Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 538

Chapter 536: Surprised To See The Old Man

Chapter 536 Surprised to see an old friend

After a hug, Ye Mo opened the door and left.

Mo Xiaodie stood there blankly for a few minutes before closing the door.

It is also difficult to say whether the heart is happy or sad.

In other words, a mixture of joys and sorrows.

This young man has left, and the two will never have such an intersection in the future.

This is a sad thing.

Finally got this boy’s hug.

Even if he begged for it himself.

Thinking of this, there is some joy.

She is not entitled to that kind of beautiful emotion, but at least she has been infinitely close.

After closing the door, he was crazy for a while, and unknowingly walked to the room where Ye Mo lived for the past two days.

Mo Xiaodie sat on the edge of the bed, brushing her hands over the sheets, and there was still the temperature left by Ye Mo.

suddenly bent down and put his face on the pillow.

In the same space, at different times, an encounter was completed in this way.


Ye Mo didn’t have so many emotions. He went to the underground garage, drove out the car, and drove to the gate of the community.

Seeing the bright sunshine, he let out a long sigh and felt a long-lost relaxation.

At this time, Liu Qing and Feng Zhixuan had already arrived at the gate of the community.

The two got into the car, Liu Qing told Ye Mo where to go, and then asked him with a smile:

“Are you used to living with Xiaodie these days?”

Ye Mo looked back at him and said angrily: “If I go back to Pengcheng in the future, don’t make such arrangements. I’ll stay in a hotel.”

When Liu Qing heard this tone, it didn’t look like he was done.

thought: “Is this guy too shy and didn’t seize the opportunity to pick up girls this time? Or did he take the initiative, but was rejected by Xiaodie? It shouldn’t be!”

asked: “Is she not well entertained?”

“Very good,” Ye Mo said, “It’s just a little too good.”

“It’s too good, isn’t it? Is it necessary to treat you badly?” Liu Qing was even more puzzled, “You don’t seem to be masochistic, how can you have such a strange idea?”

“Too troublesome.” Ye Mo said.

Liu Qing snorted, indicating that she understood.

It seems that there is still drama.

Knowing that Ye Mo is a tender-faced person, he didn’t raise this question any more, but chatted with him all the way about the live broadcast tonight.

Ye Mo is the most popular live broadcaster in Tianyuan Media now, but most of his fans belong to the type of fans who only like him and cannot share traffic with the rest of the company’s anchors.

Only a small fraction of traffic can be shared.

Many of the rest of the anchors were dumped by Qin Kun, and the anchors and the anchors are often connected and interacted with each other. The fans overlap very much. Basically, every time Qin Kun brings goods, he can attract those fans.

They share a traffic pool.

On the other hand, Ye Mo opened another flow pool. Between the two flow pools, there was a small diversion canal, and there was not much that could be shared.

Dragon Boat Festival three days off, Qin Kun brought three days of goods, and almost took out the wallets of Tianyuan Media’s powder.

However, this will not have much impact on Ye Mo’s delivery data tonight, because most of his fans were not attracted to go shopping.

This is a good thing for him, but for Tianyuan Media, it is somewhat regrettable.

Attract the traffic of all its anchors into a traffic pool, so as to become bigger and stronger.

However, this situation is understandable. Most of Ye Mo’s current fans are here for his appearance. They have some fan circle flavors. They don’t agree with other anchors in the company, and they even have a sense of rejection. I feel that other anchors stole his resources.

Fan circle has always been this way of thinking.

On the other hand, although Ye Mo started several live broadcasts, he basically did not interact with other anchors in the company, and the traffic sharing was not in place. It was not that easy to get rid of traffic.

As long as his traffic pool is enlarged, it will gradually become the shared traffic pool of the entire Tianyuan Media in the future.

The current Ye Mo is a win-win model in terms of traffic, not because of how capable he is, but because of how handsome he is.

If you post a handsome short video every day, you will naturally attract a large number of fans.

There are some brainless fans who make data for him, and the data of each of his videos is very good, which also makes his short video official stream relatively large.

Not to mention live streaming, you can earn a lot of advertising fees.

It’s just that it won’t take too long to eat by looks, and everyone will have aesthetic fatigue.

Either it is to continuously get official feeds and attract new fans to enter, or to rely on other methods to strengthen the loyalty of fans.

Then you need to improve yourself and let fans continue to discover their own shining points, so that it is possible to keep most fans.

The so-called start with appearance, fall into talent, and be loyal to character, this is what it looks like.

In terms of talent, Ye Mo is very good at boxing, but most of his fans are female fans who come to him because of his looks, and he can’t keep them all by punching alone.

can use this to attract some new fans who like martial arts or fighting.

Singing and interaction are not Ye Mo’s expertise.

You have beauty but no talent, and you want fans to have a sense of honor, so you can only rely on your character.

How to reflect the character?

That is, of course, charity.

Don’t get caught up in talent, just be loyal to your character.

Moreover, it is very economical to engage in charity with traffic. It is enough to call on fans to donate money. You don’t have to pay yourself, and you can also filter out loyal and fertile leeks for accurate harvesting.

The money is given by the fans, and the name is given by himself.

As for those with a darker conscience, they use their reputation for charitable fundraising and use various accounts to hack the money raised, not only to get a name, but also to make a profit.

However, Liu Qing still has a bit of a bottom line, and doesn’t want to be so blackhearted.

And there are too many charitable car rollovers right now. If you do something with a black conscience, there will be a day when the car rolls over sooner or later.

His idea was for Ye Mo to be the spokesperson for the Tianyuan Group Charity Fund, and the Tianyuan Group would take out the money, and Ye Mo would go to the front line to do charity as a spokesperson.

Tianyuan Group has been transformed from an investment group to an industrial group two or three years ago. Now to build its own brand and enhance its social reputation, it is necessary to engage in charity.

Su Qi discussed this matter with Liu Qing last year. This year, it was mentioned on the board of directors of the group several times that a charitable foundation should be established, and part of the money will be used for charity every year.

The    Foundation could find a spokesperson, and Liu Qing felt that Ye Mo could be the spokesperson.

The foundation does not need to pay for endorsements. Ye Mo can set up a loving character through such endorsements, gild himself through charity, and can also tie himself to Tianyuan Group, so that his brainless fans can recognize Tianyuan Group’s products. .

——There are not too many things for the brainless fans to buy idol endorsement products for their idol data.

This is also a mutual achievement.

Ye Mo agreed to this arrangement in principle, but he just wanted to find out if doing this charity endorsement would delay him too much time.

If the delay is too much and affects his training, he can’t accept it.

does not mean that there is no love.

But this kind of charity endorsement can be done by anyone, not necessarily him.

Liu Qing also knew about the charitable foundation that was in the making, and told Ye Mo very clearly that there would not be too many activities for this endorsement, not necessarily once a month.

Having said that, Ye Mo had nothing to worry about, and readily agreed.

After thinking about it, he asked Liu Qing again, “Do you need to find a female spokesperson?”

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment and looked at him: “Who do you think is suitable?”

I feel that this cheap brother-in-law has broken his studies, he is not as pure as before, he is just a charity endorsement, and he is not tired of thinking about matching men and women.

He is no longer the boy he used to be.

“Mo Xiaodie,” Ye Mo said, “I think she should be pretty good at charity.”

Liu Qing thought to himself: “Sure enough, there is adultery!”

nodded with a smile: “I think she’s quite suitable. I’ll ask her in a couple of days if she has that intention. If she has that intention, let her be the female spokesperson.”

In fact, Mo Xiaodie is more suitable than Ye Mo to be the spokesperson of this charity foundation. Her image and her story are more suitable for the word charity.

Let her do charity, there is a kind of gratitude and feedback.

I didn’t choose her, mainly because Mo Xiaodie didn’t have that much traffic, and she didn’t bring goods on live broadcast. It would not be very economical to give her the halo of a charity goddess.

Holding Ye Mo is different, it can bring good benefits to Tianyuan Media and even Tianyuan Group.

However, when Ye Mo was chosen as the endorsement, and Mo Xiaodie was added, there would be no problem.

Ye Mo’s proposal, it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

But why he made such a proposal is a bit intriguing.

Liu Qing didn’t ask about this, he knew that he wouldn’t say anything if he asked Ye Mo.

Around nine o’clock, at the agreed place, Liu Qing met Miller.

Ma Guoming, the director of Tianyuan Mask Factory, also came.

The detailed contract has been made. Liu Qing first let Feng Zhixuan read it, and pretended to read it again, making sure there was no problem, and then signed his name.

He cooperated when he was supposed to cooperate.

Let Ma Guoming and the people in the factory do the rest.

After doing what he was supposed to do, he chatted with Miller about something else, expressed his views on the epidemic, and talked about future cooperation.

After saying goodbye, I went back to the car and checked the time. It was past eleven o’clock.

At this time, if you want to drive back to Yangcheng, you will miss the meal time.

Liu Qing thought for a while and said to Ye Mo, “Find any restaurant, let’s have a meal.”

Ye Mo hummed.

The car started and turned into the street.

He looked at the road ahead, and Liu Qing looked at the storefronts on both sides.

After driving for more than a mile, Liu Qing saw the sign of a Hunan restaurant in front of him and said to Ye Mo:

“Go to that Hunan restaurant, we’ll go there to eat.”

As a Fran, when eating out, the first thing you notice is the Hunan restaurant, which is a normal reaction.

Ye Mo didn’t say much, just drove the car over there. There was a parking space in front of the Hunan restaurant, just stopped.

It is a relatively ordinary Hunan restaurant, probably on the same level as “Northern Dumplings”, and most people can afford it.

When Liu Qing was still working as a security guard, she would occasionally come to a restaurant like this with Huo Zhenzhen, spend two or three hundred yuan to order a few dishes, and then take a few photos and send them to the circle of friends. It feels like a day full of petty bourgeoisie sentiment. .

It’s unaffordable to eat every day. It’s okay to eat two or three times a month in a similar restaurant.

At that time, I thought it was a very high-end place. Every time I went to eat, I let my friends enjoy it first.

For him now, it is just a place to fill his stomach.

There are high-end restaurants, he will give priority to high-end restaurants.

The first thing I saw was this Hunan restaurant, then this Hunan restaurant.

Although he has lived in Pengcheng for several years, he is not at all clear about the distribution of food in Pengcheng, and does not know which high-end restaurants there are.

I still followed the Demolition Second Generation to get together a few times. I knew so few places, and I didn’t bother to look for them deliberately.

Just eat a meal without spending that energy.

Liu Qing is not a gourmet, and can run a long way to eat in one bite.

Three people entered the Hunan restaurant. About one-third of the people were sitting in it. They were on the first floor. They randomly found an empty table, and then a waiter came over with a menu.

Liu Qing now doesn’t need to look at the price when ordering food, just look at the dishes.

Holding the menu, he casually ordered four or five dishes, and ordered a few bottles of drinks, and then gave the menu to Feng Zhixuan. After Feng Zhixuan ordered, he asked Ye Mo to order it.

Ye Mo ordered a beef stir-fried green pepper, nothing else.

He doesn’t like to eat beef, he needs to eat more beef or something.

It is already quite hot outside, but the air conditioner is turned on in the restaurant, and it is quite pleasant to eat and drink.

I haven’t eaten in such a place for a long time, but coming here once in a while makes Liu Qing feel a sense of revisiting a different place.

In fact, he has never been to this Hunan restaurant for consumption, but the layout and atmosphere here are quite similar to some Hunan restaurants he and Huo Zhenzhen have been to before, and he can’t help but think of the old days.

At that time, I was really poor, and I thought it was a very good thing to eat in such a place. I took a few photos, and the two of them would post them in the circle of friends, just to make others envious.

In fact, some people will envy such a life.

Now that I think about it, I have some emotions.

I don’t know if it’s remembrance of bitterness and sweetness.

During the meal, Liu Qing also sent a message to Su Qi, saying that she would go back to work at the group headquarters this afternoon, but the exact time is unknown.

I ate a meal for twenty minutes, the food was a bit spicy, and Liu Qing drank two bottles of the iced juice by himself, and then he was full of urination.

He found the waiter and asked, “Where is the restroom?”

The waiter pointed up: “Second floor, turn over there.”

Liu Qing thanked him, and rushed up to the second floor, and found the toilet according to the direction pointed by the waiter.

The toilet is not big, but it is divided into men’s and women’s toilets.

Liu Qing walked over, and before entering the door of the men’s toilet, she saw a woman walking out of the women’s toilet.

The two looked at each other inadvertently.

Then, at the same time, stay still.

That woman is Huo Zhenzhen.

(end of this chapter)

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