Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Qing Shiqun

Chapter 90 Qing Shi Group

After    added WeChat to each other, they were all seated one by one.

This box is a large box with a long dining table, and it is no problem for more than 20 people to sit down.

Everyone came, and the waiter started serving the dishes.

It is reasonable to ask the guests to order food. However, people are poor and short-sighted. Now Nian Fengyan can’t tell the truth. He is afraid that one guest’s order will blow his wallet, so when ordering food online, put The dishes are all ordered.

But he wasn’t too shabby either. A table of dishes and drinks cost more than 20,000 yuan.

is not a high-priced banquet, but the grade is not too low.

When he set off, he told Liu Qing that he had already ordered the dishes. The reason given was that there were still activities planned for the evening. When ordering dishes there, the waiting time would be longer. It is better to let the restaurant prepare them in advance. .

also said that he often goes to seafood restaurants to eat, and he knows the dishes there very well and knows which dishes are the best.

Liu Qing didn’t care about this either, thinking that what he said was quite reasonable, and didn’t think he was offended.

As for those crowdfunding guests, the guests didn’t say anything, and they certainly wouldn’t say anything.

In their minds, the dishes and drinks ordered by Nian Fengyan must have been approved by the guests.

Although the drinks came, they had a faint feeling that this grade seemed a little bit sorry for the money they crowdfunded.

However, they didn’t feel that they had been fooled much.

Not to mention, it is more than this price to be able to add WeChat to the son of the gods with tens of billions of assets.

Liu Qing was used by Nian Fengyan, and these second-generation demolitionists were cut off by Nian Fengyan, but none of them felt cheated, and they were quite happy.

When Nian Fengyan and Liu Qing were together, they were always calling Boss Liu, and they were polite and unfamiliar.

But in order to show his deep friendship with Liu Qing in front of these second-generation demolitionists, he was very affectionate.

Liu Qing became everyone’s brother.

Before the    dish came over, Nian Fengyan made a proposal and pulled everyone present into the group.

As the founder of this group, Nian Fengyan naturally became the undisputed group owner.

The group name is called Qingshi Group.

Why this name was chosen, Nian Fengyan explained, because there were twenty-four people present, who happened to be co-authoring the twenty-four histories, plus Liu Qing’s green character, so it was simply called Qingshiqun.

also has a better meaning – I hope all the people in the group can be remembered in history.

Even Ye Wanrong and Xiaowen were not spared.

made Xiaowen quickly set her circle of friends to be visible only to herself.

——You can’t let people know that she used to be a security guard, and that would be the face of Qing Ge.

Watching Liu Qing chatting and laughing with these second-generation demolitionists during the banquet, Xiaowen suddenly felt a little dazed.

A week ago, these people were still high figures in her eyes, belonging to a class that was out of reach.

I didn’t expect to be able to sit at the same table with them now, and I was respected to a certain extent by them.

Of course she knew it was because of Liu Qing.

But it didn’t prevent her from feeling floating, as if she had entered another level.

Think about Liu Qing again, he was a security guard like himself half a month ago, but now he has become a rich second generation with assets that have exceeded 100 million.

suddenly became rich, and I don’t know what kind of mentality it is.

She felt that if it were her, she would have gone crazy.

Now Liu Qing doesn’t seem to have changed much from before, and she thinks it’s not easy.

They are all a group of young people, and they have not developed any ills of the upper class. They are more easy-going. At most, the rich people will have a greater voice, but they are not hierarchical.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Liu Qing thought to himself: “It turns out that these rich people will look like this. Except for more money and more decent clothes, it is not much different from our security guards.”

Those who demolished the second generation thought to themselves: “It turns out that the rich second generation looks like this in private. Except for the more money and the more expensive watches, there is not much difference with us.”

What they are most satisfied with Liu Qing is that this rich second generation is very easy-going and doesn’t put on airs at all. Ask him any questions, as long as he hears them, they will answer.

If there is one dissatisfaction, it is the unpleasantness of drinking.

I want to pour white wine for Liu Qing, Liu Qing said that without that amount of alcohol, I can’t drink white wine.

replaced it with beer. When toasting, others suffocated a glass, but Liu Qing only drank a small sip.

However, Liu Qing still sincerely told them that he really can’t drink enough, not to refute their face.

Everyone met for the first time, and the other party was still a high-level existence, so no one was drinking.

In addition, after drinking two glasses of beer, Liu Qing’s face turned red, which made them believe that Liu Qing was really not drinking.

There was also someone who persuaded Ye Wanrong to drink, but Ye Wanrong refused, just for one reason: “I’ll drive the boss back later.”

Although everyone is not very concerned about drinking and driving, they are not very good at persuading someone who is unwilling to drink and drive.

Among the three people in Liu Qing’s side, Xiaowen was the only one who drank a little more.

——She came with Liu Qing. Although she didn’t look like a big person, she didn’t respect her wine, and she seemed a little disrespectful.

Nian Fengyan was the first to toast her with a more respectful attitude.

——After all, Xiaowen’s character in his heart is the person who represents Liu Qing’s mother to evaluate the value of the mask factory, so naturally he should try to please him as much as possible.

When others saw Nian Fengyan’s attitude, it meant that this little girl was not easy, so they all came over to toast.

A toast alone is enough, and she slowly became drunk and hazy.

Liu Qing couldn’t help reminding: “You also drink less, don’t get drunk.”

Xiaowen smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’m awake in my mind.”

This meal took a long time.

Everyone is not here for this meal, but to get to know each other, and naturally they will not finish the meal quickly.

During the banquet, Liu Qing also talked about his Tianyuan Media Company, saying that it is an Internet celebrity hatchery, and there are more than a dozen young and beautiful signing anchors, and new people will be added in the future.

Speaking of this, I mainly think about whether we can turn these second-generation players into the big brothers of the company’s contracted anchors, so that we can save a lot of bullets when playing PK with others.

Those who demolished the second generation have a lot of free time, and they are also interested in learning about the Internet celebrity anchors, and they all said that they will definitely join in when they have time.

When    was talking happily, the door of the box suddenly opened, and a big brother with a shaved head and a gold necklace walked in with some younger brothers, and when he came in, he asked arrogantly:

“I heard that Xu Huaixian is here, where is the person?”

Thanks to book friends 20201110074043136, Greenlandic, and the leek in the north of the city for the reward

(end of this chapter)

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