Becoming the Witch’s Familiar

29: The Needed Respite

Proudmane Manor was as spotless as when they left for Merreign what felt like months ago. In truth, it had only been just short of a week.

Sara almost had a few qualms bringing her souvenirs, the rod and the sphere, into her old home, but each were far too interesting to leave back in the desert continent she hoped to never return to.

“Ah,” The Eternal sighed, closing the portal behind a tentative Mujad stepping through the portal and into the foyer of the home, “Good to be away from that damned sun…” He stretched, still wearing his typical combination of blue bird mask, heavy fur trimmed jacket and thick gloves and pants, still hiding any skin from those around him. Sara was curious as to how effective that was.

“Is it fine if we bring the kid across the world with us?” She asked, pointing down at the young elf, nervously looking around the house interior. She was not sure if he had ever seen wood in his life.

With a dismissive hand wave, the Sage began to walk to the kitchen, “No concerns whatsoever, his father left him in my care.”

“What a responsible teacher you are.” Sara replied flatly.

With her goods in her hands, she tried her best to avoid the young boy seeing them. He was far too young to understand the rod’s purpose, plus she did not want to demonstrate how it ‘aided her anatomy’ anywhere near him.

“Let us take a rest tonight and converge in the morning so Mujad can acclimate to this environment and timezone.” The Eternal said, rounding the corner to the kitchen, leaving the succubus alone with the boy.

With the two standing in the foyer, both nervous about their predicament, she could not help but motion to the young boy, “Come on, let’s get you into a room.”


 - - - -


With the goods secured in her guest suite, something she was still upset about as The Eternal still claimed her old master bedroom, she took the young boy to a spot closer to his apparent adoptive father.

“So…” She said, holding the boy’s hand at his request as they walked from one wing to the other, “Does he usually drag you to foreign countries as well?”

Mujad slowly shook his head, clutching his tome and looking nervously in the entirely strange space. “No…” He replied in his thick accent, “Eternal is not best guardian. Leaves for long time.”

“I get that.” Sara continued to guide him away from her room as far as possible. She would hate for him to ask questions about what happened when she returned late at night.

As the two passed through the upper portion of the foyer, the young boy stopped her as soon as they reached the first bedroom door. “I like here.” He quickly stated, “Near what I know.”

Sara winced. “Uh, how about another room? I currently have that room saved for something else…”

“Something for prey?” The young elf quickly replied.

Taking advantage of the succubus’s shock, he let go of her hand and turned the doorknob. Opening the door wide, behind it was not something he expected.

A curtained bed sat opposite in the room. Around it were piles of stuffed animals and blankets of various levels of fluff. The room was completely furnished with a vanity, wardrobe and drawers, all painted delicately with various doodles and scribbles of a young artist. Vases sat empty, their inhabitants long dead in the darkness, while hand-drawn pieces of art made of various mediums either were pinned to the wall or piled on any surface available. Despite the dust hanging in the air, it still had the lingering scent of perfumes.

“No…” Sara walked up alongside the young boy, “This is- was, my daughter’s room.”

Mujad looked across the space once more, the strain of the woman’s voice was plain to hear. “O-okay…” He replied. It was all he could do.

“Come on,” A moment passed before the succubus turned the elf from the space left in memory for one possibly departed, “let’s try another room.”


 - - - -


With the child shown his space and how to use the bathroom, Sara returned to her quarters. As the night grew later, she considered returning to the bar, despite still being full from that morning’s hunt. She could cultivate new relationships that would lead to better feasts when she needed them.

She shook her head.

Samuel had worked hard to build this kingdom so that the people of Thistlebrook and beyond could have peace. Eating the subjects would run opposite to her former life’s goals, thus felt wrong, even if she was no longer human.

Looking over the sphere she kept from Eldura, the witch onomancer, she examined the gilded webbing filigrees that crossed to and fro atop the surface. Normally, a gift from a witch never resulted in a positive outcome, but something felt strange about the sphere.

Upon closer inspection in the room lit by magelight, she could see the small pin holes, consistently spaced, dotting the surface between the grooves. What purpose did they serve?

Shaking the sphere, she felt some slight moving parts within, adding only more to the mystery. Never in all her years had she heard of something like this. Perhaps a local jeweler would be familiar, the witch would not just give her a decorative trinket. But, then again, witches rarely had some form of consistent rationale.

Setting the mystery orb down, her mind returned to the other gift she got from her time in the desert continent.

The crystal rod she shared with Bila was possibly the highlight of that night. Just thinking about it made her-!

“Maybe I’ll just look at it…” Sara mumbled reaching under her bed.

Pulling out the frosted glass eight inch pole caused both of her mouths to salivate. The way the crystal glimmered in the few rays from the moon filtering from the window was tantalizing. Stroking the shape of it, she remembered how it felt stretching her tight walls and reaching the furthest inside her than anything she had felt before. It lacked the heat of a real dick, but this fake never stopped until she did.

Without so much as a second thought, she slid off her shorts and teased her main mouth with the rounded edge of the rod. “Mmmhh…” Light moans escaped from her lips as the crystal began to grow stickier and heavier with her juices.

Looking down, in the light of the moon, reflected by the snow that had built up to her second story window, she suddenly realized what she was doing. Sara had graduated from nervously using cucumbers all the way to stealing and mindlessly self-administering an eight inch dildo. “Well, I’m already this far…”

She grunted as she pushed the rod inside. A now welcome feeling washed over her as she felt the foreign object work its way inside her, filling up her empty crevasse that desired more and more with every passing day. She could feel the mix of shame and pleasure with every one of the eight inches that dug its way inside her. Memories of her times before began to fill her mind, exciting her hole even more for what was about to come.

Reaching the end of its length, she could not help but smile. The guilt of insertion had long departed, her memories of being a man were now more distant than ever. “Ughhh! Give it to me…!”

She imagined someone else on the end of that rod, filling her up with their dick like the whore she was. Her excitement continued to arise as the dildo slid out of her pussy before greedily taking it back in. She lifted her legs and the end of the phallus made her toes curl, as she began to give herself up to it. Slight sounds of scraping the crystal continued to get a rise out of her.

The succubus was accomplishing her duty.

Her biology rewarded her by tightening around the crystal, pushing past where her thoughts could catch her and drag her back to reality. Somehow, her hand and hips continued to work the rod in and out of her, causing her to pant with every thrust.

By this point, she had no more regard for subtlety. The succubus grunted loudly with each pump, her innards being stretched by this object made exclusively for her pleasure. Her massive breasts slapped against her body, the slight pain ignored on her quest for vaginal pleasure. The length, the shape, the texture, all were perfect. And yet, she found herself wishing for the heat of the real thing…

As the dildo reached the furthest point it could inside her, she started to scream. Her juices were a froth from the thrusting, it felt like the makeshift dick was in the back of her throat.
Now, more than ever, did she wish she had a mirror in front of her.

To see how far she had fallen.


 - - - -


“Ah, shit…” Sara bemoaned, cleaning up the mess she made, “It got on my ball too…”

A casualty of her acting upon her carnal lust, the gilded sphere shined extra brightly with her still foamy pussy juice reflecting the magelight from a lamp she turned on. She had forgotten she left the orb on her bed as she went to examine the other souvenir from the desert continent, one with a more explicitly useful purpose.

Grabbing the corner of her bedsheet, she began to wipe down the gold ball. But as she did so, more than just translucent juices came off.

A blue sludge began to seep out of the pinholes amidst the filigrees.

Sara’s eyes widened as dropped the sphere. With a loud clunk, the ball hit the ground, the viscous ooze still crawling out from the witch’s gift. “Twelve hells…” She muttered.

By the time it was done, the golden orb was barely visible through the thick veneer of the navy blue goop. Observing the slime, various parts of it formed tendrils, aimlessly searching for some sort of stimuli.

The thing was barely a hand tall, but given where she had gotten it from, it was still regarded as a threat.

“I should probably tell-”

A loud thump was heard outside her door. Not even a moment passed before she made an educated guess as to who was her visitor for the evening.

Opening out to the hallway, she confirmed her suspicions: Mujad.

“Good- Good evening! Was just making walk by!” The boy nervously laughed, a blush still overtook his dark complexion.

She did not want to think about what he saw. Thankfully, she put on another pair of shorts before clean-up duty, “What is that?” Sara asked, pointing to the goopy ball on her floor.

With a monumental effort, the young elf tore his gaze away from his research topic and towards the strange artifact. With the tome and quill by his side, it appeared he got answers to the more difficult questions he asked. His eyes lit up upon seeing it and crawled into the room.

She almost wanted to pull him back as the tip of his finger met with one of the slimy tentacles, but the creature seemed to be too small to be a threat, even to the young boy.

“So, any clue as to what it is?” Sara asked, leaning back against the doorframe.

Mujad continued to play with the simple creature, the tendril reaching for his finger before he led it back down into the mass. “No.”

With a sigh, she turned down the hallway, hoping either The Eternal or even Faruzad knew what she brought home with her.

All three gathered in her room watching the elf continue to poke and prod the ooze, appearing to be benign enough to leave him alone with. Each offered their guess, but none seemed to have definitive knowledge or experience of this monster.

“Perhaps your master would know, Succubus Sarakiel?” The masked man appeared to be drifting back towards the hallway, seemingly eager to get back to whatever spellcrafting savants do in their spare time.

Catching him in the act, Sara shrugged, “I tried to ask, but she doesn’t seem to notice.” On one hand, she was relieved to have a break from her erratic master who brought on nausea every time they spoke, but on the other, she knew the visit from Eldura had something to do with that like it did with the blob before them. “I’ll try again in the morning.”

“Well,” Faruzad started, “How did this come to be?” She asked, watching the elf child continue to be amused by the monster.

A palpable silence covered the room.

“I should be asking you…” Sara tried to slide to the housekeeper, meeting her hardened gaze.

After a moment of tension, Faruzad decided not to delve further into the matter, citing the falling moon.

With morning approaching in just a few hours time, Sara finally ousted everyone from the room, leaving her alone with the globular orb. “What am I gonna do about you?”

Monster Notes: Alraune

Also known as Rafflesia Copora, it is known more colloquially as a "Corpse Flower" due to the parasitic plant monster controlling the cadavers of man and beast that die within the vicinity of the creature. Found exclusively within the rainforests of Beluit and presumably in Rhelor, they are often wary of explorers, leading information on these monsters to be quite scarce.

Appearing as a beautiful tallman woman emerging from the midst of a flower from her mid-thigh up, it is closely related to the Barometz, a similar creature but one that takes the shape of a sheep rather than a woman, stumping researchers as to why these plants opt to imitate tallmen and sheep exclusively. Often compared to a succubus, another creature that mimics the shape of another, an Alraune does not feast on the bodily fluids of their prey, but instead plants seeds within their corpse in order to violently explode the host in order to spread their gymnosperm wide.

They are said to be just as intelligent as the average human, but no notable example has been brought to testing.

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