Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: A Big Lie


Matt looked surprised.

Because the master Gunsou is a native of Longguo, he is very familiar with the culture of Longguo.

Shushan Jianxian is a myth and legend of the Dragon Kingdom. Does it really exist?

[Extreme value +200 from Matt Murdoch]

[Lu XiaoFeng] squinted his eyes, showing a solemn expression, and then flickered.

“In Shushan’s demon lock tower, many demons are sealed.”

“Xueyihou was bewitched by the Gorefiend locked inside and helped the Gorefiend escape from the Lock Demon Tower.”

“As his friend, I can’t let him fall like this, and I came to New York on purpose to stop him.”

Matt digested the information in silence, and said after a while: “I overheard the blood-robed Hou instructing Mrs. Gao to capture a group of vampires as sacrifices. Could it be related to this blood demon?”

[Lu XiaoFeng] nodded solemnly: “I heard from the elders that the Gorefiend is the source of Western vampires and possesses extremely powerful power.”

“During an invasion of the Dragon Kingdom, the Gorefiend was defeated by the immortals of our Shushan Mountain and sealed in the Demon Lock Tower.”

“Although the Gorefiend escaped from the Demon Locking Tower this time, there are only remnants left. Bai Yifei captured the vampire as a sacrifice. He probably wanted to resurrect the Gorefiend through some ritual.”

“At that time, the newly resurrected Gorefiend will probably suck human blood in New York in order to quickly regain its strength.”

[Extreme value +300 from Matt Murkdo]

Matt frowned. “We have to stop him.”

“Your wound has been bleeding.”

“Let’s treat your wound first.”

[Lu Xiaofeng] shook his head.


“Fudge Daredevil.”

Lu Cheng, who was remotely controlling the duplication [Lu Xiaofeng], regained his consciousness with a smile on his face.

After discovering that cards could be incorporated into shadow duplication, he tried it out.

After experiments, he found that due to the power of the card, the shadow duplication became like a real person, and only disappeared after death.

Moreover, he can remotely control the actions of the shadow duplication by virtue of the card connection, and can retrieve the shadow duplication card or give the shadow duplication new cards at any time.

“Things are getting better and better.”

“Just let me tell a big lie and make the whole world dance for it.”

Lu Cheng touched his chin, his eyes bright.

Everything he said to Daredevil before was made up by him.

Shushan is now [Lu Xiaofeng] a single seedling.

The Gorefiend was even more invisible, and he was going to let Yuya Chengyan use the blood dragon’s eye to pretend.

But that’s okay.

As long as he keeps harvesting exclamation points, he can draw other powerful cards to gradually enrich Shushan and even other mysterious organizations.

“Next, let’s warm up the big play first.”

After arranging the plan in his mind, after confirming that there was no problem, Lu Cheng sank and observed the situation on the duplication [blood clothes] side.


a few days later.

A luxury estate on the outskirts of New York.

Two vampires covered in special black robes were holding submachine guns and complaining.

“We’re really unlucky. There was a blood spree today, but it was our turn to be on duty.”

“Who said it wasn’t, I drank plasma for almost a month, and I forgot what the fresh blood in the tender neck tastes like.”

“Hey, I’m luckier than you. Met a little girl the other day, and the fresh blood and screams were so delicious.”

As he spoke, the vampire had a very intoxicated expression on his face.

But the next moment, a silver dagger was inserted into its chest.


The vampire who was about to scream was gagged by a hand ninja and turned to ashes in despair.

Not far away, looking at the situation of the manor, [Xueyi Hou] looked indifferent: “Start the attack.”

Mrs. Gao and others nodded, and rushed into the manor as well.

Inside the manor.

Melodious music reverberates in the luxurious ballroom.

The gentlemen in suits and leather shoes held bright red glasses and toasted each other.

“Ladies and gentlemen.”

“Today is the monthly blood spree, let’s enjoy it.”

Baron Anhalt stood in the center of the stage and clapped his hands lightly.

More than a dozen black-haired girls with frightened expressions were escorted up.

“I like these Oriental girls.”

“Their blood is sweet and delicious, unlike those white girls of the same age, who have an unbearable stench in their blood.”

“Who said it wasn’t.”

The vampire on the side was discussing excitedly, with a red light of hunger in his eyes.

“let us…”

Seeing the vampires all around showing their sharp fangs, Baron Anhalt raised his hand.

But before he could finish.

With a loud bang, Madam Gao and the others kicked open the door and rushed in.

“Mrs. Gao?”

Baron Anhalt looked startled, and his face became cold after seeing the person who rushed in. “You guys don’t want to stay in New York anymore?”

“Keep the pure-blooded vampires, and kill the rest.”

[Blood Clothes] Walking at the end, looking at more than a dozen girls who looked like people from the Dragon Kingdom, their expressions became more and more cold.

“You are courting death.”

Baron Anhalt showed his four sharp fangs and rushed towards Xue Yi Hou quickly.


Mrs. Gao smashed it away with a palm, with a gloomy smile on her face.

“Just let my wife come to play with you.”*

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