Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Accumulate Blessings For Future Generations

Chapter 175 Accumulate blessings for future generations

Liu Qing has always been concerned about Mo Xiaodie’s affairs, but he didn’t interfere too much.

In the field of new media operations, he is not as good as Qin Kun, but a pure layman.

The only advantage of    is that he has more memories of the next two years and knows the general trend of the public opinion field.

That is, things that are maliciously hyped cannot be done, and positive energy must be maintained.

If you want the company to last longer, it must be like that.

After Mo Xiaodie became popular, some e-commerce companies came to Tianyuan Media. I hope that while the popularity is still there, Qin Kun can bring a health care product with the theme of health. It is best to invite Mo Xiaodie. Fluttershy shows up.

As long as Mo Xiaodie appears in the live broadcast room, the e-commerce company is willing to pay an additional 100,000 yuan in addition to the normal commission.

Frankly speaking, Qin Kun has some heartbeats.

But when I mentioned this to Liu Qing, Liu Qing rejected it without hesitation:

“I will say two requirements. The first is that Xiaodie should not be allowed to bring the goods at any time. Even if she is healthy, she cannot be allowed to bring the goods. She was reborn in the goodwill of this society, so You can’t betray that kindness.”

“Second, don’t bring those health care products at any time. Those are all IQ taxes, and there are pits everywhere. We can’t step in that pit.”

Health care products are very profitable, and the profit of bringing that thing is quite high, but if you are not careful, you will step into the pit.

Selling sugar water as bird’s nest, selling things that cost a few cents for dozens of yuan, and keep saying that it is for the benefit of the family. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the live broadcast delivery circle.

Routines are all that kind of routines. Before the live broadcast, the e-commerce companies are also like this routine. First, they charge an astonishingly high price, and then they discount it. After the discount, people will make a lot of money.

Before the Internet, such a routine also existed.

There is not much to say about this.

Liu Qing hates those health foods, mainly because of the word health.

It’s fine if you play business tricks to make some money, but you have to lie and say that this thing can bring health to others, and people come to buy health. The evil is too great.

Whether it is health food or health equipment, in Liu Qing’s view, it is all things that seek money and kill people. It is not only the scope of harvesting IQ tax, it can kill people.

——The illness that should have gone to the hospital, I believe that eating those health foods can be cured, or using health equipment can be cured, but the illness is delayed, isn’t that a murder?

In the past, Tianyuan Media did not have such a channel, and he did not pay attention. Now, when he heard that Qin Kun wanted to cooperate with e-commerce to bring such goods, he refused without thinking.

The first one he didn’t want to do that kind of black conscience.

Second, he doesn’t want to get involved in a lawsuit either.

Qin Kun was silent for a while before asking him: “Boss, do you want to give me the 15% of the company’s shares, so that I will lose our bet, so you have to push away the opportunity for the company to make money? ?”

Liu Qing said gloomily: “I charged 5 million bean coins to help you make PK traffic, and I brought a group of second-generation to support you. I also paid for the medical expenses for Xiaodie personally, and did not take the company’s account. Do you think I did those things to make you lose the bet? Now that the company has already received such a large amount of traffic, you are still worried that you won’t be able to win the bet, then I really have to doubt your ability.”

Qin Kun laughed: “Boss, you are right, I am too greedy.”

Liu Qing couldn’t help but say: “Old Qin, I have no doubts about your personal business ability, but I still want to say that some money we can make, and some money we really can’t make. Remediation, our bottom line is higher than others, and we go further, isn’t that better?”

“Boss, you are right, I am superficial.” Qin Kunyan said insincerely.

But I thought in my heart: “You will take over a company as big as Tianyuan Group in the future. It doesn’t matter to you whether the company makes money or not. Of course you can make cheap words like this. But my future will point to this company. The company, whether it makes money or not is too important to me.”

But there is nothing wrong with what Liu Qing said.

The incident of   Mo Xiaodie brought huge traffic to Tianyuan Media. A little-known new media company suddenly appeared in front of the public, and it appeared in a positive way.

This is an asset in itself.

There are more and more e-commerce companies looking for him to discuss cooperation, and he has more choices.

Last Saturday, I did a live broadcast with goods, and the number of people online reached more than 100,000. People kept sending gifts to the live broadcast room, leaving a message to express my gratitude for his help to Mo Xiaodie.

The live broadcast brought snacks and clothes. In one afternoon, it sold three or four million yuan.

And he also received a gift worth more than two million Doucoins, and the platform deducted half of it, which also has a profit of more than one hundred thousand yuan.

One afternoon of live broadcasts brought more than one million profits.

Although the company spent a lot of money during this period, the profit from this live broadcast has basically filled up the losses for this period of time.

That is to say, after he became the general manager of Tianyuan Media, he miraculously achieved a profit.

In the future, the traffic will still have to be invested in costs, and the performance will increase, and the wages of employees will also increase.

But as long as he can consolidate the existing traffic, even if it is only for a month, and bring in a few more shipments, this year’s profit-making task will be completed, and he will be able to get 5% more of the company’s shares.

With such conditions, there is really no need to worry about not being able to win He Liuqing’s bet.

Although he felt that Liu Qing was not so interested in Tianyuan Media Company, he had to admit that they also subsidized some from their own pockets, and did not deliberately make the company lose money.

For Liu Qing’s request, he can only implement it honestly.

I comforted myself: “The money in this world can’t be earned. If you earn a little dirty money, you should consider it as a blessing for future generations.”

Then found another sad question:

“Do I have descendants? I don’t!”

“Then do I still need to accumulate blessings for future generations?”

But after thinking about it again and again, I feel that although I have no descendants now, I am not too old. As long as I work hard for two or three years to obtain a total of 20% of the shares of Tianyuan Media, and my career has reached its peak, it will not be difficult to get love— – In layman’s terms, that is, if you have money, you will naturally have women.

By that time, at least two of them will have to be born. Wouldn’t that mean that there will be descendants?

It’s better to accumulate some blessings for future generations, and don’t do the kind of thing that kills children and never grandchildren.

—he thought so.

Thanks to Li Zhenhua and Naihe III for their reward.

(end of this chapter)

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