Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 168

Chapter 163: Crisis Under The Ruins

After confirming that the fusion blood will be the core of the entire blood therapy in the future, Ross is very satisfied with the progress of Morsi.

Morsi continued: “Master, we have no way to mass-produce fusion blood for the time being.”

“You also know that both fusion blood and angel blood are extracted from your blood. We have not yet been able to replicate and mass-produce the core molecules of these two types of blood.”

Ross pondered for a while and said, “I’ll find a way to do this. You just need to be responsible for researching it now.”

“Yes! Young master!”

Walking out of the laboratory, Lilith asked, “Master, do you have any plans?”

Ross said: “If you want to mass-produce these two kinds of blood, you must have enough ancient **** blood as the basis for artificial synthesis, ancient god!”

Ross couldn’t help sighing.

“That man-made ancient **** didn’t leave any blood behind?” Lilith asked curiously.

Ross shook his head and said, “It’s either the blood of the ancient **** or the blood of the ancient god. The blood of the ancient **** in the body of the man-made ancient **** at that time has been transformed into power.”

“My only hope now is Innsmouth, and I hope it won’t let me down there.”


At the same time, Innsmouth, which has been completely levelled.

Danny lowered his head and smelled the smell on the ground, then pointed to a church that had been completely turned into ruins and said, “There’s something down here!”

On the afternoon of the death of the man-made ancient god, Ross sent the elite forces of the entire Arkham to Innsmouth to see if they could find something useful.

The leader is Char, with Danny and his ghoul gang and Kos.

At the same time, Ross also dispatched the remaining army to Innsmouth through Elizabeth, completely blocking the entire city.

The people who have been here for two days and two nights have conducted a very thorough inspection of the entire Innsmouth.

Their purpose is not to destroy the evidence, but to create more evidence about the army, while searching for the legacy of Dagon’s esoteric religion.

Following Danny’s order, hundreds of ghouls on the side started to move, and the ruins of the church were cleared out in less than five minutes.

Charle checked it carefully, and then found a secret passage down at a very inconspicuous slate.

Just as everyone opened this secret passage, several dark shadows that were invisible to the naked eye instantly appeared and shot directly at Danny and Char.

Because of the speed, the two didn’t even see it.

At this moment, a flash of blood flashed past, and before the two of them could regain their senses, a strong stench could already be smelled on their noses.

Looking down, three were broken by the waist, and the dark green sea snake was still struggling on the ground.

This sea snake has a slender body, like a sharp arrow, and its entire skin is full of disgusting pustules and corrupt scales, which seems to have been specially nurtured by someone.

Seeing this, Danny couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat. His instinct as a ghoul told him that if he was bitten by this snake, he would definitely die.

“Thank you!” Danny’s tone was full of gratitude.

Coase took back the flesh-and-blood knife and said, “Be careful with this kind of **** snake. If you get bitten by this thing, you will surely die.”

Char touched the sweat on his forehead and nodded: “It’s fortunate that you followed, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.”

Although the whole of Innsmouth has been razed to the ground, it is still full of deadly traps and special creatures they have never seen before.

In the past two days, Coase has saved them at least five times.

Coase looked up at the sea, and the weird eyes in the sunken eye sockets flashed a special light: “Don’t thank me, this is what the mayor meant.”

After that, everyone carefully opened the door of the secret passage completely, and a strange and disgusting smell emanated from it.

Fortunately, none of the people around here are just frowning slightly in the face of this smell, and there is no other discomfort.

“Wait, I’ll go down and have a look first.” Kos said, and walked down with a **** knife in hand.

Looking at Coase’s disappearing figure, Char sighed, “The master is really too foresight to ask Mr. Coase to follow him.”

Danny said with a look of admiration: “It’s natural. To be honest, I was a little lighthearted at the beginning of this mission. After all, it is a ruin. We are over 30-level and even overkill to come here, so why bring Kos here. .”

“But now… I’m really ashamed.”



Click! Click!

After two heavy impacts, everyone on the ground heard the sound of piercing bones being broken.

The next second, accompanied by a violent shock wave, it was suddenly transmitted, and then a completely scorched monster was thrown out.

This monster looks like a fish, but it has human limbs. The entire head of the fish is occupied by two-thirds of the mouth, and even the gills on both sides have turned into weird teeth full of teeth. sucker.

The scales on his body have been corrupted, and the body is covered with a translucent membrane. Through the membrane, you can see the flesh and blood of two humans being gradually digested inside.

It’s a pity that the monster’s whole body has been severely burned at this time. Judging from the electric current remaining on the body surface, it has been electro-scorched alive.

At this time, Kos came out, and in his hand he was holding a monster similar to that monster, but this monster was slightly smaller.

“Both of them have forty-level strength!?” Seeing the two corpses, Char and Danny’s eyes suddenly tightened.

Cos threw the monster on the ground and said, “These two things are the so-called messengers of the sea god, and the Dagon Secret Sect has been worshipping them all these years.”

“I’ve cleaned up the dangers Let’s go and have a look. There should be a lot of things that the mayor can use. These two things belong to me.”


The two nodded, and then led them down the steps.

There are still two level 40 terrifying monsters hiding in this place?

If two people brought everyone in, it would definitely kill them all.

Following the stairs to the underground space, the two found that the place was much larger than they thought.

The height of the space is about six meters, and the area is about three hundred meters.

There is a circle of pools around the entire space. At this time, there are a lot of transparent egg-shaped objects in this pool, but most of the objects here have been taken away.

Through the translucent membrane, you can see that there is a drop of blood in each egg.

And in the middle of the space there is a high altar.

There are two thrones on the altar, both of which have been smashed by this time.

In the middle of the throne, there is a dark green fountain, and at the top of the fountain there is a green statue that is quite similar to the man-made ancient god.

And the fountain under the statue caused the continuous ejection of dark green thick liquid, which just looked like an ominous calamity.

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