Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 562

Chapter 559: Poor Liu Qing

Chapter 559 Poor Liu Qing

On the way back to the hotel, Liu Qing also asked Li Han to order takeout. Of course, the address was filled in where they lived.

Back to the hotel and take a shower, it was already past midnight.

At this time, the takeout was also delivered, and the three of them ate supper before returning to their rooms.

Liu Qing originally wanted to talk to Su Qi about meeting with Academician Zhu, which represented a good opportunity for development.

Being able to enter the Xingguo vaccine investment project is of great benefit to Tianyuan Group.

He made a promise, Su Qi was in Yangcheng and had to be responsible for implementing it.

This must be implemented as soon as possible to avoid changes.

Just looked at the time and gave up this idea.

Now Su Qi is pregnant and needs a good rest.

It’s already midnight, so it’s not suitable to wake her up.

——If she is not pregnant, Su Qi may not be able to sleep at this time, she has a lot of things to do.

For such an important matter, Liu Qing would not mind calling her to wake her up to discuss it.

But I’m already pregnant, and I’ve been pregnant for three or four months, so I can’t do such a thing.

While having supper, I talked to Li Han about why he accepted the invitation of Academician Zhu to participate in the vaccine investment project.

This involves the prediction of future epidemics and the importance of vaccines.

He was not trying to convince Li Han, but to express his attitude and let Li Han understand, so that when there are people in the group who don’t understand Liu Qing’s choice, Li Han can explain it.

Lihan is his secretary and his right-hand man at work. He will do more persuasion work like this.

If you can’t understand why you do it yourself, you can’t convince others.

After supper, it’s not too early, and although I can’t sleep for a while, there is no one to contact.

Holding the phone, brushed the acne marks for a while, visited the live broadcast rooms of the artist anchors of the two new media companies under it, and then went to sleep.

When I swiped to the live broadcast room of the beautiful anchor, I was so excited that I couldn’t help thinking of Li Han who lived in the presidential suite.

had some ideas, but did not implement them.

I slept relatively late this night, and woke up relatively late the next day. I woke up at eight or nine o’clock, and then I got dressed and got up. After washing, I went out to eat breakfast.

When eating breakfast, seeing that Li Han’s spirit was not very good, he couldn’t help asking:

“You look very unmotivated today, did you not sleep yesterday?”

Lihan nodded and said, “Yes, I have a bit of bed choice, and I didn’t fall asleep until three or four o’clock.”

There was no expression on his face, but there was some resentment in his heart.

——The inability to sleep at night is mainly because of Liu Qing.

had already thought of quitting Liu Qing’s circle – she couldn’t accept that kind of chaos.

However, last night, seeing Liu Qing and Academician Zhu chatting and laughing, I saw a heroic spirit in this man, and the originally sober mind became addicted again.

I feel that without Liu Qing, an excellent man, in my life, my life will become bleak.

The dead heart is showing signs of resurrection.

But if she made the decision to become a Liu Qing woman, like the other Liu Qing women, she felt too ashamed.

If her parents knew about such a thing, they would definitely be quite disappointed in her.

This made her quite tangled.

Tossed and turned all night without getting a good night’s sleep.

This is not the first night I didn’t sleep well, but two nights in a row.

But there is no time for her to rest.

Liu Qing didn’t come to the capital to play for free. In the morning, he went to see the branch of Tianyuan Group for inspection, and Li Han, the secretary, naturally had to accompany him all the way.

There are some things in the workplace that Liu Qing doesn’t understand. Li Han, the secretary, has to understand it instead of him.

At noon, I was eating in the branch canteen. Liu Qing once again showed the attitude of getting along with the staff, eating the same standard meals, chatting with everyone while eating, asking about work, and more things in life.

In the afternoon, I brought the prepared gifts to visit the two partners in Beijing, and also talked about the current situation of the cooperation project and exchanged their views.

After five o’clock, I just found a restaurant to have a meal, and then went to the TV studio to wait.

The traffic jam on the road was not particularly serious this day, and it was only after seven o’clock when I arrived at the TV station.

During the whole day, I didn’t have much tiring things. Did I deal with important things? It’s just some things on the scene.

But such things are still to be done.

One or two hours were spent on the road. During these two hours, Liu Qing spent half of the time on the phone with Su Qi, talking to her about the joint vaccine research and development project with Xingguo Biopharmaceuticals.

Still half the time was on the phone with the directors of the board of directors of the group and the heads of several departments, explaining to them why they wanted to do vaccine research and development with Xingguo Biopharmaceuticals.

The result of the phone call is still ok. Basically, there is no objection to participating in vaccine research and development.

Even if there were a few who were not optimistic, they gave up their original ideas after Liu Qing explained.

I don’t know if I really figured it out or I had to figure it out. All in all, they all expressed their support for this project.

The commendation meeting will start at 8:00, and those who received the commendation, Liu Qing, arrived at the studio early.

This time, Liu Qing sat next to Academician Zhu again.

Academician Zhu told Liu Qing that Xingguo Pharmaceutical Group also welcomed the participation of Tianyuan Group as a collaborator. Chairman He has already sent a team of competent officers to Yangcheng to discuss this cooperation with Tianyuan Group.

Because vaccine research and development needs to compete with foreign counterparts, and clinical trials need to be done as soon as possible, I also hope that this cooperation negotiation can be relatively smooth, preferably within a week, and the funds are in place.

The clinical trial project in foreign countries has been started, and it needs a lot of funds. Without money, there is no way to accomplish anything.

Several countries that conduct clinical trials do not have the ability to develop vaccines themselves. They choose to cooperate with domestic pharmaceutical companies mainly to obtain the right of first refusal or production rights after the vaccine is produced.

They are more than happy to provide more funds to join such projects and gain more rights.

In terms of funding, vaccine projects are definitely not short of money.

But the country naturally hopes that its own enterprises can have more right to speak, so it decided to introduce more domestic funds.

To do such an experiment on someone else’s site, let the other party provide the convenience of the experiment, and the right to be ceded needs to be ceded.

Giving up some rights will also help the sales of vaccines produced by themselves in the country, making it easier to gain their approval.

In terms of interests, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Just don’t want to give up too many rights.

Academician Zhu and Liu Qing talked about the funds needed for clinical trials. The first phase is not a big deal. The number of people and funds needed for the second and third phases is an astronomical figure.

made Liu Qing feel that he was a poor man.

– I haven’t felt this way in a year.

Academician Zhu said with emotion: “In fact, our country has accumulated a certain amount of technology research and development. It is not that we do not have the ability to make original research drugs. However, if we have done research and development and cannot do clinical trials that meet international standards, then we will not be able to market it, which is equivalent to Without the market, no capital would dare to invest in this area.”

He is not a businessman, but a pure scientist.

However, scientific research also needs money, and it needs a lot of money.

Especially in biopharmaceuticals.

At every turn, it is hundreds of millions or even billions of R&D investment, and it is still US dollars.

The research and development has been successful, and it is quite easy to recover the cost.

However, R&D may not be successful.

There are some new drugs, which have invested an astronomical amount of money to complete the Phase II and Phase III clinical trials. Later, problems were found, and the results could not be listed.

There are many such examples.

Some have passed clinical trials and are sold on the market. As a result, problems are found during use. Finally, they can only stop production, and even have to pay a large amount of compensation.

The cost of this trial and error is too great.

Generally, so-called billionaires do not dare to jump into this pit.

Even if you have hundreds of billions of assets, even if it is calculated in US dollars, if you jump into this pit, you will easily lose your family property.

Academician Zhu was particularly emotional about this phenomenon.

Many high-end personnel in this industry cannot find opportunities in China and can only go abroad.

The brain drain is also quite serious.

Academician Zhu mentioned this issue with Liu Qing yesterday, and he mentioned it again today because he was distressed by the loss of high-end talents.

The old scientist himself does not seek profit, but in order to have the research and development capabilities of original research drugs in China, in recent years, he has talked most about the issue of money.

Without the support of capital, it is too difficult to have such a breakthrough.

He also talked to Liu Qing about the history of artemisinin and insulin, how much scale was used at that time, and how much manpower and material resources were used to produce these two Nobel-level results.

On a scale like   , it is impossible to activate it now.

And to achieve such a result, there is still some luck factor.

He sighed to Liu Qing: “In our domestic private enterprises, there are companies such as Chrysanthemum Factory and Dajiang that have mastered core technologies, but in terms of biopharmaceuticals, there is no such company, which is really a pity. ”

Liu Qing echoed: “It’s true.”

He understood why Academician Zhu wanted to talk about these things with him, because he was considered a rich man, and Tianyuan Group was also a well-funded investment company.

However, he really didn’t dare to jump in such a pit.

To invest tens of billions in a pharmaceutical project, the final result is that the research fails, and he has no way to explain to the members of the board of directors.

If it is not done well, it will even collapse the capital chain of the entire group and bankrupt the group.

The advantage of his rebirth is not big anymore. He is sure that the project of Xingguo Vaccine will be successful, so he is willing to invest any amount.

As for anything else, he doesn’t have that ability to judge.

can only say a few words, research, consider, and invest when there is a suitable opportunity.

But the exact promise is absolutely impossible to do.

——I would rather invest in the medical device industry than in the original research drug industry.

is still too poor.

But listening to Academician Zhu talking about the difficulty of not having funds for drug research and development, and feeling the heart of this old scientist, Liu Qing still had an idea in his heart:

“If I am rich and have a lot of money, I will invest in a biopharmaceutical company to do the research and development of original drugs.”

He now has more than one billion private funds, which are still RMB.

For ordinary people, they are naturally the top rich people.

But this amount of money is invested in the research and development of the original research drug, and it is really impossible to see a single splash.

Even if he inherits all of Ding Yun’s property in the future, it is only a wealth of tens of billions of yuan, which is not cash that can be used, and there is not much money that can be brought into this industry.

He felt that before he could invest in this industry, he had to have assets of several thousand trillions.

Also have to invest carefully.

Now I can only echo this old scientist in words, and I can’t take practical actions to support it. Looking at Academician Zhu’s full head of white hair, Liu Qing feels a little guilty.

It’s a pity that I’m too poor to be of much help.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the commendation ceremony officially started.

It was a two-hour commendation meeting.

There are performances of literary and artistic programs, as well as introductions of heroes who fight against the epidemic.

This is not broadcast on a comprehensive channel, and the whole show has no entertainment effect, and people don’t pursue entertainment effects or ratings.

This is a main theme commendation ceremony, and the literary performances are also full of positive energy.

Most people would not choose to watch such a commendation conference.

But a small number of people chose to turn on the TV at this time to watch this commendation conference.

At 9:10, during the host’s introduction, Liu Qing took the stage and accepted a one-minute interview with the host in front of the national audience.

is mainly to explain why such donations are made, and why they insist on not increasing the price of masks when their peers choose to increase prices.

This is a good opportunity to set up people, and it is also a good opportunity to enhance the corporate image. Of course, Liu Qing will not miss it.

This kind of speech, he said in the live broadcast room, when he was interviewed by reporters, and at the Pengcheng Annual Top Ten Young Entrepreneurs Awards Gala, one time he said it more skillfully, and one time he said it more sublimely.

This time, he was on such a big scene. Facing the audience all over the country, he was not stage fright at all and talked freely.

One minute is his opportunity to show his personal image and corporate image.

ended his speech, and the audience burst into applause.

After    stepped down, Academician Zhu said to him: “You are right, the society needs you as a private entrepreneur with a sense of social responsibility.”

Academician Zhu came to power at 9:45, representing the Xingguo vaccine project team, announcing to the people of the country that their vaccine research and development had made significant progress and entered the phase II clinical trial stage.

This is exciting news.

He was also the last anti-epidemic advanced figure to come to power.

At 9:52, all the advanced people who participated in the commendation meeting came to the stage and stood in a row.

Some people who could not be displayed on the webpage came up, gave each of them a certificate of honor for the advanced anti-epidemic figure, shook hands with each of them, and expressed their gratitude.

When someone like    came up, Liu Qing couldn’t believe his eyes – he didn’t expect this one to come to issue the certificate.

He has seen many big scenes, but he still has some gaffes. When shaking hands with the other party, his words are a little trembling.

“Thank you for your contribution to the fight against the epidemic.”

“I…I just did something I could…”

said this, Liu Qing thought to himself:

“I can blow for a lifetime!”

(end of this chapter)

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