Bend That Male God

Chapter 215 - polymerization


The baby’s name was not taken, only a small name called Xuebao.

Wei Changfeng felt like a little girl. Mother Wei liked the name instead, saying: “It’s good to be a girl, and the girl is good to feed.”

Mother Sheng was also happy to tease the child on the side and whispered: “Xuebao, Xuebao! Distressed grandma.”

The people on both sides were promoted to higher ranks, and the spirit was getting better. It was as if he was 20 years younger, and he couldn’t smile.

Sheng Changan also laughed, once smirking at his wife, and smirking at his son, Qi Lean also secretly saw that President Sheng went out and hit the door.

After hitting, still smirking, Qi Lean was afraid that Sheng Changan would be stupid.

The child is red, it may be well nourished, and does not look wrinkled. The eyes squinted together, but the corner of the mouth seemed to be laughing. Not to mention the parents of both parties, Qi Lean looked terribly loving.

That night, the newly promoted Sheng Dad left behind the paternity, and the parents of both parties were sent home.

Wei Changfeng was in a good mood, holding Qi Lean rolling around in bed. Qi Lean was in a good mood, and the two couldn’t help but slow down. After a shot and a hot shower, the two lay in the warm blanket, and Wei Changfeng held Qi Lean with a big smile.

Qi Lean kissed Wei Changfeng, Xiaokou Xiaokou, and said, “Everyone must think Xuebao is a child in winter.”

Wei Changfeng couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I’m sure to be as afraid of heat as my sister in the future.”

The two whispered in the bed, Qi Lean thinking of the magic of life, slowly fell into a dream.

But this night is destined to be different every night.

Qi Lean dreamed.

He dreamed of his old house. He seemed to be a child, standing in a yellowed room, looking at everything in confusion.

But everything is so real, not like a dream at all.

The doorbell rang suddenly, and the old-fashioned doorbell made a hoarse sound. Qi Lean seemed to be taken aback. He ran over to open the door.

Behind the door stood someone so familiar but so strange.

Qi Lean looked at the couple and opened his mouth, but couldn’t speak.

Mom… Dad…

The short-haired woman smiled at him and said, “Xiao An, won’t you open the door for me and my dad?”

Qi Lean shook his hand and opened the door. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find that he had grown bigger! From a child to an adult!

His mother looked at him with tears in the corners of her eyes and said, “Xiao An…you are so big.”

Qi Lean told himself that this is a dream! This must be a dream!

But her mother shook her head, her eyes full of love, she said: “Xiao An, this is not a dream…”

She was shorter than Qi Le’an. She stepped forward, hugging her child, and murmured: “My Xiao An…”

The touch is so clear, Qi Lean can even feel the heat on his mother, he widened his eyes and said: “Mom…Mom?”

The father looked at him on the side, red eyes when he heard his cry.

Qi mother also let go of Qi Le’an, her eyes were wet, and she said: “Xiao An… I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“This is not a dream?” Qi Le’an has been unable to distinguish between dream and reality. Everything that happened is too real for him to cope with!

He suddenly remembered the night he was reborn, and the system appeared in his world in such a real way!

“System… Nightmare System!” Qi Lean shouted with wide eyes: “System, are you?”

Qi mother looked at Qi Le’an tenderly.

Qi Lean’s lips wriggled and said, “This is… what is this? Mom… Mom? Dad?”

Hearing Qi Le’an crying, the couple’s faces all smiled happily. Qi Lean saw her mother approaching her father, and Qi father said, “That’s not a nightmare system…or, it’s a complex intelligent projection system, and it has an autonomous consciousness in continuous evolution.”

Qi Lean’s eyes widened.

Ms. Qi smiled warmly, just like the mother in her memory, with tears in her eyes, she said: “Xiao An, we meet you at the moment when time and space coincide. It’s great… I can see you .”

Qi Lean didn’t understand what this meant, but he had a hunch that he stepped forward and tried to catch his mother!

But this time, there is no skin touch anymore! His hand passed through his mother’s body!

Father looked at him lovingly and said, “Xiao An…you grew up.”

“What the **** is going on!” Qi Lean panicked and said, “Don’t go! Don’t go!”

Mother Qi shook her head, and her tears finally fell.

“You listen to us, Xiao An.” Qi Xiaoguo said, “Do you remember that letter?”

letter? What letter?

Qi Lean quickly recalled in his mind, and suddenly remembered that lawyer Tang once said that he had lost a letter!

“All the answers are there.” Qi Xiaoguo said, “Go find the letter, at our house.”

“Xiao An,” the mother cried softly: “You remember, Mom and Dad love you.”

The tears of Qi Le’an finally couldn’t help but come out! Qi Xiaoguo shook his head and said with red eyes: “How old is the child and still crying? The future will go on his own. Mom and Dad can’t accompany you.”

“No!” Qi Lean shook his head crazy, said: “No!”

The figure of the two began to disappear in front of Qi Le’an, Qi Le’an shouted: “No! Dad! Mom!”

The couple looked at their children tenderly and comfortably.

Xiao An, Mom and Dad love you.

Xiao An, from now on, you will be calm and happy.

At the moment when the parents’ figures completely disappeared, Qi Lean’s head suddenly experienced a severe pain!

This pain seemed to invade the soul, making him yell uncontrollably! He felt that his body began to fall madly. The moment of his death seemed to be in front of him. In the extreme pain, he suddenly saw his body filled with tubes and stopped breathing!

No no no! This should not be the case!

The picture flashed quickly in front of him. He saw that he was thrown to the ground by his uncle. He saw Wei Changfeng coming and put a coat on his body.

All the pain suddenly disappeared.

The picture was banned on Wei Changfeng, and Qi Lean began to feel that his body was warm.

He heard someone screaming anxiously in his ear: “Xiao An? Xiao An!”

Wake up.

Qi Lean said to himself.

Wake up, Brother Wei is waiting for you.

Qi Lean suddenly opened his eyes!

The guardian beside the side said anxiously: “What’s wrong? Have a nightmare?”

Qi Le’an’s heart was still thumping, and Wei Changfeng beside him stood up and gave him a glass of water.

“It’s okay, just wake up after a dream, drink some water?”

Qi Le’an didn’t seem to come out of the dream yet, Wei Changfeng fed the water to his mouth, and he took a sip.

Wei Changfeng put the water aside and hugged him in his arms.

Qi Lean felt the beating of another heart.

Thump, thump.

Calm and powerful.

Suddenly he breathed like a man who had just drowned, and his consciousness finally returned to his body. Qi Lean panicked and said: “Brother Wei! Brother Wei!”

Wei Changfeng was as gentle as ever: “Brother Wei is here.”

“I had a dream.” Qi Lean gasped: “I dreamed of… my parents.”

Wei Changfeng listened quietly.

“No,” Qi Lean said with a white face: “That’s not a dream…that’s not a dream!”

Qi Lean glanced at the date on the bedside clock, August 9, 2016.

Your own date of death.

Wei Changfeng sighed and kissed Qi Le’an, saying: “Let’s go back to see them, shall we?”

Qi Lean was stunned in Wei Changfeng’s arms.

“Okay.” Qi Lean murmured: “Brother Wei, I’m going back…”

I want to go back and figure out what happened.

Wei Changfeng said: “Okay.”

On the third day after Xuebao was born, Wei Xinan returned home from the hospital, and Wei Changfeng and Qi Lean boarded the plane back home.

Mother Wei was very puzzled about this and said, “Aren’t you all right? Stay two days longer before leaving!”

Wei Changfeng took the initiative to say: “Some things in China have not been dealt with, and we must go back.”

Then facing Xuebao who was still in his baby: “Xuebao is good, uncles will wait to see you when the full moon comes back!”

Although Ms. Wei wanted her son to stay for two more days, she couldn’t stop the farewell and had to send the two to the airport.

After more than ten hours of flight, Qi Lean and Wei Changfeng arrived in Haicheng.

According to Qi Le’an’s dream, the letter said by his parents is in his “home”. Qi Lean thought left and right, thinking that his home could only be the old house where he lived with grandpa when he was a child.

He was particularly grateful to Mr. Tang’s help at the time, and asked all his real estate from Uncle. After returning home, he went straight to his home without delay.

This house was bought by parents, and let grandpa take him to live here. Later, the uncle’s family also moved in. The Qi Xiaoguo couple was kind and felt that they could not take care of the elderly and children when they were away from home all the year round.

The house is actually not large, with three bedrooms and one hall. When Qi Xiaoguo and his wife were away, Qi Dazhu lived in the master bedroom. When they came back, they reluctantly moved out.

Later, when the uncle’s family had children, they even wanted to occupy the magpie’s nest. Qi Le’an also heard the aunt said that when the cousin grows up, he will let the bedroom out!

Unfortunately, before the cousin grows up, his parents are gone …

Qi Lean thought of this, a little lost in his eyes.

He did not let Wei Changfeng accompany him, but returned to the house full of memories. After Grandpa’s death, the uncle’s family completely occupied the house. At the beginning, he left space for himself, and later he expelled himself directly.

If there is no change in the layout of the house, it must be Grandpa’s room!

Qi Lean thought so, the first thing to enter the door was to go to the grandfather’s bedroom.

At the beginning of the two houses facing the sun, the Qi Xiaoguo couple made the two into bedrooms for the elderly and children. The uncles and couples did not think about changing rooms later, but I wondered if they were afraid of the nightmare and had no action.

Grandpa’s room remains the same except for various debris. Qi Lean looked at it and felt tears rising.

His childhood photos, his workbooks, and even the little red flower rewarded by his teacher are there.

Qi Lean patrolled this place where no one had been here for a long time, full of dust and special smells, thinking about where to start. Ah, the clues before the beginning

There is no abuse, only love.

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