Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 438 - When you find out that time is a thief


Li Hao squeezed out of the subway station and followed the signs to find the exit. As soon as he got out of the subway station, the phone rang.

Li Hao took out his cell phone and saw that it was the same group of guys. He answered the phone and sprayed directly: “Don’t rush, don’t rush, I’ll be there soon.”

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: “Hurry up, everyone is here, the food is on, and you are missing!”

“I’m out of the subway station. I’ll be there in ten minutes. That’s it, you guys eat first!”

Li Hao hung up the phone, looked up left and right, and then walked towards the agreed place along the already vague memory.

Soon, Li Hao arrived at the agreed place, and met those university roommates who were both familiar and unfamiliar, as if seeing ten years of time fly by before his eyes, something instantly blurred his eyes.

But Li Hao held back, raised a smile, and took the initiative to greet everyone: “Oh! Fatty, why haven’t you changed at all after so many years? The boss is still so handsome! Strong son, why are you so dark?”

“Come on, sit down, just wait for you! The person who is late will first be fined three glasses, and then talk after drinking!” The other three did not give Li Haomeng a chance to pass the test, and directly handed three glasses of wine to him. Here, it is clear to watch him finish drinking.

Li Hao can’t help it, who really made himself late: “Okay, I punish myself for three cups, brothers are walking!”



“Haozi still hasn’t changed at all, hurry up and eat some food mats!”

After three cups of wine, Li Hao didn’t care about anything. He sat down quickly, took a bite of the food with his chopsticks, and then had time to look at his college roommates.

Fatty has been fat since he was in college, and he kept clamoring to lose weight, but after four years of college and ten years after graduation, he still couldn’t lose weight.

The boss, who was the former head of the dormitory, was tall and upright, and he was still the number one person in the department.

Lin Zi, like Li Hao, was an ordinary college student, with no characteristics, the kind that you can’t find if you throw it into the crowd.

But the relationship between the four people has always been very good. When they graduated, everyone was about to go their separate ways, so they agreed to the party ten years later.

Li Hao once felt that this party that spanned ten years may not have a chance to be realized. After all, life is so cruel. Who can guarantee that after ten years, everyone will be willing to come for a classmate gathering not far away. ?

However, to everyone’s expectations, everyone persevered, and the party was held as scheduled.

It sounds like a miracle.

The four people ate and drank and chatted. Ten years of time seemed to have lost its meaning at this moment. They seemed to be those inexperienced teenagers who swayed their youth recklessly and lived the best of life noisily. Time.

But in the same way, the ten-year gap really exists among them.

Ten years later, the fat man returned to his hometown. First he opened a small restaurant and closed down within two years. Then he opened a barbecue stall. The business was pretty good, but he couldn’t do it in a few years. Because the fat man’s body is in a state of affairs, he can no longer turn upside down day and night and stay up all night hard.

But the fat man was optimistic: “Later, I took the money I earned in those years and gave it to my daughter-in-law to open a bakery. At the beginning, there was no business, but the business has improved in the past two years. I now rely on my daughter-in-law. Support. I am still a cake master under the hands of my wife. Not to mention, the cakes I made are in ours, and they are also famous!”

The other three people laughed: “No wonder you are so fat! The relationship is so sweet!”

Lin Zi also returned to his hometown, took a civil service exam, and joined the local poverty alleviation office. Everyday work involves frequent visits and research. If someone finds you a bit difficult, you have to help with all kinds of things, and you have to help coordinate all kinds of things.

In this regard, everyone said: “No wonder you get so dark! But your job is very meaningful. It has raised the level of life of our brothers. Come, come, brothers toast you!”

As for the boss, he should be regarded as the one with the best family situation among the four people in the dormitory. He also returned to his hometown. With the support of his parents, he opened an Internet cafe. The business is not bad. He is the best one among all the people.

Li Hao was not convinced: “I just found a professional counterpart for the co-author. I honestly became a programmer?”

The three people laughed for a while: “But you still have a lot of hair, it doesn’t seem to stay up late!”

In the laughter, a table of four people seemed to have become the spirited selves of the year, enjoying the wonderful university time while looking forward to the future that is full of countless possibilities.

At that time, the burden of life had not been ruthlessly suppressed, and they still had many opportunities to choose, and they also had the drive to pursue beauty.

“I remember that at that time, in order to chase flowers from other departments, the boss also specially lit candles under the dormitory, bought flowers, and confessed to them, but he was hit by his boyfriend who was out of school. , I almost didn’t get killed!”

“Don’t talk about such embarrassing things! Don’t just talk about me, Haozi also chased girls?”

The topic was brought to him, and Li Hao couldn’t help but stunned.

Lin Zi stretched out his hand and patted Li Hao: “No, Haozi, you won’t be able to let it go now?”

Li Hao didn’t speak, and the other three looked at each other, knowing that it was touching Li Hao’s sadness, and quickly changed the subject: “Don’t say this, Linzi, you will punish yourself for a cup! Let you talk nonsense!”

Lin Zi confessed: “It’s all my fault, I will punish myself for a cup!”

“Come, come, eat food, eat food!”

After eating this meal for four full hours, the store would be closed when it was eaten.

Everyone is a little drunk, or if the alcohol is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk, who knows, anyway, Li Hao was confused and thought of the girl he liked back then.

Maybe in the eyes of others, this girl is beautiful and lovely, but Li Hao just likes it, likes it, likes her sweet smile, likes her cute look when she is angry, likes her coquettish and sticky little girl. temper……

It’s a pity that no matter how much I like it, it is no match for the cruelty of the graduation season.

This is a group of people gathered together. After graduation, they naturally have to go their separate ways. The same goes for Li Hao and the girl. The distance between the two of them is really a bit far away, so far as the two who have just stepped into the society, they can’t bear this kind of pain in a different place.

After struggling to maintain a long-distance relationship for a period of time, the breakup seemed so natural and reasonable.

There was no quarrel, no hysteria, both of them knew that they couldn’t hold on anymore, and it would only hurt others and themselves to be together so reluctantly.

We broke up peacefully, but Li Hao’s heart seemed to be empty, and he couldn’t keep warm anymore.

After that, Li Hao also tried to talk about another girlfriend, and even had several blind dates, but the results were the same. They couldn’t get along, and it was even more unbearable for Li Hao to get along with each other than the long-distance relationship of the year.

Li Hao, who didn’t want to delay others, spent ten years alone.

Do you love that first girlfriend very much? It doesn’t seem to be.

Don’t love it? That certainly isn’t.

Perhaps because it wasn’t her, Li Hao was single until now.

Probably not reconciled? Feel that you are easily defeated by reality? Still dissatisfied with your incompetence? Li Hao can’t tell the difference but there is something that leaves him forever, and something that stays there forever.

I can’t tell the truth, I can’t hold it, I can’t let it go.

The four people crossed their backs and walked on a familiar campus. The scenery here hasn’t changed much, but there are no things they are familiar with, people they are familiar with.

Everyone clearly knows that even if the world hasn’t changed, but you have changed, you can never go back.

On the campus, I don’t know where there is a burst of music:

“Think but not get

How do you live

Reluctant to give up

Just talk nonsense with the past

When you find out that time is a thief

It has already stolen all your choices…”

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