Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 373

Chapter 358: New House In Los

With the collapse of all military camps, Arkham, which had been completely blocked before, was integrated into the entire province of Massa in less than a week.

Then the whole province of Massa, with Arkham as the center, began to formulate various development policies and strategies.

For a time, Arkham became the hottest gold rush in the entire province of Massa, and even the entire empire.

According to legend, there is gold everywhere, and opportunities are everywhere. Even if you open a small shop on the side of the road, you can make millions a year.

For a time, Arkham was vivid, causing a large number of people of all kinds to pour into Arkham.

For this kind of situation, Ross has long been prepared, and Arkham, which has experienced a long period of development, now has a very complete system that can easily deal with any unexpected situation.

On the other side, the group of outsiders gradually realized the magic of Arkham.

If nothing else, it’s just Arkham’s construction speed.

When they came, there were five huge construction sites in Arkham.

One is the East District Talent Industrial Park. Now the entire East District is being renovated, not only including buildings, but also related layouts such as streets, grasses, trees and so on.

In the future, it will be a gathering place for all talents of Arkham, as well as a high-end residential area with a beautiful living environment.

The second is the Port Royal in the port area, where the largest port in the entire southeastern province will be built. In the future, the throughput here will even have the opportunity to become the first in the empire.

The third place is the Arkham Shipyard. This shipyard is also very large. In the future, it will cooperate with the port to form a one-stop process of shipbuilding, loading, going to sea and maintenance.

The fourth place is the upgrading of large-scale backward areas and abandoned areas in the business district, where Arkham’s first financial and economic center will be built.

The fifth is the new reservoir located in the north of Arkham. As the population of Arkham gradually increases, the demand for water is also increasing, and the construction of the reservoir is a very necessary decision.

Five huge projects are under construction at the same time. Although the overall number of construction workers has reached an astonishing 5,000 people, it is estimated that it will take at least two years for these five projects to be fully completed.

But soon they were beaten in the face.

Here comes the Arkham speed that shocked the outside world.

They found that a building in Arkham could build two floors a day, and even when it was dark, the entire construction site was under construction, and various constructions were carried out with great precision, which shocked them.

There are even conspiracy theories that a giant monster is building these things, those humans are just a cover, and there are even people who have seen weird eyes looking at themselves in the construction site.

However, these rumors were soon overshadowed by the dazzling level of Arkham’s speed.

At this speed, everyone estimates that it will take less than half a year to complete the construction and put it into use.

For a while, people’s curiosity about Arkham was too strong to attach.

Even many adventurers came here, wanting to explore the hidden truth of Arkham.

Although Arkham now claims to be the best place for security in the entire province of Massa? But there are still many people missing every day here.

But the weird thing is that no one cares about the missing people? Everyone is addicted to the mystery and hustle and bustle of this place, and they all want to soar here.

They come here and don’t care about other people’s lives? They only care about their reputation and money.

It is precisely because of these people who want money or death? Arkham, which has been lagging behind and slow-paced, has begun to develop rapidly? And it has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the local people.

After all, these natives of Arkham don’t want to be told by outsiders that they are a bunch of slackers who only know what to do? Not only will this discredit the city of Arkham? It may also bring shame to the great mayor!

As a result, Arkham continued to swallow all kinds of talents and resources at the speed of a new atmosphere every day and developed rapidly.


Bi-monthly calendar May 15, 1931, Monday? Sunny.

Rose, who got up in the morning, stretched out comfortably? Turning around and opening the curtains, the soft and bright sunlight shone in, making Rose feel warm.

Arkham in mid-May is almost the most beautiful time of the year. The temperature during the day is stable at around 20 degrees, which is very pleasant and lukewarm.

“Today is another beautiful day!” Ross looked out through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows? He looked comfortable.

Now Ross’s residence has been changed, from the remote place adjacent to the Arkham Sanatorium to a hill with beautiful mountains and clear waters at the intersection of the Central District and the Eastern District.

Surrounded by woods here? Birds chirping and flowers fragrant, neat stone roads follow the gentle hillside directly to the main road? And the entire hill is Los’s yard.

On the top of the gentle hillside, Ross built a large villa that he had always dreamed of.

The entire villa covers an area of 800 square meters? There are four floors in total? The first floor and the second floor present a duplex structure.

The entire villa is still built with Longyang Steel? It was hand-made by Ross, Shoggoth, and Lilith. It can be said that every brick and tile was built by two people.

The whole large villa presents a neat and clean gray-white color, with some silver and gold decorations in the middle, which looks very simple and elegant.

There is not much space in the whole villa, except for the dining room and kitchen on the first floor, there is a huge living room.

There is a swimming pool behind the living room, green grass in front, and a solid wood porch outside, which looks full of natural style.

The height of the floor and ceiling of the living room on the inside is a full eight meters. The huge and complicated chandeliers are used on it, which stands out as a style.

The furniture is still in a very simple and elegant style. Black, white, gray, and a small amount of yellow and blue are all the keynotes of this There are a total of ten guest rooms on the second floor for entertaining guests.

There is nothing else on the huge third floor. Apart from a huge bedroom with a total area of 200 square meters, the rest is a huge study and cloakroom.

The fourth floor is the attic. The entire roof is made of transparent glass. Lying there, you can clearly see the starry sky outside.

Such a perfect big villa, when Ross just moved in, he was so excited that he didn’t sleep for three days. Look at this, look at that, very happy and excited, everything is novel, everything is so like.

After all, this is the beautiful life that Ross has always longed for.

Today, Los’s room is one of the highest places in Arkham. Looking from here, you can clearly overlook the east area, the central area, the north area, the port area, the four areas, and even the tombs of the French mountains.

In silence, Lilith hugged Ross from behind.

Feeling the huge and straight thing behind him, Ross said with a look of enjoyment: “This is the perfect life I want!”

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