Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 156

Chapter 151: Retraction Of Rights

Major General Pigu never imagined that he would become famous at a young age, and he had fought on the battlefield for half his life. He had already waved to him at the last step of the admiral’s seat. In the most incredible, humiliating, and desperate way, he would completely overturn the car in this small place in this town-level city. .

Hanging in the air by the jet-black hair, his skin could clearly feel that each of those hairs seemed to have its own life, and they were even constantly coveting the pores on their skin, waiting for the master to order them. It will crawl in and devour everything in the target.

All of this is terrifying and scary just thinking about it.

This hair alone made Major General Pigu pale and tremble in his heart.

The hair on the outside seemed to confirm his conjecture just now. When he was worried, the hair on his body suddenly wriggled, like countless self-aware nematodes, straightening his body and digging into his body.

This suddenly made this Major General Pigou pale in fright.

As the core personnel of the military, although he is not a high-level person, he is still very clear about the military’s plans.

He has seen many of his own people use various methods to torture the enemy and conduct related experiments, among which there are similar methods.

The ignorant is fearless, and the more he knows, the more he knows the pain and horror of similar methods.

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t get into my skin!” Major General Pigu, who screamed suddenly, seemed to be a frightened little girl.

Elizabeth froze when she saw Pigu’s appearance. He still knew a little about this young major general. He should have a lot of courage after having experienced a lot of iron and blood battles. She couldn’t imagine what kind of means could make him The iron-blooded general was so frightened that he lost his temper.

Ross was also a little surprised. He turned his head slightly and asked Char, “What’s wrong with him?”

Charr explained: “In the military’s experiment, there is an experimental method called the muscle worm parasitism experiment.”

“Through their special ability, they can cultivate a muscle worm with instinctive activity. This worm is as thin as a nematode. They have a natural obsession and attraction to human muscles.”

“The military uses this muscle worm to test the strength and potential of the muscles on the subject’s body, and to carry out primary transformation of the target through the fusion of the muscle worm and the muscle.”

“And the transformation method is to let those bugs drill down the human pores and gradually eat the flesh and blood under the target’s skin. The whole process is very terrifying and painful. More than 99% of the experimental subjects will have a mental breakdown in this incident, and it will become like this. The walking dead, perfectly controlled by the military.”

As Char said, he looked at the genetic warriors who never spoke and looked like robots.

When everyone present heard this, even Danny’s expression changed slightly, and Dr. Laban’s eyes twitched twice, expressing his shock.

Dr. Armitage was pale and seemed to be frightened.

After hearing this, Ross smiled: “No wonder!”

When Major General Pigu struggled and screamed, those hairs did not pierce his skin, but took out an oval metal object with a special pattern on it from his arms.

Ross threw the thing to Char and said, “Let you lead the affairs outside the city.”


Turning to look at the more than 20 genetic warriors who were hanged, at this time, it can be clearly seen from the cross-section of their body wounds that the muscles in the blood are constantly wriggling as if they have life, and they are constantly carrying out other activities. combination, want to re-suture the wound.

“It’s a good idea to completely fibrify the muscle structure, but unfortunately, you used the wrong method.”

“Lilith, send these guys to the sanatorium and see if Dr. Morsi has any relevant transformation methods. After all, this is a good fighting force.”

“Yes, Master.”

When things came here, the command of the army was completely handed over to Ross, and all threats to the army were completely zeroed out.

In the end, Ross turned his attention to Dr. Laban: “Doctor, what do you think about the current situation in Arkham?”

At this time, Dr. Laban dared to have any other ideas, and immediately said seriously: “It’s all up to the mayor. Although there are not too many people in our Redemption Society, we also want to contribute to the protection of Arkham. strength.”

Ross smiled happily: “Very good. Please rest assured, Doctor, I just want to take back my rights, and there is no other hostility to the Redemption Society. Your organization can still operate here in the next time, but the North District’s Control……”

“The North District naturally belongs to your North District. We are just businessmen who come here to do business!” Dr. Laban said hurriedly.

At this time, things were completely out of his control. The mayor not only managed the military with ease, but even turned all the members of the Eye of Insight into rebellion and became his servants!

How dare you fight against such an existence? That’s just a dung beetle in a shithole, looking for **** (die).

“I appreciate your agility and generosity, so please mobilize your subordinates now and contribute to Arkham!” Ross said with a smile.

“Okay! No problem!” Dr. Laban turned around in relief and left.

Afterwards, the only outsider in this conference room was Elizabeth.

As the first person to form an alliance with Ross, Elizabeth was not as afraid of him as other people, and at the same time she understood Ross’ bottom line and goals better.

Elizabeth said very casually: “The Queen is very satisfied with your In the future, I will only be here as a linker between the Queen and you, and the control of the wealthy area can be handed over to you at any time. ”

Ross said with a smile, “As expected of the lady who let me pour cappuccinos myself, her knowledge and awareness are beyond everyone’s reach.”

As soon as Elizabeth heard the words coffee and cappuccino, she wanted to vomit. She frowned and said, “It’s useless to convince me. The largest areas in the entire southern urban area are the High-Lower and the Lowlands of France.”

“Forbidden Gate and Eye of Alama, if you don’t get rid of these two organizations, you are destined to be unable to take back control of the entire Arkham City.”

Ross said confidently: “I have already started to deal with the forbidden door, and the Eye of Allama, this organization was gone last night.”

With the inclusion of Char and others, Ross naturally knew the Eye of Allama who secretly became the second and fifth son.

So last night, I let Coase and Danny solve it by the way.

! ! !

Elizabeth’s face changed after hearing this, it was a superhuman organization of a considerable size.

Among them, the highest level is twenty-five, and the lowest is fifteen. There are about fifty people. All of them are lunatics who yearn for transcendence and ignore the rules of human beings.

Danny on the side said casually, “It’s just a bunch of self-righteous lunatics.”

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