Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 429 - It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish

Before coming out, Lin Fan was mentally prepared, knowing that the mountain road is not easy to walk, but he didn’t expect it to be so difficult to walk! It’s like climbing up with hands and feet together!

That’s it, it’s the best way to go as the group of children said.

One of the children in the group looked a little taller than the other children. The boy named A Gang ridiculed Lin Fan very rudely: “Big guys are not as good as our kids!”

A Gang spoke the dialect of the village. When he talked to the scene before, he spoke Putonghua with a heavy accent, but he was barely able to communicate.

However, when Gang found out inadvertently that Lin Fan could understand his own dialect, he stopped speaking Mandarin at all and communicated directly in the dialect.

Liang Wen also thought it was amazing: “When can you understand the dialect here?”

Lin Fan chuckled, [Language Expert] know about the skills?

Although A Gang complained about Lin Fan, he was very grateful for Lin Fan and these people for taking the initiative to send him home. Although A Gang felt that he was such a big person, he didn’t need to send it at all, but he should still be grateful. .

In addition, A Gang is very interested in what Lin Fan and the others are doing.

“Are you making a movie?”

“Yes, have you seen a movie?”

“I’ve seen it. Every year, some uncles and aunts go to the village to show us movies! The school also organizes to watch movies in the town!”

“Do you think the movie is good?”


“How to say?”

A Gang sighed like a little adult: “Watching movies is fun, but it’s useless. Dad said that it’s better to read and write more when I have time. When I grow up, I can go to big cities to work and earn money. I I think what Abba said is reasonable. You can’t make money while watching movies, you can still make money by reading.”

Lin Fan glanced at Liang Wen subconsciously. Liang Wen was using his hands and feet to climb the mountain, but he didn’t even notice it.

So Lin Fan said to Gang: “Your dad is right!”

His idea was recognized, and Gang was also very happy. He climbed to the top of the mountain with fast steps, then turned back and shouted at Lin Fan: “Come here, look, there is the way we usually go to school!”

Lin Fan speeded up and climbed to the top of the mountain. Following the direction of A Gang’s fingers, he saw a small path on the opposite side of the mountain. The top is a high mountain wall and the bottom is a deep cliff.

At this moment, the sky was almost completely dark. No matter how good Lin Fan’s eyesight was, he couldn’t see the true condition of the road, but it didn’t matter. There was another Gang who walked that road every day beside Lin Fan.

A Gang explained to Lin Fan vividly: “The road is actually quite spacious. It allows three big men like you to walk side by side. It is usually safe. But not when it rains, the rocks on the mountain, the muddy water. Ah will be washed down, and the road will be very slippery. If you fall down and fall into the mountain, it will be over!

Just this way, I don’t know how many people have died in the fall! There are adults and children. There is a lame man in our village. He fell and broke his foot once. Dad said it was because the bones were not connected properly… But the road in our village to the middle of the mountain road is much easier. . “

Lin Fan soon knew what A Gang said about the easy way.

It was a section of dirt road rammed with yellow mud and crushed stones. Apart from the natural precipitation in the village over the years and pedestrians, a section of the road was obviously artificially repaired, and it was necessary for the children to go to school. The mountain road is repaired all the way here.

But it is a pity that once the repair is on the mountain road, there is no way to continue the repair.

Because a mountain blocked the way forward.

If this road is to continue to be built, either a tunnel must be dug from the hillside, or the mountain must be bypassed, and the amount of work has increased dramatically.

Obviously, the road builders in the village chose the latter. Although the amount of work is large, at least it is possible to realize it. At most, it will take a little more time. It is too difficult to open a tunnel. It is impossible to rely on the spontaneous participation of people in the village, and the danger is too high.

Lin Fan and others sent the children all the way to the entrance of the village, waved goodbye to the children, and did not go in and disturb the people in the village.

But Lin Fan and the others didn’t want to bother. The people in the village rushed out to express their gratitude after learning that someone had escorted their children home. The verbal gratitude was not enough. La Linfan and the others came to their home for dinner.

Enthusiasm is overwhelming.

As a last resort, Lin Fan and the others agreed to enter the village to rest, drink a cup of hot water, and say nothing else.

Lin Fan also inquired more news from the population of the village.

“This road was repaired by Lame Awei. At first he repaired it by himself. Later, when everyone was fine at home, they all came to help repair it. There were also people in the nearby villages on the hills. Come and help me repair it. I really want to repair this road to the other side of the mountain. Not to mention that it is much safer for the children to go to school, and it is much more convenient for us to go to town.”

I just don’t know when this road will be completed.

Lin Fan asked, “Have you ever thought about moving outside to live?”

“Hey, those who can move have moved long ago! Those who stayed can’t be moved.” The villagers were helpless.

But Lin Fan understood that the old man didn’t want to move, and they couldn’t adapt to life outside. Young people don’t want to move because they can’t change anything after going out, and they don’t have enough ability to afford the cost of a new home. In the mountains, you can still rely on the mountains and eat the mountains, and if you go out, how can these people who have no skills live on?

The villagers are not depressed: “We can’t do it now, it doesn’t mean that the dolls can’t do it. No matter how difficult it is, the children in several villages are going to school. As long as these children learn something, their future life will be better than ours. “

Lin Fan smiled and said, “It will get better and better.”

When I returned to the dormitory, the sky was completely dark, and Lin Fan called Yang Hongxia the first time: “Sister Xia, I want to help those children.”

Yang Hongxia received Lin Fan’s call, as if she had been prepared, and rushed to answer: “Yanyan called me before, how are you going to help those children?”

Lin Fan opened his mouth, and it took a long time to make his own voice: “Does Yanyan know me so well?”

Yang Hongxia wanted to roll her eyes, why was she stuffed with dog food again inexplicably?

But this is not the point.

“What are you going to do? Donate to an elementary school to make it easier for the children to go to school? Or support them to study?”

Lin Fan said: “Neither, I plan to build a road for them.”

Yang Hongxia was silent for a moment, and then said: “You have to think clearly, donating to a school or subsidizing poor students is all tangible and tangible help. I will talk about it later, and there will be traces to follow. It will not let the sunspots. I think you are doing charity to show. Build roads…”

Lin Fan smiled and said: “I just don’t want to be a show, so I want to build a road. Sister Xia, whether it is donating a school or sponsoring students, only a certain group of people can be helped. I have seen these villages in the mountains. What they lack is actually a convenient and fast road, a road connecting the mountain with the outside.”

If you want to build roads before getting rich, many poor areas do not lack resources, but because roads are blocked, companies are reluctant to settle down, developers are reluctant to come, local specialty agricultural products cannot be transported outside, and they are only produced and sold locally. The market capacity cannot be increased, which leads to a vicious circle, and the people become poorer and poorer.

Donating to a school is not worthwhile without a teacher?

Sponsor a few poor children, what should I do in the future?

Isn’t the new born child going through a repeating cycle?

So It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

Lin Fan didn’t want to make a show. He just wanted to help the people in this village. These poor but industrious people, the behavior of building roads is indeed not as “good-looking” as building schools and subsidizing students. It is the most direct way to help the economic development of the entire region.

Yang Hongxia touched the thinning hair and sighed: “Oh, I know, you can make a good film, and I will leave this to me.”

“Thank you sister Xia!”

When Yang Hongxia hung up the phone, she remembered, as if she had forgotten to tell Lin Fan that even Xiao Yu had become her new assistant?

Forget it, let’s not talk about it, wait until he comes back from the filming to watch it for yourself.

Is this a surprise?

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