Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 194

Chapter 188: Steel First Machine

The first thing injected is the muscle strengthening agent.

Now Conte’s body is too fragile, his heart and muscles can’t bear the heavy load in the future, so basic strengthening must be carried out.

Muscle strengthening agents can increase the muscle strength of Conte’s whole body by about ten times.

Then the second step is to inject the blood of fusion and the blood of angels.

The blood of fusion can modify his physical attributes, so that the body can be perfectly combined with the metal to counteract the rejection reaction.

Angel blood can strengthen his body’s ability to withstand and self-healing, and speed up the regeneration of his body and blood.

After all preparations were completed, Ross injected one-tenth of the blood of the ancient gods into it, and combined with Conte’s body to give his body a strong ability to undertake and transform attributes.

After all, as Conte of the first machine, Ross has high hopes for him.

When everything was ready, Ross began to inject a combination of silver powder and mercury into Conte’s blood.

After this combined substance enters the blood, it can form a more conductive, more tolerant, and highly poisonous blood through the blood of fusion and the ancient **** base: the blood of mercury.

The blood of mercury can contain almost all substances, and can contain almost all toxic substances.

And in the future, Conte’s energy transmission is through electric current, and such blood has a powerful current transmission ability comparable to superconductors. This kind of conduction ability, combined with nerve conduction, can give him absolute control over his body. .

This powerful control ability allows Conte to use his thoughts to stop the heart, stop the flow of blood, transform the internal structure of the body, and even gather all the strength of the body to increase the strength of a certain place to terrifying in an instant. level.

The most crucial blood was ready, and the remaining 800 tentacles of Ross began to flash with dazzling fire.

He now needs to recast Conte’s body.

It’s the kind of real recasting, the kind that uses electric welding!

Ross injected his specially treated super fiber stainless steel material into Conte’s body to form a skin-like steel armor covering all of Conte’s internal organs and bones, which is equivalent to wearing it in his body. A layer of armor.

This layer of armor has three hundred times the strength of an ordinary person Conte, which can make a powerful change in Conte’s overall skills.

The steel armor covering the lungs is also a huge filter, which can filter out all the toxic substances in the air and expand Conte’s lung capacity hundreds of times.

After the inner transformation was completed, dazzling electric lights began to appear on the needles of those tentacles.

At this time, under the healing of the blood of the ancient gods and the blood of the angels, the parts of Conte’s three severed limbs began to grow silver-grey blood vessels.

But only weird blood vessels grew, no muscles or bones.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of rays of light began to flash rapidly, and the electric welding began.

Under the dazzling electric welding, Conte’s legs and arms emerged from the roots, and then took shape.

And the blood vessels that grow are like the roots of a tree with self-awareness, directly piercing the welded limbs, and then directly piercing them for a deep combination.

It doesn’t matter if this kind of external body is damaged, it can be mass-produced later, and if it is broken, it’s good to install it.

The entire renovation took three hours.

When everyone recovered from this dreamlike transformation, everything was over.

Lost, who had regained his human form, put on his clothes and asked Conte on the operating table, “How do you feel?”


Along with a heavy figure, Conte’s feet full of complex mechanical structures stepped on the ground.

Conte, who stood up again, stretched his body.

It can be seen that Conte’s upper body and right arm still look like normal humans at this time, and he can see blood vessels, skin and muscles.

The left arm and both legs have turned silver-gray, full of mechanical prosthetics with complex structures.

Conte stretched out, then took a deep breath.

Along with his deep breathing, the four found that Conte had been inhaling continuously for more than ten seconds at this time, but his chest did not rise and fall much.

Immediately afterwards, with a puff, the place where the breath came out was not only the nose, but also the skin behind Conte.

“Powerful! Incomparably powerful!” Conte said in a deep voice, his eyes flashing with divine light that could not be calm and determined.

When he was talking, his mechanical left arm flicked casually, and it turned into a two-meter long silver-gray long sword.

Then, with another flick, the complex machine changed instantly, and it directly turned into a complex cannon.

On it, dazzling electric light is rapidly accumulating.

“My God! Is this still possible!?” Rum’s eyes almost popped out when he saw this.

Ross said: “From now on, it is not only biological energy that drives Conte, but also electrical energy. In more fashionable terms, it is hybrid, dual-engine!”

Conte then put away the electromagnetic cannon and turned it into a regular arm. He turned his head to look at Ross, and his deep eyes immediately filled with enthusiasm and respect: “Mayor, thank you for giving me rebirth.”

Ross patted him on the shoulder: “These are the rewards for your iron will. I have done a lot of modifications to your body. I’ll get acquainted with it in a while, and then start working.”


Ross said with a smile: “Don’t blame yourself and don’t be sad. You are all my subordinates. I will not allow you to die. None of you can die.”

Conte was stunned when he heard this.

Ross continued: “Although Domon and the others have been shattered, their heads have been preserved, and their will has not dissipated.”

“In the future, they will become similar to you.”

After hearing this, Conte’s eyes widened. The resolute and steady man just now had his lips trembling and his eyes were faintly red.

Ross smiled: “It’s a good thing to have a long lesson, but don’t keep acting like this from now on. I don’t like this kind of subordinates.”

“We have many enemies, but none of these enemies can stop us from laughing happily!”

“They’re just stepping stones in our lives, you know!?”

At this time, Conte raised his arm to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and shouted loudly, “I know!”

“Very good, very energetic!”

“For a spirited guy like you, it’s a pity to drive a warship, you should go to a Gundam!” Ross said with satisfaction.

Immediately, Conte returned to the policeman who was a little arrogant and rambunctious before, and went out happily.

As for the four people in the operating room here, three of them have fallen into contemplation. They seem to have witnessed everything just now, which has made them realize a lot of things.

Only Rum stood there with an aggrieved look on his face, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Because… he seems to have only watched the excitement, but didn’t realize anything.

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