure you head to Tabi as soon as you need to… I suspect that’ll be soon.”

Rebecca nods while Ashley seems annoyed, “We’ll meet again soon so don’t worry.”

“That’s not it,” Ashley says, “you didn’t show me the portals.”

“It’s not like we’re parting forever, just don’t get left behind.”

I walk towards the door without looking behind me, each footstep feels heavy yet I cannot turn back otherwise I’ll give in to the feelings that are polluting this body, my mind and my soul.

I reach for the door, it feels like I am twist my heart and ripping it out as I open the door.

I step through it and slam it, a sigh comes out of my mouth.

I walk down the hallway passing by the master bedroom door, I look at the large man then I look at the thread of energy flooding in through the planes towards him nourishing his body bulking it up giving him incredible life force. I attempt to redirect the thread like before, succeeding this time too.

‘No idea what this will do but it might save your life.’

I walk out of the bedroom as the large man snorts and mumbles, “Useless son, should have got the purple haired one,” during his sleep.

I walk down the hallway and out the front door, the landscape is dark with an artificial moon out yet it is eerily beautiful as a wind blows about, I shut the door and walk away from the door several steps before stopping then turning around, “Come out.”

Several shadows flicker into existence before me, many people wearing large black robes much like my own but adorned with face masks hiding their appearance appear standing about before me while some of them are leaning on walls like they’re relaxing casting a relaxed yet intimidating appearance for the group. The largest person steps forward, their face mask adorned with some sort of demon with many sharp teeth flanked by two smaller people wearing other demon-type masks.

“Fillip, you haven’t reported in,” the young man’s voice almost booms as he talks.

“I got attacked and lost everything, I knew you guys would show up here so I didn’t bother with it.”

“You should take more care, we shouldn’t have to chase you up,” one of the people behind the large man says, their shrill voice offsetting the deep bellows of the first man, “you never care ab–

“Shut it Marinti,” the man says causing the shrill voice to abruptly stop, “Fillip do you know who attacked you?”

“No,” I adopt a serious expression on my face as though I’m recalling something with difficulty, “it was over in an instant. They took everything even the list.”

“Shit. You’re useless”

“You know that is restricted, why didn’t you give up your life to get iit back?

“You should just kill yourself to make up for it.”

The voices of the crowd chatter as though they’re already in agreement, the large man hasn’t said anything standing there silent for a moment as though contemplating what he needs to do. I have acquired quite a few of the memories of Fillip, the list that we are talking about is simply the list of targets they’re meant to be going after on this mission. Targets being people that the religious groups would like to recruit or acquire for some purpose, these people are usually just lower rank people that signed up or joined and haven’t been activated previously… usually.

This time was different though, the list was filled with people that have special characteristics that all god groups covet.

A highly guarded list that is only brought out on special occasions, such as when special events are coming up soon meaning that there’s even less time than usual to gather the targets resulting in a mad scramble and lots of conflict between the usually friendly groups.

The large man clears his throat causing the crowd to quieten, “We’ll need to set out separately then.”

“Can we trust Fillip?,” one of the other people speaks up, a slender tall man with a devil mask, the pointed horns atop the head alongside the stubby nose remind me of one of the netherworld inhabitants that I called ‘annoying fuckstick devil’ or ‘AF Devil’ but their species name I learned eventually is called Under-Zone Grey Lesser Devil.

“It doesn’t matter, we will be judged as a group whatever the result is so we need to hurry. If someone truly took the list then we’re already behind,” the large man says in response.


“Do you think the overseers will accept your arguments when we return?”

“No but–

“Then shut it, don’t argue here because it means nothing,” the large man turns to face the rest of the crew, “we cannot return until we check every single one of these targets. Now focus.”

Most people nod their head silently, the arguing person has crossed their arms and turns away not responding to the large man but it doesn’t matter, he has taken out a sheet of paper and begins to speak to the person closest to him.

“Ok Bollauluo, you take targets 5 through 13,” the large man speaks to a medium sized person with a cat-demon mask who nods then disappears in a flicker of shadows. The large man moves onto the next person as I stand around quietly waiting for them to finish. Each time they’ll disappear in a flicker of shadows as though it’s a special trick but it’s doing nothing more than bending light so that the people aren’t touched by the artificial rays and appear like a shadow on the ground.

You can still faintly see their figure if you look closely but in this dark environment with only a small moon-like light above, it’s very effective for most people.

It’s pointless against me though, I’d still be able to sense these people anywhere on this plane of existence.

The group dwindles down to a few then just me and the large man as he stands before me, I awkwardly smile as he stands silently before me.

“The overseers won’t be happy with what happened, you should be prepared for them to give you an unsatisfactory mark for this mission,” the large man passes a sheet of paper to me with only 5 names on them including addresses.

“If they’re not happy then they can come out and help prepare,” I take the sheet of paper and look over the list of names.

‘Fallononian Tallop, Caeres Jaucex, Nai Kalluipollituplok,…’

“You should not disrespect the elders like that, they are busy preparing for the upcoming events so they’ve given us this important task. You should attempt to give us all you’re worth in an attempt to win the god’s favour.”

I nod and place the piece of paper away, “God’s favour truly is a blessing, I just hope I do not run into any more troubles.”

“If you put your heart into your work then the God will reward you in kind, you must remember that.”

“Yes, I will truly put my all into it and acquire these people for the God.”

The large man nods his head then disappears leaving behind a whisper, “You must.”

I watch the man disappear into the distance just like the others thinking they’re being stealthy but they’re as good as visible to me, I take out the list and look at the first name on the list alongside the address before I begin to walk down the hallway towards the stairs, the city landscape is silent with a gentle breeze rustling the limited greenery that is around. I walk down the empty and desolate road feeling strangely disconnected yet at home in the solitude and silence.

I walk through these quiet streets not thinking about anything yet thoughts come flooding to my mind without wanting them to, countless memories of the things that I’ve been through and reminders of the experiences that I have been part of. I don’t fight them yet I don’t linger on the memories as I continue to walk through the streets when,


I look at the sight before me, a car like machine has stopped before me blaring its noisy horn shining its light on me, I don’t move from the road as the car continues to beep at me.

“Move out of the way idiot!,” an old voice comes from the window.

“Where is Upper-Scion Plaza?”


“Upper-Scion Plaza, I’m looking for a house there.”

“You’re standing in front of it idiot now get off the road before I report you to the authorities!”

I look at the direction the man is pointing, a large building behind me that looks just like any others without any marking on them, I step off the road and onto the pathway near the building allowing the man to speed away in a hurry but I ignore him as I look up at the towering building that doesn’t have any marks on it indicating that it’s the right location but I have no other clue to work off of.

I walk towards the base of the building hoping to find some sort of mark indicating that it’s where I need to be when I spot several people walking about nearby, I continue walking towards the building but redirect myself towards the group of people milling about one particular door on the ground level of the building I’m walking towards. As I get closer I can see that there’s brightly lit signs hanging in the window while people eat some food outside the door.

It’s a store.

Two young men are standing outside the building, I walk up to them and wave. One of them nods their head while the other continues to eat, I clear my throat and speak.

“Is this Upper-Scion Plaza?”

One of them nods while the other opens his mouth to speak, “Yup, this whole place is upper-scion plaza but this building is the USP.”

“Great, thanks,” I begin to turn and walk towards the door when the young man continues to speak.

“Are you here to see someone?”

I stop my movements and respond, “Yeah I need to see someone called Fallan.. Fallononian.”

“Ah Fallon then you might be in luck, these buildings don’t let visitors in but Fallon is well known.”

“Well known for a good reason?”

The young man smirks while the other one laughs chewing his food, “You’ll see,” the smirking young man says before pulling the other young man back into the store leaving me standing alone outside with a cryptic message.

I frown for a moment before dismissing it, there’s nothing to think about and overall none of this matters.

I walk towards the large set of doors inset around the polished marble surface and press on it, they don’t budge while a large ‘No Entry’ sign comes up on a display over the glass.

I walk away from this returning the door to normal, a computerised system is to my side which I walk towards and press random buttons on.

“What?,” a grump voice comes from the machine I’m pressing buttons on.

“I need to see someone called Fallu… Fallononian.”

“No visitors.”

“I need to see them.”

“You said Fallononian? Are they expecting you?”

“They should be.”

“Ok wait,” the voice disconnects from the machine the door suddenly swings open allowing me entrance.

I walk through quickly where the door immediately shuts, where a short hallway appears with several shut doors.

I walk up to one of the doors where upon it opens like a machine, I step onto it without questioning the happenings as the door shuts moving me upwards before it stops and the door opens again, I walk through the open door which shuts immediately upon my exit. The mechanisms of this world don’t concern me and they haven’t harmed me so far so there’s no need to learn about them, they don’t relate to my own strength and the people around me can operate them.

I pull out the piece of paper and look at the address, ‘181/83F Upper-Scion Building…’ then look around the hallway, the doors each have a number on them making this easier.

The nearest door is marked 1, while the door next to it is 2, I walk down the silent white hallway, each door is painted the same black colour with a silver handle, the walls are painted a white crème colour while the lights emit a beige colour casting the whole room in a subtle yellow. I stop before the door marked with the number 181, it’s just like all the others in this boring and silent hallway.

I knock on the door, the door swings open as my knuckles touch it revealing the dark room behind.

A masked figure is standing behind the doorway wearing a black robe, I look at them for a moment confused before remembering my purpose here.

“Are you Fallononian?”

The masked-figure nods its head.

“I’m meant to do something with you,” I say while stepping through the doorway.

The masked-figure steps back then nods but that’s all.

“Well before that let’s talk a bit,” I say stepping forward again.

The masked-figure steps back again but bumps into the wall behind them, their mask falls off revealing a beautiful woman behind the mask with long black hair and beautiful deep black eyes. Her face is expressionless yet her eyes express some curiosity peering back into mine.

“You look nice under that mask, why did you join the Eternal Cradle?”

The woman breaks eye contact and looks away, I step forward again placing my hand on the wall, she turns to face me again while pushing up against the wall further.

Her face has gone red, “I have no other option,” she quietly mutters struggling to maintain eye contact.

“You’re just afraid of choosing something wrong.”

“I joined because I wanted to, I can serve the god eternally and help repopulate the world.”

“Well that was the wrong choice, I have a better one for you.”


I lean forward and plant a kiss on the woman’s lips, her eyes go wide in shock but she doesn’t fight against it allowing my lips to combine with hers as her eyes close.

Our lips continue to entangle and entwine, I bring my hand down from the wall onto the woman’s back and slowly bring it down to her backside before finally reaching her ass.

I massage her ass lightly causing her to break the kiss, she licks her lips while looking at me.

I continue to massage her ass, my fingers sliding their way forward hoping to touch something else as she looks into my eyes.

Her eyes shimmer before her head leans forward to kiss me, her lips clumsily wrap over mine when I respond continuing our kiss from before.

My fingers slide forward reaching her sensitive spot causing the young woman to jerk forward, I use this as a chance to bring my other hand under her robe diving under her skin-tight clothing and underwear cupping her bare-ass which I gently massage.

I feel a light touch at my waist, a clumsy hand feeling about my robe looking for the opening before reaching in announcing its presence with coldness, a shiver comes over my spine as the woman’s cold hand touches my exposed semi-hard member.

My eyes look around the room and spot a bed in one corner looking pristine and untouched with white sheets, I apply pressure to the young woman’s ass and pick her up.

She breaks the kiss before I carry her over to the bed and almost toss her down on it, her perfect straight hair is now ragged while her face has gone flushed pink.

An excitement brews within me as I look at the young woman before me, she licks her lips and smiles at me.

I almost leap forward and pull down her pants and underwear, a string of fluid tracks from her underwear as it comes down.

I look at the young woman’s slit before me, my mouth watering as I trace the plump lips with my eyes stopping at the small landing strip above.

I don’t wait and dig in to the pussy with my tongue ensuring that its wet, running it up and down but it doesn’t need much help as I focus on her little pleasure button.

I bring my mouth away from her incredibly wet pussy and pull her towards the edge of the bed, I bring my hip against hers then bring my face closer to hers, my member hovering near her exposed and seemingly untouched pussy.

“You are God K’s after this, you will go and seek out Tabi in Blood Crucible City.”

The young woman looks at me confused but I thrust forward entering her, she breathes in sharpy as I plunge the depths of her pussy, breaking through her barely existent maidenhood and into the further depths below.

I begin to motion with deep and long thrusts reaching as far as I can inside her pussy, she responds with breathing slowly in time with my rhythm.

I begin to quicken changing to shallow and angled thrusts touching different spots of her pussy searching for that one spot when, “unn,” she lets out a moan.

I focus my efforts on that spot, focus my thrusts there as the woman begins to let out more moans of pleasure, “unh, unh, unh,”

Each thrust brings her some new found pleasure as she lets out a new moan, the slapping sound of flesh on flesh brings untold pleasures to the woman as she gazes into nothing.

I thrust harder and harder until I hear the young woman become quiet, I look at her as her eyes go blank her body begins to shake sending brand new sensations over my member buried deeply in her pussy.

Her pussy swallows my member in new ways with each movement of her body sending me over the edge, I finish deep inside her pussy.

I look at the young woman’s face and see that her eyes are closed, a happy smile is on her face leaving me somewhat mixed in feelings yet she seems happy compared to her expression when I walked in, I write a note on a piece of paper reminding her of what I said and leave the room shutting the door behind me, I take out the piece of paper with the names of targets and look at the next one.

“Caeres Jaucex huh…,” I mutter and begin to walk…

Bleh. Someone take away my ...'s

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