Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 387 - The soul is no longer nowhere to be placed


There is another person who has the same idea, and that is Wang Ke from Tianlai’s Copyright Department and Lin Fan’s docking person.

After the song “Sorrow” was broadcast along with Lin Fan’s variety show “The Yearning Yard”, Tian Lai immediately followed up and put the song on the shelves on time at 0:00 after the show was broadcast.

Then, Wang Ke once again witnessed Lin Fan’s appeal among fans.

The combat power of thousands of iron fans is terrifying!

Originally, Wang Ke thought it would be difficult for Lin Fan to copy the record of previous songs, because the song “Lovely Woman” was the song that won the Golden Melody Award for Best Composer, whether it is popular or artistically speaking. Very good work.

The song “Sorrow” is obviously slightly worse in artistic quality. The melody is very simple, and the singing method is not difficult. In Wang Ke’s view, such a song should have been classified as a water song.

However, the performance of “Sorrow” is not inferior to that of Lin Fan’s previous songs, which makes Wang Ke have to face this song. Maybe he has not been able to comprehend the essence of this song?

It doesn’t matter if you fail to comprehend it, the majority of netizens must have comprehended it. Without any guilty conscience, Wang Ke clicked on the comment area at the bottom of the song, and wanted to take a good look at what everyone thought of this song.

[Poor and righteous: The most commendable part of this song is that it expresses the aspirations of a group of people, the aspirations of a group of ordinary people.

Listening to this song is like listening to my own story. I have already carried it over, but when I heard this song, I still couldn’t hold back my tears. Maybe I have always been wronged, but I have never given up. 】

Looking at these comments, Wang Ke was inexplicably irritable, what do you understand? I hate this kind of “you know” literature the most. It’s not that difficult to read and comprehend if you say half of it and hide half of it!

Forget it, don’t count on these netizens, and just go directly to the professional music review articles to read!

The well-known “Lin Chu” yellow festival, id, must have written the music review.

Sure enough, Huang Jie did not disappoint Wang Ke. The music review was released early, and Wang Ke clicked in with great satisfaction.

[The morals are too expensive and you can’t afford it: We know that the reason why a song can be recognized by the public is that it resonates with people. A song without sympathy and sympathy will inevitably be due to its high artistic quality. , And become a niche.

This song “Sorrow”, as always, is Lin Fan’s style (ps: Lin Fan’s style is no style, Lin Fan can easily pick any style, laugh^_^), the melody is simple, the lyrics have a strong sense of picture, and they are very common. emotion.

This song describes young people in small cities with dreams, working away from home, the confusion they encounter, and the perseverance in their hearts. The people who really resonate are mostly young people and hardworking people.

There are two types of people who will not appreciate the excellence of this song: one is born in a honeypot and has not experienced setbacks. They are born with a good family background and can easily get a job. If you want to go out and start a business, you can get it at home. Those who can come up with the start-up funds will find it difficult to understand “Sorrow”;

There is also a kind of people, they are afraid of hard work, they are content with the ease of a small city, and do not gamble on the pride of the outside world. They will feel that “Eliminating Sorrows” is groaning without illness, and even feel that those struggling are seeking sin for themselves. Only those who are in difficulties and never forget to work hard, or who have struggled and finally succeeded, can find resonance in this song.

Only those who are soberly aware that they are ordinary people, but stubbornly do not bow to fate, insist on their original dreams, and continue to work hard for this, are the real listeners of this song. 】

This music review is very long, but Wang Ke can’t stand it when he sees it here.

Wang Ke is a little confused. He is not the two types of people mentioned in Huang Jie’s music review, but he does not understand this song. Why is that?

Wang Ke used to be a person who came from a small place to fight in a big city. Like all other people of the same kind, Wang Ke has also experienced long-term wandering, and he has also experienced frustrations that hurt his nerves and bones. He has also been flattened by life. , I also conceal a piece of original intention deep in my heart, never forgetting it.

However, I don’t know since when Wang Ke hated himself a little bit.


Probably when I refused to renew the contract for a little-known independent singer, or when other popular singers asked to squeeze other people’s resources, and I could only acquiesce in, or when I was criticized by my boss , But when he can only vent his grievances on his subordinates…

The position is getting higher and higher, and the annual income is gradually increasing. Wang Ke finally has his own house in this golden devil. With a small family of his own, his life is no longer so embarrassed, and he does not matter how big or small he goes out. Successful people.

Especially after becoming Lin Fan’s docking person, Wang Ke’s position in Tianlai has soared, and even his immediate boss has been polite to him a lot. Although Wang Ke has always been vigilant, this is Lin Fan’s credit, he is only drenched in Lin Fan’s light.

However, after all, he changed.

Lin Fan’s song is still playing on the speakers in the office. This tune is very plain, without a strong climax, but it is this kind of faint tune that makes Lin Fanqian sing a perfect interpretation. There was an ordinary person who stubbornly sang a bitter song but no one cared.

It seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him. Everything around him was the “joy field” in the song, and he was just the ordinary person in the corner who sang his own song in a low voice with the spirit of wine.

Wang Ke lit a cigarette, but let it burn out by itself without taking a sip.

Finally, Wang Ke stood up, picked up the suit jacket hung on the back of the chair, opened the door of the office, and greeted the others who were working overtime in the workplace: “Are you done? When you are done, let me ask everyone to eat. Night snack!”

The staff was amazed: “Why is the boss asking for a treat suddenly?”

Wang Ke’s face was stern: “You don’t eat, do you? If you don’t eat, you won’t take you! We all go to and leave you here to work overtime!”

“Don’t, boss! I didn’t say I won’t go! Go, go, everyone! It’s a rare boss treat, everyone must have a good meal!”

“It’s just that your kid makes the rudder quick!” Wang Ke added lightly, “By the way, are there many independent musicians on the audit team who are submitting works?”

“Yes, but boss, why do you care about this?”

“It’s nothing. Tomorrow, I will pack a copy of the works that have passed the second round of screening. I will listen to them when I have time. Maybe there is something left behind in it.”

The staff flattered: “Wow, those indie musicians are blessed. The boss personally reviews. If you can really pick out good works, you have the boss to help promote it, this is a great opportunity!”

Wang Ke smiled, chance?


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