Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: I’M Not Afraid Of Being Squeezed

Chapter 167 I’m not afraid of being squeezed

The community where Qin Kun lives is not as high-end as the Hongjing Garden where Liu Qing lives, and it is a rather dilapidated community.

There is no underground parking lot here. At night, all the parking spaces on the ground are full of cars. Qin Kun also specifically told Liu Qing to stop when you can find a place to park outside. Don’t think about driving the car. Parking in the community is basically an impossible task at this point in time.

There is also a property company in this community, but it’s nothing.

The car was parked outside, and several people entered the community, but no one asked at all.

The side door of the community is open. Liu Qing wanted to be an excellent visitor and took the initiative to register.

But I looked for it, but I didn’t see the security guard at the gate, only the gate was there.

couldn’t help but sigh: “I should have come to work in the property here before, how much freedom does this have?”

There are dozens of buildings in this community. The density of buildings is relatively high, and the construction time is different. Some have already installed elevators, and some have not yet installed elevators.

The    is quite big, and there is a supermarket and some shops inside.

The roadside is indeed full of cars, leaving only the width that one car can pass through.

Qin Kun’s house is not bad, the construction time is not so early, the floor is relatively high, and the elevator is installed.

Finally found that building and took the elevator up.

There are also two residents of this building who take the elevator together.

Whenever there is light, Mo Xiaodie keeps her head down, especially in the elevator.

She didn’t want anyone to see the horrible pimples on her face.

But in the airtight space of the elevator, she was able to hide the terrible acne on her face, but she couldn’t hide the odor on her body.

The two residents of this building who were in the same elevator had expressions of disgust on their faces and covered their noses.

Mo Xiaodie lowered her head even lower.

The two residents got out of the elevator first. After getting out of the elevator, the elevator door hadn’t been closed, so they spoke there:

“Why are there still such dirty girls now?”

“Did she go into the cesspool?”

Xiaowen was so angry that her fists were clenched, and she was about to scold when she opened her mouth. Liu Qing touched her and motioned her not to make a sound.

Really want to quarrel, and it is Mo Xiaodie who is embarrassed.

When we arrived at Qin Kun’s first floor, the elevator door opened and three people came out.

I feel that the air outside is much fresher.

found Qin Kun’s house number, knocked on the door, and after half a minute, Qin Kun came out to open the door and said apologetically:

“Still cleaning up the room.”

Liu Qing said: “Let’s help you clean up together.”

Qin Kun is a lame man with inconvenient legs and feet, and it is not easy for him to pack up alone.

With a few more people helping to clean up, it won’t take too long.

Qin Kun did not refuse, he smiled and said, “That’s fine.”

looked at Mo Xiaodie, went back to the room and took out another bag of clothes, and said to her:

“You don’t need that outfit now. Take a shower and change to this one. I don’t know if it fits, so you put it on first. I’ll take you to the hospital tomorrow, and it’s better to dress cleanly.”

“Thank you.” Mo Xiaodie took the clothes and bowed again in thanks.

She can refuse anything else, but she can’t refuse this.

She knew that the clothes on her body were too dirty, and she also knew that her body was too dirty.

Need to take a shower and change into clean clothes.

Because this is not only the torture she has to endure, but also the people around her.

The bathroom has a shower, so you don’t have to worry about it being clean.

Qin Kun also brought her a new towel.

On the vanity table outside, toothpaste and toothbrushes are also ready.

That’s all    can do.

Liu Qing helped Qin Kun to clear a room, put down a folding bed, and turned it into a temporary bedroom.

At this time, Mo Xiaodie also came out of the shower and put on new clothes.

Fits pretty well.

Qin Kun’s vision is quite accurate, and the clothes he chooses are more suitable for Mo Xiaodie’s body shape.

The clothes she wore before were no longer necessary, and were put into a plastic bag, which was tied up.

When Liu Qing and the others left, they picked up the plastic bag and said to Mo Xiaodie:

“Tomorrow, you will follow our President Qin to the hospital. You don’t need to worry about how much the treatment will cost. You can treat it how you want, and treat it how it works. Our company will pay for the money. Well, when you are healthy, come out and make money for us.”

After they left, Qin Kun smiled and said to Mo Xiaodie:

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Although our boss is a capitalist, he is not that kind of black-hearted capitalist – at least not yet. You don’t have to worry about how it will be squeezed.”

Mo Xiaodie whispered: “I’m not afraid of being squeezed, I’m just worried about not being able to repay him.”

“The rest of your life is very long, and there is time to pay back slowly.” Qin Kun said, “You have to have confidence in yourself, your singing is very contagious, and you will succeed.”

He knew what the girl was thinking, and said with a smile:

“You don’t need to have too much moral pressure. This is a purely commercial transaction. We have seen your potential and are willing to train you. Treating your diseases is also part of this training, although there are It may cost hundreds of thousands, but your foundation is so good that you save more training costs, which is still cost-effective for the company.”

Mo Xiaodie hummed.

has already accepted such a deal, so cooperate well.

In the future, I can only work hard to improve myself to repay the grace of re-creation.

Qin Kun said with emotion: “You don’t want to complain too much, this fate has given you a lot of hardships, but these hardships will also make your life deeper and let you give others a better understanding of the meaning of life. For a literary and artistic worker, this can be considered a huge wealth. If you don’t die, you will have future blessings. After this ordeal, you will definitely shine.”

“I know,” Mo Xiaodie said, “I didn’t complain, I’m very grateful.”

Qin Kun told her about the contract again:

“Our company usually signs a contract for two or three years, but you are a special case, because you have to bear the cost of treating lupus erythematosus. You should also know that at your current level, the treatment cost will not be less than a few 100,000, the cost of our company will be relatively high, and the recovery time will be longer, so we will not sign with you for two or three years, and it will take at least five years, can you accept this?”

A dying person has finally come to a rescuer, but he only needs to sign a contract for five years, of course it is impossible to refuse.

Mo Xiaodie said: “I can accept it, and I can accept it in ten years – as long as you think I still have value.”

Qin Kun said: “Well, since you said so, I will be a black-hearted capitalist once again. Ten years is too long, let’s sign for eight years. Now the minimum salary is set at 3,000 yuan per month-guaranteed minimum salary. This part is not static, and it will increase with the increase in prices in the future. All of the company’s contracted anchors are at the same level. As for the live broadcast revenue and advertising revenue, you will share with the company 37%, you 3, the company 7, you have an opinion No?”

This kind of attitude in business talks, on the contrary, makes Mo Xiaodie less stressed, and makes her feel that she really has commercial value, rather than accepting charity.

She nodded: “I have no opinion.”

“Then I will ask someone to make a contract for you tomorrow. You can just sign it, and you can get your salary next month.” Qin Kun said with a smile.

(end of this chapter)

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