Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 404 - No hurdle

Lulu is a social animal of 996, passively indulging in work every day and unable to extricate herself, even if it is a rare rest day, she does not have any physical energy to go out to play, just want to sleep at home until it is dark.

Of course, I thought so, but when I went to bed at 10 o’clock, I couldn’t fall asleep anymore. For one thing, the biological clock developed through work prevented Lulu from staying in bed. Secondly, the stomach was protesting, sending out a danger signal to Lulu, “If you don’t fill me up, I’ll fight you hard”, making it difficult for Lulu to ignore.

Helpless, I got up and went into the kitchen to find something to eat for myself.

It’s just that I didn’t find anything.

Last night I had a dinner with my colleagues in the company, so I didn’t cook, so I didn’t have any leftovers. I wanted to heat myself a leftover, but there was nothing to heat, and the refrigerator was empty, with only a bag of yogurt. Lulu felt the whole refrigerator. They are all urging themselves to go to the supermarket and buy back all kinds of vegetable, fruit, drink and snacks for the next week.

Otherwise, this emptiness will continue until next week.

Lulu is also used to it. During weekends, she sleeps in bed in the morning, gets some food at noon, goes shopping in the supermarket in the afternoon, and comes back for a fixed schedule of filling up the refrigerator.

Now, it’s time to eat.

Lulu closed the refrigerator door, then turned on the phone and ordered a takeaway for herself: Thanks to the existence of the takeaway, she gave a social animal like herself a decent three meals, so she won’t have a hard day’s rest. After she wakes up naturally, she still pays. I have to face a refrigerator with nothing, and have to drag my hungry body out to find food.

It takes more than half an hour for the take-out to be delivered. Lulu took advantage of this time to wash up, clean up the messy rental house a bit, and the time passed.

After taking the food box from the takeaway boy and promising to give him a five-star praise, Lulu hurriedly closed the door and sat on the sofa to prepare to enjoy her lunch.

Well, at this time, we need a little TV drama or variety show to set off the atmosphere of the meal.

So Lulu turned on her mobile phone and patrolled the icons of the various video apps. With the momentum of the ancient emperor turning the green head, she clicked on the icon of the polar bear: spoil you today!

“What should I look at?”

Lulu hesitated for a long time between the TV series and the variety show, and finally chose the variety show.

For people like Lulu who rarely watch TV once a week, chasing drama is really a bit powerless. After all, there is only a little rest time, and there are various purchasing tasks and cleaning tasks waiting for him. It takes too long to follow the drama.

In contrast, variety shows are much more friendly. There is no need to chase them, and the duration is short. You can watch them if you like them, and change them if you don’t like them. You don’t have to worry about seeing it from the middle, and you won’t be able to contact the upper and lower plots.

The variety show that Lulu has been chasing after is an outdoor variety show. This variety show is known as “difficult guests”. Many guests who came to participate in this variety show for the first time couldn’t stand it.

Like Lulu, the social animals who are usually pressured by life, see those glamorous stars in all kinds of embarrassment and all kinds of funny on the show. Although it is a little psychologically dark suspect, Lulu really feels quite pretty. Cool.

It’s just that the requirements for the guests in this kind of show are a bit high, or the guests have to let go, so that it seems interesting. It’s meaningless to run into those who are more real, or who have a ton of idol baggage, and who don’t cooperate.

Coincidentally, among the guests in this issue, there is such a thing.

Among the flying guests in this issue, there is an actor from the TV series “Sky Patrol”, which is currently on the air. It seems to be a female third? What is Ji Sha’s name? Lulu hasn’t watched this show, so I don’t know exactly.

Maybe this drama is really hot right now, otherwise, a female third will not be able to be the main coffee in variety shows. Generally speaking, isn’t it only the male and female protagonists who get this kind of treatment? Or, this female third has a very strong background and is highly praised by the company?

In short, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that this Ji Sha is really an idol with too heavy a burden. I don’t want to touch it when I’m dirty, I can’t do it when I’m tired, it’s true when it’s funny, and it’s a shame to play games!

Wow, really, if such a woman meets at work, Lulu feels like she has to teach her how to be a person every minute! You are all on variety shows, can you let go of it? Be dedicated? Everyone is watching a variety show to watch a lively show. You come up to inspect with a princess. Everyone has to hold you. What’s the point of this?

Forget it, forget it, just change it.

Lulu withdrew from this variety show, picked on the channel, and clicked on a new variety show called “The Yearning Yard”.

At the beginning of the latest episode, there was a set of beautiful scenes, which made Lulu in the big city of the steel forest feel refreshed and refreshed. Then, with the idea of ​​having a look, he ate and watched. Go down.

Soon, Lulu discovered that this show seemed to be different from other variety shows.

There is only one resident guest, that is, Lin Fan, who is very hot recently. Lulu is also a fan of Lin Fan, but she is not a fan. It is the kind of fan who simply listens to songs and will not actively follow Lin Fan’s other dynamics. I don’t know when Lin Fan did a variety show.

After watching it, Lulu found that this program showed the audience an enviable slow life. Like Lulu, who is used to seeing the city’s feasting and busy traffic, sometimes she can’t help but want to be a free one. Wandering savage, drunk in the mountains and rivers, not in the world!

Of course, this kind of thinking is too extravagant, Lulu can only think about it for a moment, she dare not do it.

However, watching Lin Fan and Zhang Xinlan and other three friends, cooking food around the stove, sitting at the table to share the things they encountered in their lives, such as Zhang Xinlan chatting about the past, Lin Fan asked how she came here of.

Zhang Xinlan smiled and said, “That’s how I came here. At that time, there were friends who had always supported me. No matter what the occasion, they had to mention me and defend me a few words, so that I would not be affected by everyone. Forgotten.

When I returned to the stage, I also met very good friends and seniors, who gave me the opportunity to help me get resources… At that time, I didn’t think about anything. I don’t want those who treat me badly, and I don’t want those who abuse me, just step by step, keep your feet on the ground, and keep rushing forward.

When I looked up, I realized that I had overcome the darkest predicament and ushered in a new life. “

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang were very emotional, they didn’t know what to say to Zhang Xinlan, and Zhang Xinlan at this moment didn’t need them to comfort him, because everything had passed.

Only Lin Fan took a faint sentence: “Those things that have made you feel sad, you will one day say with a smile.”

Zhang Xinlan seemed to be taken aback, then smiled and nodded: “Yes, that’s it.”

Then Lin Fan took the guitar handed over by Lu Bingyang, “Come on, send you a new song, friends.”

“These years alone,

The wind has passed, the rain has gone,

There have been tears, there have been faults,

Remember what to stick to…”

Lulu seemed to have been directly pierced into the softest part of her heart, the most invisible, well-concealed pain, surged at this moment.

The difficulty of entering society, the unsuitability of the workplace, and all the burdens of life almost crushed Lulu, but Lulu survived. Now I think about the hurdles that made me feel wronged, and feel that I can’t get through at all, and they have become so insignificant.

Even Lulu can still look on the road she has walked like a stranger, and curse “hypocritical”. But forget it, it’s yourself after all, so don’t be so harsh on yourself.

Who has never been young and ignorant?

Why embarrass yourself.

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