Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: You Scumbag

Chapter 97 You Scumbag

When Xiaowen got off work that day, Liu Qing had finished the day’s formalities and returned home.

When Xiaowen was cooking, she quietly pulled Liu Qing into the kitchen and said to him seriously:

“Liu Qing, I ask you one thing, you can’t lie to me.”

Liu Qing was stunned for a moment: “What’s the matter?”

“Last night, I was drunk, did you take advantage of me and cook cooked rice with me?” Xiaowen asked.

is obviously a question, but there is expectation written in his small eyes.

Liu Qing hurriedly shook his head: “No, no! There is absolutely no such thing!”

“Really?” Xiaowen was a little disappointed.

“No!” Liu Qing insisted.

“Oh, just tell me the truth!” Xiaowen said, “I won’t be angry if you tell the truth, I just want to know the truth.”

“This is the truth,” Liu Qing said unhappily, “Am I, Liu Qing, the kind of man who takes advantage of others’ dangers?”

Xiaowen whispered: “You can be…”

Liu Qing said righteously: “I really am not!”

Xiaowen was silent for a while, then asked, “Then are you wearing a condom?”

“Not wearing—” Liu Qing blurted out.

“Wow! You scumbag!” Xiaowen was surprised and delighted, pointing at him and scolding.

“No,” Liu Qing was anxious, “I didn’t have anything to do with you, I didn’t have any reason, what kind of condom did I wear? I don’t have such a thing at home!”

“No, then you are ready!” Xiaowen said.

“The key is not whether there is such a thing,” Liu Qing said, “The key is that we haven’t had that kind of thing happen to us!”

“I don’t believe it,” Xiaowen looked at him suspiciously, “You can handle such a cute girl when she’s drunk, can you hold it back?”

“You can ask Ye Wanrong if you don’t believe me,” Liu Qing said anxiously, “She was there yesterday.”

“Is she there too?” Xiaowen was shocked, “I can’t satisfy you any more?”

“What satisfaction? What are you thinking in your little head? Can you watch less movies?” Liu Qing said, “It’s not like that at all, I brought you back with her, put you on the bed, and we just gone.”

Xiaowen blinked: “Then you guys…”

“No!” Liu Qing firmly denied.

I feel wronged in my heart – this false name is in vain!

Xiaowen still has some doubts: “I remember being ravaged by you…and many times…I woke up in the morning, and there were those pictures in my mind…Are you lying?”

Liu Qing was helpless: “Sister, you never doubted, did you have a spring dream?”

“Go away!” Xiaowen kicked him and her face turned red.

She drank too much yesterday, and now her mind is blurred when she recalls it, and she can’t tell the difference between dream and reality.

I didn’t mean to say that I didn’t have any doubts, but after Liu Qing said that, there was still something on his face that he couldn’t hold back.

kicked Liu Qing out, feeling depressed:

“I gave him such a good opportunity, but he didn’t take advantage of it. Is it because I didn’t wear black silk yesterday?”

After dinner, Liu Qing didn’t go out for a stroll, just in the water group in the Qingshi group.

In    year, Fengyan brought in another 20 or 30 people, both male and female, basically all of them were second-generation, but there were also a few girls who were not second-generation, but models.

——A qualified group owner, in addition to sending a red envelope from time to time to liven up the atmosphere in the group, he also has to give some benefits to the old people in the group and invite a few beautiful girls to join the group, which is obviously very reasonable.

After several girls joined the group, they all added Liu Qing’s WeChat, and Liu Qing didn’t refuse, they all agreed.

Then wait for those girls to tease him.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, I didn’t do it.

Depressed: “Did they add me on WeChat just out of politeness, not to catch my armor? Is it because I don’t have enough wealth?”

Actually, he misunderstood this.

Several beautiful model girls are willing to join this group, just for the rich second generation of his family with tens of billions of assets.

However, now the higher-end girls have to make characters, and they don’t want to take the initiative to flirt with men, for fear of being looked down upon by men.

The general steps are to start with likes in the circle of friends, and then comment after a few days. If there is interaction, try sending a private message to chat.

After adding WeChat, I started to flirt. It was renting out myself with a clear goal.

Liu Qing doesn’t want to be a licking dog, he can accept it when others come to flirt with him, he will not flirt with others.

There was no girl to tease, so I just went in the group and pushed more than a dozen of the company’s signed anchors to the second generation.

then said that the company will make big moves next, sign more powerful anchors, and do bigger promotion.

Sometimes when I demolished the second generation, I was very loyal and said that I would give those anchors a lot of money.

Multiple demolition of the second generation also followed.

Liu Qing expressed his gratitude, and then said to them:

“I only took over the company for a few days. Now the company is still in the period of rectification. After the rectification, there will be a big PK to boost the popularity. If everyone wants to support, it will be better to stay and support at that time.”

Those who demolished the second generation all understood.

Now give those anchors a swipe of Huazi, and others will still think that it is the ability of the anchors who signed up.

After Liu Qing is rectified, he must brush it in the activities he made out. This can be regarded as Liu Qing’s credit.

is also reminding those who have signed up – the resources are with me, and you can become popular when I support you. I don’t hold you, you are nothing.

So they all agreed, Liu Qing’s company is going to hold an event, let them know, and they will definitely support it at that time.

A carnival costs 3,000 yuan, and Tianyuan Media’s contracted anchors do not have a union, so they can only get 50%, which is 1,500 yuan.

The 1,500 yuan will be divided between the contracted anchor and the company.

Tianyuan Media’s contracted anchors are all young anchors who haven’t set foot on the road yet. During the live broadcast, they would be so excited to receive a sports car, not to mention Huazi’s level.

Qin Kun’s idea is to let a few potential anchors from the company go to PK with the second and third tier anchors after completing the rectification of the company, attract some fans who love to watch the fun, strengthen the data, and then bring the goods.

Because of their status, the second- and third-tier anchors will definitely not fight them, so they need to put money in privately, or give them a Chinese son.

When    starts PK, you also have to make the data of receiving gifts, one is to make those fans who like to watch the fun feel cool and increase the power of attracting fans, and the other is to let e-commerce companies see the spending power of their fans.

For such an event, Qin Kun has already prepared hundreds of accounts to give gifts.

The capital to be invested is in the hundreds of thousands.

It is of course the best to be able to pull in some off-site help, and it can also save the company some money.

The most important thing is that the data made in that way is more realistic.

(end of this chapter)

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