Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 647

Chapter 641: Vaccines Come To Market

Chapter 641 Vaccine Marketing

In the spring of 2021, the business of the medical device company invested by Tianyuan Group has been further developed.

I don’t have much feeling in China, and life and travel in most places are normal.

is different in some places.

Liu Qing didn’t need to read the report to know, because the memory of some scenes before the rebirth was too deep.

Things like that also boost the prices of related medical devices.

The medical device company invested by Tianyuan Group worked overtime to produce various protective equipment and ventilators during that period, selling as much as they produced, and the price also rose a lot.

This also brings a lot of cash flow to Tianyuan Group.

Tianyuan Mask Factory’s mask sales were already weak, but stimulated by that, they suddenly increased sales, and the price even increased a little.

——In the past six months, the market of Tianyuan Mask Factory has mainly been overseas. Now that there is a large demand for masks in those places, this mask factory has become a beneficiary.

Because there are too many competitors, of course, the profit cannot be compared with the initial stage of the outbreak, but it has recovered somewhat from the previous period.

Another project of Tianyuan Group related to the epidemic is the Xingguo Vaccine.

This vaccine has been approved for marketing in February, and the vaccine is completely free.

In the beginning, the production capacity was not high, and most people were not very enthusiastic about vaccines. Moreover, when new products were launched, they did not know whether there would be side effects that were not discovered in the clinic, so they were very cautious.

There are also some restrictions on the people who are vaccinated, such as those with underlying diseases, those who are too young, or those who are too old to be vaccinated.

In the first month or two, the vaccine penetration rate was not high, many people did not get vaccinated, and they did not even have the will to get vaccinated.

However, this spring, the scramble for vaccines in some countries has been fierce.

The orders for the vaccines produced by this large multinational pharmaceutical group have been placed in a year.

Some countries have hoarded enough vaccines for the whole country to get several shots.

But some countries can’t buy vaccines at all. They don’t have the right of first refusal. Only when the people in front of them have bought enough, the rest will be their turn.

At that time there was a word called vaccine diplomacy.

For those places where vaccines cannot be produced, those four words are a very painful memory.

In this case, the emergence of domestic vaccines such as Xingguo Vaccine is of considerable significance.

The effectiveness of the   Xingguo vaccine has also been shown in clinical trials, and it is safer.

This vaccine has not yet been widely popularized in China, and many international orders have been received.

——Because the priority of supply is still domestic.

Relying on foreign orders, this vaccine has already made money.

And what this vaccine carries is not only about making money, but also about the health and safety of the country.

Tianyuan Group’s investment share in it is not large, but it also has a billion or so.

Xingguo vaccine can make money, and Tianyuan Group can also make money.

Like abroad, some people in China are boycotting vaccines.

Some boycott all vaccines, domestic and foreign.

Some are purely boycotting domestic vaccines. They do not believe in anything domestically produced, and only hope to introduce foreign vaccines.

The spread of such remarks has indeed made some people reject vaccines.

At this time, Liu Qing also made a decision, that is, live vaccination.

Use your influence to allow as many people as possible to accept domestic vaccines.

To do this live broadcast, the first thing is to communicate with the community where he belongs, and then start the live broadcast after obtaining consent.

The live broadcast started when he lined up, introduced the situation while queuing, incorporated the various procedures of vaccination into the camera, and interviewed the staff by the way.

He is now a super big internet celebrity with more than 40 million fans on the Acne India platform. He once made more than one million popularity in the live broadcast room. This time the live broadcast is to promote vaccines, so he has also received the attention of relevant departments. , regarded as an important publicity, and gave considerable cooperation.

used this live broadcast to also conduct a good science.

Including how safe the Xingguo vaccine is, how highly protective it has shown in clinical trials, who else can get this vaccine, and who can’t get it for the time being.

There are also some things to pay attention to after being vaccinated.

is explained.

also refuted some popular anti-vaccine claims in society.

Liu Qing started broadcasting at 10:00 a.m., starting from entering the community hospital for identity registration, live broadcasting until after the vaccination, and leaving the community hospital after half an hour of observation in the observation room.

During the    period, we also interviewed some people who came to get vaccinated and the staff who got vaccinated.

The live broadcast lasted for a total of two hours, attracting a large number of people to watch.

He is a super internet celebrity himself, with his own traffic, and the live broadcast is also something that many people pay attention to, so the number of people online is relatively high. Most of the time, there are 400,000 to 500,000 people watching online, and at the peak, it once exceeded one million. online users.

In this live broadcast, the average stay time also hit a new high since his live broadcast, reaching more than 20 minutes.

Under normal circumstances, his average stay in the live broadcast room is two to three minutes.

The average stay time is so long this time, mainly because the issue of vaccines is a problem that everyone is concerned about.

Many people are afraid to get vaccinated for fear of side effects.

But Liu Qing, the president of Tianyuan Group, is also a super internet celebrity. He broadcasts the vaccine live in the live broadcast room of so many people. Others also want to know if there will be adverse reactions.

Ordinary people say on the Internet that they have no reaction to the vaccine they have taken or have a great reaction, and it is difficult to win people’s trust.

After all, no one knows who is behind the network.

But if a celebrity like Liu Qing is vaccinated by live broadcast, the credibility is much higher.

If there is any bad reaction, he is a public figure and everyone can see it.

In this live broadcast, Yinlang received more than 20 million yuan, but Liu Qing did not thank him, nor did he call on everyone to pay attention to the big brother before the list.

He mainly focuses on popular science.

I don’t have the ability to popularize science myself, but the people he interviewed have the ability to popularize science, and that’s enough.

This live broadcast was watched by so many people, which also played a good role in promoting the Xingguo vaccine.

The content of the    live broadcast was edited by Tianyuan Media into a ten-minute video that night, which was transmitted to various platforms.

Within a week, the total number of views of this video on various platforms exceeded 100 million.

This is an amazing number.

Of course, this is the push flow of various platforms, and the traffic push bought by several related parties plays a key role in this number, not Liu Qing’s natural flow is so large.

But the appearance of Liu Qing and the vaccination under the attention of so many people make the content of this video much more credible.

Everyone acquiesced that Liu Qing was such a rich person that he could not kill himself. If the Xingguo vaccine was not so safe and had good protection, it would be impossible for Liu Qing to receive such a vaccine.

Liu Qing took the lead, and the anchors of the two new media companies, Tianyuan Media and Hurricane Media, followed suit and broadcast the vaccine live in a few days.

Objectively, it has indeed motivated some people to get vaccinated.

Someone left a message under their video, just watched the live broadcast of their vaccination, which eliminated their fear of vaccines, and then took the initiative to go to the community to get vaccinated.

has a relatively large boost to the share price of Xingguo Pharmaceutical, a vaccine manufacturer.

After   Liu Qing’s live vaccination, Xingguo Pharmaceutical’s stock price rose by 3.0% on the same day.

The follow-up video fermented, and the popular anchors of the two new media companies followed suit. In the next few days, Xingguo Pharmaceutical’s stock rose, including two daily limit.

In one week, this one stock rose by more than fifty percent.

Chairman He of Xingguo Pharmaceutical also called Liu Qing excitedly to thank him for his contribution to the promotion of vaccines.

Liu Qing answered very modestly: “Promoting vaccines will benefit the country and the people. This is what I should do.”

However, to be honest, in the first month or two, although a lot of publicity was used, everyone was not very motivated to get vaccinated.

Liu Qing’s live broadcast of vaccinations has aroused great repercussions in the society, and many people have allayed their worries for this reason and took the initiative to report for vaccinations.

But in the context of a population of 1.4 billion, those people seem to be quite few, even insignificant.

That is to hype up the public opinion and increase the share price of Xingguo Pharmaceutical.

Because everyone feels that the country is quite safe, there is no need to waste that time to get that needle.

Even if that stitch is free.

Even if people in some places want to spend money to get that shot, they can’t get it.

What really made everyone have a strong will to get vaccinated was after the outbreak of the epidemic in that neighboring country. The tragic situation there made everyone scared, and the enthusiasm for vaccination increased.

Such things will continue to happen in the future.

Every time there is an epidemic, there will be a wave of active vaccination.

There was once a city where few people went to get vaccinated no matter how the local publicity was made.

As a result, one was positive, and the whole city went to line up to get vaccinated.

Human nature is like that.

This is all for later.

Qi Ranran relied on Wisdom Coins to make a fortune and left, and went overseas to hide his name, and what was left behind was a mess.

The Tianpeng Real Estate of the Qi family owes a huge loan to the bank, and even if they put all their assets into it, they cannot pay off that debt.

The bank couldn’t find their people, the legal action that should be taken was taken, and the assets that should be seized were seized.

Those assets were dealt with in May, and someone approached Liu Qing and asked him if he wanted to take over Tianpeng Real Estate.

Liu Qing is indeed a little moved.

But after thinking for a long time, I finally gave up on this idea.

The price is indeed quite favorable. It is impossible to buy at the original price when taking over such a real estate company at such a time.

What makes Liu Qing hesitate is not knowing how long the epidemic will last.

A year ago, he had a golden finger that was reborn, and he knew how the epidemic would affect the world a year later.

But now, he no longer has such a golden finger.

The time point before his rebirth was June 2021, and now the time has reached May 2021, there is only one month left, and he can’t judge anything.

The only thing we know is that a month later, the epidemic still exists.

Under such circumstances, he really didn’t dare to take over a real estate company of that size.

Later, the property of this real estate company was auctioned off at a relatively low price.

Qi’s villa and real estate were also auctioned off at this time.

Liu Qing took part in it, and took pictures of the Qi family’s villa and several properties with his own money.

For no other reason than cheap.

Several houses were rented to Tianyuan Media as dormitories for Tianyuan Media employees.

After the villa was photographed, it was rented out by a real estate agency, waiting for it to appreciate in value.

Qi Ranran is not from Tianpeng Real Estate, but her domestic assets have also been disposed of.

That is because she participated in the Wisdom Coin scam, and many players who suffered losses reported to the case, asking to sell her assets to compensate the players for their losses.

Although only a small amount can be compensated, it is better than nothing.

So her assets did not escape, and she became a criminal suspect in a financial fraud case.

According to that amount, if she really wants to be arrested, her life will be over.

Qi Ranran, Xu Bo and Nian Fengyan jointly invested in a container manufacturing company, and she held a part of the shares.

These shares are also to be disposed of.

Xu Bo was a partner. He was the first to know that these shares were to be dealt with, so he notified Liu Qing and asked him if he was interested in getting those shares.

The company’s prospects are very good, but because the investment time is still short, the investment amount is too large, and the benefits have not come out so quickly, their investment has not recovered the cost.

Just from the perspective of market prospects, it has a relatively high return.

These shares have to be disposed of, which means that Xu Bo and Nian Fengyan will welcome new partners.

He didn’t want a partner who was not easy to deal with, so he called Liu Qing and hoped that Liu Qing could take over the deal.

also told the local department that for the stable development of this company, they should find a reliable partner for them.

He actually wanted to eat those shares by himself, but the current investment was too big, his cost was not recovered, and he couldn’t get so much money to eat Qi Ranran’s share in a hurry.

So he thought of Liu Qing.

Liu Qing himself is optimistic about the prospects of this industry. He is not short of money, and has a good relationship with him and Nian Fengyan. He is a very good partner.

After receiving a call from Xu Bo, Liu Qing considered for a few minutes before making a decision – to participate in this share auction.

Again, he is optimistic about this industry.

There are quite a lot of people who are optimistic about the shares of this company, and the final auction price is 1.6 times the original investment amount of Qi Ranran, which was taken by Liu Qing.

This is not the investment of Tianyuan Group, but his personal investment.

At the beginning, he didn’t have much spare money. Although he knew that this industry was worth investing in, he didn’t invest in it himself.

Now, he has enough money.

If nothing else, it’s more than enough to just buy these shares with the money you earn from investing in Bitcoin.

(end of this chapter)

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