Beginning from an even chance to transcend the world and become a saint

Chapter 121: Natural Spirit Body, Ten Thousand Meters of Space!

"how come?"

"how come?"

"Isn't this what it should be?!!"

In Liu Zimo's sea of ​​consciousness space, Yao Lingling kept shaking his head. For a time, he thought he was dazzled, and the thoughts in his mind fluctuated continuously:

"This is a low-level world where psychic powers have just been born for less than four months!"

"The birth of an intelligent evolver in such a short period of time is incredible!"

"But now, what did this insect see?"

"The second intelligent evolver of the human race!!"

"Although he is an old man and it seems that he may not live long, he is an intellectual evolver after all!"

"Even if he only lives for a year or two, he can bring unimaginable and huge changes to the martial arts and technology of the human race!!"

"It's really...unreasonable!"

"Why are the humans in this world so lucky?"

"First, it was enough to give birth to a super pervert like Liu Zimo who was both spiritual and martial arts master. Now, two intellectual evolvers have been born directly!"

"You two!"

"In the entire Illusory Demon Realm, the human race has thousands of territories, and its population is no less than that of the Earth. However, over the past thousands of years, only three intellectual evolvers have been born!"

"It has never happened before that two intelligent evolvers appeared at the same time in the same era!"

"How virtuous and capable is this low-level world that it was able to produce two intellectual evolvers within a few months of the birth of spiritual energy?!!"

"Under such circumstances, can the Demon Lord's plan to enslave the entire earth and turn it into a breeding ground for the Phantom Demon Realm still be feasible?"

"Ahhh! I'm so annoyed!"

"There are so many perverts appearing one after another among the human race on earth. Can't the demon lord and the ancestors see it from above?"

"Why hasn't anyone come down to kill these perverts until now? By the way, I want to save this insect. I am the future king of the soul-eating insect clan. How can I be imprisoned here all the time?!!"


Compared to the anxiety and roar of the Soul-eating Insect, Liu Zimo's mood seemed particularly happy.

In addition to his brother-in-law, a second human race intellectual evolver also appeared!

Just like Yao Lingling complained just now.

Although this intellectual evolver is a bit older, he doesn't seem to have much of his life source left.

But as long as you are still alive and breathing, even if you can only hold on for a year or two, you can still make a great contribution to the martial arts and technological progress of the human race!

Moreover, the problem of short lifespan is actually not a big deal in this era.

As long as the country is willing and the whole country of Daxia is mobilized, it can always find something to extend the life of this old man.

If he adds martial arts training, even if he piles up resources, he can at least reach the Iron Bone Realm!

As for warriors in the Iron Bone Realm, no matter how bad they are, they can still extend their lifespan by twenty years. In this way, the problem of insufficient lifespan will be easily solved.

"Hey, isn't this...Professor Qi?"

"Mr. Qi, why are you here?"

At this time, Wu Songyang, who woke up from trance, saw a few more people suddenly appearing in the office. He was stunned for a moment, and then moved his eyes directly to the old man.

Qi Guochang, a professor of electrical engineering at Beiqing University, retired from illness three years ago to recuperate at home.

Because he had participated in and led a certain secret power experiment organized by the Military Staff Headquarters, he had met Wu Songyang several times.

Wu Songyang never expected that Liu Zimo would so suddenly "invite" Professor Qi, who had long been relegated to the second line.

"It's rare that General Staff Wu still knows this old man like me!"

Qi Guochang looked at Wu Songyang with a stiff tone and asked:

"I wonder why General Counsel Wu sent someone to 'invite' me here? But what military laws did my old man violate?"

"No, no! Mr. Qi has misunderstood. We definitely have no intention of embarrassing Mr. Qi!"

Wu Songyang's expression paused, and he quickly waved his hand to explain. At the same time, he turned to look at Liu Zimo with some confusion.

"Consultant Liu, Professor Qi, is he...?"

Liu Zimo nodded slightly and secretly sent a message to Wu Songyang:

"As General Staff Wu thought, Professor Qi and this kid have all been controlled by the soul-eating insects!"

While speaking, Liu Zimo also moved his thoughts slightly and directly locked the purple shadow on the child's head.


[Binding successful! Your good brother Tian Siyang is online and can currently be bound to objects (76/100)]

Very good, safe in pocket.

There is another "good brother" with saint-level potential!

On the opposite side, after hearing Liu Zimo's voice narration, the look on Wu Songyang's face changed slightly.

Sure enough it is so!

However, neither Professor Qi nor the three-year-old child in front of him seems to be an important person?

Why do soul-eating insects parasitize on their bodies for no reason?

Wu Songyang didn't quite understand.

He could somewhat understand that he, Hong Yuxun, or those pillars of the country who controlled the fate of the country would be targeted by the soul-eating insects.

But what value does Professor Qi, a professor of electrical engineering who has retired for many years, still have?

Now is the end of the world. All electricity and electrical equipment have been turned into scrap metal, and there is no hope of recovery.

Not to mention that Professor Qi has retired due to illness for many years, even if he is still young and strong, he is already a skilled cook without rice. His profound knowledge of electricity is completely useless!

In addition, the little baby next to him has just stopped breastfeeding for a few days. At first glance, he is an ordinary child from an ordinary family, even more ordinary.

What use can the soul-eating insect possess them?

Liu Zimo did not explain too much to Wu Songyang, after all, Qi Guochang's identity as an intellectual evolver is too sensitive.

If the soul-eating insect parasitic in his spiritual space detects abnormalities, it is hard to guarantee that it will not directly fight to the death and kill this intellectual evolver first!

Therefore, after confirming the identities of the two and that there are indeed soul-eating insects lurking in their sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Zimo's mind moved, and he no longer hesitated. He simply and roughly invaded his spiritual consciousness into the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness of the two.

The martial will protects the soul, and the spiritual consciousness explores, forcing the soul-eating insect parasitic inside to actively drill into his sea of ​​consciousness.

What Liu Zimo didn't expect was that.

This kid named Tian Siyang was not only born with a spiritual body, but also had an unusually wide initial space in his sea of ​​consciousness!

He was only in the spiritual realm, but he already had a sea of ​​consciousness space of more than 10,000 meters!

That is, he was too young now, and he had not practiced spiritual cultivation techniques such as [Yuanling Jue].

Otherwise, if his sea of ​​consciousness space expanded another three to five thousand meters, these soul-eating larvae would never occupy his sea of ​​consciousness space again!

Another rare spiritual cultivation genius!

Liu Zimo gathered his thoughts and continued to increase his control and oppression of Tian Siyang's sea of ​​consciousness.


The soul-eating insects hidden in the little guy's sea of ​​consciousness could not stand such stimulation.

In addition, the spiritual consciousness displayed by Liu Zimo was too tempting, and his spiritual cultivation realm was far superior to Tian Siyang.

So the little bug couldn't help but use his instinctive magical powers, turned into a stream of light, and took the initiative to drill into Liu Zimo's sea of ​​consciousness.

In contrast, the soul-eating insect on Liu Guochang's side persisted a little longer.

Perhaps it was because the reward for killing or capturing an intellectual evolver was too generous, so the soul-eating insect was not moved by the temptation in front of it.

But as time went by, seeing that Liu Zimo's spiritual consciousness and martial will never meant to leave Qi Guochang's spiritual space, it had been occupying the territory that originally belonged to it.

The soul-eating insect gradually began to become a little impatient and impatient, and with the anger in its heart, it decided to teach Liu Zimo an unforgettable lesson.


The spiritual net suddenly appeared, and the white and tender insect that was originally hidden suddenly appeared in the middle of the spiritual net.


Without any words, the little insect turned into a white light, easily penetrated the soul barrier that Liu Zimo blocked outside, and drilled directly into Liu Zimo's sea of ​​consciousness.

"It's done!"

Liu Zimo smiled, and his heart was finally at peace.

He quickly withdrew his spiritual consciousness that had invaded Qi Guochang's spiritual space, and his heart sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time,

In the sea of ​​consciousness, two newly arrived soul-eating insects were tentatively exploring the spiritual net, trying to take root and weave a net here, and quickly gain control of this sea of ​​consciousness.

This is the usual method used by their soul-eating insect race, and it has always been successful.

But now, in Liu Zimo's sea of ​​consciousness, their innate magical powers that specifically restrain spiritual cultivation seem to have lost their effectiveness all at once.

No matter how hard they try to explore the spiritual threads, they can never touch the boundary and bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Just when the two soul-eating insects were panicked, even fearful and desperate, a knife light transformed by martial arts arrived in an instant.


A cold light flashed, and the abdomen broke out.

The two soul-eating insects were completely dead in an instant, and their fat and white insect bodies quickly melted and decomposed, turning into strands of spiritual origin and merging into the sea of ​​consciousness below!

Liu Zimo slowly opened his eyes.

He saw that Hong Yuxun had also woken up and was paying close attention to him with Wu Songyang.

"The last two little bugs have been destroyed!" Liu Zimo said calmly: "Professor Qi has turned a disaster into a blessing. His sea of ​​consciousness has been opened up and he has been promoted to the spiritual essence. In the future, he will have some means of self-protection."

Spiritual cultivation, even if it is only the lowest level of the spiritual essence realm, can freely release one's spiritual power. Whether it is used to protect oneself or to fight against the enemy, it can have some unexpected effects.

If you study a few more mental illusions carefully, even if you encounter a level-one monster, you may not be able to escape calmly.

Wu Songyang nodded in understanding. After all, he himself opened up the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness and was promoted to the spiritual essence realm in one step. Naturally, he is very familiar with this process.

It must be said that although the soul-eating insects are terrible and difficult to defend.

But the spiritual net they spit out is a rare treasure, which has the magical effect of helping people open up the sea of ​​consciousness and increase their spiritual power.

It's just a pity that except for Consultant Liu, no one else can subdue them, and others can't use them at all!

"Hey, what's wrong with this kid...?"

Seeing Qi Guochang's mind in a state of concentration because of the opening of his sea of ​​consciousness, he was silent and sat cross-legged on the chair next to him, motionless, as if he was asleep.

The kid who came with Qi Guochang stood aside with a dazed look, without any intention of consolidating his concentration. Wu Songyang couldn't help but look at him more.

Did this kid fail to advance?

"This kid is born with spiritual cultivation, and he has already opened up his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness on his own."

Liu Zimo explained softly, saying:

"Although the web of the Soul Devouring Insect is also of great benefit to him, the improvement effect is far less significant than that of Professor Qi."

Wu Songyang and Hong Yuxun's eyes lit up at the same time, and they looked at Tian Siyang with burning eyes, which made the little guy blush.

"I didn't expect that this little kid is actually a little genius!"

Wu and Hong sighed in their hearts at the same time.

Sure enough, the Soul Devouring Insect would target him for a reason!

However, how should Professor Qi explain this?

Qi Guochang is neither good at martial arts nor has a good spiritual talent. He looks like an ordinary old man. Why does the Soul Devouring Insect want to parasitize on him?

"Feihong, Xiaoxiao, you two take this little brother out to play for a while!"

"Also, teach him to refine this spiritual crystal!"

Liu Zimo opened his mouth and sent the two little apprentices and Tian Siyang away.

Before leaving, he took a spiritual crystal and gave it to Xiao Feihong, asking her to watch Tian Siyang refine and fuse it.

Such spiritual cultivation seedlings must not be taken advantage of by the soul-eating insects and turned into puppets of the demon race.

Xiao Feihong bowed and accepted the order, and left with her junior sister and Tian Siyang.

Liu Zimo lowered his head and glanced at Qi Guochang who was still in meditation, and looked at Wu Songyang and Hong Yuxun.

"Is Chief Constable Wu still wondering why the soul-eating insects would target Professor Qi, who looks ordinary and old?"

Wu Songyang nodded directly and said, "I was just about to ask Consultant Liu for advice!"

"The reason is actually very simple." Liu Zimo didn't sell the official, and replied directly: "Because Professor Qi has awakened the talent of 'intelligent brain', he is an extremely rare intellectual evolver!"

Then, Liu Zimo told Wu Songyang and Hong Yuxun all the information he knew about intellectual evolvers.

After listening, the two big guys took a breath at the same time.

When he looked up at the frail Qi Guochang again, his eyes and expression changed, becoming more passionate and eager, as if he was looking at a rare national treasure!

Even though it is the end of the world, martial arts are respected in everything.

However, even Hong Yuxun, the future martial arts saint, never dared to underestimate the power of technology.

For Qi Guochang, an intellectual evolver who is similar to a nuclear weapons expert in peacetime, he is also extremely respected and valued!

In particular, when he heard Liu Zimo mention that intellectual evolvers also have great advantages in improving or creating martial arts techniques, his heart was even more excited.

Who wouldn't want such a high-end talent who can be called strategic or even national treasure?

"So, Chief Constable Wu, Mr. Hong, whether for Daxia or the entire human race on Earth, please be sure to protect the personal safety of Professor Qi!"

"His identity as an intellectual evolver must not be leaked! Otherwise, once the high-level monsters in the wild know about it, they will definitely rush in regardless of everything!"

Liu Zimo reminded Wu Songyang and Hong Yuxun in a serious tone.

The monsters' attitude of killing the human intellectual evolvers should never be underestimated.

If they really knew that there was an intellectual evolver in Shangjing City, an unprecedented beast tide and siege would definitely be inevitable.

"Don't worry, Advisor Liu, we know what to do!"

Wu Songyang nodded seriously and said firmly:

"From now on, Professor Qi Guochang's security level will be directly upgraded to the highest five-star level!"

"The inner guards of the personal guards will also give priority to warriors above the Golden Body Realm!"

"At the same time, the National Affairs Department will also build a secret underground laboratory specifically for Mr. Qi for his daily research."

"In addition, Mr. Hong." Wu Songyang turned his head to look at Hong Yuxun and said softly: "When choosing a location for the laboratory, we will give priority to the location close to the Yuxun Martial Arts Hall. I would like to trouble Mr. Hong to help take care of it when you are free in the future!"

"It is my duty!"

Hong Yuxun nodded and agreed without thinking.

This is related to the future of Shangjing and even the entire Daxia. If something unexpected really happens, Hong Yuxun will naturally not choose to stand idly by.

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