Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The Fall From The H8 Of 10,000 Meters

“Tony, Stark!”

In the secret room in the center of the manor, Jin Pei stood in front of the huge amounts of one-way floor-to-ceiling windows, staring coldly at the constantly red figure.

To be honest, he used to have a good sense of Tony. Stark.

After all, the various weapons produced by the Stark Group are really easy to use, and the gangsters who have used them say they are good.

but now.

Seeing this disgusting face, Jin Bing had only cold murderous intent left in his heart.

“Evil view, we should withdraw.

Looking up at the helicopter in the sky, Kim knew that the movement here had caught the attention of the New York police and even S.H.I.E.L.D.

If he doesn’t withdraw, even if he has a deal with some New York big shots, he can easily be caught deadly.

“Why withdraw?”

The evil view sitting on top of the giant wolf’s head still looked sleepy and dazed, he hit a hat and said lazily: “Jun Ma Lu will win soon, you tell him to withdraw at this time, I can’t order it. verb: move.

Jin Bing was stunned for a moment, then frowned: “Isn’t he Jiuli’s intern? Why didn’t he accept your order?”

“I think you’ve got one thing wrong.”

Xie Jian rolled his eyes, “I’m just Sesshomaru-sama’s servant, my actual status is lower than Junma Lu, I paid a great price for him to come.

“Even… Junma Lu only promised to take action this time, so you should take this opportunity to kill your messy enemies instead of retreating.”5

Jin and heard the words fell silent.

After a while, he waved his hand and said, “Bullseye, I’ll leave it to you, the defenders only have one breath left, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to kill them.

Bullseye: (⊙⊙)


Inside the manor, explosions sounded constantly one after another.

The steel armor that Tony At the moment is wearing is the Mark III.

The steel armor of this model already has a fairly complete firepower system.

For example, Tony At the moment is using the mini six-barreled guns on his shoulders, constantly aiming and bombing Kimimaro.

Steel armor has its own aiming system.

Compared with the human eye, the intelligent program of J.A.R.V.I.S is more efficient. Even if Junmalu maintains a high-speed movement, it is difficult to escape its lock.

However, the bone vein can freely adjust the bone density.

The white bone armor on Junmarou’s body At the moment is extremely dense. Even if he was hit by a cannonball, Junmarou was not injured and continued to approach Tony with a blank expression.

Seeing this, Tony frowned and said, “J.A.R.V.I.S, analyze and scan this little kid’s Ability”々.

“Sir, after a preliminary scan, the bone density of the target is dozens of times that of ordinary people, and this value is still rising… It is recommended to keep a distance from the target and avoid close combat.

“Well, it looks like this is no ordinary little kid.”

Tony pouted, activated the jet, and flew into the air.

“Hey little brat, can you fly?”

Looking at Kim Maro who looked up at the sky, Tony smiled smugly and started his daily tactical mockery.


Facing the ridicule, the corners of Junma Lu’s mouth curved slightly, opening the second stage of the Earth’s Curse Seal.


The ground was sunken and cracked, and Junma Lu rose up into the sky.

Compared to just now, his At the moment appearance has undergone great changes.

Black curse marks covered his body, his skin was gray-brown, and a pair of bone wings grew on his back.

“Is it really possible to fly?!!”

Tony was caught off guard by Kunmaro’s move.

As he rose quickly, he raised his arms and fired the tiny missiles above.

“Bone Vein. The Dance of Wire Flowers!

Junma Lu silently strengthened the density of his bone armor, and the vertebrae behind him turned into long whips, throwing out a sharp afterimage.

kaka ———

Tony had never imagined that a human spine could stretch so long.


He was caught by the bone whip, and a series of sparks appeared from the steel armor he wore.

“J.A.R.V.I.S, report the damage to the Mark III.””

“Sir, the damage to the armor is 23%, the remaining energy is 79%, and the missile launcher on the left arm is damaged.

“Well, I underestimated this little brat.

Tony Roar let out a breath and ordered: “J.A.R.V.I.S, turn on the maximum power to fly upward, I don’t believe it, this little brat can survive in the stratosphere.”

“Okay, sir.””


Under the control of J.A.R.V.I.S, the power of the steel armor is turned on to the maximum.

Kunmaro, who wrapped the steel armor with a bone whip, was forcibly pulled up and flew up.


Seeing this scene, Bullseye, who had just come out of the secret room and was about to kill those seriously injured defenders, was stunned, and silently retreated back into the darkness.

Did not go.

Natasha Romanoff, who was helping Jessica and others with their injuries, blocked him with a cold face.

On the helicopter, Hawkeye also raised his bow and arrow to aim and lock.


Bullseye twitched the corner of his mouth, rolled on the spot, and quickly wiped his hand from his waist.


Suddenly, a dozen playing cards blocked Natasha Romanoff from all directions.

But Bullseye himself quickly moved in an S-shape and fled to the outside of the manor.

Still didn’t make it.

Hawkeye shot an arrow from the helicopter. Although the arrow missed the bullseye, it also stuck on the ground not far from his position.


The next moment, the arrow flashed red light, and a violent explosion occurred suddenly.

66. `shit!

Bullseye’s face turned black, and his body was blown away as long as he was able to protect his vitals.

“Hey, he’s not dead yet.”

Standing in the distance, Natasha Romanoff fired two shots into Bullseye’s thigh, saw his body shake slightly, and threw another shock bomb, knocking him out.

“Take him back for interrogation.”

Waving to the few remaining agents to lift the bullseye away, Natasha Romanoff looked up at the sky and muttered to himself, “I don’t know, what happened to Tony?”

Ah ah —

High in the sky, the frantic screams scared away a group of passing geese.

The one who screamed was not Kunmaro, but Tony.

Tony was going to use the high-altitude low temperature and hypoxia environment to deal with Junmarou.

But just after flying halfway, his power system was damaged by Junmalu’s bone spurs, and now the whole person is falling rapidly.


Feeling the rapidly falling (good, good) body, Tony screamed and flew to hug Junmarou next to him tightly.


Jun Malu frowned, dozens of ferocious bone spurs appeared in his chest.

“Sir, the damage to the armor is 37%, it is recommended to get off the target as soon as possible.

“J.A.R.V.I.S, I must give you an upgrade when I go back. 99

Tony rolled his eyes and hugged tighter.


Junmarou repeated it with a cold face.

“If you don’t loose it, you won’t loose it if you kill it.”9

Tony shook his head wildly.

If he let go, he would definitely fall into meat sauce.

“It’s not loose, is it?”

Junma Lu snorted coldly, “Bone Vein. Tang Song’s Dance.”5


There were dense bone spurs on Junmalu’s body, and even though Tony was holding on tightly, these bone spurs pushed him away.

“Damn—it’s all over!”

Feeling the body falling rapidly again, Tony closed his eyes with tears in his eyes.

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