Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 258

Chapter 257 The King’S At10Dant

“What the hell is this?”

Jessica waved her fist and smashed the gangsters who came up.

But these people, as if not afraid of pain.

After being sent flying by Jessica, he quickly got up again and continued to attack with red eyes.


Phil Coulson, who was rescued by Jessica, stood next to her and shot.

But bullets are equally ineffective.

In addition to accurate headshots, bullets that hit other places will get stuck in the muscles, and have no effect on the gangsters in the state of madness.


Once again, the gangsters who were surrounded by gangsters flew away. Jessica looked at Cohen fiercely, “You disgusting guy, don’t get caught by me, or I will definitely break every bone in your body.”

“You still win first – they’ll talk about it.

Cohen opened his hand proudly.

This is power!

Compared with this powerful force, how about taking a little risk.

He willingly did so!

“Ha ha–”

Cohen’s laughter was wild and triumphant.

Jessica clenched her fists angrily and said to Phil Coulson, “You can’t go on like this, you have to catch this bastard, can you hold it by yourself?

“I’m OK!”

Phil Coulson nodded and shot the gangsters who had attacked him.

“Then be careful yourself!”

Jessica couldn’t care less.

Taking a deep breath, she flew out of the circle and punched Cohen.

“I said, don’t think you are strong…”

Cohen retreated to the side of the car and sang the ancient and mysterious dragon text again.

The King’s Servant!

This is the special word spirit that Cohen obtained after drinking the cologne serum.

After casting, he can strengthen the living body within a certain range, so that their physical strength increases sharply.

Although this strengthening cannot act on itself, it is still a very powerful Ability.

For example, now.

“Wang Wang-”

In the trunk of the car, the wolfhound Cohen had prepared for a long time roared wildly.

There are more than a dozen cars, and each car has four or five wolf dogs.

When they ripped open the car door and swarmed out after the strengthening, the scene was terrifying.

At least Jessica was frightened and her face turned pale.

“Avengers, aren’t you very powerful, keep attacking me.

Cohen stood in the middle of dozens of wolf dogs, laughing proudly.


Jessica’s expression was a little tangled when she looked at these wolf dogs, who were about the size of a calf and had bloodthirsty eyes.

Because of being bitten by a dog as a child.

She has been afraid of dogs since she was a child.

Not to mention these scary looking dogs.

“What should I do, what should I do…

Jessica was angry and anxious, and stood frozen in place with her fists clenched.

“So you’re afraid of dogs?”

Cohen seemed to have discovered a new continent, and his smile became more and more wanton.

“The old lady is not afraid!

Jessica retorted stubbornly.

“Oh, really?”

Cohen’s laughter was full of malice, “In that case, I’ll let them get close to you, come on!”


Dozens of ferocious and vicious dogs opened their bloody mouths and pounced on Jessica.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s shameful to be ashamed!

Jessica screamed like a collapse and flew to the sky carrying Phil Coulson.

“Ha ha.

Cohen licked his lips and glanced at the pedestrians hiding in the nearby buildings, “Avengers, if you dare to run, these people will suffer.


Jessica’s expression changed, and after hesitation for a few seconds, she made up her mind.

“I must teach you a scoundrel today!

Put Phil Coulson aside.

Jessica gritted her teeth and flew down, punching Cohen.


The nearby vicious dogs rushed over.

“Get away from me.

Jessica suppressed the fear in her heart and lifted a car on the roadside and threw it wildly.

Boom one by one

A car weighing several tons, combined with Jessica’s original strength, can be extremely lethal.

As long as these dogs that have been strengthened are touched a little, their mouths will be crooked, and if they are unfortunately hit, even their heads will be smashed.


Cohen’s face changed slightly.

Because Iron Man, Hulk, these powerful heroes are not in New York, he can act with confidence and boldness.

did not expect.

The rest of the guys are so strong.

“You can only withdraw first.”

Cohen wasn’t going to take his own life.

He has just obtained the special ability, and the days to come are still long, so it is not worth dying here.

··0 Flowers·

“Stop her! 35

Thinking of this, Cohen ordered the remaining gangsters and vicious dogs to stop Jessica, and hurried to the car.

“Want to run?

After overcoming the fear in her heart, Jessica is not afraid anymore.

Grabbing a dog, she sneered and smashed it.

“Go away!

Cohen quickly opened the door and started the car.

“Jessica, can’t let him run!” Phil Coulson shouted from a distance, firing his gun at the tires of the car.

“I definitely know.”

Jessica replied angrily, flying up and chasing after the car.

“Damn it!

Cold sweat broke out on Cohen’s forehead, and when he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, he quickly dialed the number left by Jin and the boss.

“Kean, I’m very disappointed in you!” On the other end of the phone, Jin Bing’s voice was cold and low.

“Boss Jin, give me another chance.”

Cohen Roar sucked, “I’m just a little bit, a little bit, close to grabbing Phil Coulson.”

“Hehe. 35

Jin Ting gave a low smile, “You never give people a second chance, but…

Keen was already in despair, but after hearing this sentence, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart, “Boss Jin Bing, I have been with you for so many years, please help me.”

“All right.”

On the other end of the phone, Jin Bing said lightly: “Actually, I already guessed that you would fail, so in your car, there is a higher-purity ancient dragon serum, drink it, you will gain the power to defeat the Avengers.

“Thank you Jinbing boss.”

Cohen thanked him repeatedly, and after Jin and hung up the phone, he opened the flip of the front seat of the car and found a potion that was flowing with colored light.

“It doesn’t seem to be the same as last time?”

There was a bit of suspicion in Cohen’s eyes.


Jessica caught up with the car and punched through the roof.

“Oh, maybe this is life!”

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Cohen drank the colorful potion without hesitation.


In an instant, Keen’s pale golden pupils turned into cold red gold, and dense blue-black scales grew on the surface of his skin.

Look up.

He looked at Jessica, and there was no trace of human emotion left, only endless bloodthirsty and greed.


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