Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 289

Chapter 278: An Indescribable Existence

At 10:30 in the morning, Interrogation Room Zero.

This is a not too big interrogation room, it looks like it is only about fifteen square meters.

There is only one special steel chair for criminals in the entire interrogation room.

Opposite this steel chair is a leather seat that looks very comfortable, and the person sitting on it can even lie on it very comfortably, looking very casual.

There were dark walls all around, and there was only a small dim light on the roof that couldn’t even illuminate the entire room.

The pale Joel was fixed on the steel seat. In the past two days, he has been questioned and tortured by the police, but he has not leaked any information.

Because he knew that if he didn’t say anything, it would be torture and torture, then several years of prison life, and finally death.

But if it is said, then his future life will be lived in endless fear, and life will be worse than death.

He has not seen the methods in that mental hospital, but he has seen the results of those self-righteous guys who provoke the mental hospital.

That weird look, his inhuman posture, and even if he had turned into a corpse, could make onlookers feel the indescribable weirdness and terror he experienced before his death.

Arkham, the dreamy place, the criminal’s paradise, the magical place of the Rosas Empire’s seclusion from the rest of the world, keeping the secrets there has become a secret shared by those of them who are on the road.

It is their safe haven and the source of their wealth.

In the past three months, I have been light and simple, and the income from selling drugs is more than the previous year of arms sales.

And because of those magical potions, they have more capital and status.

While pondering, the door was opened, and in the dimly lit room, he only saw an old man walking in with a cane, and then sat on the chair.

Due to the dim light, he could only see the old man’s body below his chest and could not see his appearance.

But he is an old man on the road after all, so he naturally knows a little about the No. 0 interrogation room of the Massa Police Station.

“I didn’t expect it to be the legendary Massa Tiger’s Director Kane himself.” Joel’s pale face showed a hint of mockery.

He was ready to die here.

When a person loses the fear of death, then this kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

Kane put down his cane and looked at Joel, who was all under the light. Years of torture experience told him that this guy was very difficult to deal with. With that gesture and look, he had given up all hope and became a real meaning. A fearless man.

However, he did not feel that it was difficult in this situation. Interrogation Room Zero was specially designed for him. In the past 30 years, he has solved at least 150 difficult cases here. perverts and lunatics.

“Joel, you said that if you die here, who will be sad?” Although Kane’s voice became a little weak due to the disease, at this moment, he has a special majesty and magnetism. Anyone who is in the steel seat When the person in the chair hears this sound, there will be faint fear and tension.

Joel lay lazily on the small table and chair: “That must be my father.”

Then he changed his mind and said, “Unfortunately, he has been dead for twenty years, haha.”

Kane continued: “You were wrong, and when you die, the only one who is truly sad is yourself.”

“Everyone is selfish. We may be confused by friendship, love and family, but when we are on the verge of death, we will all regret that we did not cherish our own lives.”

Hearing this, Joel still lay there without speaking.

Kane’s special voice continued to come slowly from the darkness.

“No one is not afraid of death, even if we give ourselves enough psychological hints, but when death gradually embraces us, there will be fear. At that time, you can’t help but recall the beauty of life and the things you haven’t had time to do. Think back to that unfulfilled wish.”

“I’ve been near death three times and experienced that feeling several times, so I came up with an important theory.”

“What?” Joel raised his head slightly and asked.

Kane cocked his legs and lay lazily on the chair, letting his chin appear in the light: “Life itself is meaningless, only death can make you understand the true meaning of human nature.”

“Now I have understood the true meaning of human nature.”

Joel was silent for a few seconds, and then sneered: “It’s a good feeling, but it doesn’t seem to be useful to me, because what you said, I realized it as early as I was a teenager.”

“Really?” Kane said, raising his hand.

Immediately, two strong men in police uniforms suddenly appeared out of the darkness.

“What’s new? Just use it.” Joel laughed.

Kane’s body leaned forward slightly at this time, and the solemn and solemn Chinese character face combined with the shadow formed by the dim light on his face, giving people the feeling of a **** who controls life and death in the dark.

“I hope that after you die once, you will still have such thoughts.”

Immediately, the two big men stretched out their and grabbed Joel’s neck.

Joel didn’t resist at first, but as the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger, and after feeling the emptiness and powerlessness gradually swallowing up everything, Joel suddenly recalled his 35 years of life. I remembered my parents, recalled my missing sister, and recalled the real purpose of joining the gang, as well as some ridiculous dreams and goals.

The feeling of suffocation has pulled him into the border of life and death, he felt cold all over, and gradually lost control of his body.

“No! I can’t die yet! I can’t die yet!”

In an instant, Joel, who had just been motionless and waited for death, suddenly burst out with a huge force and began to struggle violently.

The corners of Kyle’s mouth were slightly raised, and he waved his hand to signal the two policemen to let go.

woohoo hoo…

As if a drowning person was rescued, Joel’s face was red and purple at this time, gasping for air greedily, his chest heaving up and down like a bellows.

Kane didn’t speak, only showing his chin again, looking at him quietly.

Ten minutes later, Joel, who had calmed down, asked in a hoarse voice, “What you said…may be right.”

Kane asked aloud: “Then what?”

Joel’s handcuffed hands clenched into fists: “I can tell you everything I have to do with the gang.”

“You know, that’s not what I want to know,” Kane said.

But Joel was surprisingly tough at this time, and said very firmly: “I can only tell you so much! I don’t know anything else!”

Kane leaned forward again, raised his hand and asked, “What are you afraid of?”

Joel’s face was pale and his forehead was full of sweat and replied: “That indescribable existence!”


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