Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 631

Chapter 626: Heaven Has Eyes

Chapter 626 The sky has eyes

Geng Xia was driving the car in front, and she could hear the conversation between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law behind her, and her hands on the steering wheel trembled.

thought to himself: “Is this going to settle an old account?”

What worries me the most is that Ding Yun is drinking too much now. If she tells the truth after drinking and says something she shouldn’t say, her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will become enemies, and they are irreconcilable enemies.

She wanted to stop the car at this time, and wanted to call Liu Qing to come over.

In her opinion, only Liu Qing could settle this matter.

But she doesn’t dare to do anything now, she can only honestly drive her car to Liu Qing’s house.

The latter two are the kind of people whose net worth is in the billions, and their aura is so strong that she dare not do anything else.

Now I just hope that I can drive over quickly, send Su Qi to my house, and then leave with Ding Yun immediately.

I also hope that Ding Yun is more seriously drunk and unconscious.

sighed in his heart: “Drinking is a mistake, drinking is a mistake. If the boss wants to drink again in the future, I have to persuade her no matter what.”

thought again: “If your mouth is not strict and you say something that shouldn’t be said, I don’t know if there will be a future.”

was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Su Qi was also a little excited.

She is not an easily excited person, she can calm down most of the time, look at problems rationally, and find a way to maximize her own interests.

However, she also has a pain in her heart that cannot be healed.

Her father’s death was like that.

No matter how unfair what her father did to Ding Yun and how unfair it was to Liu Qing and his son, that person was her father, the father who always treated her very well.

She chose to marry Liu Qing in order to keep the Tianyuan Group from splitting, to inherit her father’s legacy, and to follow her father’s unfinished path, so that the Tianyuan Group could develop better.

In order to fulfill her father’s wish, she voluntarily committed herself to the son of her enemy, which shows the importance of her father in her mind.

How her father died, she has always suspected, but there is no evidence.

At this time, it happened that Ding Yun had drunk too much and lost control of her emotions, so she said such words.

She knew that she shouldn’t have said such a thing.

No matter what happened in the past, now she is the daughter-in-law of this woman, she has married this woman’s son, and has given birth to this woman a grandson.

In her life, she never thought about divorce or leaving this woman’s son.

If you want your family to live well together, you shouldn’t ask such a question.

If you ask such a question, there will inevitably be cracks in your future relationship.

I chose to marry Liu Qing, and I chose to live with him all my life, so I should let go of the past.

However, she couldn’t control herself.

She desperately wanted the answer – how did her father die? Why is it such a coincidence?

There is suspicion in my heart, but it is always just a suspicion in my heart.

She needs this woman to prove it.

I missed this opportunity, and I probably will never find a second chance to ask this question in my life.

The question she raised did not directly say that her father’s death was related to Ding Yun, but the point was obvious.

– My father did something wrong to you, so you hate him.

– You hate him, so you think about his death.

—and my father died at that time.

– So, how did my father die?

——is it about you?

It involves the biggest knot in her heart. Su Qi, a person who is difficult to emotionally fluctuate, is also excited at this moment. Tears flashed in her eyes, and she asked Ding Yun:

“It is said that a husband and wife are blessed for a hundred days, and you have been husband and wife for more than ten years. Mom, do you really want him to die that much?”

Ding Yun was also excited:

“We have been a husband and wife for more than ten years, but those ten years were the ten years when he treated me as a thief defense. Why did he ever treat me as a husband and wife? How could he ever be kind to me? Su Qi, why did he You can also see for me, you are also a wife and a mother now, tell me, what would you think if you were treated like that?”

“Are you grateful for such a man, or are you hated for such a man? Do you want to endure and stay with him for the rest of your life, or do you want him to die sooner?”

“Tell me the truth, what would you think if you were me?”

For Ding Yun’s rhetorical question, Su Qi shook her head and said:

“I have no way to be you. From the very beginning, I will not abandon my husband and underage son in the hospital bed for a better life. As a wife and a mother, what should I bear, I will bear it, how will I bear it? I will not give up the ordeal. The premise you mentioned did not exist from the beginning, so I have no way to answer you. ”

Su Qi’s words made Ding Yun cry again, saying:

“I was wrong back then. I’m sorry for their father and son. I didn’t fulfill my responsibilities as a wife and mother. I’m a selfish woman.”

“But, I didn’t feel sorry for your father, and I didn’t feel sorry for your mother. It was your father who has been guarding me like a thief for more than ten years. It was your mother who killed my son, and they worked together to destroy me. The future of my life. I have lived a life of servility and servility for more than ten years, in exchange for nothing, it’s you, can you not hate it? ”

Su Qi said: “But my brother’s death has nothing to do with my father. My father is also very heartbroken. You can hate my mother as much as you want. You can even kill me or avenge my brother. But why do you want to do this? This kind of hatred is placed on my dad? He is alive and you stay by his side, can’t you continue to enjoy the glory and wealth? Why do you have to think about his death? ”

“Hehe, how long can I stay by his side to enjoy glory and wealth?” Ding Yun sneered, “The son I had with him died, and I’m getting old, how long can he allow me to stay by his side? In the last few months of our relationship, he looked at me with more and more disgust. If he was still alive, by this time, I would have been stripped of everything by him and swept out of the house, right?”

After following Su Yi, Ding Yun has always been very attentive to her body care, spending at least several million every year to maintain her body and keep herself as young as possible.

She understood that what Su Yi liked was not her inside, but her outside, and there was even some disgust for her inside, otherwise she wouldn’t have been protecting her like a thief.

Only by staying young and beautiful can she continue to be Su Yi’s wife and enjoy the glory and wealth.

Before he lost his son, he was over fifty years old, and he looked like a young woman in her thirties.

But after losing his son, in just a few months, he seemed to have aged several decades, and even looked older than his actual age.

This is what Su Qi saw with her own eyes.

At that time, she was actually very guilty of this woman.

Speaking of the past, Ding Yun still had lingering resentment and said:

“Also, he doesn’t have a son, but I do. I still have a son.”

“Although I’m sorry for that son, he is my own after all. As long as I get him back, treat him well, and compensate him, he will still recognize me as a mother after all.”

“But, if your dad is alive, can he let me find that son?”

“Unless I want nothing and leave him with nothing.”

“But then, how can I make amends for the son I abandoned for more than ten years?”

“I’ve had such a big infamy and lived in a low voice by your father’s side for more than ten years, just to return to the original shape after more than ten years, and live that kind of poor life again?”


“Why does he have the best time for me for more than ten years, but in the end he doesn’t give it to me at all?”

That’s right, there is a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Hate, that is real hate.

Sitting beside her, Su Qi could feel her deep hatred.

Su Qi took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and said:

“That’s why you let him die, didn’t you?”

Hearing this, Geng Xia, who was driving in front of her, shook her hands again, and the car was a little unsteady.

“I really want him to die,” Ding Yun said. “At that time, in order not to let me take revenge on you, he made a will in my favor. How good would it be for him to die at that time? A few months later, maybe The will is changed, and I may be gone. Even if I am still alive, it is not necessarily related to him. ”

When    said this, Ding Yun even smiled.

Geng Xia, who was driving in front, sighed: “The chairman really drank too much, too much.”

This seems to be irreversible, and she is also dead, so let it go.

Su Qi’s tears slowly flowed out of her eyes and said:

“That’s why he got into a car accident?”

The implication is that Ding Yun caused her father’s car accident artificially.

When    asked this, her hands were shaking.

If Ding Yun gave a positive answer, what should she do?

She knew that the car had a dash cam, and as long as the woman admitted it, she could call the police on the spot and let the police investigate.

It is best to ask for the key evidence while this woman drinks too much and becomes unconscious.

But what about after calling the police?

Can this woman be sentenced to death and her father’s life can be saved?

With such a move, it would be impossible for her and Liu Qing to live together.

Continue to be together, and the level of public opinion will not pass.

Moreover, Ding Yun is Liu Qing’s mother. She sent Liu Qing’s mother to prison and to the guillotine. It is impossible for Liu Qing to be indifferent to this, and it is impossible to live with her as before.

At this time, she even had some regrets.

This topic should not be brought up.

Things are over, what are you going to do with those old accounts?

However, another voice in her heart told her that this was the only chance to know the truth. If she missed it, she would never have such an opportunity again.

Her father, can’t die so incomprehensibly.

So, no matter how scared she was, she still asked.

“God has eyes!” Ding Yun said with tears and laughter to her question, “I’ve been lonely all my life, but God finally opened its eyes to me, so that the devil who tormented me for more than ten years also had a car accident and brought him with him. By taking his life, I am finally free.”

Geng Xia was driving in front, her hands were shaking a little.

Hearing what she said, he finally calmed down.

secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought to myself: “The chairman’s alcohol capacity is really good…”

Ding Yun’s answer made Su Qi stunned for a moment and looked at her: “God has eyes?”

“Isn’t that what God has eyes for?” Ding Yun gritted her teeth and said, “He tortured me for so many years, he made me abandon my husband and my son, he didn’t even allow them to help them, and even took a look at my underage son. No way, he’s a devil. Letting him get into a car accident is the retribution of God for doing so many bad things to him! If the retribution comes later, I’ll be the one who will die.”

Su Qi took another deep breath: “Does his car accident have nothing to do with you?”

Ding Yun said: “If I had that ability, I wouldn’t have endured it for so long, I would have caused him a car accident long ago.”

Then he laughed again: “Actually, I thought about poisoning him, but I didn’t know where to buy the poison, so I didn’t do such a thing. Once I climbed a mountain with him, I also thought about pushing him. I went down the cliff. But when I walked behind him, I still couldn’t get the hand. I’ve never beaten anyone before, so how could I have the courage to kill someone? I regretted it later, but I don’t have that chance anymore. , he was in a car accident.”

said and cried again:

“I married Liu Qing’s father and had a happy life, but such happiness was taken away by a car accident.”

“I gave birth to your brother to your father, and I could have a happy future, but this happiness was also taken away by a car accident.”

“I’ve been unlucky all my life, and it’s all related to car accidents.”

wiped a handful of tears and smiled again:

“Fortunately, the sky has eyes. In the end, your father’s car accident gave me wealth and freedom.”

“What was lost in a car accident was brought back by a car accident.”

“This is my life.”

cried and laughed like a lunatic.

Su Qi’s hands are no longer shaking.

Close your eyes and let the tears flow down.

The answer given by   Ding Yun was different from what she had guessed.

However, hearing such an answer, she actually felt a sense of happiness that she had survived a desperate situation.

How much Ding Yun hates her dad, she doesn’t care.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, there is indeed a reason to hate it.

As long as her father’s death has nothing to do with this woman, that’s fine.

took another deep breath, and then asked softly:

“Then, do you hate me?”

Ding Yun was confused for a moment, and then said: “In the beginning, I liked you very much, and then I hated you, but now, I am very grateful to you for giving me such a lovely grandson.”

She took Su Qi’s hand and said:

“You are such a smart and motivated person, and the children you give birth must be just like you, smart and motivated.”

“There is so much hatred between us, but after you married my son, you were very kind to him, you can give him so much help in your career, and you don’t care about him having other women in your private life, and you can tolerate him with other women. Other women have children.”

“I’m really lucky to have a daughter-in-law like you.”

“I didn’t give my son a complete home, Su Qi, I hope you can give my son a complete home.”

As he spoke, tears fell out again.

He murmured: “When I first married your father, I actually wanted to live a good life. At that time, I wished you could call me Mom, and I hope you could accept me. I gave birth to two sons, and I have no daughters. I often think, it would be great if I had a smart and sensible daughter like you…”

“Mom…” Su Qi called out, her voice choked up a bit, “Take me as your daughter.”

(end of this chapter)

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