Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 592

Chapter 588: Born To Do This

Chapter 588 Born to do this

At two o’clock in the morning, Liu Qing returned to Yangcheng.

Although it was midnight, there were still taxis outside the airport. The three of them took a taxi home, and it was already past three in the morning when they got home.

It was too late to go home, and Liu Qing didn’t bother the women on the third floor, so he slept at Li Han’s place on the second floor.

At this time, Liu Qing was a little sad to find that there are so many rooms in this villa, and he is still the owner of this villa, but in this villa, there is no bedroom that belongs to him, only a few women Wandering in the bedroom, the waves take turns.

How sad this is!

I came back late, so I woke up late, and was woken up by Xiaowen when I had lunch the next day.

At this time, he was sleeping with Li Han hugging each other.

——After I got home, I ate a late-night snack and took a shower, but I didn’t do anything else, but it was already past four when I went to bed, and it was only twelve o’clock. It is normal to not wake up for many hours.

Su Qi knew that Liu Qing was back, and guessed that he was going to spend the night at Li Han’s place. After all, the two of them came back together and knew how hard they had been all the way, so she didn’t wake them up.

When it’s time to eat, I will call.

Just got up and was stopped by Xiaowen:

“Sister, just rest here and I’ll call him.”

Now that Su Qi is six or seven months pregnant, it is a little inconvenient to go upstairs and downstairs, so Xiaowen volunteered.

Su Qi’s actions are really inconvenient, so there is no objection.

Xiaowen went to the second floor alone, knocked on the door in front of Li Han’s bedroom a few times, and called a few times, but there was no movement.

Thinking about it, the people inside are sound asleep, and the sound insulation of the room is very good, so you can’t hear the movement outside.

twisted the door handle, the door was not locked, she gently pushed open.

Then I saw two people sleeping on a big bed hugging each other.

The quilt was half covered, and the other half was kicked away by someone who didn’t know, and it was half covered. It could be seen that the two were calmly facing each other.

Xiaowen stuck out her tongue. She wanted to wake them up, but she opened her mouth and couldn’t help being curious. She walked to the bed and lifted the whole quilt.

She was not curious about Liu Qing, but a little curious about Li Han.

The air conditioner was quite light, and when she lifted it up, neither of the two sleeping people had any feeling.

Xiaowen glanced, “Wow”, and whispered, “It’s so white.”

After following Su Qi in the past few months, I also feel that I have learned something bad. One hand is just about to move, and I want to feel it.

But he stretched it out, but he didn’t do it after all, and gently restored the quilt to its original state.

Then he pushed Liu Qing, shook his body, and shouted:

“Brother Qing, Sister Han, it’s time to get up and eat.”

called a few times and shook a few times before Liu Qing woke up in a daze.

When he first woke up, he couldn’t tell whether he was in the car, on the plane, or in bed.

I’ve spent too much time in the car these days, so I’m a little uncomfortable.

It wasn’t until I heard Xiaowen’s voice clearly that I realized that I had gone home.

opened his eyes forcefully, and said vaguely:

“What time is it to eat, I still want to sleep a little longer…”

“It’s twelve o’clock now, and the food in the kitchen is ready. Hurry up and wash up, hurry up and eat, and go to bed after eating.” Xiaowen said.

When she was talking, Li Han’s eyes opened for a moment, and then they closed again.

There was no other reaction, but his face gradually turned red.

——She knew what her current situation was like, and she felt very embarrassed for showing herself in front of others in this way.

After growing up, apart from Liu Qing, I have never shown this in front of others.

Even if the other party is a woman, she will feel very uncomfortable.

It’s not easy to blame, so I can only pretend to sleep.

Xiaowen saw her reaction and knew that this girl was still shy, a smile appeared on her face, she made a face at Liu Qing and said:

“You guys hurry up and get ready, I’m going down.”

Liu Qing snorted: “Got it.”

paused, then said, “Actually, you don’t even need to break in, just call outside.”

Xiaowen has already walked to the door, turned around and said:

“I knocked on the door and called a few times, but none of you responded, so I came in.”

After saying this, he walked out of the room and closed the bedroom door by the way.

As he went downstairs, he thought: “Sister Han is quite shy, and has always been unable to fit in, which makes everyone uncomfortable. When will it be good to drag her into the water too.”

When I was walking, I recalled the picture I just saw, and my eyes became very bright.

This is the truth of being close to the vermilion and being black, and being close to the ink is black. After being with a strange person like Su Qi for a long time, I have become a little strange. For some novel things, I just wanted to try it.

Of course, part of the reason is the psychological discomfort when facing Li Han.

——Everyone has fallen, and you are the only one who doesn’t fall. How embarrassed it is that everyone is so embarrassed?

After she left, Li Han opened his eyes and quickly got up and dressed.

took a look at the bedroom door and made a decision in my heart – no matter how sleepy or tired you are in the future, you must check whether the door is locked before going to bed.

When the two of them went downstairs, Su Qi, Xiaowen and Feng Zhixuan were all waiting at the dining table.

Qiao Mu, who came back with Liu Qing, has also sat at the table, along with the cleaning aunt and a nanny.

They all ate together.

Liu Qing came over, and the cleaning aunt and the nanny got up and walked into the kitchen, where they started serving dishes with the chef.

“I came back too late, I didn’t wake up until after four o’clock, so I didn’t wake up.” As soon as Liu Qing came over, she explained to Su Qi.

immediately sat beside her.

Su Qi snorted and said with a smile: “I guess that’s the case too. I wanted you to sleep a little longer, but the meal is already ready, and it won’t taste good if it’s cold, so I’ll let Xiaowen call you.”

Then he said, “It’s been so hard to come back, so I don’t have to go to work this afternoon, right?”

Liu Qing shook his head: “If you don’t go, take a day off and go to work tomorrow.”

Then he asked Feng Zhixuan, “Is there anything special about the group these days?”

Feng Zhixuan shook her head: “There is nothing special, everything is normal.”

“That’s good,” Liu Qing said with a smile, “This way I can rest assured.”

Feng Zhixuan didn’t say anything, but she was thinking:

“If you take a break or not, it has nothing to do with the normal operation of the group.”

The current Feng Zhixuan is no longer the former Secretary Feng. At the beginning of the month, the director of the group’s financial department resigned, and Liu Qing nominated her as the group’s financial director, which was approved by the board of directors.

Now she is the chief financial officer of Tianyuan Group. You can call her Director Feng. If you think three words are too cumbersome, you can also call her President Feng.

is now a full-fledged group executive, and he still controls a very important financial department, so the importance is self-evident.

A few months ago, she had started to train a new secretary for Su Qi. After she became the chief financial officer, Su Qi had a new secretary by her side.

However, during this period of time, she was still working as Su Qi’s secretary.

On the one hand, the newcomer has just become Su Qi’s secretary, and her work ability can’t keep up for a while, and she still needs her help.

On the other hand, Su Qi’s trust in the new secretary is not that high, and some things have to be handed over to Feng Zhixuan to be more at ease.

Now Su Qi has very little time to work. It is about one or two days a week, and in those one or two days, she only goes to the group headquarters for an hour or two, and then goes home.

My stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and it is very inconvenient to move around. This is something I can’t do.

For her, the child in her womb is more important than her current job.

Don’t talk about emotional things, purely from the point of view of interests, the child in her womb is equivalent to her covenant with Liu Qing.

Without that child, there would be no such covenant.

That is of course the child is more important.

She has already decided that she will not go to work in November.

Her office is where her secretary works. After analyzing and summarizing some things, they will be handed over to Feng Zhixuan to handle.

There are some Feng Zhixuan who are undecided, so they are handed over to her.

Now Feng Zhixuan’s work focus is still on Su Qi’s side, and her own work does not use so much energy.

It will take some time for this kind of situation, at least it will have to wait until Su Qi has given birth to her child and finished confinement.

That is really tiring. If you want to handle so many things properly, eight hours a day is not enough, at least twelve hours.

But she feels good and feels that she has lived a full life.

In addition, there is a sense of pride – you can help the goddess better and become a more useful person to the goddess.

In this way, her life has more meaning.

It has only been more than half a month since she became the chief financial officer, and her temperament has gradually changed.

used to be just a secretary with little power. Although he was a member of the president’s side, he had no real power in his hands.

Now he has real power, and he also manages a group of elites, and gradually he has the momentum of a superior.

became the chief financial officer, the annual salary is also in the millions, and the confidence is getting stronger and stronger.

When she was in her office, her aura was a strong woman.

Just being around Su Qi, she will have no aura and become an unprincipled little licking dog.

For Liu Qing’s business ability, Feng Zhixuan was quite disdainful in her heart.

However, she is quite convinced in her ability to guide public opinion.

is always able to get the most publicity for the least amount of money.

“Maybe this is a business ability, he just has no management ability.” Feng Zhixuan thought to herself.

The charity event a few days ago had an unexpectedly strong effect.

In the beginning, Ye Mo and Mo Xiaodie, some internet celebrities, used to do charity work. Although there was a certain amount of propaganda, it had a certain propaganda effect, but the response was not particularly big, but it had an impact on their own basics.

After two days, Liu Qing went over and broadcast the whole live broadcast, announcing additional charity funds on the spot, which immediately detonated public opinion, and by the way, also created a record of the number of people who live online on the Acox India platform.

The influence of    broke the circle instantly, causing heated discussions on major social platforms.

Moreover, what satisfies the group the most is that the additional 70 million charitable funds did not allow Tianyuan Group to contribute a single point, it was all rewarded by those in Liu Qing’s live broadcast room.

In the past few days, the group has been discussing this matter, and they all feel that Liu Qing is a genius who guides public opinion.

Feng Zhixuan admires Su Qi more and more in her heart.

She still remembered that when Su Qi first met Liu Qing, she suggested that Liu Qing should not compete for the position of president and become the president of a charity foundation, specializing in charity.

Now it seems that Liu Qing has a special talent in charity, and can spend the least amount of money to get the best results.

Being the president, the management ability really lacks too much.

“Mr. Su has already seen through all this.” She thought so.

During dinner, Su Qi and Liu Qing chatted the most about the charity event a few days ago.

Su Qi also expressed affirmation of Liu Qing’s planning ability, thinking that this is the most genius planning.

She also asked Liu Qing, “Did your team from Tianyuan Media come up with such a good plan, or did the team from the Charity Foundation come up with it?”

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment: “What plan? I’m just making up my mind on a whim, I don’t have a plan.”

“No plan?” Su Qi was also stunned for a moment, “Did you come up with it temporarily?”

Liu Qing nodded: “Yes, I figured it out temporarily.”

Then he explained: “I have also started a live broadcast before, although I can receive a little noise, but not too much, if I don’t notify others to join, and there is no return, it is usually a few million, equivalent to RMB. Hundreds of thousands. For that little sneak, I announced in the live broadcast room to donate it, I am afraid that people will not praise me for my love, but will laugh at me for being stingy.”

This is not an exaggeration.

He, a person with a net worth of tens of billions, announced in the live broadcast room that he would donate hundreds of thousands of RMB. If he publicized it, it would not have any positive effect, but only a negative effect.

In a certain catastrophe, someone donated 100,000 yuan at first, but was laughed at for many years.

This time, the effect was so good, mainly because the amount was large enough.

But before the live broadcast, it was impossible for Liu Qing to know that there would be so many rewards.

He started the broadcast in the morning or was engaged in charity activities. He didn’t host the live broadcast. How could he expect so many people to watch it?

Although the gift tipping function is enabled, it is estimated that the income is only a few hundred thousand RMB, and no one has thought about this.

That is to say, at lunch time, Liu Qing returned to the live broadcast room. After reading the reward data in the live broadcast room, there were already more than 100 million sound waves, which was more than 10 million yuan in RMB. Only then did he make up his mind and announced that he would put it all together. donate.

After the news of    came out, it attracted more people to watch and give rewards, which he did not expect.

After listening to him explain, Su Qi was stunned for a while, then said with a smile: “You are really born to do this.”

(end of this chapter)

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