Behind The Scenes From Konoha

Chapter 807:

That thing itself is also a kind of star, but it is super large, far exceeding the mass and volume of the sun.

In addition, the reaction speed of blue giant stars is also very fast, and the average lifespan is only a few million years to tens of millions of years, far less than the lifespan of stars like the sun, which are tens of billions of years.

But millions and tens of millions of years are enough for them. When the blue giant star's lifespan ends, they will definitely be able to think of a way to extend the lifespan of that thing.

It's even a big deal to replace one, or rebuild one.

"A bit far!"

Madara Uchiha knew which star Shimura Genting was talking about, and he also got a memory of Otsutsuki Mochi and others, and knew the existence of blue giant stars.

But the closest blue giant star to them is thousands of light-years away. Whether it is to get that blue giant star across thousands of light-years, or they get the solar system over, it is a huge project.

"Such a large space gate is really difficult to handle, but we can use the force field of the Zhoutian Planetary Array to distort the space and speed up the flight. It will take about a hundred years to fly, and we can also collect other planets and stars along the way. Preparing for the Zhoutian stellar array."

Shimura Xuanding naturally knew that it was unrealistic to use the space teleportation array directly, but relatively speaking, it was much simpler to distort the space to accelerate the flight.

It can fly over a hundred years at most, and other stars and planets can be collected in the process.

It sounds incredible, but this aspect has long been brainstormed.

The famous sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth in the previous life is an example. Although it was just a sci-fi movie, it was indeed very grand.

Changing the brain hole habits of Europeans and Americans, at most, a spaceship will be built to take a small number of people to escape the earth, but the great man in China directly turned the earth into a spaceship and roamed the universe.

Others are the wandering earth, and his side is the wandering solar system.

Today, the entire solar system has been gathered into a whole by him with the Zhoutian Planetary Array, which has the basis to promote the flying and wandering, and the speed is slower at most.

This is a 100-year plan!

"You have an idea!"

Without further ado, Madara Uchiha turned and left, preparing for a wave of penance, and then breaking through to the fifth level of the universe with the help of the Zhoutian Planetary Array.

The last time I had a fight with that kid, I was always suppressed in the downwind, and my face was swollen.

I must double it next time!

With the release of Shimura Xuanding's Centennial Plan, the entire Wanxing Empire is running at full capacity, twisting space with the powerful force field of the Zhoutian Planetary Array, pushing the solar system to fly fast, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

This is the advantage of the cosmic starry sky. There is no atmospheric resistance. As long as the gravitational waves of those stars are avoided, the inertia formed alone can keep flying.

At the same time, it has the protective force field of the Zhoutian Planetary Array, which can not only isolate the impact of fast flight, but also allow the interior of the Wanxing Empire to develop as usual.

It can also use the protective force field to defend against the stars and planets on the way to capture, all of which are adsorbed on the periphery of the protective force field, waiting to enter the range of the blue giant star, which can be used as the foundation to shape the Zhoutian stellar array.

A hundred years may indeed be a long time for ordinary people in the past, and it is even difficult for most people to live beyond a hundred years.

But with the popularization of the Xianyuanli cultivation system, as long as they are diligent enough, everyone can gain hundreds of years of lifespan through cultivation.

This aspect also helped increase the rate of population growth, and even the Wanxing Empire had to temporarily suspend the birth of its citizens.

There is no way, the current population can double or double every year, and the 360 ​​Zhoutian planets that were originally empty are all occupied, and even the moons around the planets are full.

This is not over yet. The Wanxing Empire has also used the substances on the planets on the way to shape countless spaceships, and they are also full of people.

It's really overcrowded!

When it was about to reach the blue giant star, the interior of the solar system was already full.

In the past 100 years, the Wanxing Empire has not let go of the research and development of technology, especially the black technology system that combines the power of Xianyuan, and all kinds of crazy black technology emerge in an endless stream.

And all of this is preparing for a possible war and shaping the Zhoutian stellar array.

After arriving at the blue giant star system, the Wanxing Empire transformed a strong repulsion force through the solar system's Zhoutian planetary array force field, slowly decelerating the fast-flying solar system, and finally integrated into the blue giant star system.

Then, countless spaceships ready to go set off, and use the stars and planets collected on the way to shape other Zhoutian planetary arrays to prepare for the next stage of the Zhoutian star array.

Everything has been deduced many times, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and various resources have been utilized to the limit.

[492. Chapter 491 Otsutsuki Ghost Hand]

"Old man, they are really wrong!"

Standing in a spaceship, Black Earth stared at the blue stars in the distance, and couldn't help thinking of the stubborn grandfather.

At that time, grandfather Onogi and others insisted on sticking to the ninja way and did not want to submit to the Shimura family and the Wanxing Empire.

Facts have proved that the insistence of Grandpa and others was wrong, a big mistake.

The ninja world itself is a tragedy. It is doomed from birth, and the Shimura family and the Wanxing Empire are the real future of mankind.

Over the past hundred years, she has witnessed the development and growth of the Wanxing Empire and the Shimura family. The terrifying technologies that are capable of destroying planets and even stars make her terrified.

Even now, it can lead the entire solar system to span thousands of light-years of starry sky. All kinds of actions were impossible in the past.

The Shimura family took the Wanxing Empire to develop to this point in just over a hundred years, while the ninja world has been developed for thousands of years, still like a bird.

Even if it wasn't for the last Shimura family to come out with some despised secret techniques, the ninja world would not have made any progress at all.

Facts have proved that ninjas are the cancer of mankind and must be eliminated.

"He's just that temperament, unrepentant, as hard as a stone in a quarry. He changed once before he died, but he was persuaded by people using illusions."

Loess also firmly believes that his father and the others are wrong, but he is also a little sad about the death of his father and others. The ending is really too shameful.

The entire ninja world is the chess material for the Six Paths Immortals. Everyone lives in a huge scam, and the end is already doomed.

"Ninjas are too dark, and they are indeed not suitable for our human race."

Bai Tu sighed, the limitations of the ninja are too great, and they have narrowed the way.

In the development of human civilization, there is simply no place for that shadowy role.

Ninja monks and ninja warriors are already at their limit, but unfortunately those old people didn't listen to advice and just took everyone to a dead end.

Although it is mainly due to the influence of the Six Path Immortals through Chakra, there are also those who are greedy for power.

They are all roles that would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

"Let the past be in the past, we need to look forward."

Yuguan, who has a big belly, is more optimistic, perhaps because he has experienced a lot of things, and he sees many things very lightly.

"Mr. Yuguan, you are at least quadruplets this time!"

Bai Tu turned his gaze to Yuguan's big belly, and was curious about the number of babies inside.

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