Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 586

Chapter 582: Temporary Donation

Chapter 582 Temporary Donations

Liu Qing also passed the charity event in October.

But he didn’t go with Ye Mo and Mo Xiaodie, but two days later, which was also the last day for the two charitable foundation spokespersons to participate in the event.

At that time, it was the last event to distribute 5,000 yuan of treatment assistance to each of the thousands of cancer patients in that county.

Liu Qing, as the president of the Charity Foundation, does not participate in any charitable activities organized by the foundation, which is a bit embarrassing.

But he didn’t have time to follow up the whole process, so he chose the last day to pass.

There was no other job than to call thousands of local cancer patients to the county, and then each gave a red envelope containing 5,000 yuan in cash.

It’s an easy thing to say, but Liu Qing came here the night before, and started working at eight o’clock in the morning the next day, so he took out an hour to eat lunch at noon, and the rest of the time was spent at the same time. One of the red envelopes, I was busy until 5:30 in the afternoon.

After all, there are thousands of people, even if Liu Qing is not the only one who gave out the red envelopes, it is enough for him to be busy.

The two charitable fund spokespersons, Mo Xiaodie and Ye Mo, also distributed the red envelopes together, as well as Brother Feng, the super-first-line anchor of the acne platform and several of his proud disciples.

Every time a red envelope is sent, a few words of condolences and a few words of encouragement are required, which will take a long time.

The other party took the money, and they had to say a few words, thank you.

The venue for the event is not very large, and it can not accommodate thousands of people. They all come in batches, which also limits the progress of the event.

This charity event has received strong support from the local city and county levels. Provincial TV stations have come to report, and the whole event has been filmed.

The team of   Tianyuan Charity Foundation also brought professional photographers to follow up the shooting, and then edited the footage to prepare for publicity.

Faced with unfamiliar faces, Liu Qing has to keep giving red envelopes, always saying words of encouragement, and always showing positive energy.

When he learned about such an itinerary, he felt that it was a challenge to his expression management. It was quite difficult to perform like that all day long.

But when I got to the scene and saw those cancer patients, I didn’t need to think about performing, I naturally felt sympathy.

Most of those cancer patients are elderly people, everyone is tortured by the disease, and many people’s eyes reveal despair.

There are also some cancer patients who cannot come by themselves due to physical reasons. Family members bring their household registration books, ID certificates and medical records, and their faces are full of haggard.

Liu Qing couldn’t help thinking of when his father was lying on the bed.

The last period was also so haggard and hopeless.

And at that time, he was the same haggard, the same despair.

I can’t see any hope in life, and sometimes I even want to give up my life, so that there will be no troubles.

At that time, he really wanted someone to help him.

Even if the one who helped him at that time was the woman who abandoned his father and him, he would be grateful.


Only one person can bear the hardships of life.

Now he has the ability to help others. Although he can’t solve the problems that those people face, at least this help, the five thousand dollars, also casts a beam of light on those people’s darkening world.

Be able to understand the suffering of others, and also be able to feel the sincere gratitude of the other party after the red envelope is sent out.

Doing this charity, of course, has commercial considerations, and the main purpose is to enhance the public image of Tianyuan Group.

But doing a good thing is doing a good thing, regardless of the motive.

This is not an obligation that a private company needs to undertake, and they do this without requiring any return from the other party.

It is for this reason that their gratitude is genuine.

In the process of distributing red envelopes, Liu Qing did not manage expressions, but sent red envelopes to each cancer patient or patient’s family members with emotion, and also gave encouragement.

The effect shown from the lens is very good, and the image shown is a sympathetic and kind entrepreneur.

The people from the charity team watched the whole process and couldn’t pick out any thorns.

This event was not achieved by the Tianyuan Charity Foundation, and the local area did make a lot of effort.

Those patients themselves are included in the medical insurance system, and most of the money is borne by the state.

However, the small amount of funds that cannot be reimbursed can also drag down a family.

– It is an irrefutable fact that most families in this country cannot afford the treatment of a single cancer patient.

The treatment cost of 5,000 yuan cannot be said to solve the problem, but it can indeed reduce the financial pressure of a family.

Liu Qing himself is an internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans. This event naturally brought out his own advantages.

Before the    event started, his live broadcast had already started.

When the red envelopes are distributed, of course there is no time to interact with the audience in the live broadcast room, but there is a disciple of Brother Feng explaining and interacting in front of the camera, which is not boring.

Because many of its popular anchors also participated in this event and all appeared in the live broadcast room, so this live broadcast means that fans of multiple anchors have attracted into the live broadcast room, which made the live broadcast room very popular. After that, the number of online users exceeded 100,000.

This day happens to be Sunday, many people are resting at home, and there are more people watching the live broadcast than usual.

Morning is the time when the popularity is the lowest. Usually, everyone can’t get up at that time. However, there are so many anchors who have posted video previews the day before, and some people click on their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast at this point.

Live broadcast for charity, which is also a rare thing.

This is not the script hype that the iron factory and some unscrupulous anchors often do, but a charitable activity jointly done with the local government, involving tens of millions of funds, and it is a real charitable activity.

will naturally attract more people to watch.

The peak number of online users in the morning reached more than 300,000.

There are also quite a few people who brush gifts.

There are e-commerce companies who come to the list and follow when they see high popularity, and there are passers-by who are moved by the charity they do.

There are also some big gifts from the guardian brothers of the anchors to support their own anchors.

Because there are special assistant broadcasters watching the live broadcast, every big brother who gave big gifts has been thanked, and some of them have been called by assistant broadcasters to pay attention.

Some people leave the live broadcast room all the time, and some people keep entering the live broadcast room.

The gift effects on the screen never stop.

By twelve o’clock in the morning, the sound waves received by Liu Qing’s live broadcast room exceeded 100 million.

During lunch, the live broadcast was still in progress.

During the meal, Liu Qing interacted with the fans in the live broadcast room and talked about the original intention of this charity event.

– Of course, it is not about improving the corporate image, but about how a socially responsible company should do it.

also mentioned the harm of environmental pollution to the society, calling on everyone to protect the environment.

also told fans to pay attention to their bodies. From now on, they should pay attention to their diet, exercise every day, and live a healthy life.

Once you get a serious illness, you will not only suffer for yourself, but also for your family.

Speaking of emotion, Liu Qing’s eyes were wet:

“As some of you may know, when I was a teenager, my dad got into a car accident, was badly injured, needed a lot of money for treatment, and then the family didn’t have that much money, and then… it wasn’t a year away. , I’ve spent all my previous savings, and I still owe tens of thousands of dollars in debt, but in the end, my dad’s life has not been saved…”

“The same is true for the cancer patients receiving help today. It is not the pain of one person, but the pain of a family. Today, there are thousands of cancer patients, but behind this are thousands of families who are suffering.”

“When I see them, I think of myself. I especially want to help them.”

“However, there are too many difficult people in this world, and my personal ability is limited. Our Tianyuan Group is only a private enterprise with limited ability, and what we can do is also limited.”

“The help we give today can ease the difficulties they are facing now, but it will not necessarily solve their difficulties.”

“There are many unfortunate people in this world, and they are only a part of it, and a very small part.”

“Most families are very difficult and can’t stand such toss. I think with so many friends in the live broadcast room, there must be some families whose conditions are not very good. If such a situation occurs, the same can’t afford it.”

“So everyone should pay attention to your body.”

“Health is the greatest wealth, and living healthy is the greatest luck in the world.”

“I also hope that everyone can take care of the environment in the future, leave us a piece of green hills and green waters, and leave a piece of green hills and green waters for our children. Don’t let this kind of suffering continue.”

He ate a box lunch, ordered by the charity foundation team, for ten yuan a serving.

Because I ordered dozens of them at a time, there are some discounts on the price, and in such a small county, although it is only ten yuan, the food is okay, there are meat and vegetables, and a soup.

But for a rich man of his level, eating such a lunch box is indeed a bit too simple.

Live broadcast while eating such cheap meals, which made his words more convincing.

While saying these words, the gift brushed even harder.

Some people are still asking about the account of Tianyuan Charity Foundation, expressing their willingness to donate some money to do such charitable activities.

Liu Qing looked at the total number of sound waves received, and was also a little shocked.

Then he said to the people in the live broadcast room:

“Our Tianyuan Charity Foundation is a private fund, not facing the society. All the funds for charity are provided by Tianyuan Group, which is also a manifestation of our Tianyuan Group’s sense of social responsibility. We do not have it now and will not raise funds from the society in the future.”

“Everyone has love and can donate to a public charity fund with good social reputation.”

“In this live broadcast, many friends sent gifts. I am very grateful for everyone’s support.”

“Now I’ve decided that we will donate all the sound waves income received from today’s live broadcast to the middle and advanced cancer patients we helped this time, hoping to solve their lives to a greater extent. predicament.”

He has seen the data. Most of the thousands of cancer patients who received help this time were early-stage cancer patients found during free physical examinations.

The number of patients with advanced cancer is not many, the total number is less than 1,000.

The income of 100 million Yinlang is 10 million RMB. If it is apportioned to thousands of cancer patients, each person is more than 2,000 points, which cannot solve a big problem.

However, if it is apportioned to those patients with advanced cancer, each patient will receive a lot more funding and can better solve the problems they face.

Although it is difficult for early stage cancer patients, if treated in time, there is still a chance to be cured.

For a family, of course, it will hurt the muscles and bones, but at least it is not that serious.

For advanced cancer patients, the possibility of being cured is extremely slim, and the expensive treatment costs are not affordable for ordinary families.

Ordinary families will give up treatment when they reach this point.

General hospitals will also persuade the family members of patients to give up treatment and eat whatever they want when they go back.

Giving a little more money can only be said to be humane care, and more to help the family.

For patients with mid-stage cancer, the possibility of cure is not very high, but if they can be actively treated, there will be at least a little chance.

In this case, the family members are very entangled.

The cost of treatment is too much.

But without treatment, there is still a glimmer of hope, so it is not justified to give up like this.

Some children will simply give up treatment, and some children can only grit their teeth and use all their savings, or even borrow money everywhere.

If you can help a little bit, maybe you can save a life.

At least, it can make the family situation a little better.

After Liu Qing announced this decision in the live broadcast room, the gifts in the live broadcast room became even more fierce.

There are also some people who recorded the screen and posted this video to other social platforms.

Liu Qing is now a well-known figure, a young entrepreneur who has a certain reputation on various social platforms.

The word “Liu Qing” has its own traffic.

And this time, it is doing charity activities again. Tianyuan Group has actually donated tens of millions to charity, and it has really helped thousands of families of cancer patients.

When he said those words in the live broadcast room, his eyes were full of tears, and his voice was choked up several times, and it could be heard that it was emotional.

It is not surprising for a big entrepreneur to do charity, but it is quite rare in today’s society to be able to do so sincerely.

When such a video was released, it exploded on multiple social platforms at once.

Some people who despise the low-intelligence platform Acoxin have downloaded such a software and entered Liu Qing’s live broadcast room to watch the charity live broadcast of this big entrepreneur.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, the number of online users in the live broadcast room exceeded one million.

(end of this chapter)

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