Becoming Usopp


Cough! Cough! Cough!

Water rushed out of Alvida’s petite mouth and a series of coughs soon followed. Usopp had been performing CPR on her for the last two minutes and seeing that she had finally gained consciousness he took a sigh of relief.

“Woah Usopp! What did you just do?!” Luffy asked fully amazed as he had thought the woman had no chance of survival because she was no longer breathing.

“It’s called CPR. We give it to a person who is showing no signs of breathing or has very faint breathing, just in the manner in which I performed. You lay the person flat on their back and start compressing their chest 30 times with adequate force. After that, you adjust the person’s mouth in order to open their airway by tilting their head up and giving two recovery breaths, which means forcing air from your mouth into theirs. You’ll see the other person’s chest rise when you do those and after that, you start with another set of 30 compressions. You keep repeating this until the person wakes up…” Usopp explained the method to Luffy briefly before suddenly realizing something and turning his head towards Luffy.

“Yeah…I should have guessed,” Usopp said as he saw Luffy’s distressed face because what Usopp had just explained was too much for him. With a sigh, Usopp then shifted his attention back to Alvida who by now had recovered herself and was slowly reorienting herself.

“Do you need anything?” Usopp asked Alvida. Even he was surprised when he realized that the person whom he had rescued was Alvida as while under the water the most he was able to see was just a blurry figure of a lady.

“Y-yes…Thank you for saving me,” Alvida said to Usopp as a tinge of red appeared on her face the moment her eyes opened the first thing, she saw was Usopp’s face just a few centimetres away from her as he was pumping air into her airway.

She wasn’t dumb like Luffy to not realize that Usopp was giving her CPR in order to save her life. Though she was surprised for a few seconds but after reorienting herself she soon realized what had happened.

She might act like a ruffian from the outside but inside she was still a pure maiden who had never had any romantic relationship with a man. All the other men she had known were either too scared of her because of her domineering behaviour or were just too ugly.

Though this person who had saved her didn’t have a very handsome face...since he jumped into the ocean just to save her life, she was sure that he was someone of great courage. Which woman doesn’t want a man who would save her when she’s in need? And add the fact that her first kiss had already been stolen by him she found it necessary to make this man hers!

“I’m relieved then. Come with me…oh my can stand right?” Usopp asked Alvida.

“Yeah,” Alvida said as she managed to push herself up the deck. It was only now that Alvida saw Luffy’s face and couldn’t help but pause involuntarily.

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Luffy asked as he met the stupefied face of Alvida who was staring right at him.

“It’s n-nothing,” Alvida replied after a couple of seconds. Seeing this Usopp took a sigh of relief as he thought that she would start fighting with Luffy the moment she saw him.

“Alright, then follow me,” Usopp said as he walked towards Nami along with her. After seeing that the woman had gained consciousness, Nami had rushed towards her room to get hold of something to cover the wet woman and while returning met them in the midway.

She soon passed the shawl to Alvida who covered her body immediately as she realized that her clothes had long been sticking to her skin exposing all of her curves. While doing so she discreetly looked at Usopp and sensing that he had not noticed her embarrassing state she took a sigh of relief.

This slight behaviour was not left unseen by Nami as she narrowed her eyes towards the woman. She had enough experience to know what was going on in her mind and add the fact that Usopp had just kissed her a few minutes ago…this thing didn’t go well with her.

Usopp then left Alvida in Nami’s custody as she guided her to her room so that she could have a change of clothes.

Nami eyed Alvida a bit as she walked with her inside her room. The two of them weren’t very different in body shape so Nami grabbed one of the clothes she wasn’t very fond of wearing and gave It to Alvida.

“Thanks,” Alvida said as she soon started changing herself into a fresh pair of clothes.

Feeling that this was the right time to make things clear for her, Nami opened her mouth, “It’s better to keep your hands off him because he’s mine,”

Hearing the words that Nami said Alvida paused for a second before continuing on to wearing her clothes with a smirk on her face.

“What are you smiling for? Did you understand what I just said?” Nami said in an angry tone as she felt that the woman was making fun of her.

Alvida only began to reply to Nami once she had changed her clothes entirely, “I did. Initially, I wasn’t planning to do much in order to gain that man’s heart but hearing your words and seeing how hard you’re trying to keep him to yourself…my curiosity has been piqued,” Alvida glared back at Nami.

“You! What do you mean by that?!” Nami asked her in a threatening manner in order to make her rethink her choice.

“What I mean is that I don’t care about you bitch, I’m going to chase after that man,” Alvida made her stance crystal clear and didn’t falter from Nami’s threatening voice.

“You!” Nami rushed towards her with her hand turning slightly red. This was a technique that she had realized only a few days ago. When her temper rises then she could use it to increase the temperature of her mist aswell. She wanted to choke the woman with her hand while she had a taste of getting her neck scalded by her hot mist. She planned to keep her like that until she would ask her for mercy.

But unlike her expectations, the moment Nami attempted to grab hold of the woman’s neck her hand slipped past it grabbing only empty air.

“Heh, you can’t even touch me and dared to growl like bitch, know your place!” Alvida too retaliated with a strong punch from her side only to find her hand passing right through Nami’s chest as her chest changed into that of mist, which gave way for Alvida’s hand to pass through.

“Who’s the bitch now?” Nami smiled evilly as the temperature of the mist around her chest started rising which made Alvida pull her hand out with a shriek.


Unfortunately, Nami had not yet learnt how to make her mist solidify and grab hold of something or else she wouldn’t have let Alvida’s hand go after getting caught in it.

The two of them then glared at each other for a while clearly understanding that they won’t be able to have a quick victory over the other and decided to call a truce for now.

“Hmph” The two of them harrumphed at each other before exiting the room.

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