Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Hell Detective Appears

Phil Coulson kept smiling to Tony’s inquiring gaze.

As far as he knows, these energy guns were captured from HYDRA during World War II, using the energy of Tesseract.

So far S.H.I.E.L.D has not been able to restore this energy extraction technology.

“Anyway, thanks for your help, Phil Coulson agent.”

Tony stood up straight and reached out to Phil Coulson.

“Glad to help you, Mr. Stark.”

Phil Coulson smiled and held it.

“Just call me Tony.”

Tony nodded, approving the agent who looked good.

Several people returned to the living room.

Looking at Tony completely relaxed, Phil Coulson explained, “Tony, Sadako hasn’t been wiped out yet.”

“Before in S.H.I.E.L.D, I also eliminated a duplication of Sadako, but she will appear again soon.”

“All right.”

Tony sighed and said, “J.A.R.V.I.S, what is the result of the analysis, and what can eliminate the resentment.”

“Sir, some supernatural legends contradict themselves, so I have selected some general exorcism items.”

“The West has the cross, the salt, the light, the flame, the Bible…”

“There are spells in the east, light, flames, black dog blood, boy urine, blood on the tip of the tongue, oil pans…”

“Stop, boy pee?”

Tony’s face was a little weird: “This thing can also be?”

“Sir, this is the result of my search. The specific effect will only be known after using it.”

“But I was no longer a boy in middle school.” Tony shrugged and touched his chin. “I think light and flames can be tested, if Wraith is an energy field.”


“In the bathroom where Senator Prince died, Joker left a clue.”

“The original Sadako tapes were hidden in the places most people pass by in New York every day.”

Phil Coulson cautioned.

“Where the most people pass by every day.”

Tony repeated it in a low voice, frowning for a moment before his eyes lit up.

“J.A.R.V.I.S, bring up a map of the New York subway lines.”

“Okay, sir.”

A beam of light from a projector casts New York’s intricate and dense subway lines into the air.

Tony’s eyes swept across, drawing unnecessary lines from time to time.

After a few tens of seconds, point to a point where most lines pass.

“It’s here, New York Grand Central.”


New York’s Grand Central Station, crowded with people.

Everyone is in a hurry, heading for a different destination.

Noisy footsteps, conversations, crying… echoed in the subway.

But when the radio came on, those voices were muffled.

“Dear passengers, New York Grand Central Station needs to be closed for maintenance due to aging problems with certain components.”

“Passengers please forgive me and leave the station in an orderly manner from the nearest exit.”

The surging flow of people paused for a while, and various complaints came out, but they still dispersed, turning into small groups and heading for each exit.

“Wait another twenty minutes, and the passengers should be almost evacuated.”

In the monitoring room, Phil Coulson watched the footage from various cameras in the station.

“The Sombra summoned by Joker can travel through matter.”

“If he buried the Sadako tapes underground, it would be difficult for us to find where.”

Tony frowned.

Having dealt with Joker twice, he knows that Joker’s character is very bad and will not let them easily find the Sadako videotape.

“At the very least, a lot of casualties can be avoided. There are too many people passing by in New York Grand Central every day. If there is a problem here…”

Having said that, Phil Coulson shook his head.

“So we’d better fix it as soon as possible.”

Tony raised his eyebrows and fiddled with the equipment on his body, which was large and small in size.

These are all devices that can create flames or strong light, and even Pepper prepared a cross for him.

“Tony, you don’t really have to come and take the risk.”

“Just leave this to us, S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Phil Coulson advised.

This is his truth.

At the last weapons conference, hundreds of high-ranking officials or wealthy people watched Sadako’s video tape, and now these people are protected by the army or S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

There is no billionaire who chooses to fight himself like Tony.

“Joker is coming for me.”

“It is my responsibility to resolve this matter.”

Tony’s tone couldn’t be denied.

He may be an irresponsible playboy, but there is no shortage of men’s responsibilities.

Tony came even though Pepper asked him not to come.

“All right.”

Phil Coulson nodded politely.

Tony stopped talking, quietly waiting for the passengers at the station to leave.

Twenty minutes later.

Watching the surveillance screen become empty, Phil Coulson picked up the walkie-talkie: “Get started.”

“Wait, there’s another person over there.”

Tony pointed to one of the monitors.

On the screen, a black-haired man wearing a long black trench coat with a cigarette in his mouth walked leisurely at the empty station.

He even exhaled a puff of smoke in the direction of the camera.

Phil Coulson picked up the broadcast microphone in the monitoring room: “Sir, New York’s Grand Central Station is about to be closed for maintenance, please get out of the station as soon as possible.”

The black-haired man smiled slightly: “I think you are in trouble and will need my help.”

“How did his voice come from?” Tony raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Who are you?” Phil Coulson looked solemnly at the black-haired man on the screen, and the agent’s intuition told him that this was a troublesome guy.

The black-haired man held a cigarette in his left hand and exhaled a smoke ring: “John. Constantine, some people call Roar me a hell detective.”


PS: Has anyone seen it? I feel that the data is so miserable, and I feel uneasy. *

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