Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 348 - 85: The abacus clacks loudly, the old man loves to cause a scene_1

Chapter 348: Chapter 85: The abacus clacks loudly, the old man loves to cause a scene_1

“I have only one condition.”

Ignoring Lokan’s complicated expression, Link said, “You can use it for free, but you must provide feedback on its effects. If you have any suggestions or opinions, feel free to share.”

His tone was calm and the request was purely reasonable for a researcher, completely doing it by the book.

Not a hint of trying to take advantage of Lokan’s predicament out of personal grudges.

He appeared very generous.


Lokan grunted in response, picked up the box holding the potion, and walked away.

Every second he stayed here, was another second of torture.

Often, being ignored feels worse than being despised.

To a wild and unruly man like Lokan, Link’s display of generosity was worse than seizing the opportunity to rub salt in his wounds.

Lokan could assure that he would not retaliate on the spot.

Link could say whatever he wished.

He would not lose his cool.

However, Link’s “generosity”, no insults, no damage, and no difficulties, instead left Lokan incredibly embarrassed.

It felt like a bone was stuck in his throat, causing unbearable discomfort.

From now on, if he were to target this fair-faced man, it would seem unreasonable.

After all, he had already shown such generosity, what more did he want?

If he continued to target him, how could he explain to Sister Serene?

This man was really sinister.

Such a despicable scoundrel!

Lokan gritted his teeth in hate but felt helpless.

He could only vent his anger by stomping more loudly as he walked away.

Boom, boom, boom, boom…

His heavy footsteps echoed down the corridor, causing the whole dormitory building to tremble slightly.

Dust fell from many rooms, causing a round of cursing.

Lokan sneered and roared, “Shut up! If you have the guts, face me one-on-one!”

The explosive aura and the pressure of a Senior Second-Level Wizard spread out at the same time.

In an instant, no one dared to make a sound anymore.

If they cannot fight him, can they not avoid him?

After such a round of venting, Lokan felt slightly less frustrated.

Link watched Lokan’s retreating figure with a meaningful smile on his lips.

Was this a laugh that covered all past indignation?

If Lokan is willing to let go of his inexplicable malice and no longer target Link.

Link is willing to reconcile and not hold a grudge or seek revenge.

What’s wrong with laughing and letting the past go?

The main purpose of doing this, aside from snubbing Lokan, was to obtain the trial feedback and relevant data for this body refining potion.

Thus, Link could better optimize this refining potion and prepare for further large-scale trials.

Only after several rounds of trials, feedback, and optimization, could he obtain the final version of the body refining potion best suited for promotion.

Although the final version is quite different from the original version Link wanted, it still had reference value.

Subsequently, once Link’s understanding of the soul improves, he could use these data to improve the original version of the potion;

Or based on the original version of the potion, develop a new potion that can significantly improve wizard qualifications.

If he really achieves this, he could make a fortune, and it could also serve as a “benefit” for the core members of his own power.

We’ll see what happens then.

After Lokan left, Link returned to his leisurely daily routine.

The work in the Potion Department at the rear didn’t require Link’s involvement.

Link didn’t want to get involved either, too lazy to deal with those troubles.

Keeping out of trouble was the most peaceful way.

The “Seed” has not yet fully absorbed the Fairy King’s Spirit, and it will take some time.

It’s not convenient to find out the problems that will come with practicing the “Water Wood Mutual Growth Meditation Method” based on the “Seed”.

So, he would wait for Lokan’s daily usage feedback while focusing on studying the soul-related materials he got from Assad.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last.

Just three days into his leisurely life, a notice from the front-line command post broke Link’s peace.

Sage Palo officially summoned Link through official channels.

This meant that the summon was for official business of the legion, not a matter of personal affairs.

Link didn’t dare neglect this summons, he reported to Old Morpheus, tidied himself up, and immediately set out for the forward base in the Fairy World.

After several rounds of strict inspections and commutations, Link finally entered the tent where Sage Palo was.


This time, Sage Palo wasn’t standing in front of the holographic topographic map, instead, he sat in a chair with a smart-brain in hand, apparently reading some report.

As Link entered, without raising his head, Sage Palo casually motioned Link to sit in the chair opposite him.

“Thank you, Sage Palo.”

Link politely thanked and sat upright.

In front of the big shots, one must behave properly and show respect to the big shots.

Being arrogant is not good.

“You handled the matter with Lokan Morton very well.”

Sage Palo didn’t talk about the main matter directly, but started the topic with Lokan Morton, “We are on the same side. If we can’t be friends, at least we shouldn’t be enemies. It’s always better to resolve conflict when it’s minor than to let it escalate into hatred.”

“Yes, I think so too.”

With the top brass stating their stance, what else could Link say?

Not to mention, Link himself had the idea to resolve the conflict, if they couldn’t get along amicably, at least they could avoid targeting each other.

Even if he didn’t, he should have the idea after the meeting was over.

The will of the top brass must be implemented!


Sage Palo seemed satisfied with Link’s response, finally raised his head and looked at Link, saying:

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