Before Prying Away the Small O

Chapter 107 - dawn

On Thursday, before You Chenxing went to ask, the staff of the Legal Department took the lead in sending her an internal message, a screenshot, indicating that the information had been submitted and was awaiting review.

You Chenxing replied with a thank you, and the staff of the legal department replied with a smile.

After Professor Yun’s matter was implemented, Xiao Jiu came in with a pile of documents, “Team You, all the documents that need to be signed on a daily basis are here. I have reviewed them. You…”

Originally, I wanted to say that you would take another look, but I thought that if You Chenxing had time to take a look, he would not let him come to review, and at the same time, he said that she would sign directly after the review.

“I put it here for you.” Xiao Jiu finally said.

You Chenxing nodded, the document was placed on the side of her hand, where she could reach it.

She did take a copy and glanced at it. She should have only looked up, then turned to the end and signed it.

With the exception of the newcomer’s training, which she put aside, all other documents were opened, penned, and closed, all in three steps, without exception.

“Okay, you can file these and go through the process. Is Zhu Sui training new people today?”

Xiaojiu thought for a while, “I shouldn’t have it today, I saw her doing a group report in the morning.”

“Okay, you ask her to come to my office.”

Xiao Jiu responded, and just turned to leave, You Chenxing added, “Let her bring all the training results of the newcomers.”


Ten minutes later, Zhu Sui brought the documents to You Chenxing’s office.

While You Chenxing signed and confirmed, he divided the results into two piles.

Zhu Sui thought about it and said tentatively, “If you don’t sign…”

You Chenxing replied quickly, “I want to take another look.”

Before he started talking, Zhu Sui couldn’t ask any more questions, so he could only nod his head.

“How long have you had it, a month?”


“Okay, I don’t need you this afternoon, I’ll bring it myself instead.”

“You…” Takesui was slightly surprised, “Do you have time recently?”

You Chenxing was almost overwhelmed by meetings these days. The three internal meetings were held only once or twice. The rest were held with the director, deputy bureau, and several other division chiefs. I don’t know what to say. What, in a word, every time they are opened, no one will smile when someone bumps them out of the conference room.

“The time is there.”

The answer is also quite general.

Zhusui looked down, the relationship between superiors and subordinates was there, You Chenxing didn’t want to tell her, she didn’t have the right to ask questions, she still had a sense of proportion.

For a while, only the rustling of pen and signature was left in the room.

After seeing it all, You Chenxing raised his head and asked Zhu Sui, “Have any expatriates returned to China recently?”

Zhu Sui thought for a while, then nodded, “There is a group over there with Lao Liu, and I have one here too.”

You Chenxing nodded, noncommittal.

Takesui thought she would say something else, but it was just like a routine.

But he didn’t let Zhu Sui go, You Chenxing did have something serious to tell her.

“Next month, Shanghai will start to officially publicize the international exchange conference, which will be hosted by the First Scientific Research Institute. The lecture team is the Adrenalin Department of the Scientific Research Institute. Except for the scientific research part, the first area is mainly concerned with the import and export of Z reagents, Negotiate, you all know this, right?”


Takesui’s father is a vice president of the scientific research institute, and her grandfather is the current commander of the first district. No one knows more than her what is going on behind the scenes at this exchange meeting in Beijing.

“Previously, the military asked the National Security Bureau to have three S-level alpha adrenaline departments to protect the scientists headed by Song Zhen, right?”

Takesui nodded. The military department asked her for this request at first.

You Chenxing glanced at her, her light-colored pupils did not show any emotion, and said calmly, “It has been discussed internally, and I am going to send you to lead the team regarding the personal safety protection of the researchers in the Adrenalin Department.”

Bamboo was stunned.

You Chenxing said without pausing, “One is your relationship with Song Zhen, the National Security Bureau is no better than you; the other is that your identity is there, beside Song Zhen, who will you temporarily host and carry out diplomacy on behalf of the first district, No disrespect.”

Zhu Sui was born in a top-level family, and he was familiar with his eyes and ears since he was a child. He could handle all kinds of accidents that might happen on major occasions well.

“Finally, it’s my selfishness as the director.”

“We led the three divisions to overturn the case for Mr. Zhuang, and implemented it. Now the files are still being cleaned up, and the officials arrested in the three districts are also being interrogated one after another. When they are completely cleared up, it will be a lot of money. military performance.”

“There are a lot of people at the exchange meeting. The security deployment has been very cautious. It is best if nothing happens. If something happens, think deeply, maybe it will involve the three districts again. At that time, everyone will be looking for us.”

“Instead of letting someone else take the responsibility, transfer this in the middle, and then divide the performance later, it is better to simply follow up with our people and wait for the liquidation at the end of the year, that is to say, these departments are currently dealing with these departments. , I’m too lazy to argue with other units anymore.”

You Chenxing’s worries are not unreasonable. To be promoted, you need military merit. At the end of the year, when the liquidation is over, when Zhuang Qing’s case is closed, it will naturally involve the division of performance. If you step in, not only the three of them, but the units and departments in charge in the early stage are probably not willing to spit out some of the military merits they have obtained.

The truth is this, but Takesui also thought of something else, “But if I go over, my subordinates…”

“Bring them over together.” You Chenxing, “Whoever you brought to the third district at the beginning, whoever you bring to take charge of the Adrenalin Department now.”

Zhu Sui hesitated, “Are so many people going to leave, then…”

You Chenxing looked at her calmly, this calmness made Zhu Sui’s heart not panic.

Takesui: “The end of the year is coming soon, don’t you need people in the three places, and… the case of the scientific research institute has not been closed yet.”

Zhu Sui was brought out by You Chenxing, and when it came to a critical moment, she would not be polite to her, just say anything.

She said, but You Chenxing heard it without any disturbance, as if it didn’t matter, “The director of the research institute takes the lead in planning the case, you just need to do your own thing…”


Zhu Sui still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by You Chenxing, “Okay, I didn’t discuss it with you, the matter has been settled, the director and Xu Bureau have both nodded their heads, and the documents will be issued immediately, I just let you know. “

Bamboo was suffocated.

You Chenxing: “Go back to work, by the way, let Lao Liu come over.”

What else can Zhu Sui say, You Chenxing’s attitude is so tough, and the relationship between superiors and subordinates, she can only nod at the moment, after leaving, she will inform Lao Liu to go to You Chenxing’s office.

Lao Liu is quick to get in and out.

When I told Lao Liu that he had passed by, Zhu Sui took the tablet to the door to work. When Lao Liu came back, Zhu Sui was still sitting in the corridor, as if he was waiting for him.

“So soon, what did Team You say to you?” Zhu Sui asked casually.

Lao Liu didn’t feel that he was overstepping either. The work between their deputy divisions sometimes overlapped, and there was no rule in the bureau that their usual work must be kept strictly confidential.

The internal atmosphere of the three places was relaxed, and Lao Liu did not hide it. When Zhusui asked, he answered readily.

“Ask me about the group, and let me take over what’s due for signing this week.”

“Just… didn’t you say anything else?”

Lao Liu scratched his head, “What else can you say?”

Bamboo: “…”

Takesui silently put away the tablet, refusing to chat with this Tie Zhi A again.

At the end of get off work, the information of Professor Yun submitted by the legal affairs was about to be finalized.

Yun Wan came here stuck at the point where she got off work, not to pick her up from get off work, but to find Professor Yun.

Seeing that the matter of leaving the National Security Bureau was already a certainty, Yun Wan was relieved to tell her father that she could leave tomorrow. A few days ago, she was afraid that something might go wrong in the middle, which made people happy and didn’t say anything.

You Chenxing stayed to work overtime.

An hour later, as expected, Yun Wan was waiting in the office.

Yun Wan was happy two days ago when Professor Yun left the National Security Bureau. Today…

As You Chenxing expected, he is happy and happy today, but his emotions are still a bit heavy.

You Chenxing knew why.

While signing the report, he glanced at Yun Wan and asked her with a smile, “Look at you, you didn’t do what you swore in the morning, did you?”

To be precise, Yun Wan has been battered for several days.

Her dad was happy to come out, but she… the situation on her side was really a little difficult to speak.

The former partner cheated, had a child, and announced the divorce.

These three, any one of the information is enough to stimulate.

The divorce has been going on for a while now, and she has to leave her job without pay and reach a romantic relationship with her ex-partner Faxiao.

Five nuclear explosions.

Yun Wan couldn’t imagine what kind of splendid her dad’s expression would be when she said it in one breath.

You Chenxing is also working overtime these days. She still lives in Yun Wan’s house. Originally, Yun Wan wanted to chase people away, but… As You Chenxing went to work, Yun Wan could still meet at night if she didn’t chase people away. , If you don’t sleep together, that’s another story, at least one day you can see someone…

If you chase people…

Yun Wan was afraid that he didn’t know where to catch the woman again.

Therefore, since You Chenxing didn’t leave, Yun Wan only thought about this question on the first day, and from the second day, he acquiesced.

In these four days, You Chenxing came back early for two days, both of them lived in the master bedroom, and two days later, they slept separately.

After the weekend, I didn’t do anything else, just sleep, just like mineral water.

Since they could meet, Yun Wan’s entanglement naturally couldn’t escape You Chenxing’s eyes.

A few days ago, Yun Wan avoided thinking about this.

This morning, I don’t know what’s wrong. Suddenly, Da fearless said that I would die early and give birth early. Before her dad came out, five things were announced in one breath.

I said it at breakfast, and I said it with pride, with my head held high.

The plan was good, but You Chenxing didn’t give her a look at all.

She didn’t believe that Yun Wan had the courage.

Seeing the expected result now, I couldn’t help laughing, and made fun of Yun Wan.

As soon as he was joking, Yun Wan was so depressed that he couldn’t be depressed any longer. He covered his head with the pillow on the sofa, and said in a whim, “Tell me, will there be a problem with your system?”

“?” You Chenxing, who asked, was stunned.

But soon You Chenxing knew it.

Yun Wan went into the devil’s way, “If there is a problem with your system, my dad’s information will not pass, can you let him eat, live and eat for a few more days, and then pick him up when I figure out a solution?”


You Chenxing: “What you said is really… filial to me.”

Yun Wan: “…”

Yun Wan is irritable, “But I just can’t say it. How can I say that, my dad is not sick and is healthy, but I’m so scared. I’m afraid what if my dad has a heart attack right after I say it!!”

You Chenxing thought about it seriously, raised his eyebrows, “There is indeed no shortage of this possibility.”

Too much stimulation is not good for the elderly.

“Ah, ah. -!” No one is at the time of get off work, Yunyuan began to tumbling in Yushenxing sofa.

After a while, the pillow was taken away, and the woman looked at her with a smile, “Okay.”

“Who forced you to finish it all at once?”

Yun Wan was depressed, “No, but experience tells me that it would be better to be honest, and my dad’s eyesight is still there.”

It is naturally impossible for Professor Yun to become an academician.

You Chenxing reached out to Yun Wan, Yun Wan pouted, took You Chenxing’s hand, let the woman pull her up from the sofa with all her strength, and patiently trimmed her messy hair.

“To be honest, let’s talk about it one by one. Except for the last one, the first four things are actually one thing.”

Apart from their current relationship, the previous things, in the final analysis, were all caused by Shen Li’s derailment.

Open this thread, and the rest will be easy to talk about.

Yun Wan was stunned, looked at You Chenxing, seemed to understand, but also seemed confused, “What do you mean, what do you mean except the last, our…”

You Chenxing didn’t go around in circles with her, “Our affairs can be later, you can hide this.”

Directly poke the key, “But there is a public announcement in front of you, you can’t hide it.”

Those who can’t hide, rather than waiting for Professor Yun to ask, it is better to honestly explain.

Yun Wan’s focus shifted, “Then you…”

You Chenxing knew what she meant, but he was extra calm, “I don’t care, wait for you to come here for half a year, are you still in a hurry for the next few days?”

You Chenxing smiled, “You underestimate me too.”

She wanted to be upright with Yun Wan, but everything should be prioritized.

Now, let Professor Yun accept the divorce first, the most important thing.

Looking at each other silently for a moment, Yun Wan suddenly hugged You Chenxing and hummed a few times.

“What’s wrong with you?” Patting Yun Wan’s head, You Chenxing asked her.

Yun Wan buried her face in the woman’s shoulder and said in a nasal voice, “I think you are fine, Xingxing.”

“Then what?”

“Then, I will listen to Aunt Meng’s words, cherish you, and treat you well.”

After he finished speaking, You Chenxing pinched his face, “To entertain me, right?”

As soon as he touched his hands, but before he exerted any strength, Yun Wan was like a loach, hiding quickly, hiding his entire face so that he couldn’t pinch, and said with a smile, “No~”

Hearing it is the opposite.

The voice was laughing, but he was not afraid of death and emphasized, “Is it true that people say it~”

Yun Wan acted like a coquettish rogue, You Chenxing couldn’t get anyone off his body, so he shook his head helplessly.

She believes in her!

The next day, a group of four picked up Professor Yun to leave the National Security Bureau.

Zhou Ding drove the car, Xia Xia and Yun Wan helped pack things up, and in front of Professor Yun, You Chenxing, as a friend who helped a lot in this matter, was invited to go out to dinner.

Walking to the door, Professor Yun recovered from thinking about his own experimental data, only to realize that something was wrong.

“Hey, what about Ali?” Professor Yun asked.

Zhou Ding and Xia Xia couldn’t help but look at each other.

Yun Wan’s expression also froze for a moment.

Only You Chenxing said without changing her face, “Mr. Song’s exchange meeting is about to start. The military has practiced before, and the security will be strengthened after a month. She asked for leave today, and was called back by her superiors temporarily. “

He lied without blinking his eyes, and what he said was reasonable and well-founded, as if there was such a thing.

Yun Wan quickly echoed, “Ah yes, she, she’s busy, I let her go.”

Even if she made up her mind to explain honestly, Yun Wan never thought of explaining it in the National Security Bureau. If the trouble got bigger, all three of You Chenxing’s subordinates would come to watch… Then she really didn’t want to live too much. .

Professor Yun has always been a work-oriented person. He didn’t get angry when he heard it. He nodded and said, “Well, work is important, and the exchange meeting is indeed a major event for the research institute and District 1. She should be busy.”

Obviously, as a member of the scientific research institute, he also attaches great importance to Song Zhen’s exchange meeting.

Yun Wan urged again: “Okay, okay, get in the car, let’s talk about what’s in the past.”

Professor Yun did not suspect him and got into Zhou Ding’s car.

Yun Wan didn’t drive, she took You Chenxing’s.

After getting into the car in the summer, they left first. When Zhou Ding was steering the steering wheel in the driver’s seat, he inexplicably glanced at the rearview mirror.

Seeing You Chenxing in the car, not knowing what the two of them said, Yun Wan leaned over and kissed each other’s face, and immediately felt a shudder, and there was a chill down her spine.

Zhou Ding: “…”

Zhou Ding: “…”

Hey, I said that I won’t stimulate Uncle Yun, but you should hide it better! !

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