Becoming the Witch’s Familiar

5: The Second Night

The second night was worse than the first.

Ever since the familiar’s crest was placed on her abdomen, it sat warmly just above her drenched pussy. The sensation nagged at her for the rest of the day, making it somehow even harder to go back to doing field work. She was certain the witch noticed.

Finally slipping off the makeshift bottoms, threads of a viscous fluid lined with beads of sweat connected her to them before finally pulling free. A puff of steam greeted her upon her freedom from the ill-fitted clothing.

Despite her reluctant acceptance of becoming… this, she was still afraid of the sensations her new body begged her to indulge herself in. Something about it felt wrong. Whether the feelings of shame of someone in her past life seeing her in such a state, or years of religious upbringing keeping such ideas within a certain box, rarely to be used, caused some trepidation. Even worse was that reflecting on such ideas only made her body beg for release even more.

“So I’m part dragon now too…” Sara tried her best not to delve any deeper, trying to abate the lust her figure brought out of herself. Her reflection showed the horns that sprouted from the top of her head, a feature she always felt would be more detrimental to attracting humans. They were made of dark ivory and curled downwards above her head. Turning to look at her main body, it now made sense why it appeared more crocodilian than the more slender and pliable form he’d seen on succubi corpses before. The pointed ears and black sclera were also telltale signs as well.

According to Ashara, the succubus she now inhabited was originally slated to be a dragon mimic, used to draw the essence out of male dragons. With a human soul and ‘magical massaging’ from Ashara, it stopped a portion of the way before shifting to a more human shape. Sara had never heard of such a thing before, but it made sense. “Dragons fuck too…” She muttered.

The mirror demanded attention. Rather, the sultry figure within was irresistible. Her dark skin. Her soft, plump thighs. Her curvaceous figure dipping slightly between child-rearing hips and her massive breasts, sagging with an air of raw sexual energy. Her well structured shoulders and slender neck led to a look that could sink ships. Her jaw was fairly defined, still with a womanly roundness to it. Her lips were full, her cheekbones peeking ever so slightly, her nose was a cute little button and her striking yellow eyes were always just behind heavy lids, giving an eternal presence of ‘bedroom eyes’ while surrounded by the black sclera and thick lashes. Finally, her loose white hair dangled without a care in the world, typically covering one of her eyes, reminiscent of the mornings after a night of passion with her old wife.

In other words, she was made for sex.

Her nails were perfectly manicured, ending in well rounded points, something that she was amazed could even be mimicked naturally. “If low level demons can do this, then…”

She lost her thought as she resumed drinking herself in. Her nearly black nipples were piqued, anticipating further stimulation.

Sara tried her best to remember the rest of the lecture from the witch, “Dragons are one of the few creatures with a mastery of three types of mana…” A quick glimpse at her erect clit, “Since they eat rocks to aid in ignition and calcium in their scales, they are closely aligned with the earth element…” She set her hand on her thigh, an adventurous, yet safe location. “They also can take to the skies with their wings, showing their mastery over the air element…” She used one of her long nails to poke at the hungry hole, something she was afraid of putting in, lest she cut herself. “And, of course, they are one of the even a part of a rare set of creatures that properly utilize the fire element, making them one of the most unique creatures alive…” She noticed her other hand had picked up one of her breasts, something she had caught herself in the act of. “The only mana they are not proficient in is water, but since succubi spend the first… years of their life in…” Her finger teased the outer lips of her vagina.

The crest the witch put on her glowed faintly in the dark room with a vivid pink. This was almost unnerving enough to throw Sara off of her self-exploration. Almost.

Soft moans escaped her lips. At first, she was weirded out that she could produce such noise, but it felt too good to stop. The lips were already moist, hungry for insertion. It was weird to think that her vaginal lips were functionally her actual mouth lips. The anatomy felt like a perverse inversion of nature the way she understood it.

She shifted her perception to her main body, something that took in the sensation even better. Physically, every rub felt more full, each wave of pleasure had less to travel to her actual brain than where it would be in an actual human female. Her moans grew louder as she began to lose herself to the pleasure. Finally, her body was getting what it was asking for.

While in the throes of ecstasy, out of the corner of the main body's eye, she saw a sleepy witch stumbling down the hall, rubbing her eyes.

“Mmmhhm… You still don’t know how to jack off quietly?” The small girl meandered into the room, the rosy dots on her cheeks nearly reflecting the moonlight, “Alright… I’ll help you rub one out again…”

Sitting down on the bed next to her familiar, Ashara spread her legs and patted the space between. Her eyes were barely open, but her smile was inviting. The space seemed small, but Sarakiel did as was commanded.

The witch stuck her middle finger in her mouth, pulled it out and lazily slid it into the succubus’s gaping hole. With the same resistance as the night before, it slowly wormed its way inside her. Then, the witch’s thumb began to run circles around the engorged clitoris.

Sarakiel had no choice but to succumb to the pleasure.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Even the main body’s eyes were losing focus. She felt herself coil around the finger, before it pulled itself out. She tried harder to hold the finger within, but it escaped once more. Each time brought greater and greater sensations, a seemingly endless staircase of higher and higher carnal pleasure. Her breath became short as something was building within.

In addition, each circle around her clit felt like something was encircling her brain. lassoing it, squeezing tighter and tighter, trying to squeeze the juices out of it.

It was unlike anything she felt before.

The succubus tried to turn around, to kiss the witch as she lazily brought her to orgasm. “Ehhh…” Ashara sleepily pushed Sara’s face back to the front, “Not doing that…”

She was a being made for sex. Sex usually needed all senses filled to be truly pleasurable.

Seeing her heaving breasts always hanging in her periphery, she lifted one up with a hand that was not gripping the side of the bed and placed her own nipple in her mouth. It tasted sweet. The scent of her sweat, or pheromones, or whatever, hung over the room like a light haze, the temperature of which grew hotter and hotter.

Each suckle lifted her higher. Not only was her bottom being serviced, but now she felt herself desperately craving to be pushed over the edge. Her consciousness grew more distant with every insertion, every twirl, every suckle. Her other breast heaved with the bucking of her hips to push the tiny finger just a bit further in.

“Ugh…” Ashara groaned from behind, her pace slowing down slightly, “I think I went a bit overboard on the tits…”

It took a sizable amount of strength for Sara to free her top mouth, “No… They are fantastic… Do you know how many men… I would have killed to… fuck a woman as fine as… I am now?” She glanced at her sensual form in the mirror once more, imagining such a goddess riding what she used to be in her past life. A look of sheer carnal lust she never thought imaginable matched her eyes through the mirror.

“For talking back to me,” the witch’s ring finger now joined her middle finger inside the succubus’s mouth-vagina-hole, doubling the width of the insertion. Both slightly stretched the inner walls, causing sensations Sara had not ever felt before. Her pace quickened, “I’m going to get a bit more rough…”

Ashara spoke proudly, “Such boorish lumps of fat were put there to just draw in the lowest common denominator!” She twisted her fingers, causing the succubus to choke slightly, “Only a slim, svelte body is a sign of dignity! Of nobility!” The witch picked up her pace, matching her increasingly frustrated tone, “I made you like this only to catch the most gullible! Stupid! Ignorant! And dull minded of men!” Her fingers demanded the full attention of the succubus, the sounds of whose sloppily wet pussy easily echoed up and down the small room and narrow hallway.

She was almost there. Finally, her slutty body was getting what it begged for. She would have lasted nowhere near this long, nor felt as good as she did now in her previous life. No man had ever felt this ecstasy. The joys of feeling every inch of something inserted into her hole designed for such deep stimulation could not be matched. The building sensation climbed higher and higher. And at the height of her pleasure…

The witch stopped.

“I’m tired.” She slid her fingers out and stood in front of the bed, her sweaty familiar looking up at her with a look of lustful disappointment and confusion. “Figure the rest out, I’m going back to bed.”

With a huff, the tiny witch left the room, leaving the succubus half finished and gasping for air.

Piecing herself together, Sarakiel sat up and looked at her pitiful reflection. A woman still flush from almost finishing, considering the implications of continuing the job herself.

“I…” She tentatively flipped her hand upside down, to stroke the inner walls with the two fingers she awkwardly inserted into herself, “I can’t believe that bitch…”

It felt good. Not as good as when someone else was doing it, but Sara felt her own fingers massage inside of herself, her fingers far longer than the much tinier woman’s. It was like an itch she finally got to scratch. She felt her pussy stretch beyond what her fingers could delve, the walls drenched in sexual juices purposefully concocted to both stimulate and rob men of their pleasures. The hole was perfectly lubed up, begging to be filled and worked in and out of. Her other hand pushed her button-like clit up and down, a trick she learned from the witch, flicking it with vigor until finally… Finally…!

A spray of fluid flew outwards. A geyser of sexual release. Her eyes returned to the back of her head as her tongue hung outside of her mouth, letting loose a low moan as the shower of bliss slowly subsided. Her legs buckled and twitched as she barely saw herself in the mirror, a far cry from the holy knight of Altalour, the Duke of Steel, Samuel Proudmane.

Now she was just a cock thirsty whore.

Monster notes: Dragons

One of the most mystifying yet terrifying creatures is the dragon. Far above the capability of human reasoning and speech, most of their culture, native language, and thought processes are unknown to scholars of different races the world over.
As one of the few "true" wielders of fire mana, they are actually warm-blooded despite mostly appearing reptilian.

Dragons appear to have races of their own, with the elements of mana much more largely dictating their adaptations than mankind's.
Earth dragons have proven to be the most destructive. Associating in packs, they contest fire dragons for caverns and are said to be highly pragmatic. They are known to destroy settlements if they are within a specific location a cluster of dragons desire. Ancient dwarven legends claim that they once were descendants of these creatures, having worked in tandem to build the expansive subterranean dwarven kingdoms.

Fire dragons are largely flightless and reside in deep caverns dug out by their earth-aligned rival cousins. They have an affinity for precious metals usually dug out during their scavenging for flammable stones. Some claim to have seen skeletal remains of these creatures with expansive wingspans, but the prevailing theory claims those may be vestigial bones from a proposed "uberdragon" descendant. Quite elusive, they are quite hostile with tallmen, elves, or halflings and only negotiate with dwarves.

Air dragons find value in residing in the most highest of locales. Usually the elders take the highest peaks of mountains, resting above the clouds, whereas the younger ones establish their territory on smaller crests or even some hills in northern countries. Younglings are commonly referred to as 'Drakes' and may be tamed to work with humankind until they either escape or die in confinement. Stories of times past claim that with the passing of a great number of young drakes, the city of Lorn was destroyed in a singular day by a coalition of all three known types of dragons in an act of revenge. As such, it is commonly outlawed to have a drake past the age of three years.

Lastly, water dragons supposedly live in the depths of tropical southern oceans and are the most elusive to find. No definitive evidence concludes they exist outside of certain theories and empirical records. Few scholars posit that they have either descended into the various monstrous fish-like creatures around the world or are so highly advanced, they have successfully thwarted every attempt of detection. One correspondent claimed to have thrown out an iron pot into the shore he was fishing in, only for a 'magnificent creature' to arise from the depths and return the pot, asking for only a chunk of it for it's personal use. This has led to the latter hypothesis to be dismissed as a "crackpot theory" in academic circles, thus giving rise to a new colloquialism throughout the world.

Despite numerous outreach to form coalitions with such intelligent creatures, no one has ever been able to form a cohesive agreement with such beings no matter the time, race, nor partner to strike the deal with. Only the dwarven cities are known to have a non-aggression agreement with the various terrestrial dragons that they share a geographic location with.

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