Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 210

Chapter 203: Arkham City Plan

After dealing with the merman, Ross walked south along Peabody Avenue, walking leisurely in this town that only belonged to him.

Looking at the quaint buildings on both sides, the relatively old streets, the people working in a hurry, and the low and winding houses in the distance, although this looks quite the baptism of the years of the classical town, the secluded temperament, but Too backward and run down.

“Just about to start rebuilding the Arkham Sanatorium and the reservoir on the north side, so let’s start an infrastructure reform by the way!”

Ross’s expectation for Arkham is definitely not just a town where urban legends originated, but a node linking the normal world and the universe.

“Now is the time to make a more detailed plan for the entire Arkham!”

Thinking of this, Ross quickened his pace and returned to his office at City Hall.

Sitting on the chair, Ross took off his head neatly and put it aside, took out a large roll of blueprints, and started his own design plan.

“The boundaries of the nine areas in Arkham are too vague and irregular. In this case, the streets are used as the boundaries, and all areas are turned into relatively neat geometric shapes, which also helps future urban planning.”

Thinking of this, Loos’ palm quickly drew on the blueprint like a laser printer.

Soon, a beautiful map of Arkham city gradually appeared.

Here, the east area has become a pentagon with unequal side lengths, while the central area has become a parallelogram. At the same time, the four streets that originally belonged to the north area in the southwest are attributed to the central area.

The north area has become a big rhombus, and the whole looks like a jigsaw puzzle.

With his extraordinary memory and thinking, Ross can remember all the places he has walked very clearly. Now he knows all the streets of Arkham like the back of the hand.

In just an hour, a new plan for the entire city of Arkham was formed.

The largest area is still the Frankish Mountains, which has now become a trapezoid.

The upper river area is now renamed the port area, and in the future there will be the largest port in the southwest of the empire and the largest shipyard in the entire province of Massa.

The commercial area becomes a long parallelogram, and the campus area bordering it becomes a standard “convex” shape.

The southernmost wealthy area was renamed the villa area.

The southern lowland area on the west side of the villa area was renamed the church area.

Because there are five churches and three church cemeteries there.

At the same time as the re-planning, Ross also re-empowered these nine areas.

The North End is home to some of the best bars and hotels in Arkham, and will be developed into a place to host important guests and hold talks and major exhibitions in the future.

It is the reception station for future business cooperation of Arkham in the future.

In this area, Ross built a government agency called “Arkham Cultural Center” to show the customs of Arkham, and Xina was in charge.

This institution itself is an expanded version of the Arkham Reception that Sheena is in charge of. This institution is not only responsible for the normal cultural display, but also for receiving those secretly uninvited guests.

In the future, this department and the North District will be the first stop and buffer zone for Arkham to connect with the outside world.

The construction work of the entire North District will also revolve around this organization.

The central area still serves as the administrative center of Arkham and is the seat of most government agencies. In addition to the expansion of the Arkham Sanatorium, a new government department will be added: the Arkham Community Council.

This committee was expanded from the community warmth group that Danny was in charge of before. Its function is not only responsible for removing potential outsiders, but also has the ability to regulate neighborhood disputes and monitor the mental state of the people.

In the future, this organization will have branch structures in the other eight regions, responsible for different regions.

The eastern area is very desolate, but the environment is quiet, and the area is quite large, including low mountains, woods, and rivers. After remodeling, it will become the most suitable place to live in Arkham.

In the future, it will become a high-end residential area with the best security and protection in Arkham. And these houses with beautiful environment will not be sold to the outside world, but will be rewarded to those citizens who have contributed.

Here, will become the center of gathering all the important talents of Arkham.

The original river area, today’s port area is divided into two by the Miskatonic River.

The area expands to the southeast along the banks of the river.

According to Los’s plan, there will be the largest seafood trading market in the province of Massa along the river, and a huge shipyard will be built on the easternmost side of the city on the south bank.

In the position near the inner side, a huge port across the river will be built. Ships can dock on both sides of the river at the same time, and then follow the developed land transportation to enter the market on both sides of the river.

The function of the business district has not changed much, except that Ross plans to build several high-rise office buildings there.

The commercial area is adjacent to the port area. In the future, many related companies can set up their offices and branches here, not only to enjoy the developed commercial street here, but also to turn around and see the wharf on the river bank.

The campus area and the wealthy area, that is, the new villa area, have not changed much.

The former wants to separate the library of the University of Michigan, while the latter Loos established a government department there, the Arkham Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber of Commerce is led by the capitalist Barlow, who used to be the eye of insight, and all rich capitalists will join in.

The purpose is not only to let capital enter Arkham, but also to let the capital of these people go out of Arkham to make money.

The largest French mountain area is the place with the largest number of old houses in the entire Arkham except the eastern part.

Most of the low and winding eaves seen from the central area are here.

Ross is also preparing to rebuild the residential area here, and to give this area without many natural features a special function: extraordinary education.

Of the nine areas in, only the French Mountains and the South of the Lowlands, that is, today’s churches, have the most mysterious atmosphere.

The latter is because of religion, while the former is because most of the polyethers here are descendants of witches, and they are born with a certain affinity for transcendence.

So Ross set up a government department called the Arkham Talent Training Center here.

In this training center, what everyone learns is not the knowledge of normal people, but the extraordinary knowledge, as well as some special skills.

For example, “How to Stew Advanced Ghoul in an Iron Pot”, “The Encyclopedia of Family Structure”, “Sunflower Pointing Hands” and many other knowledge.

The purpose is to take the French mountains as a starting point and pilot, and start to tap the extraordinary potential of people.

The last church to go to is located on the southernmost side of Arkham, and the religious atmosphere is very strong.

And Ross is going to let Father Hearst and Hardy build a church of their own there.

At the same time, this church will also be the transfer station for all personnel deployment in the entire Arkham, and Hardy is responsible for the related configuration and the link between the doors.

In this way, if something happens there, the police in other areas can be reinforced at the first time through this transfer station.

Putting down the pen, Ross looked at the drawings full of annotations and nodded with satisfaction: “Very good! My Arkham still has great potential for development!”

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