Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 612

Chapter 608: Honest Scumbag

Chapter 608 Honest Scumbag

When Ye Wanrong’s parents saw Su Qi, their expressions were very unnatural.

They can appear as victims in front of Liu Qing and even Ding Yun.

But in front of Su Qi, there is no such confidence.

Because Su Qi is Liu Qing’s legal wife, and Ye Wanrong is a disgraceful mistress in it.

Daughter bowed her head in front of others, and their parents also bowed their head.

Fortunately, Su Qi didn’t show any dissatisfaction with them. At the beginning, she stood in the courtyard with a smile and waited for their arrival. After they arrived, she also apologized that she should have gone to the airport to meet them, but Now that they are pregnant, it is inconvenient to move, so they can only ignore it, and tell them not to worry about it.

Moreover, the hug with Ye Wanrong and the sincere smile when he looked at her also proved that he wasn’t lying to them, and they really had a good relationship.

I don’t know if it is a satire or a compliment, that is, Su Qi, a woman, has the style of a big wife of a big family in ancient feudal society.

Can accommodate other women around a man, and treat them like sisters.

When Ye Wanrong’s parents saw what Su Qi showed, they also understood why Ye Wanrong was willing to live here.

Regardless of their rotten way of life, at least the atmosphere of life is still very good. It can be seen that everyone has a good relationship and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

I didn’t book a restaurant outside either. That night, so many people ate here at Liu Qing—including Ding Yun, who also stayed.

There are guests, and the ingredients are more high-end than usual.

Although it is not luxurious, it is no longer affordable for ordinary people.

At least Ye Wanrong’s parents would jump over when they saw the ingredients in the restaurant.

Can’t afford it.

There are better ingredients, and Sister Mei’s cooking skills have also been better displayed.

After a meal, Ye’s father and Ye’s mother can better understand why his daughter is willing to stay here.

Just rush here to eat, you should also stay.

This kind of life is called enjoying life.

Compared to them, their previous life was just surviving.

Ye Wanrong’s parents came here this time mainly to learn about Ye Wanrong’s living environment here, especially to know what kind of people Ye Wanrong lives with.

It’s not what Liu Qing thought he was going to come over and beat him up.

——They are all so old, so they are not so irrational.

Anger is anger, but for the sake of my daughter and the future of my granddaughter, I can only hold back that sigh of relief.

These two couples are still not pleasing to Liu Qing, and they chat more with Ding Yun, after all, they are closer in age.

and Liu Qing basically had no communication.

Even the communication with Su Qi is more than the communication with Liu Qing.

In this regard, of course, part of the reason is that Su Qi’s emotional intelligence is relatively high, and it makes people feel very comfortable to speak, and she can unconsciously participate in the topics she guides.

As for Liu Qing, he lacks emotional intelligence and is introverted. When facing Ye Wanrong’s parents, he has a guilty conscience.

When eating, watching others talk eloquently, Liu Qing could only sit next to Ye Wanrong and eat silently.

Before Ye Wanrong’s parents came over, they had many guesses about the man who harmed their daughter.

In their conjecture, this irresponsible scumbag should be the kind of young, arrogant and domineering face, and definitely not the kind of humble and kind face shown in the news media.

——If he really had such a quality person, he would not harm his daughter.

But after meeting each other and staying a little longer, I realized that this man is not arrogant and domineering at all. When facing them, there is even a sense of fear, his eyes are dodging, and he doesn’t dare to look at them.

When he was about to speak, he put on a humble smile and spoke carefully.

felt very strange to them, and felt that this man did not have the temperament of a rich second-generation, no upstart, and no scumbag temperament.

is more like a legendary honest man.

However, just look at the young and beautiful women eating at this table, you don’t need to look into it to know what kind of relationship they have with Liu Qing.

There are several young and beautiful women hidden in the house. If such a man is an honest person, there will be no dishonest person in the world.

Of course they wouldn’t think that Liu Qing was really an honest person who was ignorant of words.

can only think that this guy is too good at pretending.

During the meal, Ye Wanrong also asked Liu Qing about her younger brother Ye Mo’s current development.

She followed Ye Mo on her acne scars, and chatted frequently on WeChat, so she was of course clear about Ye Mo’s current situation.

Now asking about Liu Qing, she is also asking something she doesn’t understand – how Tianyuan Media plans Ye Mo’s future development.

This thing, even Ye Mo doesn’t know much about it.

It is not Ye Mo himself who can decide Ye Mo’s future development, but Tianyuan Media he signed with him.

And Liu Qing is the boss of Tianyuan Media.

When Ye Wanrong asked such a question, her parents couldn’t help but froze and listened.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Wanrong asked Liu Qing these questions in front of her parents—a vague reminder to her parents, not only that she and her daughter will live in this house in the future, but Ye Mo is also developing under this man. .

If there is anything unhappy about, please forgive me for the sake of my daughter and granddaughter.

If the daughter and granddaughter are not enough, then forgive me for the son’s sake.

Liu Qing couldn’t talk about other topics, but when it came to Ye Mo’s development, he was still very clear.

The artist that Tianyuan Media cultivated, the best performer is Ye Mo, and this young man still has a lot of potential that has not been tapped.

How to develop him is the top priority of Tianyuan Media.

In order to develop more of his commercial value, Tianyuan Media has made many plans, and those plans have also solicited Liu Qing’s opinions in depth.

Liu Qing introduced to Ye Wanrong.

Introduced Tianyuan Media’s future plans for Ye Mo to her, which of course mainly focused on fighting in the arena.

In the arena, Ye Mo still maintained an undefeated record and was considered a favorite to win the championship.

After finishing this year’s battle, I will participate again next year.

At the same time, next year, according to Ye Mo’s competitive state, he will decide whether to participate in the UFC arena or not.

Winning the competition and ruling the arena is Ye Mo’s dream.

At the same time, that is also the character that Tianyuan Media wants to create for Ye Mo, and it is a powerful tool to increase fans’ sense of honor.

Although his fans are mainly attracted by his appearance, but only because of his appearance, he cannot retain too many fans.

There must be other talents to retain those fans, enhance their sense of honor, and gradually turn them into brainless fans.

In addition to being able to fight in the ring, Ye Mo has no other talents.

Then let him win in the ring, again and again.

This is why Tianyuan Media spent so much money to hire a foreign coaching team to train Ye Mo.

A victory can bring one item, which can enhance the sense of honor of those fans who are bored, and can stimulate the enthusiasm of those fans to consume.

That is banknotes.

If Ye Mo can stand in the UFO arena and fight against foreigners, win time and time again, and knock down foreigners on the arena, it will increase the sense of honor of his fans.

can even attract a wave of patriotic fans to become his fans.

If he can rule that arena, there is no doubt that he will become a national hero in the era of self-media.

It is conceivable how much traffic this can bring and how much economic benefits it can transform.

However, if you lose in the ring, it will undoubtedly damage the fans’ sense of honor.

If you fall into the ring again and again, it will exploit the fans’ sense of honor and even make them feel ashamed, making them choose to leave this person.

The loss is not just fans, but also economic benefits.

Therefore, on the one hand, Tianyuan Media must strengthen the training of Ye Mo, and on the other hand, it must seriously evaluate Ye Mo’s state and whether it has the strength to win in the Ufc arena.

Only when the win rate is greater than 70% will he be allowed to enter that ring.

It’s not that you can’t face failure. When you get to that arena, you will face the strongest players in the world, and you will inevitably face failure.

However, they cannot face too many failures.

It must be ensured that there are more wins than losses.

In this way, Ye Mo’s entry into the UFC is likely to be later than he expected.

– With Ye Mo’s current record and level, he is already qualified to play in the UFC arena, but he may win or lose.

For improving the level of personal competition, entering this arena earlier and playing against more powerful people will undoubtedly be able to grow faster.

It’s just that Tianyuan Media is not very able to withstand the failure of a super-first-line anchor, so it has to be careful, to make Ye Mo’s competitive level reach a higher level and have a higher chance of winning, so that he can go to that bigger stage roam.

Father Ye felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Liu Qing’s explanation, and felt that his son was still kidnapped by money.

People of his age, of course, know that money is important.

He is a martial arts practitioner, and he has a passion for the fighting arena that ordinary people cannot understand.

Compared with money, he certainly hopes that his son can grow up faster, stand on that bigger stage, show more people the strength of Chinese people in fighting, and prove that Chinese people can too.

Being able to reach that level is a matter of honor for their martial arts family.

——Even though the things that Ye Mo has learned now cannot be described by martial arts, he still has a long background in martial arts, and he is considered a martial artist.

It’s just that he can understand that Tianyuan Media spent a lot of money on the coaching team hired by Ye Mo. Without such a professional team, Ye Mo would not be able to make such rapid progress.

The company spends money, and of course there is a gain.

Considering Ye Mo’s development from the perspective of making money, there is no problem at all.

Without Tianyuan Media, with Ye Mo’s own efforts, there would be no such rapid growth.

Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, he had no reason to accuse others of looking at money.

When talking about this, Liu Qing also mentioned how much Ye Mo has earned for the company and how much money he has earned in the company.

still calculated an account, listed the money Tianyuan Media spent on Ye Mo, and listed the money Tianyuan Media earned on him.

As a result, although Ye Mo can create great benefits for the company every time he brings goods, the company has still lost money on him so far.

It’s not that I lost a little bit, but that I reached the level of eight figures.

At the same time, after Ye Mo entered Tianyuan Media, according to the contract he signed, he had already earned eight-digit RMB through commissions for bringing goods and livestreaming gifts.

After this account was settled, Father Ye couldn’t say anything.

Judging from this account, Ye Mo joined Tianyuan Media. Tianyuan Media not only did not make any money, but also lost a lot of money.

And Ye Mo himself, after joining, not only his competitive level has been greatly improved, he has also earned over 10 million real money, becoming the only beneficiary.

So what else is there to say?

Although he didn’t like Liu Qing very much, at this time, he also expressed his gratitude to Liu Qing very seriously, thanking him for spending so much money on raising his son.

This thank you made Liu Qing flattered and said quickly:

“This is what I should do, and Ye Mo himself is good enough, and it is worthy of our company to cultivate him like this.”

said while thinking:

“He thanked me, so he shouldn’t beat me, right?”

After eating, Ye Wanrong had a video call with Ye Mo.

Ye Mo is usually in Yangcheng, but in two days, he will have a decisive match, so he went to the local area two days in advance to train there.

At this time, only video calls can be made.

Seeing his parents and Liu Qing together through the video, Ye Mo was taken aback, and he carefully checked whether his boss was injured.

Seeing that Liu Qing’s body is still normal, I felt relieved, and I felt a little lost:

“I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect that a stubborn man like my father would bend down when faced with money, and when he saw the scumbag who harmed his daughter, he didn’t beat him hard, and even followed up with him. He ate together.”

“This is the fall!”

“What happened to this era?”

“Hey, I still have to work hard to earn money in the future, so as to make my family as much as possible to maintain their dignity in front of money.”

This video call lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally ended after Ye Mo asked if Ye Mo was looking for a girlfriend now-Ye Mo said that when it was time for training again, he turned off the video call.

Mother Ye was angry: “This kid is like this every time he asks him. At other times, he doesn’t need to train. When he asks if he has a girlfriend, he will train.”

Ding Yun could understand her mother’s mentality, so she couldn’t help laughing and said to her:

“I’ve met Xiao Mo a few times. He’s so good-looking and earns so much money. There will definitely be many girls who like him, so you don’t have to worry.”

Mother Ye said sadly: “I’m not worried that no girls like him, I’m worried that he doesn’t like girls…”

(end of this chapter)

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