Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 232

Chapter 224: In-Depth Cooperation

After coming out of the underground space laboratory, Ross happened to bump into Kurvin.

“Master.” Kurvin hesitated after saluting.

Ross asked, “About the huge sound that just came from underground?”

Kurvin nodded vigorously.

“Speak directly.”

Kurvin said immediately, “Someone just sneaked into the bottom dungeon and seemed to be looking for something.”

“And then alarmed the guilty person?” Ross asked.

Kulvin nodded: “Well, by the time we passed it, it had already been smashed into flesh by the guilty person.”

“Where’s the guilty one?”

“It’s still there, we dare not approach.” Kurvin felt helpless.

Lilith is the only one who can deal with the culprits now.

Ross turned to look at Lilith: “Let’s deal with it.”

Lilith nodded slightly, turned her head and bowed slightly: “Excuse me.”

Immediately, Lilith showed her identity as the mistress and left calmly with Kulvin.

“It seems that the guilty person doesn’t need to hide from me.” Su Yi said.

Ross said with a smile: “This is natural, the guilty person is my first containment, it can sense the darkness and sin in the human heart, as long as there is darkness and sin in the heart, the person who is close to the guilty person will Cause it to go mad.”

With that said, Ross looked at Lilith’s mature and slender back and said, “All Arkham, including me, only Lilith can comfort it.”

Suyi looked at Lilith’s back and affirmed: “Mrs. Arkham does have special power, she is holy like a Virgin, and can give people peace and tranquility. I have never seen anyone who can have such a power. scent.”

Elizabeth on the side heard this, her expression was very strange: “Lilith…a pure heart?”

Knowing Lilith’s past, she felt a huge impact on her worldview at this time.

Here Suyi asked: “You asked me to want Long Yangang just for this?”

“There’s more than one, but it’s not convenient to reveal the second containment,” Ross said.

Suyi didn’t ask any further questions, but said directly, “I already know the strength and sincerity of Mayor Arkham. Can we talk about the next cooperation?”

Ross smiled and said, “I think so too.”

Immediately, the three people came to the office on the second floor that only belonged to Ross.

The three of them took their seats, and Su Yi asked, “What plans does Mayor Arkham have? You can talk about it.”

Ross said with a smile, “His majesty is so refreshing. I really like it.”

“Pay attention to your words!” Elizabeth said with a warning.

Ross smiled: “My previous appeal, Her Majesty the Queen, is clear. In fact, our two goals at this stage are the same, that is, we need time to develop.”

“Cooperation is naturally for the better development of both parties.”

Su Yi nodded, “Yes.”

“First, I will provide you with a fat inhibitor, and then I will provide you with a muscle enhancer. The former can allow you to buy people’s hearts in the imperial capital, and the latter can be used to strengthen your bodyguards.”

“According to our current muscle enhancer, you can easily let your soldiers break through the tenth-level limit, and then after training, they can reach around the thirteenth level.”

“Level 13… Can mass production be possible?” Su Yi asked.

Ross nodded: “With our current production capacity, we can provide you with 500 fat inhibitors and 300 muscle enhancers a month.”

Su Yi pondered for a while, then asked, “Are there any side effects?”

Ross said confidently, “There are no side effects.”

Suyi didn’t agree directly, she squinted at Ross and said, “Mayor Arkham didn’t come up with all the technology, right?”

Ross smiled and nodded: “Your Majesty’s intuition is really keen.”

“These are basic transactions in exchange for His Majesty’s Dragon Flame Steel formula and blueprints related to the Demon Lock Tower.”

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction: “Then… what about further?”

“Nature is blood therapy. You can establish direct contact with us, and I can provide you with blood therapy capabilities.”

Ross spread his arms, as if showing his boundless strength through invisible power.

“Rebirth from a severed limb, terminal illness, I can cure it here.”

“I can also provide Her Majesty the Queen with special blood wine. Taking these blood wines can further improve your soldiers’ abilities. If you take them on time, they can break through to level 20 within half a year.”

Hearing this, Elizabeth’s face was full of shock. The power that Ross is showing now… is too powerful! ?

Su Yi’s heart was also full of shock at this time, she must know that just being reborn from a severed limb and terminal illness is enough for her to gather countless talents!

“no side effects?”

Ross smiled: “Such a system is rapidly unfolding in Arkham. You can ask Elizabeth about Curvin’s hands, and Tracey’s blindness is the best proof.”

Su Yi knew these contents, and Elizabeth had given her a very detailed report.

After a few seconds of silence, Su Yi asked, “What do I need to pay?”

“Policy support, I need Her Majesty the Queen to be able to set Arkham as a special zone, directly under the jurisdiction of Her Majesty, and will not be restricted by the province of Massa.”

Su Yi frowned slightly after hearing this: “This is not an easy task, there are only three special zones in the empire today.”

“That’s why you need Her Majesty’s help.”

“In addition, I also hope to get support from His Majesty’s policies, such as the establishment of free trade zones and related tax reduction support policies.”

Suyi raised her head and stared at Ross: “Mayor Arkham’s request seems a bit smiled and said, “Your Majesty, listen to me. ”

“Innsmouth has been completely destroyed. Arkham is the largest city from the coast. In the future, I hope it can become an important port in the southeast of the empire, and I have already cooperated with the Borg of the Suoke family. He will support Build a shipyard here.”

“I hope that His Majesty will set up a new royal port and shipyard here in the name of the royal family, and give sufficient policy support.”

Su Yi squinted her eyes: “You must know that all of your requests require me to use the Queen’s Privilege, and every time I lose the Queen’s Privilege, the military’s threat to me becomes greater.”

“I know, so I will naturally give conditions that His Majesty cannot refuse.” Ross said confidently.

“Oh!? Let’s talk about it.” Su Yi became interested.

Ross said: “After first becoming a SAR, Arkham is like a nail, constantly affecting the entire southeastern region, as your minions and tentacles affect this region.”

“I only need approval for the establishment of Port Royal, Her Majesty the Queen. We will be responsible for the follow-up work. After the establishment, the Queen can get two points of net profit, and your people can directly participate in the operation of the port.”

Su Yi was a little moved when she heard this.

As the largest port in the southeastern region, once formed, the profit will be very terrifying.

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