Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 182

Chapter 177: Jenny Just Wants To Live An Ordinary Life

Seeing such a drop of blood, the first thing Jenny felt was a sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression is buried in her genes, the kind of coercion of the superior over the inferior.

And what came after this sense of oppression was a deep and powerful wave.

This kind of fluctuation can penetrate everything in Jenny’s body in an instant, acting on the primitive impulse of her body, causing her to have an instinctive awe and a deep longing.

Devour it! Devour it and I can become stronger and more complete!

This instinctive voice kept lingering in her mind.

Although this impulse is very strong, as a thousand-year-old vampire, Jenny can naturally control her emotions very accurately.

She quickly recovered from this temptation and oppression, and her dark blue eyes turned to look at Ross: “Are you sure? This kind of deal seems to be more beneficial to me.”

Vampires are born with a strong ability to absorb blood. For the blood of ancient gods that ordinary people cannot handle, high-level vampires have their own solutions.

Ross smiled: “It’s a kind of love from the mayor to the citizens!”

Jenny’s eyes fell uncontrollably on the drop of dark green blood, and then she said with a trembling voice, “Deal!”

After speaking, the fangs in Jenny’s mouth gradually extended, and then the upper and lower jaws clenched, biting the tip of her tongue.

Immediately, Jenny stuck out her tongue, and a drop of dark liquid that seemed to have its own life appeared from the wound on the tip of her tongue and landed on her hand.

When this drop of blood left the body, Ross clearly felt that Jenny’s face paled and she looked weaker.

After all, she is only a forty-two vampire. The cost of losing a drop of the blood of the ancestors is far greater than that of Loss losing a drop of the blood of the ancient gods.

After that, the two reached out their hands at the same time to complete the exchange.

Ross, who took the blood, put it directly into his mouth.

For the preservation of this special blood, no matter how advanced the instruments and methods are, it cannot compare to his own body.

And the purpose of ingesting this drop of ancestor blood is not only preservation, but more analysis.

Because Ross intends to derive the blood of all mythical creatures based on the blood of the ancient gods in the future.

Jenny didn’t swallow it directly, but turned around and quickly took out a small pot the size of a fist, which seemed to be a small pot carved from blood-red bones, carefully put the blood in, and tightly closed the lid, Jenny breathed a sigh of relief. , it seems that something important has finally settled.

After the transaction was completed, Ross got up and said, “I still have a lot of things to do. I’ll go first. I hope that you can become an enthusiastic citizen and be active in the future.”

Jenny hurriedly stood up and said seriously, “Don’t worry, I don’t have the habit of breaking contracts.”

Ross then left the barbershop with a smile on his face and drove back.

When the two blackwater detectives hiding in the bushes outside saw Ross leave, they also saw the beauty of Jenny.

“Damn the second generation of officials!” While the two cursed in a low voice, their tone was more envious.

After watching Ross leave, the fat man said in a low voice, “This guy is too fast! It will only take ten minutes to get in, plus stripping and dressing and foreplay, I bet this guy will last for three minutes.”

The tall young man nodded and said, “You can tell from the look on his face that his body is already useless! Let’s go! Today is our turn!”

Speaking of which, the two looked at each other and both saw the plan in each other’s eyes.

Now that they’re all here, naturally they have to get some extra benefits.

Arkham’s chaos is notorious. They vented here, and after the investigation was clear, they left immediately. It can be said that they were not aware of it.

At half past nine in the evening, after the dead of night, the two started to move.

Very professional, they secretly came to Jenny’s door, then took out the tools, and in less than ten seconds, they quietly opened the door and entered the front hall.

“This woman is actually a hairdresser?” The two were a little surprised when they saw both sides.

These days, there are very few female hairdressers.

The two did not stay here. In their hearts, Jenny has become a lamb to be slaughtered, and the next long night will be left to their ravages.

Just after the two of them passed through the front hall door, they found that most of the lights in the room were off, and only the light in the kitchen was on.

“It should be cooking.” The two said, took out their pistols and walked over quickly.

Then at the moment when the door was opened, the two directly raised their guns and whispered, “Don’t make any noise! Otherwise, we will kill you directly!”

At this moment, Jenny, who had just sat down and prepared to eat, was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a look of indifference and irritability on her face.

I just want to have a quiet dinner, is that so difficult! ?

At this time, after seeing Jenny stunned, the two immediately walked up impatiently.

At this moment, seeing Jenny’s appearance at close range, the two of them only felt that their hearts were beating faster, and the blood quickly gathered towards their lower bodies.

Just as the two quickly approached Jenny, they were knocked out by the irritable Jenny, who then knocked over the dinner plate covered on the table.

At the same time as the sound of the dinner plate hitting the ground, the two people who were knocked to the ground by Jenny’s slap just saw the severed hands of the two men falling out of the dinner plate.

This suddenly made the eyes of the two of them tighten, and the next second they suddenly stood up and asked in a low voice, “We are blackwater detectives, who are you!?”

Jenny looked at the two people indifferently, stood up slowly and said lightly, “My name is Jenny years old, I live at 288 Church Street, Arkham Business District, I am unmarried. I run a barber shop by myself, which opens at seven o’clock every day and has to operate until nine o’clock in the evening.”

“I don’t like smoking, and I don’t want to drink human blood. I never kill innocent people indiscriminately, only criminals and perverts.”

“I go to bed at one o’clock every night, dismantle the prey I kill quietly, and never disturb the neighbors.”

“I like to drink a cup of warm human blood before going to bed, then return to my true form and stretch my wings to relieve the discomfort caused by the day’s sun.”

“I sleep in the coffin every day, and I can fall asleep instantly when I lie in it, and I will never leave my fatigue until the next day.”

“The doctor said that I am healthy and can live to be five thousand years old.”

Hearing these words, the two detectives turned pale, squeezed their guns and asked loudly, “What are you talking about!?”

At this moment, Jenny’s body gradually changed. Huge fleshy wings and pale skin gradually appeared. The terrifying coercion instantly made the two detectives go soft, and they didn’t even have the ability to escape.

She walked over slowly and said indifferently: “I’m just expressing, I’m just a high-level vampire who longs for an ordinary and peaceful life, and why do you lowly bugs bother me again and again, this sweet and warm dinner!?”


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