Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 555

Chapter 553: Ding Yun’S Pride

Chapter 553 Ding Yun’s Pride

The day after Arbor came over, it was Saturday.

Liu Qing did not go to work, but took Su Qi and Ye Wanrong to Ding Yun’s place to eat, and stayed there for one night.

Of course, Qiao Mu, the newly recruited security guard and driver, followed him.

Xiaowen didn’t follow her because she wanted to stay at home and broadcast live.

Feng Zhixuan is going to work.

Now Su Qi is slowly withdrawing from the decision-making level of the group, and Liu Qing is another tool person who commutes to get off work on time. If she wants to manage all the affairs of the group, so that her eyes will not be darkened, Feng Zhixuan’s workload is limited. to increase.

She is Liu Qing’s woman, or Su Qi’s person.

In this respect, she is more trustworthy than Li Han.

There is more to know.

She was just a pure vice president secretary before, but Su Qi has slowly given her more power and authorized her to handle some things.

Su Qi’s arrangement is to promote Feng Zhixuan to the position of the manager of the finance department or the manager of the project department after a while, and become a senior executive with real power.

Before sitting in that position, you have to improve yourself, whether it is your understanding of the group or your influence in the group, you need to improve.

In addition, we also need to train a new secretary for Su Qi.

In such a situation, it is not suitable to salt fish with Liu Qing and Su Qi.

She has to go to work on weekends. Liu Qing’s secretary Li Han is also going to work now, and the workload is quite heavy every day.

——The group does not call for overtime work, but if you want to make yourself more valuable in the group, if regular work is not enough, you must work overtime.

This is not a matter of willingness or not.

is to overdraw your life in exchange for a career.

The working people at the bottom are like this, and the middle-level white-collar workers also need this, but some need to pay physical labor, and some need to pay mental labor.

In the workplace, it is not so easy.

As for the capitalists at the top, it does not mean that they can enjoy life with peace of mind.

It takes a lot of energy to make a good result.

Although he enjoys a lot of things that ordinary people cannot enjoy, he also suffers some suffering that ordinary people say they can’t, and he has to take huge risks.

The ones who can really enjoy are mostly rich second generation.

But there are also some prodigal sons, who ruined the country that the previous generation worked hard for.

Promising rich second generation is also not so easy.

Liu Qing is a rich second generation who returned home halfway. He suffered a lot when he was humble. Now that he is developed, he still wants to enjoy life more.

Whether it is Ding Yun or Su Qi, they don’t have too high demands on him, they don’t force him to go to work on weekends, they work hard to manage the group and lead the group to the next glory.

There is also a very important reason here, that is, they all feel that Liu Qing’s ability is limited, and it is the best choice for him personally or for the group.

——Those who are not capable enough should go down with salted fish. The sense of responsibility is too strong, and the desire for power is too great, but they will destroy the group faster.

Liu Qing’s current position in the group is a tool person, and under normal circumstances, he will not make his own voice. Relying on the group’s system, the seal that should be stamped, the signature that should be signed, this is the legendary rule of inaction.

——The original meaning of this word is to be incompetent.

Liu Qing has implemented this very well, and everyone agrees with his behavior.

On a rare weekend, I originally wanted to go outside for a good stroll, or just climb the mountain and visit the park.

——With a real full-time bodyguard by his side, Liu Qing is also interested in going out to play.

In the days before   , I was either at home or at the company, and I actually felt quite bored.

Just considering that Ye Wanrong’s stomach is a little bigger now, it is not suitable for playing too tired.

Besides, they all live in the same city, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if I didn’t visit Ding Yun on weekends.

In the end, Liu Qing chose to bring two pregnant women to visit Ding Yun and stayed here for one night.

On the same day, Ding Yun chatted with him, and also talked about his going to the commendation conference for advanced anti-epidemic figures of Zhuaner TV station in the middle of this month.

When talking about this topic, Ding Yun was in a good mood, her face was full of smiles, and she said:

“Son, you’re still amazing! It’s only been a year since I entered the business world, and I have achieved such an achievement. I have been interviewed by a big TV station, and I still have the opportunity to meet big people at that level. Some people struggle all their lives, but they can’t achieve it With such an achievement, you are much more powerful than such a person!”

Although she didn’t call her by name, Liu Qing knew who was in her mouth.

is Su Yi.

After    became rich, Su Yi wanted to acquire another identity.

A few years ago, Tianyuan Group began to lead the transformation of Tianyuan Group from an investment group to an industrial group, and it has also entered some less advanced industries, basically all of which are related to agriculture. It is to respond to the call of the country to revitalize the countryside and create employment opportunities in the countryside. Improve your social influence.

——If it is just to make money, there is no doubt that simply investing will give you more opportunities to make money, and you will need to invest less energy.

However, he has established dozens of small and medium-sized enterprises and created more than 10,000 employment opportunities, but he still did not gain a high social status.

It’s not that he hasn’t been received by the leaders, but he’s at the provincial level, not the top match at the provincial level.

Not to mention the higher level ones.

Liu Qingcai has been in the business world for less than a year, and he was able to achieve such achievements, and he immediately compared Su Yi.

Ding Yun has always had opinions on Su Yi, and it can even be said that she has a lot of hatred.

It is the happiest thing for her son to be able to compare that dead ghost.

She has enjoyed everything that she should have enjoyed in her life. She is older and knows where her abilities lie, and she will not achieve much in her career.

The only ones who can show off are their children and descendants.

Having a promising son makes her happier than earning billions.

Of course, these words were said when the mother and son were together, not in front of Su Qi.

Ding Yun and Su Qi’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship seems to be very good on the surface, and they are much closer than ordinary people’s mother-in-law relationship, but in fact, they know what’s going on.

It doesn’t mean that he still harbors hatred, but in his heart, he is still quite wary of each other.

In contrast, Ding Yun felt a little better about Ye Wanrong.

It’s just that she didn’t show any extra preferential treatment to Ye Wanrong.

She still has this sense of proportion.

To be an elder, you must have a bowl of water.

Moreover, it should be fairer for Su Qi, the daughter-in-law that Ming media is marrying.

If she seems unfair here, Liu Qing and Liu Qing’s other women will be the ones who will suffer in the end.

Stayed here for one night, the next day was Sunday, Liu Qing still couldn’t hold back his wild heart, and under the protection of Qiao Mu, the bodyguard, took Su Qi out to climb the mountain.

Ye Wanrong is no longer suitable to participate in such activities, so she stays with Ding Yun, accompanies the old lady, and learns some knowledge that pregnant women need to learn.

——Some knowledge Ding Yun has said hundreds of times, but every time she sees Ye Wanrong with a big belly, she can’t help but say it.

Ye Wanrong was able to memorize it, but in order to make the old man happy, she could only pretend that it was the first time she heard it and ask her own questions from time to time.

Su Qi is only more than three months pregnant, so there is no problem with climbing down the mountain.

Qiaomu was their bodyguard, but when they climbed the mountain, they didn’t follow too closely, keeping a distance of seven or eight meters, giving the couple enough personal space.

He is not very good-looking, and walking behind those two people will not attract more people’s attention.

Unlike Ye Mo, he is too handsome. When he is with Liu Qing, he will attract a lot of people’s attention without wearing glasses.

Putting on sunglasses, he looks like a bodyguard, and it also attracts the attention of many people, exposing Liu Qing as an employer to more eyes, making Liu Qing feel particularly uncomfortable.

Now that the domestic epidemic has been brought under control, many people in the wild are no longer wearing masks.

Climbing the mountain is already very tiring. Wearing a mask will make it difficult to breathe, and you will feel more tired.

However, Liu Qing and Su Qi still insisted on wearing masks.

Mainly because Liu Qing feels that he now has more than 10 million fans on the acne scar platform, and he has broadcast live broadcasts many times. He is considered a celebrity, big and small, and it is not good to be recognized by others.

Wearing a mask, it is not easy to recognize.

——His facial features are not yet clear enough to be recognized by fans wearing a mask.

It seems a little strange to wear a mask normally, but after the epidemic, it is normal to wear a mask no matter what kind of place.

Without Ye Mo, who drew the wind behind him, this time he came out to play, which made Liu Qing feel the freedom that has been missing for a long time.

This also made him more pleasing to the bodyguard of Qiao Mu.

——At the beginning, he was still a little dissatisfied with Qiaomu, mainly because it was too ordinary, or too rustic, and he was not very good at it.

However, when playing outside, the bodyguard looks a little more ordinary. Ordinary people will not let others think that he is a bodyguard. For Liu Qing, the employer, he will feel more comfortable.

If you gain something, you lose something.

In comparison, Liu Qing still felt that Qiao Mu, the bodyguard, was more suitable for him.

Ordinary appearance gives this bodyguard a function similar to invisibility in the crowd.

They ate at the restaurant on the mountain at noon and went back after 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

The three of them ate together. When Su Qi went to the bathroom, Liu Qing and Qiao Mu pulled up a routine:

“I heard from Sister Geng that you chose to come to me as a bodyguard, and you have another purpose, to save money to marry a wife?”

Qiao Mu was very embarrassed, blushed and lowered his head:

“There is such an idea. The salary of a security guard is too low, and it is okay to maintain a living. It is impossible to save money to marry a daughter-in-law.”

His requirements for life are quite low, mainly because there is an old mother at home, and his health is not very good. Most of the money is sent back every month, and he only leaves a few hundred dollars for living expenses.

Every time he called, his mother would tell him that the money he had sent had been saved for him to marry a daughter-in-law.

However, he knew very well what the current marriage market was like.

Even if the money he sent in the past is useless, and all of it is saved, it may not be enough to get a wife for ten years.

By that time he was in his forties.

The most terrible thing is that ten years later, the market of the marriage market may not be the current market.

This thing is rising faster than prices.

has been working as a security guard, and he probably won’t be able to marry a wife in his life.

Also, he didn’t want his mother to save all the money he sent.

He would rather not be able to marry a daughter-in-law in his entire life, and he does not want his old mother who has suffered all his life to continue to suffer.

Love or something, he has never pursued it, and he doesn’t think that kind of thing has anything to do with his life.

But at this age, he does think about getting married and having children.

is not about addressing your own physical needs.

When I was younger, that thought would be stronger.

Now, I think more about having a family and having a child.

I hope to have a daughter-in-law who can give him children and take care of his old mother.

I hope that when I grow old, there will also be someone who will bring tea and water to me.

I hope that the incense of the Qiao family will not be cut off by him.

Of course, there will also be that kind of hope, that there will be someone who will help each other and accompany them until they grow old.

It’s just that the order of that desire is not that high.

is more about trying to solve the dilemmas faced in life.

Looking for a high-paying job is the only legal way out of the predicament.

Liu Qing of course knew this, and sighed: “That’s true, I’ve also worked as a security guard, and this really has no future.”

Qiao Mu was stunned, glanced at Liu Qing, and thought, “Is the boss kidding me?”

He didn’t know enough about Liu Qing, and he didn’t know that this rich second generation had worked as a security guard before.

I didn’t even think about it.

Liu Qing saw his doubts, smiled and said:

“I only met my mother last year. Before that, I worked as a security guard for several years, longer than yours.”

“I didn’t expect it.” Qiao Mu said unexpectedly.

“So I can understand your difficulties,” Liu Qing said, “To be honest, I also had a girlfriend when I was a security guard. After a few years, they still thought I was too poor and found someone richer. .”

Qiao Mu was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Then she should regret it now, right?”

“It should be, but that has nothing to do with me…” Liu Qing said.

He said to Qiao Mu: “Now the society is such a society, everything depends on money, and money is the standard for measuring everything. If you want to find a young and beautiful wife, you have to have a lot of money.”

Qiao Mu said quickly: “Young and beautiful people don’t dare to think that they are healthy, can have children, and are willing to have children for me, then that’s fine.”

Liu Qing couldn’t help laughing and said, “If this is a request, I think Sister Geng is quite healthy. Have you considered her?”

(end of this chapter)

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