Before Prying Away the Small O

Chapter 121 - emergency broadcast

Yun Wan didn’t know when the earthquake stopped, but felt that after it stopped, the community was extraordinarily lively.

– Everyone is afraid to enter the house and stay outside.

Dongdong went from Yun Wan’s hand to Zhou Ding’s arms. In the end, Xia Xia and the nanny took turns holding each other. They didn’t know what to do. They were afraid of aftershocks, so they didn’t dare to go home easily. Finally, they negotiated and went out to have a look.

Outside the community, the property was shaken out, and neighbors greeted them, saying that the community’s stadium was open as a temporary shelter.

It has to be said that the price is expensive, but it still has the advantage of being expensive.

There is a plastic playground in the sports area, including an open-air running track and a covered badminton tennis court. Residents in the community are all going there. Yun Wan and Zhou Ding’s family follow the crowd and go there. .

After I went, it was very well organized. The floor was covered with thermal insulation mats, and the family divided blankets according to their mouths. Each child could get one. In the cold weather, Zhou Ding went to get two, and Yun Wan’s coat was placed in the second place. When I go out, I only have sweaters. In summer, I ran to the door to get the clothes for the family of three.

After building a blanket for Dongdong, Zhou Ding gave Yun Wan his down jacket in the garden. Now he wraps another blanket. The nanny was outside at the time, dressed warmly.

Zhou Ding: “It’s okay, it shouldn’t be long.”

“Has the network signal been restored?”

Xia Xia looked at the phone, there was a signal, “I’ll call my parents to see.”

I dialed Grandpa and Grandma Dongdong at random. It was no longer a busy tone. After a few beeps, it was connected.

Yun Wan was slightly surprised, and she and the nanny also picked up their mobile phones and called their families.

She got through here too.

“Dad, are you okay?” Yun Wan blurted out subconsciously.

“It’s alright, at home.”

Yun Wan: “!”

Without waiting for Yun Wan’s persuasion, Father Yun said calmly, “There’s nothing to run, just shake it a little. Besides, large buildings are now resistant to earthquakes of magnitude 8. Oh, you probably don’t know if you don’t usually know about it. Since ancient times, the plan has been rectified several times, as long as it is not too ignorant, there will be no problem in Beijing.”

Saying that, Yun Wan heard the sound of drinking water from the opposite side.

Yun Wan: “…”

Yun Wan hesitated, “What are you drinking?”

“Black tea, don’t drink green tea before going to bed.”


After a long while, Yun Wan was shown the power of knowledge, and said with difficulty, “You’ll be fine.”

“It’s okay, it’s too far away to go to Beijing, it’ll be fine.”

Yun Wan sighed, “The distance you’re talking about is…”

Father Yun sighed and said helplessly, “The base where Professor Lei is located.”

Knowing what Yun Wan was thinking, Professor Yun didn’t explain too much. He asked where Yun Wan was, and only said, “Don’t panic, go home with them, it’s alright, oh yes, I have to give it to Lao Zhou and Lao Zhou too. Xia, make a phone call, otherwise they may still be outside. It’s normal, and normal people don’t know what to do when they encounter them. I have participated in several pilot experiments of Professor Lei, and I have a certain degree of experience in judging the magnitude of the earthquake… not to mention Not to mention, just now the communication was overwhelmed by the saturated phone, and now it is restored, I will make a call.”

Needless to say, before hanging up, I still warned him a few words.

“Don’t think too much. I’m just guessing. It’s not necessarily Professor Lei’s technology. Maybe it’s a natural earthquake. Let’s hear what the news has to say.”

“At the speed of going to Beijing, if you go home and turn on the TV, maybe you will be making an emergency broadcast.”

After Xia Xia finished talking to her parents, she just told her parents not to go home first, and hung up at the same time as Yun Wan, she and Zhou Ding turned to look at Yun Wan, and heard Yun Wan say.

“My dad said that the magnitude of the earthquake in Shangjing is not big, so you don’t have to run, let’s go home.”

Zhou Ding: “…”


Yun Wan: “Then with Uncle Zhou and Uncle Xia, he called and told them to go back.”

Zhou Ding’s belief in being safer outdoors began to shake, “So, Uncle Yun, he is now…”

Yun Wan admitted reluctantly, “Drink black tea at home.”

Zhou Ding and Xia Xia choked at the same time.

Yun Wan: “Knowledge is power. Academician Yun told us to go home quickly. How many of us are illiterate?”

Zhou Dinghe Xia Tian: “…”

In the end, the group went straight home, and the nanny was a little scared, but seeing them with Dongdong, they felt that it should be safe, so they followed. Before, Zhou Ding went to return the blanket, saw that the property was turned over, and directly stated Professor Yun’s conclusion.

After he finished speaking, he added another sentence, “It’s an academician of the scientific research academy who said this, you can do whatever you want.”

The news was delivered in place, and he rushed home.

After returning home, I checked it in the summer. After a long period of shaking, everything in the house was still as usual, and there were no items and pendants falling.

Yun Wan and Xia Xian cleaned up themselves and Dongdong, and did not dare to let Dongdong go upstairs. They brought a blanket to the bed, put the child on the sofa, turned on the news, and prepared to wait for the broadcast.

Father Yun was right. It didn’t take long for the communication in Beijing to be fully restored, and the emergency broadcast also followed.

At the moment of seeing the emergency broadcast, Yun Wan’s heart was like water droplets running around in the boiling oil pan, splashing violently.

The hostess appeared on the screen in formal attire, and said in a eloquent manner, “Now there is an urgent news.”

“Today at 20:13:21, a strong earthquake occurred at the junction of District 1 and District 5… around Xiaosongshan…”

“Currently the State Earthquake Administration is making statistics…”

“Across the country, the quake was felt in Districts 1, 5, and even some provinces and cities in District 3…”

“Relevant experts said that the magnitude of the earthquake was not lower than 7. For more specific magnitude and epicenter, please wait for the follow-up report of this station.”

The junction of District 1 and District 5…


Yun Wan tightly closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands. She couldn’t tell what it was like, but only felt a continuous blank invasion in her mind.

Since he was born, Yun Wan has never experienced an earthquake, and what kind of damage an earthquake of not less than magnitude 7 will cause, Yun Wan is even more at a loss, but as long as he thinks about it, his heart skips a beat.

Xia Xia was puzzled by her appearance at first, and asked what was wrong with her, but Yun Wan couldn’t answer, just shook her head.

Finally, it was Father Yun’s phone call that gave Yun Wan some news.

Not good news though.

“Looking at the location, there is a high probability that this earthquake was caused by Professor Lei’s laboratory technology.”

“I don’t know what their mission is. I can only say that I have been to the base more than once, and I have conducted field tests there more than once. If it is near a mountain, it may cause a landslide and cause an accident. If it is in the desert …”

Yun Wan subconsciously said, “Will it be better?”

In the desert, nothing tall would fall, would it be safer?

Before asking, Yun Wan thought so.

After Father Yun answered, she only felt that her eyes were even darker.

“No, in the desert, it may cause a subsidence, and quicksand will involve people into the ground, buried in layers of sand, and suffocated to death.”

Yun Wan’s breathing also suffocated.

Since Father Yun made this call, all the results were simply finished in one breath.

“It’s not going to be much better at the base.”

“The broadcast said that the magnitude of the earthquake has not been determined, but I am sure that with the current technology, the magnitude of the earthquake can definitely be determined immediately. There is only one possibility to say it is uncertain.”

“That is, the earthquake has exceeded the magnitude 8. Internationally, after the magnitude 8 earthquake, the International Earthquake Rescue Organization can apply to enter the victim country. Now that the exchange meeting is being held in Beijing, the intervention of the international rescue force will inevitably attract us. Other national considerations, so … it is estimated that the ‘magnitude’ is currently being discussed!”

“If it exceeds level 8, it will not be very safe in the base, so…”

At the end, Father Yun couldn’t bear to say, “Wan Wan, you have a mental preparation.”

How did Yun Wan hang up, I forgot.

Zhou Ding and Xia Xia, she still selectively revealed a part of the information. After speaking, she understood the reason why Yun Wan was wrong, and Zhou Ding and Xia Xia stopped talking.

It’s hard to talk, and I don’t dare to comfort him at will.

“It’s okay, you guys go to sleep, I’ll watch TV for a while.”

“My dad said that there will definitely be a similar magnitude tonight, I’ll wait and see.”

“You leave me alone, let me…”

“Let me be quiet for a while.”

The last sentence was extraordinarily low-pitched, yet particularly weighty.

Everyone was gone, Yun Wan was in the heated room, draped with a thick blanket, squatting on the sofa with her knees tucked, waiting for the next earthquake news on TV, her eyes blank.

The hour hand moves to a point, and then further narrows the range to determine the epicenter.

At two o’clock, it was announced that the signal towers near the epicenter were all damaged in the earthquake, and the epicenter area was now officially declared lost.

At three o’clock, a magnitude of 7.9 was given, and Yun Wan buried her head in her knees in pain.

Father Yun had already anticipated that if he could not compete tonight, then by convention, from ancient times to the present, the magnitude of 7.9 should be used first. At least there is a saying, but if this number is used, it proves…

For the first time, Yun Wan would rather her father didn’t know so much than she herself.

At 3:30, it was broadcast for the last time in the middle of the night. It played a video of the earthquake in the area near the epicenter that could still be contacted. The sky was shaking in the video. Yun Wan saw the chandelier falling on the screen, the crowd fled in panic, and the glass shattered. cracking sound…

Realizing something, Yun Wan went to the Internet to search.

I found more and more real videos.

Seeing the house crashing to the ground, seeing the fleeing people being suppressed by the building, seeing the piercing cry of the survivors…

These videos are not blocked on social networks, on the contrary, more and more.

With his eyes open until four in the morning, Yun Wan endured and endured, picked up the phone and put it down, repeated several times, and finally opened the dialog box between himself and You Chenxing’s deputy, Xiao Jiu.

Yun Wan’s hand trembled as she typed, [Captain Zhuo]

Xiao Jiu, whose real name is Zhuo Han, serves as You Chenxing’s deputy.

[That, although it is very presumptuous, I still want to ask]

Yun Wan frowned, she held back her tears, [You Chenxing she…is the mission over? 】

[Can I ask, as her girlfriend]

Although very reluctant, Yun Wan still said with her remaining rationality, “If it can’t be done, then Captain Zhuo, please reply to me no matter what, and I can understand it.”

The message was answered very quickly.

[These sss-level tasks are confidential, Miss Yun, you…]

Xiao Jiu is also in trouble.

Finally, the next message said so.

[Let me make a report to our Bamboo Department, you have no relatives, let’s see what the above says]

Xiaojiu felt that, considering Professor Yun’s cooperation in the case, Yun Wan’s repeated cooperation, and Yun Wan’s identity as You Chenxing’s girlfriend, probably, maybe, maybe, the above will approve.

That night, Yun Wan slept on the sofa guarding the TV.

She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but she held the phone tightly in her hand.

The next day, when she woke up again, Zhou Ding had already left. Xia Xia came over to talk to her softly and asked her if she wanted to go to the guest room to sleep for a while. In a daze, Yun Wan shook her head.

Then Yun Wan looked at the phone.

You got news.

Open immediately.

It was not Xiao Jiu who replied, but Zhu Sui.

Not a single word of nonsense.

【Yes, Miss Yun】

[On this task, an emergency meeting was held at the 9th and 10th divisions in the middle of the night last night, and the National Security Bureau also held a relevant meeting today]

[Your request has been approved by the director, if you can promise not to disclose it, please call me]

Yun Wan immediately called Zhu Sui over.

The line is still busy at first, please wait. Before it rang twice, Zhu Sui hung up the call on her side and answered Yun Wan’s side.

The female alpha’s voice was neat and clear.

“The earthquake occurred during the mission, and the epicenter was very close to the location of the mission team before the loss of contact.”

“The earthquake damaged all signal towers, including military ones. At present, all 36 members of the three teams on the mission are in a state of missing contact. The National Security Bureau is trying to find a way to contact them. If there is any news about the next step, whether good or bad, I will Let you know as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Yun Wan was rather incoherent, “Thank you so much.”

Bamboo Sui understood her mood, comforted her with a few words, and hung up.

Yun Wan dazedly sat on the sofa for a while.

This morning, another unexpected call came in.

From Yu Xi.

“You didn’t break up with her before she left, did you?”

Omega asked, quite casually.

Yun Wan was stunned for a while, then subconsciously said, “No, we are still lovers, what news is there from you…”

Before she could finish speaking, the other party interrupted her thoughts and said, “How is it possible, the task of the National Security Bureau, where can I have news.”

Yun Wan suffocated.

“But since you are still lovers, I have something for you that I don’t know how to deal with.”

Yun Wan’s voice was fluttering, “What?”

“A bunch of keys.”

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