Becoming Usopp


Just when the sun was about to kiss the horizon and disappear in its embrace both Sanji and Buggy saw a cart that was coming their way leaving behind a large tract of dust that made the sun look blurred the dipping sun.

“Hey Buggy, is that the same cart on which Chopper left?” Sanji asked, By now the both of them knew each other much better than before and it could be said that their strained relationship had become less strained all due to the fact that Sanji let Buggy finish all of his water.

“How would I know man? They all look the same,” Buggy complained but flew forward to stop the cart in its tract.

Seeing a flying man with a clown nose telling them to stop from above it was obvious that instead of stopping the men commanding the cart would try to manoeuvre the cart around him and escape with their lives.

Sanji had already predicted this so using his innately strong legs which were comparable to steel he kicked at a nearby sand mound and a wave of sand flew towards the cart entrapping it in the process.

“Brother! I don’t want to die so early…” Gin was bawling his eyes out as he saw their only way of escape get blocked after the huge wave of sand engulfed them.

Bin was too busy thinking of ways to escape their current situation and couldn’t be bothered with his brother who had lost his shit the moment he saw the flying clown.

‘Are they devil fruit users?’ Bin thought to himself as he looked towards Sanji and Buggy who were slowly approaching them from front and behind. Being in the business of trading he had been in contact with a lot of information and so he was familiar with the powers of the devil fruit.

This was the reason that he was still able to maintain his calm, unlike his younger brother who had only recently started accompanying him in the business.

“N-No this is all a d-dream…a dream” Gin was muttering to himself while covering his head with his arms.

Bin glanced at his brother who was scared shitless and couldn’t help but shake his head in disappointment.

Seeing that the two people responsible for their current state of affairs had almost reached them Bin slowly got himself out of the cart and the sand that was covering him and looked towards the two people and asked in a meek tone.

“Good Sirs…If we have offended you unknowingly then I deeply apologize to you,” Bin bowed towards Sanji and Buggy as he continued in his timid voice, “The two Sirs look very strong and honourable so I beg you to be merciful towards us.” After he finished saying that Bin further lowered himself.

Seeing his elder brother’s action Gin too understood a bit of what was going on and quickly joined him in bowing to Sanji and Buggy.

Seeing the two of them Buggy just gazed towards Sanji as it was up to him how he wanted to deal with the situation.

“I just have some questions from the two of you and if you answer that correctly then I would have no qualms in letting you two leave with your lives,” Sanji said to the two of them with the intention of taking advantage of the fear that they possessed in order to get the information that he needed.

Hearing the following words, a huge weight was removed from Bin as he profusely thanked Sanji for his kindness and vowed that he would sincerely answer all of his questions.

Sanji was satisfied with the response and proceeded with his interrogation.


“Hehe thanks, Sanji, it really smells good thanks to your paste,” Chopper muttered in an indecipherable manner while in his sleep not realizing that he was currently in the arms of a beautiful lady.

“How cute~” Okame said as she heard Chopper’s muffled voice. She tightened her arms and hugged Chopper a bit more tightly as a result making him experience the delights of being pressed onto the mounds of a woman.

Seeing the comfortable smile that appeared on Chopper’s face a wide smile also imprinted on Okame’s face.

Koza and the rest were discussing some matters related to how they were going to use the Scent bombs in the most appropriate manner to get the expected results but were distracted by this act of Okame. Almost all of them had the same thought, ‘Wish it was me…lucky animal,’

Koza coughed to attract back the attention of the group and after getting over the embarrassment they continued from where they had derailed earlier.

Okame had some reputation with her sword in the group so her not taking part in the meeting was not seen as rude. In fact, Koza wanted her to be like this.

The draught had been tough on the people of Alabasta and many of them had lost their loved ones. Okame was also one of those. The draught had taken away her only brother from her and from that day onwards they had never seen a genuine smile on her face.

It was for this reason only that when Koza saw Okame enthusiastically requesting him to get hold of Chopper he readily agreed.

A few minutes while the meeting was still going on everyone heard the sound of exclamation from Okame and turned their heads swiftly towards her.

She was currently looking at Chopper in an amazed manner as he was trying hard to hide himself behind the door though failing at it miserably.

“A-Amazing…you can speak,” Okame said to herself.

“W-who are you guys? S-stay away from me…I’m warning you…” Chopper growled at everyone present but to everyone present it only appeared like the angry squeaks of a cute animal.

Seeing this Okame gently sat on her knees to be at the same eye level as that of Chopper and said with a gentle smile on her face “Don’t worry, we have no intention to harm you,” and while saying that she extended her hand towards Chopper.

Looking at the hand that was extended towards him and the smile that could soften any heart Chopper too let go of his guard and asked her, “Why am I here?”

“It’s a long story…how about I slowly explain it to you while we eat some snacks together?” Okame suggested and Chopper’s stomach immediately grumbled as if agreeing to her words which made Okame give out a chuckle.

Soon Okame took Chopper to the kitchen to have some snacks leaving the rest of the group behind who were amazed after seeing a talking reindeer.

“Did that thing just talk or was I dreaming?” One of the men asked.

“I thought it did because I was high…” Erik said as he waved the bottle of rum in his hand.

“It really did,” Koza replied and the whole room turned silent.

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