Beesekai [A Monster Reincarnation Isekai]

Chapter 58 – Harven’s Hive

“It’s a good opportunity, Yelah. If the request can somehow get us close to the City Lord, we should take him up on the offer.”


Yelah was doing her best to ignore Grehn. Instead, she was cheerfully tossing a small scroll around. Last night, the fated moment had come. Yelah, Grehn, and Vlugh (and Dip) had entered the Hayrey and Sons’ HQ after a hearty meal, being directed to a manager’s office by a receptionist. They even received a few congratulations from fellow mercenaries for the score, as the top-secret mission was anything but.


They were nervous. What would they do if the City Lord refused to pay them? It wasn’t like a small team of up-and-coming mercenaries could pursue action against an actual City Lord. Maybe if Hayrey’s decided that they valued their employees to that degree (or if they were upset enough about the money), they could force the City Lord’s hand. It wasn’t impossible, but it would certainly be a hassle.


Turned out, there was nothing to fear. Four small scrolls were stacked before them, containing proof of payment. The manager’s beaming smile was infectious, spreading to the exhausted team. However, that wasn’t the end of things.


“The Queen is already aware of the Lord’s proposition. More money certainly wouldn’t hurt, but if we investigate the merchant companies like the City Lord wants, we can kill various birds with one stone. We can gain information, get in close to the powerful merchant companies, and potentially get in with the Lord. Wins all around.”


No response. Grehn didn’t know it, but Yelah was actually deep in thought about the offer. To him, she was goofing around, thinking of what new exotic fish to buy with her money. Instead, she was in distress. She knew Grehn was right and that the Queen was aware of the offer and its implications. It was likely inevitable that they would take up the offer, annoying as it was. But Yelah wasn’t looking forward to it. On the contrary, she couldn’t help but imagine the disastrous effects the request could have. It could accelerate the takeover of Yiwi substantially.


Ironically, Yelah didn’t know it, but her incredibly benevolent, kind, and gracious commander, who was in no way being distracted from their important medical research, could see it all.


That wasn’t the only thing on Yelah’s mind. Foremost among her concerns were the eyes. Yelah and crew were being watched. Two in the shadowy alley over there, one mixing in with the crowd. Another on the rooftops. Who were these spies? Who knew?


Well, actually, Yelah knew. And so did her crew. Because unbeknownst to them, the watchers were actually the ones being watched.


“That guy isn’t even hiding. What a silly guy! I can see you, buddy!”


Hiding in plain sight, Ben and his two companions surveyed from on high. They were small enough that, as long as they didn’t fly in people’s faces, they could easily be mistaken for regular bees. As a result, there were more eyes that were watching Yelah’s group, albeit ones on the same team.


It also meant that the spies, sadly, stood no chance. They could be identified through their clothing. Their positions and body language analyzed and relayed to Yelah’s team. And with their knowledge, the bees could keep track of the spies and who they might be associated with.


Of course, the eyes were bothering the group. But they weren’t Yelah’s primary concern. Hers was the building the team had just stopped in front of.


Last night, after heading their separate ways, Yelah had made sure to be a responsible person. Mostly at the behest of her bee masters. She had done two things: the first was to ensure Rette would obtain her payment when she recovered. Second was to ask for her payment scroll to be split.


The reward from the City Lord’s request was a lot. Like, more than some mercenaries made in a year or more. And that was after the company had taken their cut, the payment split four ways among the group, and a portion deducted for various debts.


Unfortunately for Yelah, her debts were also a lot.


So, she had asked for the proper amount to be split into its own scroll for convenience. All she would have to do was deliver the scroll to Harven. And she wanted to do it personally. Or rather, the Queen did.


“What’re we waiting for? Let’s just give the guy his scroll and leave.”


Should Yelah be thankful or pissed that Vlugh had insisted on coming? She understood Grehn, and certainly understood her Dipee-poo, but Vlugh? Even now, he was wincing at sudden noises and wobbling on his feet. The guy was clearly not fully recovered.


Well, if his idea of a fun time was confronting an organization of debt collectors after suffering brain trauma, Yelah wouldn’t stop him.


“We’ve been expecting you, Yelah.”


Before they could knock, Mr Foot opened the door and beckoned them in.


“Thanks for the warm welcome, random Harven goon.”


“It’s Yafoot,” Mr Foot sighed, closing the door behind them. “Have you got the payment?”


“Why else would I be here?”


Mr Foot shrugged, noticeably touching the pistol at his belt. Had they been expecting a fight? Surely they wouldn’t be so crass. While Yelah was busy scowling at the man, Grehn and Vlugh took the time to survey their surroundings. Yelah was the only one of them in debt to Harven’s group, so they were being cautious.


However, the building was surprisingly normal. The outside of the building was barely different from its neighbors, only identified by a metallic sign sporting an ornate ‘H’. It was clearly meant to be a parody or mockery of the Hayrey logo. Even the inside reflected the mockery. The group was standing in a pleasant reception lobby, not dissimilar to the Hayrey building’s own. Some employees wearing formal attire milled about, wearing clothes eerily similar to suits from Earth. The key differences were a distinct lack of ties and the variety of colors. The suits came in many distinct colors, like dark reds and bright yellows and even light greens.


To an Earthling, the office might be more comparable to a clown gathering. Especially since the ties that usually went with suits were ubiquitously replaced with fancy patterned bow ties.


However, there were exceptions. Sometimes, angry-looking people wearing guns and casual clothes passed through the lobby. These must have been the foot soldiers. Collection officers like good ol’ Mr Foot.


“Who knows? After what happened last night, we’ve been a bit on edge, as I’m sure you could understand. Harven was not happy.”


What was this guy talking about? Before Yelah could question further, loud thumps could heard throughout the lobby. The mercenaries tensed, preparing for a fight, before a door swung open, nearly hitting a nearby office drone.


“Yelah is here, isn’t she?! Where is that little punk?!”


A scrawny man barged into the lobby, hobbling in at surprising speeds. The man, who Yelah recognized as Harven, was massive. In the sense that he was tall as hell. If he wasn’t hunched over like a crooked branch, he would tower over even the sizable frame of Grehn. The loud thumps came from a sturdy wooden cane Harven clutched in one hand, slamming it into the ground with more force than was probably necessary. Despite his rough voice, Harven looked young and dressed nicely, like the office workers. In fact, his clothes, though more simple, had the distinct feeling of being even more premium.


Focus was being split. On one hand, I couldn’t take my (or rather, the mercenaries’) eyes off the man’s ears. They were pointy. And long. Most humans we had seen in this world had ears that were distinctly longer and pointier than any Earth human, but this guy was egregious.


On the other hand, Yelah’s eyes were staring at the beaten and bloodied form of Yoho being dragged by his neck by Harven.




Harven tossed the man in front of Yelah, who was instantly relieved to hear the man groan in pain. Because it meant he was still alive.


“Care to explain this, you brat? This little punk came around here last night screaming bloody murder about you! I’m disappointed; I really expected you to take care of your own problems as a big-shot merc!”


“Fuck you, Harven. You didn’t have to go this far.” Yelah threw the scroll she had been clutching at Harven hard, forcing him to use his Mind to catch it.


“There’s your fucking money, asshole. Good luck getting any more from me or anyone I know. C’mon guys.”


“Oh? That’s all fine then. Hey, you! Check this scroll. Make sure it covers her account.”


After Yelah had tossed the scroll at him, Harven’s demeanor instantly changed. All trace of anger was completely gone, replaced with a big, happy smile.


“Are you sure you and your friends don’t want to stay for a drink? My treat.”


The only response Yelah gave was a very rude gesture.





“Ow! Yelah, pleas- OW!”


Yelah was currently kicking a man while he was down. Ben thought it was really funny. Mostly because the man was smiling, and Yelah was crying, which was quite odd considering the circumstances.


“You idiot! Those guys are evil bastards!”


She whirled, facing Harven’s building across the street.


“That’s it. I’m going to kill that fucker.”


Before Yelah could take a step, she froze. Of course, the Queen wouldn’t let them attract attention so easily. There were already very conspicuous projects in the works, and now wasn’t the time to go around killing dodgy debt collectors.


So instead, she turned her anger back towards Yoho.


“What were you thinking? I can handle myself, you know? There was no reason to pull a stunt like that!”


“C’mon, Yelah! Were you really going to leave your fate up to the City Lord’s whims? What if he didn’t pay you? He didn’t want to pay Toh, so…”


“Oh, is Toh already back?”


Toh was, in fact, not back. However, his team had gotten tired of waiting and had re-entered the city. That was all the bees knew, because once they were past the gates, the only information about them that could be gathered was from Ben’s surveillance.


Thankfully, Yemonto Co’s secrets were in the palm of Yelah’s hands. Or at least, every secret that Yoho was aware of. According to him, Toh’s team had arrived late at night and told Yoho about their findings. Or lack thereof. Until Toh and the other two returned to confirm, they had nothing to give the City Lord.


But that wasn’t what Yoho was concerned about.


He just so happened to be friends with one of the secretaries working for the City Lord. Not one who interacted with him personally, but still someone who worked for him. And from what Yoho heard from this friend, the City Lord was all over the damn place. Apparently, she had even heard he had no intention of paying the mercenaries sent to investigate the forest if he didn’t like what he heard.


And it didn’t seem like he was a fan of the news.


So, Yoho did the obvious thing any loving… friend would do in such a situation. He went to Harven’s office in the middle of the night and pleaded for them to give Yelah more time. Eventually, he ended up breaking into the building, intending to confront Harven himself.


Unfortunately, Yoho was a chump with more brains than brawn, and even that was questionable. The result was him getting beaten up by goons until Harven appeared to do some beating of his own.


“I’m sorry, Yelah. It just seemed like I had to help somehow-“


“Well thanks, but no thanks. If you’re thinking about me, then actually think. I can deal with Harven and his muscle. Even if I couldn’t, all you ended up doing was getting yourself hurt. How is that making things better?”


Yoho was looking apologetic (and in pain), and the rage was dying down. So now was my time to strike.


“Everyone,” I said, startling the group. Well, startling everyone but Yoho.


“A couple things. First, that guy is dumb. You should be more careful with him. He’s also a security risk. And a potential asset. If we control him, his connections will be quite valuable. Second, Harven is another possible asset. He seems amenable now that the payment is done, so you’re going to take up his offer of a drink. Eventually.”


The trio (and Dip) did their best to disguise their expressions. Yoho had noticed the change (at least on Yelah’s face), so they were trying not to expose themselves.


“And one last thing. You’ve gotta be real with me now. Is that guy Harven not clearly an elf?!”

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