Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Tick

Chapter 160 Tick

The three people ordered a lot of skewers, not to mention beef skewers and mutton skewers, a dozen oysters, and a dozen or two lamb kidneys, which was specially ordered by Xiaowen for Liu Qing.

I ordered more than a dozen kinds of meat, and I also ordered a lot of enoki mushrooms, leeks, eggplants, etc. for vegetarian ones.

Xiaowen was very arrogant when she treated a guest for the first time. She didn’t even bother to think about how much those things were worth. Anyway, she thought it was delicious and just ordered it.

She wanted to order a case of beer arrogantly, but was stopped by Liu Qing and Ye Wanrong.

Ye Wanrong still has to drive and cannot drink.

Liu Qing found out that his alcohol intake was very light, and he was afraid that he would accidentally say everything about his rebirth after drinking too much, and he didn’t want to drink alcohol.

In the end, Xiaowen could only order two bottles of cold beer, and then ordered a can of Wanglaoji for Liu Qing and Ye Wanrong each.

There are so many barbecues, it is not so easy to come over.

The vegetarian dishes such as chives, shiitake mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms came up first, and they started eating as soon as they were served.

There are not too many people eating barbecue here, there are twenty or thirty people, who are divided into ten tables.

Some eat quite quietly, two people at a table, obviously couples, all talking in a low voice.

Some of them were very noisy. Two tables were put together, and seven or eight people were sitting around them. The loud noise caused a side-eye.

Liu Qing, a man and two girls having dinner together, looked a bit like a family of three, and did not attract too much attention.

The most beautiful thing is that Ye Wanrong will be seen by more people.

But only because she is beautiful, not because of the combination of two women and one man.

It can only be said that under the night, the three of them together look like a family of three.

Barbecue, especially roadside barbecue, is really not very reassuring, and no one knows what the ingredients are.

Maybe they are all real and fresh.

May be the ingredients that have gone bad, maybe replaced with other ingredients.

Anyway, if you sprinkle peppers, cumin, etc., it will be hard to eat if it spoils.

Of course, there are not many people doing this. Most people have a certain fear of the law, and they don’t think so much about eating bad people in order to make more money.

——The profit of selling barbecue is quite high. As long as it can be sold, it is all money. There is no need to lose the big because of the small.

Especially this kind of stall that is fixed in this place every day.

The barbecues they ordered came up one after another, and they didn’t feel any peculiar smell after eating them.

In Yangcheng these few days, the food was pretty good, but most of them were bland. For Liu Qing and Xiaowen, who were used to heavy tastes, it was unacceptable.

It is also for this reason that Xiaowen thought of eating a delicious meal to satisfy her cravings when she saw a barbecue stall on the side of the road.

——In terms of taste, Liu Qing and Xiaowen, who were born from the poor, have a relatively large resonance.

Ye Wanrong doesn’t reject these either, but in general, for health reasons, he won’t eat this.

It’s okay to eat occasionally.

While eating, we chatted about what to eat and what to eat.

I have eaten a lot of good things in Yangcheng these days.

However, what brought Xiaowen even greater happiness were the special snacks from roadside stalls that the three of them ate when they checked in and played in various scenic spots in Yangcheng.

When Ding Yun took them, the food was more expensive and the ingredients were more high-end, but she didn’t feel it was so delicious, at most she just satisfied her vanity – I have eaten such expensive ingredients.

The snacks at roadside stalls are much cheaper, but they satisfy her taste buds.

Liu Qing couldn’t help laughing: “I’m still poor, I don’t know how to taste food, and I still rely on the stimulation of taste buds brought by various seasonings, rather than the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves.”

“Do you already know how to taste food?” Xiaowen asked rhetorically.

“I have slowly accepted it.” Liu Qing said.

Although the taste still tends to be heavy, but I can gradually feel the original taste, which is an improvement.

Xiaowen thought for a while and said, “Then I have to change my taste, watch more food videos in the future, and learn to cook some dishes with less heavy taste.”

She still has some talents in cooking. Although she has no professional training, she has a strong interest in these things, and she likes to study. The food she makes is quite good, at least it can satisfy Liu Qing’s taste buds.

If there is any disadvantage, it is that the recipes are not wide enough due to eating habits.

Now she wants to learn more cooking methods, of course Liu Qing agrees.

He even suggested Xiaowen to learn to cook for a while.

But this proposal was rejected by Xiaowen:

“You want to kill me? Although I am relatively free at work now, I am still studying accounting, and I have to learn to make short videos. I have to cook and do housework for you when I get home. Where can I learn to cook?”

Ye Wanrong helped: “Yes, our Xiaowen has worked very hard. Boss, you can’t squeeze her like this.”

“Well then, I won’t let Xiaowen do the housework in the future,” Liu Qing remonstrated, “I’ll ask you, Miss Ye!”

Ye Wanrong smiled and said: “No problem, as long as the boss pays another salary for housework.”

Liu Qing looked at Ye Wanrong, then at Xiaowen, and couldn’t help but sigh, “Why is the gap between this person so big?”

While eating barbecue, we chatted about these things, and I felt quite happy.

I’m not in a hurry to go back anyway, I just eat here slowly.

The barbecue I ordered at the beginning was almost finished, and Xiaowen went over to order a bunch more.

Then he added another bottle of beer, and another can of Wanglaoji to Liu Qing and Ye Wanrong.

In the small square tens of meters away, there used to be a group of aunts dancing square dance there, but after nine o’clock, they dispersed.

——Some square dance aunts can fight until midnight, but most of them go back at this point.

Chatting and chatting, Liu Qing suddenly felt that the background music had become smaller, and glanced over, the aunts who danced in the small square were no longer there, and there was a girl playing and singing there holding a guitar.

There were a few people around her, some were listening to songs, some were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and I didn’t know if they were taking pictures or videos.

The    is a little far apart, and the sound is quite small, even a little intermittent.

“Tick tick tick tick,

Would you still care about him?

tick tick tick tick,

A few tears have fallen…”

The    singing voice, as well as the guitar sound, were pushed over by the slight evening wind, which inexplicably added some artistic conception.

Liu Qing listened carefully and said, “It sings very nicely.”

He doesn’t know how to appreciate music, what is singing and what is skill.

I just think this song is very nice and very touching.

Ye Wanrong also listened to it for a while, then nodded and said, “It’s really nice.”

Xiaowen looked at Liu Qing: “It’s a showman, you are a big boss now, it sounds good, why don’t you go and give it a reward?”

Thanks for the reward of three glasses of rice wine

(end of this chapter)

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