Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 602

Chapter 598: Heartbeat

Chapter 598 Heartbeat

Zero, officially entered the Double 11.

Several professional e-commerce platforms even had a lag problem in the first few minutes.

Too many people choose to start shopping at this point in time.

Before midnight, Liu Qing’s popularity in the live broadcast room suddenly dropped, from more than 800,000 to more than 200,000.

There is no way, several professional e-commerce platforms have to do data on this day, and they have obtained various discounts many days ago, including some items that cost the same dollar.

There are indeed some very cheap things that can be called benefits.

When it comes to welfare, it is much bigger than the acne scar platform.

After all, those platforms are richer.

However, not everyone can grab those benefits, the number is limited, and those who arrive late will have nothing.

Many people have set their alarm clocks just to start the rush at zero o’clock.

Even some people who don’t like to shop online will rush in at this time.

Liu Qing’s livestreaming room’s popularity dropped from more than 800,000 to more than 200,000 within a few minutes, which is not surprising.

Many live broadcast rooms are like this.

At this time, Liu Qing did not bring any more goods, but announced in the live broadcast room the sales record of acne marks that their live broadcast room set on November 10th.

I once again thanked my family for their trust in their selection, and said that they will be more attentive in their selection in the future, and try their best to find more high-quality and cheap goods for everyone.

In the live broadcast room, he also explained why they were able to get so many benefits from the partner-because they showed the partner the excellent purchasing ability of the live broadcast room, and this ability was obtained with the support of the family. .

Saying this in the live broadcast room is to explain such a logic to fans – the more fans support them, and the more items they buy, the more bargaining power they have and can get better price agreements. , allowing fans to buy cheaper items.

After chatting for a few minutes, the popularity that suddenly dropped began to slowly recover.

A few minutes are enough for some people to grab their favorite items for a long time.

If you didn’t get it, it’s been a few minutes, and it’s impossible to get it again.

However, the popularity has not returned to its previous heights.

After all, it is already midnight, and there are not so many night owls.

When the number of online users exceeded 300,000, Liu Qing received tens of thousands of orders of one yuan in benefits. This time, it was a small bottle of Coke, six bottles of 300ml of Coke, which usually cost a few dollars to buy, but now it is one yuan.

Tens of thousands of orders were released, and they were gone in a few seconds.

Then, started bringing goods again.

At this time, it is truly entering the Double 11.

But the war of live streaming is over.

has already come, the face that should be lost has been lost, Liu Qing doesn’t mind bringing more goods for a while.

is not particularly tiring, because with Xiaowen as an assistant, the introduction of her own products is basically carried out by Xiaowen.

As for other people’s products, they sent people from their own team to explain and promote them, and Liu Qing didn’t need to say too much.

Next, Liu Qing brought two more hours of goods, brought more than a dozen products to his own company, and then pulled the four national brands that sold the best in this live broadcast to the live broadcast room again, and rushed again. sales.

It was not until 2:30 in the morning that he retired and was replaced by Brother Feng and Qin Kun.

——After Ye Mo finished bringing the goods at 8:00, he left Tianyuan Building and went back to rest.

He still has to play games now, so his schedule should not be too outrageous.

Brother Feng is different. He starts broadcasting at night anyway, so he stays overnight and has plenty of rest time.

It was originally planned that the live broadcast would end at 2:00 in the morning, but when Liu Qing left, there were still more than 200,000 people online in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Tianyuan Media didn’t buy traffic anymore—they felt that this was garbage time, and there was no need to buy traffic—the main reason that they were able to keep so many people was that the platform’s push was too strong.

With such a high number of people online, Qin Kun was of course reluctant to end things like this, so he called Brother Feng, who had rested, to help him at about two o’clock, and took over from Liu Qing at half past two.

Their live broadcast room is basically a 24-hour uninterrupted live broadcast. At any time, someone will bring goods, but the anchor will change.

That is, when there is an important event to bring goods, an additional live broadcast room needs to be set up, and the broadcast will be suspended for several hours.

Old fans all know it.

The newcomer will feel a little strange after witnessing the succession process.

I haven’t witnessed this succession process, and I don’t have any special feeling, which will not affect their shopping.

When Liu Qing left, the sales on the 11th had reached more than 300 million.

Among them, the sales of four national brands accounted for about 90%.

After    Brother Feng took over, he and Qin Kun brought the goods for another two hours, until the popularity dropped to 100,000, and then he went back to rest.

He didn’t bring those few national brands, they were all small brands, including Tianyuan Group’s own products.

But it is a national brand. Many products are hung on the small yellow cart, and orders can always be placed.

You can also sell more or less, give them the sales data.

According to the agreement between Tianyuan Media and those brands, on the 11th, it can be sold on the link at this price.

After Brother Feng left, Qin Kun broadcasted for another half an hour, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room dropped below 50,000. Then he handed over the live broadcast room to another anchor of the company and went back to rest by himself.

From 12:00 on the 10th to 5:00 on the 11th, this live broadcast studio sold a total of nearly 1.9 billion yuan.

The total sales volume for 24 hours on the 10th was more than 1.45 billion.

belongs to the 11th, and there are already more than 400 million.

The live broadcast is still going on and will continue forever.

The war of   Double 11 is not over yet. At 12 noon, Qin Kun will appear in this live broadcast room again, and bring another wave of goods, pushing their data on Double 11 to a new height.

However, Liu Qing will not appear again.

Appearing too frequently in a short period of time will definitely consume one’s favorability, which is a matter of killing the chicken and taking the egg.

When he left the live broadcast room at 2:30 in the morning and went home, Liu Qing was still in a state of excitement.

According to the data he has learned, this live broadcast brings goods, and their live broadcast room is the sales champion of the entire network.

And several hundred million more than the second place.

is the whole network, not the pockmark platform.

This is the first time that Tianyuan Media has achieved such good results.

This data was obtained when he appeared, and he was the biggest help.

Having such an achievement made him a little inflated and felt that he was too awesome.

There is such a thought in my heart: “If I specially bring goods, I am afraid that the first brother who brings goods on the whole network must be me.”

Really can be the first brother to bring goods to the whole network, and it has to make tens of billions of sales that year.

The profit of bringing goods is much higher than the profit of doing business.

It can really make tens of billions of sales, and billions of RMB can be earned.

Although   Tianyuan Group claims to have assets of over 100 billion, its annual profit may not be in the billions.

The idea of    made him a little excited – it seemed that being the first brother of the whole network was more profitable than being the president of Tianyuan Group.

But after thinking about it, I gave up the idea.

Maybe live streaming is more profitable than doing business, but the status is not as high as doing business.

This kind of thing is too man-eating.

Once the character design collapses, there will be nothing left.

In addition, he is not that hardworking.

Bringing goods every day is still quite tiring.

He took the goods for several hours this time, and he didn’t say much the whole time, but it was very hard to stay up all night.

If it’s like this every day, he can’t stand it.

And if you want to be a professional anchor with goods, you can’t have someone else explain the goods like today.

That workload is higher.

On the other hand, he also understood that he was able to achieve such a good result this time, but he borrowed the heat from the charity live broadcast a few days ago.

and the trust he brings to consumers as the president of Tianyuan Group.

If he is just a pure streamer, he cannot produce such good data with such a large amount of traffic.

“Forget it, I’ll still be my president, and leave things like bringing goods to those professionals.”

Finally, Liu Qing thought so.

thought again: “But it’s okay to bring goods once in a while, such as next year’s Double 11. This is also creating value.”

Xiaowen in the same car was even more excited.

She only went to assist Liu Qing at eight o’clock in the evening, and even spent more time talking than Liu Qing.

In this live broadcast, she is also an important participant.

She is of course excited to be able to create such data.

This will also be of great benefit to her future live broadcast career.

The most intuitive thing is that by assisting Liu Qing this time, she has increased hundreds of thousands of fans.

From 8 p.m. to 2:30 in the morning, she spent a total of six and a half hours beside Liu Qing. In order to let everyone see her account, she also rewarded ten Huazi in the live broadcast room and appeared in front of the list. ten.

During the    period, Liu Qing asked people to pay attention to her several times.

Although she herself is not very beautiful, with the beauty effect, she is quite capable and belongs to the kind that can become the dream lover of many people.

The eloquence shown in the live broadcast room is also clever, and the expression is quite cute, and it attracts fans.

In this live broadcast room with fierce traffic, it is not very strange that hundreds of thousands of followers have increased.

That’s all real concern.

For super-first-line anchors to pay attention to Huazi. To achieve hundreds of thousands of real attention, you have to pay millions of RMB.

Now, the assistant broadcaster brought her such data in one day, of course she is happy.

What’s even happier is that most of the people who follow are the ones who shop in the live broadcast room, and they belong to the fans who have been purified.

For an anchor with goods, it is even more valuable.

Along the way, she remained excited, chatting with Liu Qing:

“Brother Qing, did we really get the first place in the entire network this time?”

“Brother Qing, you are too awesome! Otherwise, you can live broadcast and bring goods in the future. Come once a week, and I will help you broadcast!”

“Brother Qing, are we going to break the circle this time? Will we become a celebrity known to the common people like the first brother and one sister of the Youshang platform?”

“Brother Qing, your popularity has surpassed those of those big stars, right?”

Liu Qing was also in a good mood, and agreed with her with a smile.

But when I heard Xiaowen compare the big stars to him, she sneered:

“I’m a dignified president who manages hundreds of billions of assets. If you compare me to those actors, it’s too much to look down on me.”

In the past, he still admired those big stars, but his status was getting higher and higher. Looking back, it was nothing more than that.

Especially when I went to the capital, I was quite disdainful when I heard some bigwigs talking about those familiar big stars.

So, he also felt that those big stars were nothing more than that.

What made him a little more uncomfortable was that when he was in the capital at a party, there were some entertainment stars present, and some of them were beautiful, but none of them took the initiative to seduce him, so he didn’t even have a chance to refuse, and he looked down on people. .

He sneered, and Xiaowen quickly echoed:

“Yes, our young brother’s status is now much higher than those of the big stars, and his fame is greater than them. We don’t need to compare with them.”

Liu Qing nodded, and then said:

“Of course, it’s still okay, Deyi Shuangxin…”

Xiaowen said: “Brother Qing, can we ask some big stars to help us bring the goods in the future? Can we make better data?”

Liu Qing shook his head: “It’s not that easy. The reputation of our live broadcasts is still a bit poor. The real top stars cherish their feathers and are reluctant to participate in such activities. Those third- and fourth-tier stars, they still don’t have us. It’s no use if you come here.”

The reputation of live streaming has gradually improved, but on the two short video platforms with the largest traffic, Tiechang and Pouyin, the reputation of live streaming is quite poor, even worse than that of Jing Xiye. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to invite top stars.

On the contrary, the head anchors of professional e-commerce platforms have much better word-of-mouth, and it is relatively easy to invite traffic stars.

Tianyuan Media mainly uses acne marks as a development platform. When the reputation of this platform has not been improved, it is difficult to invite top stars to help them bring goods.

Xiaowen blinked: “No one else can invite you, can you also invite Qingge?”

Liu Qing smiled: “I’m not omnipotent. Those top stars, each of them has a lot of endorsements, and generally they won’t be in the same frame as other brands. If they are not careful, they will lead to lawsuits and ask them to bring the goods. It’s a lot of trouble. Even if they look up to me, the possibility of accepting the invitation is very low, unless you can give them a number that they can’t refuse, but that’s not necessary.”

Xiaowen was a little depressed and said, “I’m still thinking, if you can invite me a few big stars to my live broadcast room, brother Qing, then you can push me to the position of the first-line anchor.”

Liu Qing’s heart moved.

Xiaowen still has the ability to live broadcast, and the people work hard enough. The image below Meiyan is also very good, and she has the potential to become a first-line anchor.

What is lacking in    is an opportunity to promote.

Invite a few stars, it is indeed possible to open her traffic.

After pondering for a while, he said, “The top class is not available, but the second- and third-tier ones shouldn’t be a big problem.”

(end of this chapter)

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