Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 The Word Kun Tuheche


On the battlefield, Hulk, who had dealt with annoying flies, beat his exaggerated pectoral muscles proudly.

When it was born with consciousness, its mind is like a irritable and irritable bear child. Anyone who bullies it will return it ruthlessly.


Yelled again proudly.

Hulk chose a less dangerous direction to run wildly, ready to break away from the military encirclement.

Did not go!

On the houses on both sides of the street, dozens of special soldiers occupied the commanding heights, holding heavy machine guns to form a cross-intensive fire, suppressing Hulk.

There are also many snipers, armed with anti-material sniper rifles, using armor-piercing bullets that can easily shoot through armored vehicles, specializing in Roar Hulk’s eyes, crotch and other key points.

This style of play is not very harmful, but highly insulting.

Although Hulk wasn’t injured, he still jumped with pain, his anger rose visibly, and his body swelled again because of his anger.


The soldier who suppressed it with intensive firepower couldn’t stand it anymore, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, “Sir Bronsky, the firepower suppression is about to fail, please withdraw.”

“One more minute!”

On another vantage point, Bronsky was unmoved.

He also had an anti-material sniper rifle in his hand, but instead of aiming at Hulk, he aimed at another person on the battlefield.

“Deal with the weak first, and then concentrate on dealing with the monster Hulk.”

Looking at the blue-haired and blue-eyed Asian man in the scope, Bronsky sneered and aimed at his right leg, pulling the trigger brazenly.


The specially-made armor-piercing bullet and the latest anti-material sniper rifle, the two combined, the bullet’s velocity exceeded one kilometer per second.

Bronsky didn’t think the ordinary-looking Asian man could escape.


The expected screams and blood did not appear.

in the scope.

The Asian man with blue hair and blue eyes just said something with a smile, and took a step forward before the bullet was fired.

The armor-piercing projectile narrowly missed his leg without even touching his clothes.

“Warlocks, what they are best at, are always seeking good luck and avoiding evil.”

Bronski is a soldier who is proficient in many languages. He even taught himself lip language for a spy mission. With the mouth shape he just saw, he recited what the Asian man just said.

“But, what is a warlock?”

Bronsky looked blank.

Compared to Hulk, a monster that can resist bullets, the Asian man who calls himself a warlock has the ability to predict, which frightens him even more.

“Want to learn, I’ll teach you!”

The figure of Lu Cheng suddenly appeared, his eyes narrowed and he looked at Bronsky with a smile.

[From the exclamation point of Emile Bronsky +600]

“No matter who you are, die for me!!”

Seeing Lu Cheng suddenly appearing on the balcony, Bronski’s heart sank, and he pulled out Colt from his waist at a very fast speed, and shot the bullets in one breath.

“Useless struggle.”

Lu Cheng stepped forward on the auspicious position, and said lazily: “Xunzi – Fengjian.”

The voice just fell.

The tangible and intangible wind surrounded Lu Cheng, seemingly soft, but blocked all the incoming bullets one by one.

“You are a monster just like Hulk!!”

With a gloomy expression on his face, Bronsky suddenly pulled out the military dagger on the outside of his thigh, rolled on the ground, and stabbed the dagger with his backhand to Lu Cheng three ways.

“That’s too much.”

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows and stepped forward with his right foot.


[Zhuge Qing] In addition to being good at Wuhou Qimen, he is also proficient in Bajiquan. Lu Cheng’s kick was so powerful that he directly broke Bronski’s right hand holding the dagger.

Even after kicking off Bronsky’s right hand, he kicked his chest with unabated strength.

puff puff!

Bronsky spit out a large mouthful of blood, and before he could even let out a scream, he rolled down from the rooftop following his inertia.

The rooftop is six stories high.

After Bronsky fell, it was almost his last breath.

Lu Cheng took one look and looked away, turned and smiled at Hulk who was hammering the military soldier.

It can only be said that General Ross has no point in his heart.

Knowing that Hulk is extremely powerful and his defense is full, he has to send some ordinary soldiers to die.


Seeing that Lu Cheng was looking at it, Hulk didn’t know that the tendon was wrong, so he roared and roared a few times, abandoning the soldiers and turning around and rushing towards Lu Cheng.


Lu Cheng smiled.

Stepping to the left on the auspicious position of the word Kun, he raised his hand and said, “The word Kun – Tuhe Cha.”


The voice just fell.

The ground rolled, and an earth dragon made of mud and stone roared out, and under Hulk’s stunned eyes, it slammed down on it.

[Amazing value from Hulk +800]

[From Bruce. Banner’s amazing value +1000]

“Yo, the artifact of scoring points, one person has two exclamation points.”

Looking at Hulk buried in the stone, Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and the smile gradually became kinder.


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