Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 606

Chapter 602: Platform Support

Chapter 602 Platform Support

November 12 was another day without work for Liu Qing.

The   Double Eleven Battle Report has come out. On this day, major e-commerce platforms have set new sales records.

The record of live streaming with goods has also come out.

Counting the time of Double Eleven from October 20th to the end of November 12th at 0:00, the sales data for that period is accumulated, Tianyuan preferred data is not the strongest, but it is no better than the first brother of Youshang platform. sister.

The gap between    and those few is still a bit big.

However, in the two days from the 10th to the 11th, Tianyuan’s preferred data has achieved the first place in the entire network.

In this Double Eleven battle, Tianyuan Optimization is considered to be out of the circle, no longer just splashing in the small pool of acne marks.

——Although the traffic of acne marks is larger than the traffic of other platforms, but in terms of e-commerce, it is really bad, not to mention compared with professional e-commerce platforms, even compared with iron works. .

The main income of this platform still comes from the gift income and advertising income that viewers give to the anchor.

For now, this is still an entertainment platform.

Although the platform hopes to develop e-commerce and convert huge traffic into revenue, it has not yet done well.

This also means that there is still a lot of potential to develop e-commerce on this platform.

Now Tianyuan Media has become the representative of e-commerce on this platform, and the platform is also willing to give them a certain resource tilt and make better data, so as to attract more excellent e-commerce companies to settle on this platform.

On the afternoon of the 12th, some executives on the platform talked with Qin Kun for a few hours, mainly hoping that Tianyuan Optimization could go further and become the leader of the whole network live broadcast and cargo circle, and said that the platform will continue to live broadcast in the next period of time. The goods section will give more traffic tilt, and will focus on cultivating a group of excellent anchors with goods on the Poxyin platform.

During the    exchange, he also asked about Tianyuan Media’s experience on this platform. You can put forward any opinions, and the platform will seriously consider them.

Of course, Qin Kun was happy about the platform’s initiative, and told the other party some of his views on live streaming and delivery, and also said that Tianyuan Preferred will now focus on the development of the acne scar platform.

This is also showing loyalty to the platform, and I hope Acoxin can give this company more traffic support.

On the one hand, the Poxyin platform hopes to vigorously develop live broadcasts, but on the other hand, it does not want to cultivate freaks who can compete with the platform. It has always implemented the policy of decentralization cautiously, and does not allow which anchor or guild owns its own platform. Excessive private domain traffic.

The traffic must be in their own hands, and all the streamers have to rely on the traffic given by the platform to survive, so as to maintain their control over the platform.

Like the iron factory, most of them belong to private domain traffic, and some guilds even have the confidence to challenge the platform.

The first brother of this platform can publicly criticize the platform.

This kind of situation does not exist in the acne marks, because no guild has too much private domain traffic, and all the anchors rely on the platform to push the stream to live, and no major anchor dares to provoke the platform.

If anyone jumps too hard and restricts traffic, the super-first-tier internet celebrities will fall to the second and third tiers, and they will soon be out of breath.

Some don’t even provoke the platform, but with a relatively large private domain traffic, they will also be suppressed by the platform.

Tianyuan Media also has a relatively large traffic pool, but this traffic pool is nothing compared to the huge traffic the platform has.

This time, they were able to sell so many products on Double Eleven, mainly relying on the push flow of the platform.

In that 36-hour live broadcast event, more than 80% of the traffic entering the live broadcast room was recommended by the platform.

Part of the    platform recommendation is the traffic that Tianyuan Media purchased from the platform itself.

A larger part is actively recommended by the platform.

Most people just swiped and swiped to their live broadcast room.

Those who entered from the watch list are less than 10%.

If you only rely on your own traffic pool, it is impossible to sell so many goods.

The platform needs to support them, which saves them a lot of the cost of buying traffic.

Of course, the more products they sell on this platform, the more commission the platform receives, and this traffic is not sent in vain.

But anyway, it is better than buying all the traffic by yourself.

——The sales data converted from the purchased traffic still has to give the platform the same commission.

Qin Kun was of course excited when the platform indicated that it would support its own company when the largest traffic was in the hands of the platform.

With the support of the platform, the future development will be even more powerful.

If the platform does not support it, don’t say that the platform will not push traffic to them, and even buying traffic yourself is not allowed.

What’s more, you can’t even enter the live broadcast room from the watch list.

In this case, it is necessary to show loyalty.

In the exchange, the platform side also suggested that they should devote more energy to developing e-commerce, rather than entertaining PK.

This is also a vague warning.

Acoxin is an entertainment platform. Those big first-line anchors, either talent anchors or PK anchors, all belong to the entertainment category.

An anchor like    is the easiest to attract fans, and become a big fan and become their own traffic.

Tianyuan Media is also working hard in this regard.

The purpose of    is of course to create a large traffic pool, and then convert these traffic into sales when bringing goods.

Such a strategy is certainly fine.

From the perspective of Tianyuan Media, this is a perfect strategy.

I can enlarge the traffic pool and have a larger private domain traffic. In the future, I don’t need to buy too much traffic from the platform, which saves a lot of expenses.

Saving money means making money.

If their traffic pool can be expanded tenfold from the current size, then they can really lie down and count money.

However, the Poxyin platform does not want such a situation, it does not want Tianyuan Media to have too much private domain traffic.

– You don’t need to buy traffic from me anymore, so I don’t make a lot of money?

——You turn my traffic into your traffic, lock all that traffic in the hands of the anchors of Tianyuan Media, and become your traffic alone, so the traffic that I can sell will be reduced?

——You can live a very nourishing life without relying on the platform’s push flow. Can you get rid of the platform’s control in the future and do whatever you want?

The most serious thing is that when an anchor’s influence is large enough, he can transfer his fans to other platforms.

That is tantamount to cutting flesh on the platform.

The platform does not want an excellent e-commerce company like Tianyuan Media to go to other platforms after attracting enough traffic.

This situation is not impossible.

As long as Tianyuan Media has the ability to convert the public domain traffic of the Poxyin platform into its own private domain traffic, and cultivate a large number of iron fans, then there will inevitably be other platforms to dig them with more favorable conditions.

The best way is that Tianyuan Media does not have any private domain traffic, and can only make money by relying on the traffic pushed by the platform.

This is good for everyone.

Therefore, the platform hopes that Tianyuan Media will focus on the development of live broadcast and delivery, and not too hard in terms of entertainment PK.

Qin Kun has been studying this platform for two or three years, and he is not ignorant of the strategy of this platform.

What people said was very obscure, but he could hear what the other party meant.

Although I felt a little uncomfortable, I still explained:

“Our company mainly focuses on live broadcast and delivery of goods, and the focus is also on cultivating anchors who carry goods, and we don’t do much in entertainment PK. We didn’t put too much energy into entertainment PK before, and we won’t invest too much energy in the future. In this one. After Mr. Liu joined our company, our strategy has been set, focusing on developing e-commerce, entertainment PK, just digesting the recruited anchors who are not suitable for bringing goods. ”

Platform side: “Ye Mo from your company is very popular recently. When I watch his live broadcast, the number of people online is often over 100,000, and their fans rarely go to other live broadcast rooms.”

Tianyuan Media also has a few second- and third-tier anchors, and the popularity of the live broadcast room can reach tens of thousands. Like Mo Xiaodie, it can reach tens of thousands.

But these anchor platforms don’t care about acne marks, and that little traffic is not called traffic at all in the eyes of the platform.

However, Ye Mo’s existence made them a little worried.

This guy is fierce, and now he has nearly 10 million fans.

And his fans are relatively high-purity, in other words, there are more brain-damaged fans.

A lot of people just watch his live broadcasts and only consume them in his live broadcast room.

Some are better, and I will go to the live broadcast room of other anchors of Tianyuan Media to consume and support.

This has the momentum to grab traffic with the platform.

If there is only one platform in the world, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the traffic of the anchor belongs to the traffic of the platform, and in the end, the platform makes money.

However, there are quite a lot of entertainment platforms in this world, including big competitors and small competitors.

Ye Mo has so many high-purity fans. If one day he goes to other platforms and takes those high-purity fans away, it will be a big loss for acne marks.

It doesn’t matter yet.

But judging from Ye Mo’s development momentum, it would be hard to say after another year or two.

Acoxin develops new users, that is real money, and billions of dollars are smashed at every turn.

Let people take it away in vain, of course they don’t want to.

In the past two or three months, the platform has not pushed Ye Mo much, and sometimes restricts the purchase of traffic in his live broadcast room.

But the popularity of this anchor is still increasing.

If there are no restrictions, they can’t imagine what that boy will develop into.

Qin Kun can only explain: “Although the popularity of Ye Mo’s live broadcast room is high, the main reason is that there are many iron fans and the staying time is long. In fact, the number of fans is not large.”

These data are all available.

Ye Mo’s live broadcast room recommendation ratio is pitiful, basically below 20%, and sometimes even only a few percent.

It is recommended to open only when you bring goods.

Qin Kun also knew that this was the platform’s restriction on traffic, but he didn’t say it, and he couldn’t explain it.

Now that the other party mentioned this matter, he just explained:

“Most of Ye Mo’s fans are attracted from other social platforms after we posted his videos on other social platforms. Many of them have not come here for a long time and have not developed acne yet. Yin’s habit is to stay in Ye Mo’s live broadcast room. We are now guiding these fans to other anchors’ live broadcast rooms for entertainment and consumption. After a long time, they will develop that habit. ”

The implication is that Ye Mo’s fans, a large part of them are attracted from other platforms. Not only do they not have the corners of digging acne marks, but they also bring so many users to acne marks, which belong to the platform. Add bricks and mortar.

This kind of thing is not easy to say too clearly, just click on it.

The platform side also cared about Ye Mo’s future development direction. Hearing that it was mainly for games and live broadcasts, they didn’t say much.

In general, this time the exchange was quite pleasant, no matter which party it was.

When Qin Kun communicated with the platform, his team also received many requests for cooperation from brands.

The data on live streaming this time is so dazzling that more brands want to cooperate with them.

There are many famous brand products that everyone is familiar with.

This is also what Tianyuan Media wants to achieve.

They bring goods to those national brands with extremely low commissions and increase sales data. It is for this purpose that they welcome more partners and have stronger bargaining power.

The final goal is to turn the live broadcast room of Tianyuan Optimization into a large online supermarket, so that more people think of shopping, and the first thing that comes to their mind is to shop in their live broadcast room.

Liu Qing did not participate in these affairs.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand it completely, but he believes that the backbone of Tianyuan Media’s team knows better than him.

He doesn’t need to waste energy on this, it’s a thankless effort.

On the 12th, she slept until noon again, accompanied Su Qi to the hospital for a checkup in the afternoon, and called Ding Yun for half an hour to explain Su Qi’s pregnancy test this time.

Su Qi’s due date is January, and it’s only a month or two away.

Now she doesn’t go to work at all, and she doesn’t even touch the computer. At most, she plays with her mobile phone occasionally, and it doesn’t take long.

Su Qi still has a certain understanding of the situation of Tianyuan Group. She asks Feng Zhixuan and Li Han every day, but she only understands the general operation and does not participate in the details.

As long as it works, she doesn’t have the energy to learn more.

Now she knows no more about the group than Liu Qing.

Then I was very depressed to find that without her participation, the operation of Tianyuan Group seemed to have no problems, and it was quite normal.

Even the profits during this period were better than before.

I don’t know if Liu Qing is a fool or a foolish person.

That is the case anyway.

I originally thought that I would not give birth to this child after giving birth, so I focused my energy on my career.

There are some hesitations now – it seems that you can have another one. It will be better for him to have one more brother and sister for this child in the future.

(end of this chapter)

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