Becoming The Villain’s Family

Chapter 224: Side Story 16

Chapter 224: Side Story 16

“Looking at your your eyes, I see no intention of backing down.”

Sabina shook her hands as if she had touched something filthy.

“I’ll make sure to leave on my own.”

Then, she turned her back.

Tristan did not stop her.

In fact, he knew.

He had to realize it the moment he saw Sabina’s duel and read her rhythm.

The sliding steps like a snake’s movement, the flexible arm movements, the skill of freely manipulating the center of gravity…

‘That is Castaigne’s swordsmanship.’

Silver Snake, Castaigne.

Usually, snakes have a sly and vile image, but Castaigne was different.

His swordsmanship, reminiscent of a snake, was called ‘Silver Snake’ because it was as noble and steadfast as silver.

Silver Snake also means a gracious master, and from someone’s perspective, it had that meaning too.

That someone was the king.

The king of the Roaz Kingdom, a vassal state of the Empire.

‘Castaigne has been teaching swordsmanship to the kingdom’s heirs for generations.’

But since it became a vassal state of Fineta, even Castaigne had fallen.

It was unclear why a lady of the Valois family would use Roaz’s swordsmanship, especially that of an extinct family.

‘Although I had my suspicions.’

Sabina had just given Tristan certainty by mentioning her beloved.

Her ‘A’ had a very deep connection with Castaigne.

‘The sword of Silver Snake. She learned a technique that suits her too well. It strikes unexpectedly, yet never crosses the line…’

As if the meeting of ‘A’ and Sabina was destined.

‘The one who carries on Castaigne’s will.’

She might have just learned his swordsmanship, or she might be the only survivor of the extinct family.

‘A survivor… I heard they were all eliminated without exception.’

If they existed, she would surely harbor great malice towards the Valentine and Fineta Empire.

Of course, it was none of his business.

Anyway, it was only a matter of time before the man suspected to be related to Castaigne would be caught by him.

‘Will, thoughts, and dreams.’

As Sabina said, ‘A’ could be said to be everything that made her.

Erasing ‘A’ from her would be like cutting off a part of her body.

Tristan vividly recalled the impulse he felt when he first saw her.

His mouth was dry, and his skin tingled.

It felt like pulling the bowstring towards a beautiful bird soaring freely in the sky.

‘I can bring it down.’

Right down to where I am.

To cut off its wings, put it in a cage, I will hold her tightly and whisper death into her ear as she loses everything…….

Tristan had never gone against his impulses.

His sharp arrow had never missed its target.

It would be the same this time.

“Let’s call it a day.”

The sun hanging outside the window was already setting.


Aria looked at the sunset sky with a blank expression.

When had time passed so much?

“You’re stopping here…?”

“Are you left wanting more?”

Sabina playfully smiled.

“I’m worried it might be too much for a pregnant woman if the story gets too long. I should be going back now. There are things I need to do.”

It was painful not to be able to hear more of the story, far from being too much.

But she had to endure it since there were things Sabina needed to do.

Sabina, somewhat disappointed, patted Aria’s head and then left the room.

Aria stared at the closed door for a while before stepping out of the room a beat late.



As she whistled, Silver rushed in as if he had been waiting.

Sorry to Silver, but his approach seemed slightly threatening.

Aria reflexively wrapped her arms around her belly as if to protect it, then withdrew her arms, letting out an awkward laugh.

She found her own reaction strangely unfamiliar.

“Take me to your leader, please.”


Aria was about to climb onto Silver’s back to execute the command when she suddenly soared into the sky.


It was Tristan.

He did not grab her by the nape of the neck and lift her as he used to when she was younger.

Instead, he carefully cradled her in his arms and gently embraced her.

Although he still didn’t ask for permission, at least he wasn’t as rough as before.

“So, my dog was calling for me…”

“You didn’t know?”

“How would I understand the language of dogs?”

Calling a wolf a dog seemed to be the same, then and now.

Aria chuckled and stretched out comfortably in his arms.

Her actions showed complete trust in him.

“Why were you looking for me?”

“I missed my father.”

“What a commendable thing to say.”

“I am quite commendable.”

“Just commendable in words, though…”

He seemed to expect Aria to do something for him.

Like the time when he snatched away the card that said she loved her father, around when she was ten years old.

Since it was revealed that she could speak, she couldn’t give cards anymore, so she had just pecked his cheek lightly…

“Father, I think you might not realize this, but I’ve grown up.”

“Who wouldn’t know that?”

“I’m about to become a mother soon.”

His body tensed up momentarily.

He really didn’t know.

Judging by his reaction, he must have momentarily forgotten.

“A child having a child. Especially one with a frail body…”

Tristan finally seemed to realize, chuckling awkwardly.

Frail body? She wondered what he was referring to.

‘And is that something you should say, Father?’

Having heard many new stories from Sabina today, Aria couldn’t help but look at Tristan with fresh eyes.

To think he once said to a stranger, no, to a woman he would marry, to give up her dreams and future and die with him.

Even planning to drive Sabina into despair by killing her most beloved person and then claiming her.

‘Did he really go through with that insane plan? Mother ended up staying with the Valentines after resigning to the loss of someone as precious as her entire life.’

A dramatic story naturally came to mind.

Even though she thought it was impossible, the thought that it could be true came to her mind simultaneously.

Because, when Tristan first met Aria…

“Why are you widening your eyes like that?”

“When you call me a child or say I have a weak body, it reminds me of when I was little.”

“When you were little… You followed me quite well even when you were just the size of a fox.”

“Did I?”

She tapped her cheek with her index finger, pretending to be lost in thought, and then suddenly exclaimed as if she remembered something, “Ah!”

“Now that I think about it, the first time you saw me, you wanted to feed me to the wolves.”


“You looked me in the eye without a hint of hesitation.”

“……Did I?”

“Don’t you remember? I still remember what you said then. ‘The dogs will feast after a long time. Kill her.'”

Aria raised her head and spoke in a deep voice, mimicking him as best as she could. Her languidly half-closed eyes, as if opening them was too much effort, were a bonus.


Dwayne hurriedly covered his mouth to suppress his laughter.

Although not perfect, she had accurately captured Tristan’s manner of speaking and expressions.

“Did I say that?”

“You also said I was weaker than a bug.”

“Hmm, you remember that for a long time.”

Tristan spoke with a bit of discomfort.

And the man who usually wouldn’t flinch at any threat, now avoided A ria’s gaze.

To hide his wavering eyes.

Although he maintained a relaxed smile on his lips, it only made him seem more restless.

“And you just brushed it off casually. Lloyd came to me, knelt down, and apologized…”

“……Should I kneel?”

Upon hearing Tristan’s quick reply, Aria relaxed her stiff expression and burst into laughter.

“That’s okay.”

It seemed that he finally realized Aria had made a mischievous joke.

“Now you’re the one teasing me.”

“I’ve grown up, you know.”

“Alright, I take back calling you a child.”

Tristan, conceding defeat with a laugh, gently set her down.

He seemed exasperated, but his eyes were filled with tenderness for Aria.

‘Well, he did try to kill me on sight back then… but let’s chalk that up to me being a stranger.’

However, compared to the stories she heard from Sabina, this was relatively mild.

After all, once he knew about Aria’s situation, he didn’t abandon her but saved her from Count Cortez.

It seemed Vincent was saved in a similar manner.

And, despite his unconventional way of showing it, it was clear he loved his two sons.

The deep affection in his eyes when he looked at Sabina was incomparable to when he looked at Aria.

‘Tristan was a ruthless slayer to those who crossed him, but at the same time, he was a devilish Grand Duke who cherished and loved his family.’

This was true even before he met Aria.

That meant, before that, he was even more irredeemable, and it was Sabina who humanized him.

‘How exactly?’

What did she do?

Aria became incredibly curious about the unfinished story of Sabina.

“Your eyes seem full of curiosity.”

Tristan astutely asked.

Aria didn’t refuse but answered promptly.

“Actually, I heard about your younger days.”


“About how you used to treat your life and the lives of others as if they were nothing… leading a rather dramatic life.”

Tristan turned to look at Dwayne.

Dwayne frantically waved his hands as if to say he was innocent.

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