Becoming the Witch’s Familiar

27: The Senator

“Succubus Sarakiel, Bila-jihns is here at the hearing. Did something go wrong?”

The Eternal’s voice rang in Sara’s head as she walked through the streets, barely holding up her dress. Wielding her heels in her only hand, she struggled to hold together the outfit she had on the night before while meandering through the first rays of sun hitting Al’Cygnus.

“I know! I know!” She muttered, narrowly ducking into an alleyway to avoid the attention of a passerby. Getting caught here as indecent as she was could easily mean another day in jail, missing out on the hearing. “Twelve hells, man! I only got her to turn into a guy before leaving!”

She picked her way towards the hall outlined to her during the planning stage, hoping she had her directional reasoning still, “If I can catch, now him, during an intermission or something, I can finish the job!”

Sara tried to cast another glamour onto herself but failed miserably, her main body’s stomach protesting the act of it all. “Shit!” She exclaimed, afraid it might ruin the serviceable one she had up, “Just portal me there, damned Sage!”

“I cannot.” His internal voice sounded tense, “I’m on stand right now…”

The succubus groaned out loud. As the sun began to rise, more and more people left their homes either to go to their jobs or carry out their chores for the day. It was one thing to have a ‘walk of shame’ but having one in another country where you could get arrested, or worse, at any moment was something else.

After spending an hour on what should have been a ten minute walk, Sara finally arrived at what she hoped was the right building. With a slight confirmation from her telepathic link from one of the men currently inside, she snuck in.

Well tiled and spacious, the hall she found herself in was a bit under kept, but still had an air of official business about it. More importantly, no loose elves wandered the halls and no security seemed to be present.

With another confirmation of the courtroom he was in, Sara snuck inside, finding herself behind a dozen or so people sitting behind a half wall. Beyond the obstruction, a U-shaped set of tables and chairs looking down on the masked man in the middle. Approximately five council members sat, leaving plenty of space between, but not in the rhetoric presumably being used. Each took turns speaking, their tones harsh and argumentative, a world away from the usually sing-song way elvish sounded in casual conversation.

“Ay!” An elf turned around and whispered towards her, breaking her wonderment of the room. A bit stockier than the usual elven affair, the bald man motioned for her to sit next to him.

Wordlessly doing so, the man offered a hand to her. He wore leather overalls affixed over a spotlessly white button-up tunic. His grip was firm and full of calluses, a working man’s hand. “Nadir.” He whispered, motioning towards himself. His skin was of the purest black, unsure if that was his natural tone or if the sun darkened elves as well.

He turned back to the grilling The Eternal was receiving from the five politicians, of which Sara could now see that Bila-jihns was one of them.

It all clicked for her. When she was initially being briefed on the mission, The Eternal mentioned how he and a friend wanted to remove the senator from power, this must have been that associate.

“Sara.” She repeated the motion, before double checking if she was still decent despite her morning jog in the dress she tested the limits of.

Nadir sat back, a look of consternation on his face as the council continued to berate the Sage.

She was not sure what the context was for the hearing, but judging by the tone, it was not a pleasant one. Aside from the one she knew, the other four council members appeared to be quite ancient, the oldest elves she had ever seen. Each took their turn asking The Eternal a question in their native tongue to which he had barely enough time to answer before the next salvo was fired.

It was a sordid affair.

Keeping her eye on the elf she spent the night with, she waited until they locked eyes. With a wink, Bila seemed to stop his line of questioning and return the look with a mixture of confusion and arousal.

Within fifteen minutes, the now male senator spoke to the rest in the hearing before calling for recess. With the motion seconded, each of the council stood and departed through a door in the back of the courthall on the other side of the room.

Before leaving, Bila smiled before returning a wink of his own.

Sara grew flustered.

“Well, that was dreadful.” The Eternal stepped past the half wall and spoke to Nadir and Sara. “And what happened? I thought you were going to take care of the senator?”

The succubus, still flustered, looked between the two almost in a panic, “I don’t know! Where is he now?”

While the Sage shrugged, the bald elf pointed out towards the hallway she came through.

Without a second thought, she quickly left the room and looked to her left and right. Thankfully, a silver haired elf leaning by a door but a few yards away caught her attention.

“Why are you here?” The now presumably masculine elf asked as she approached.

Sara immediately wrapped her arms around him and kissed. His lips were still thin, receptive to her welcome, but only for a moment.

“The Salon will remove me if they see!” Bila-jihns whispered loudly, pressing the woman away.

Drawing close and running a finger across his chest, she whispered, “Don’t let them see us, then…” She felt his raging erection in his canvas slacks, begging for release. She was trying all she could to free him.

With a quick nod, the senator drew his arm around his partner, taking her back past the door with him. Now in a narrow hallway for the politicians to move between their chambers and the public walkways, he accepted her hunger and returned with his own.

His hand worked it’s way down her back and onto her ass, which he squeezed greatly, reminding her of the light spank she had received just a few hours ago. “What have you done to me?” He asked, almost pleadingly, “Ever since I met you I have been like this!”

Sara stroked the hard member in his pants, causing Bila to tense up. “Nothing more than what you want, dear…”

She felt the honey in her words, almost throwing her off for a moment. Where did that come from? The succubus shook her head and resumed making out with the reticent senator.

“Upstairs…” Was all he could muster, “Let us go upstairs!”

The senator quickly rushed down the hidden hallway before taking a hard right. Licking her lips, Sara followed suit.

- - - -

Dust filled the air as she reached the top of the narrow staircase, only a few hands wide. Bookshelves hosting lined tomes, scrolls and a few sealed pieces of loose paper were seemingly infinite in the darkened space. It appeared to be a quick reference for elven lawmakers to review laws, court cases and ordinances passed in the millennia prior as to ensure they were not encroaching on some esoteric rule passed back when they were first establishing on the desert continent around the dawn of time.

Sara found her partner with his shirt removed, his chest similar as to when he was a female the night prior.

Without another word, the succubus kissed him on the lips, on his nipples and then his bellybutton. “How did you do this?” Sarakiel asked, teasing his cockhead through his pants, the erection burning in her hand and against her cheek.

“I- I told you…” He moaned, trying his best to hold it all in, “I can use magic. Change how I look!”

With a mix of playful excitement and candid fascination she smiled at the man, “Wow! You must be so…” She breathed heavily on the now straining member, “Skilled to be able to do that…”

Bila was nearing the limit. All he could do was nod.

“How about I help you, dear?” She finally pulled down his pants. An erect cock greeted her, springing up from the beltline of his pants pulling it down with them. Dark with blood coursing through it, Sara could not help but salivate when seeing the somewhat impressive size. Certainly larger than Gildroy’s.

“Oh my,” she tried her best to not let her prey lose his concentration, “What an impressive man! Certainly bigger than my boyfriend’s!” Sara remembered how Bila-jihns liked playing the Casanova homewrecker and wanted to sprinkle it in to tease him some.

“Your mo-” Bila moaned, his testicles now tightening.

Sara looked confused, looking up at the man. “My what?”

Before she knew it, the senator grabbed the back of her head and shoved his cock into her mouth. At first, Sara resisted it, grabbing his hips to pull away, but as she felt a heavy warmth filling her facial cavity coupled with a hard shape, she found herself shocked and yet aroused.

As the man grew softer, she looked up at him, mouth still full, looking for both an answer for his actions and what to do with them.

Remembering what Stella would do in this exact situation, Sara decided to follow through with what his former wife did to drive him up a wall.

The warm cum in her mouth had an interesting taste to it. She was not sure if it was because it was elven or just the actual taste of semen, but she did not dislike it. With a mental shrug, she decided to swallow it.

Within seconds, her mimicked mouth was empty once more.

Bila leaned back on a dusty table, eyes wide and pants around his ankles. The succubus slid off her dress and followed him, hungry for more, but this time in her main mouth. Her heavy breasts slid up his leg and past his dick, springing life into the instrument once more.

“How…” Bila mumbled, “Why are you so…”

She kissed him before he could continue, his dick raised up once more, standing ready to breed with this foreign woman.

The senator’s kissing ability returned once more, his tongue performing tricks around hers. Sara could only grapple onto the man’s shoulders, as her pussy salivated with envy at the meal her fake mouth just received.

Pulling away from his lips, the succubus grinned. “Don’t ask me, I’m just doing my job…”

Bila’s eyes shot wide as she slid down his shaft. As she felt the now welcome feeling inside her, her partner’s mouth opened wide, “S… Succubus…”

Sara stopped. Feeling the top of her head, past the remnants of her styled hair, she felt her horns stand proud once more.

Suddenly, the pieces began to click for the senator, “Your saliva…! And juices! We- We shared a-!”

Putting her hand over Bila’s mouth, she continued to ride his shaft, her tits heaving with every bounce, “Shhh! Just relax… Enjoy the ride, my precious lover…” She tightened around his shaft, feeling her folds wrap around the elven man’s cock.

Each bump, each ridge, each bend, she could feel them all as she looked down at the now starstruck man. A loose grin stretched across his face as she pumped up and down on his phallus, milking him, curious to see if the normally dry elves could produce another shot.

Sara felt her main mouth salivating at the treat moving in and out of it, hungry for what it was soon going to bring her. She had her target and completed the mission, but she figured with her mouth full of her prey, she might as well have more fun with it.

Hopping off the man, she turned around and leaned against another table, the sounds of drops hitting the stone floor echoed throughout the neglected space. With her horns and tail exposed, a new level of excitement over took her. “Bila-jihns…” She groaned, teasing her pussy open with the pointer finger on her only hand left, “Come and whisk me away. Take me as your woman…”

She was not sure if he was charmed by her or not, but he stood, still aroused and bent over her backside. Massaging her tits like he did the night before, he pressed his nose against her neck and breathed deeply. Without a word, he inserted himself back into her.

Taking his favored position as the lead, she felt him go deeper inside, the head of his cock reaching an area she had long been unable to reach.

The succubus groaned as the elven man plugged himself in and out of her, his thrusts covering his dick in her juices, driving him further into his lust.

He lifted one of her legs up, gripping the area around the knee and used the leverage to press further. Bila grunted with every thrust, not only looking to find her pleasure but aggressively reach his.

A choking sensation over took her once more, reminding her of the crystal dildo and the sharing of it leading to this exact moment.

Sounds of slapping and squishes filled the library, dust flying off of the nearby tables with the force he used to press into her. Their grunts picked up in pitch as each was reaching the end of their stamina.

“More…! More!” Sara felt the man grow smaller, his phallus surely shredded by now, but she wanted just a bit more to push her over.

In a last ditch effort, the senator pushed her leg aside, rolling her back onto the table. Thrusting as hard as he could inside her, he grasped her breasts once more, each overflowing in his grip, and squeezed them tightly. His tongue ravenously licked her blackened nipples, erect with the sudden fierceness.

Feeling the man resort to his primal urge, Sara’s hungry hole gripped whatever was left of his dick, greedily getting ready to eat up the juices that came out.

She felt everything flow into her.

The man nearly screamed as he continued to let loose inside, his knees buckling but somehow standing upright as he painted her inner walls with everything his body had. Which, for an elf, was not a whole lot, but nary a drop remained as he finally fell to the floor in a heap.

- - - -

It took a minute for Sara to come down from her orgasm, finally satiated after only having the cum of her last partner. Her crest glowed vividly in the dark hidden library, a sign of success and fulfillment. She rubbed her lower stomach, her skin still sensitive to the touch after every last of her neurons fired on all cylinders a few seconds prior.

Holding her lower mouth shut, she looked down off the table to her most recent mana donor. The former member of the Salon, the senator of Al’Cygnus, the elf known as Bila-jihns, was dead.

A twinge of regret hit Sara. To her knowledge, the politician did nothing wrong, and even showed her a thing or two in the bedroom, but she simply could only look away, “A warrior does not cry for the fallen… Death comes for us all.”

Standing up, she felt a renewed vigor in her legs. Her senses sharpened and she had an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, mission aside. Most importantly, the gnawing hunger that filled her mind subsided and crawled away to the recesses of her thoughts, only to return when the elf’s sustenance had been spent.

“Now… How to get out of here?” She pushed what remained of her prey underneath the table. Judging by how the room currently stood, it could be decades until they find him.

Feeling her horns once again, she knew the first thing that had to be done.

A simple incantation and hand motion, and she found herself just a bit closer to the table. Confused, she looked down at her hands.

Both were there.

“Twelve hells!” She nearly shouted. Her long, dark hands were replaced with smaller, lighter hands… With shortened nails.

Looking down to find the lumps that always sat in her periphery, she only found a flat chest, almost elven in stature. Trying her best not to shout, she felt her face, the one she had only recently grown used to was nowhere to be found, “I turned into Bila!”

But there was one more test. Taking her left arm, the only one she had for over a week now, she tried to chop the supposed missing one.

Her hand caught the other one.

Sara’s eyes alighted as it confirmed one thing: she had somehow stolen Bila-jihn’s famous shapeshifting spell.

“Was it because I took his mana?” She pondered, the sense of urgency to complete the mission now subsiding. Recounting her sexual encounters, he was the only spell-user of the group between the knight, the halfling and Gildroy, the last of which was not fully consumed.

With a shrug, she reveled in her new litheness. Gone were the sexy, but admittedly intrusive mounds on her chest, her impractical thighs and curvaceous figure, now she was an androgynous elf. “I need to ask Ashara about this later…”

Almost afraid of summoning her voice and the stomach ache that came along with speaking with the tiny witch over the sending spell, Sara began to make her way down the staircase and into the narrow hallway.

The sounds of the council reconvening without the shapeshifting senator could be heard on the other side of the wall as the succubus left the hallway, out the door, and onto the streets, finally blended in with the elves.

She had accomplished both of her missions.

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