Bend That Male God

Chapter 227 - Take care of


The summer of this year was destined to be extraordinary. After Qi Lean knew the news that Wei Changfeng was coming back, he prepared gifts for the two children and then went to the airport to pick them up early.

Because there is also a teacher in the welfare home, he directly contacted the assistant to find a minibus, and everyone can fit it.

Not long after waiting in the parking lot, Qi Lean saw Wei Changfeng and his teacher with two children.

The two children obviously changed their clothes. Little Orange wore a pink and tender skirt with an off-white coat. Ancheng also wore a clean t-shirt and pants, carrying a schoolbag behind him.

The schoolbag looks like a sports schoolbag, a little worn, but full of stuff.

Wei Changfeng held a small orange, Zhi Brother held Ancheng. Ancheng still looks stinky, looking like a little handsome guy.

Everyone got in the car, Qi Lean smiled and gave Ancheng a lollipop, Ancheng did not want to carry his hand on his back, Qi Lean stuck it in his hand.

Then he turned to look at the little orange in Wei Changfeng’s arms. The little orange was very timid and his eyes looked at Qi Lean timidly like a deer.

Qi Lean gave Little Orange a candy and whispered: “Remember me?”

Little Orange pursed her lips, and when Qi Lean thought she would not respond to herself, the child nodded.

The movement was very light and Qi Lean’s eyes lit up.

The female teacher on the side also smiled and said: “Little Orange is very afraid of being born, but did not expect to get in touch with Teacher Qi.”

The new teacher is a little younger than Teacher Li. I heard that it is the life teacher who is responsible for Xiaochengzi and Ancheng on weekdays. Qi Lean greeted the teacher: “Mr. Zhao is good, Xiaochengzi is very good.”

Teacher Zhao smiled.

Brother Zhi also laughed: “We are also very good at Ancheng! But we can take care of our sister, is it Ancheng?”

An Cheng didn’t speak with a straight face, and Teacher Zhao made a helpless expression.

Qi Lean saw that the child was holding the lollipop tightly, and his waist was straight, he knew he was still afraid.

This time I came to City B, mainly to check the body of Little Orange, and make some preparations for Ancheng by the way. In principle, the crew should provide accommodation, but Qi Lean discussed with Wei Changfeng last night and let Teacher Zhao and his party live in a small apartment on the same floor as them.

Wei Changfeng bought the small apartment. They housed two houses in one staircase, one large and one small. Wei Changfeng had packed the whole floor for convenience.

No one has lived since I bought it. This time I just arranged for Xiaochengzi to stay with Ancheng.

The home is close to the children’s hospital, which is convenient for the little orange to check. Wei Changfeng lived next door, and it was convenient to talk to Ancheng.

Teacher Zhao was very grateful for this. After seeing that Qi Le’an also changed the children’s bed sheets for the children, he said thank you to them. She is in her thirties, and she also pays attention to entertainment news on weekdays, knowing that both of them are big names.

She originally thought that Wei Changfeng and the crew had passed together because of the director’s responsibilities. But after seeing Qi Le’an’s preparations, she thought they were kind.

There are so many children, who is it to find? These two are going to send money to the welfare home to let the children live a better life!

Take Little Orange, for example. I do n’t know how long I have to wait for the number to be listed. If I ca n’t perform the operation after the best age, I will be sick for a lifetime!

Teacher Zhao really appreciates the two.

“We live next door,” Qi Lean said to Teacher Zhao: “If there is any inconvenience, just knock on the door. My assistant will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow.”

Teacher Zhao quickly said: “Thank you!”

Qi Le’an smiled, crouched down and took the little orange’s hand, and said, “Do you want to go with the Ancheng brother to eat some orange next door?”

Ancheng stared at Qi Le’an very nervously, for fear that he would squeeze his sister.

Little Orange looked at Qi Lean timidly, but she nodded.

She ignorantly knew that she was different from other children and knew she had no hands. She was afraid of the adults outside, but she couldn’t stop trying to get close to Qi Le’an.

The man was warm and fragrant, like her teacher.

Qi Lean smiled, took the small orange and walked out, took two steps and then extended his other hand, shaking, said to Ancheng: “Come.”

An Cheng froze for a while, and ran over. Although he was still faceless, he took Qi Le’an’s hand.

Teacher Zhao looked behind and smiled: “Ms. Qi really likes children!”

Wei Changfeng laughed aside: “It may be because he was a child.”

Teacher Zhao remembered those gossips on the Internet, and moved.

She couldn’t say anything about homosexuality. She understood it but disagreed. But seeing Wei Changfeng and Qi Lean, she suddenly felt that the two men seemed to be doing well like this?

Wei Changfeng turned his head and said to Teacher Zhao: “Let’s go together, prepare meals, and rest after eating.”

Teacher Zhao quickly recovered and nodded and said, “Okay, thank you Teacher Wei.”

Wei Changfeng smiled and said: “No need to be so polite.”

Teacher Zhao was a little dazed, wondering why they all called Wei Changfeng as a male god. This man was so handsome when he laughed.

In the next room, Xiaochengzi and Ancheng have sat on the chairs, and Qi Lean is peeling oranges patiently for them. Qi Lean peeled off the orange peel and divided them into small teeth into the bowl. The two children were very happy to eat.

Seeing Wei Changfeng and Teacher Zhao coming, Qi Lean handed the remaining half of the oranges to Ancheng and said, “Shall we peel the sister?”

Ancheng stiffly took it and nodded.

Qi Lean smiled and said to Teacher Zhao: “Heguang called and said to come over immediately, I’ll get the dishes out first.”

After he finished speaking, he ran into the kitchen, leaving Weifeng outside.

Wei Changfeng looked at the two children, and then looked at Teacher Zhao, and said sideways, “Can they watch TV?”

So when Heguang arrived, he found that the three adults and two children in the family were watching Piggy on the sofa.

Heguang: “…”

At the end of a meal, Teacher Zhao straightened up with Lean and Wei Changfeng. After taking care of the two children at night, he also excitedly called the colleagues in the welfare institution and said that the two children were lucky to meet good people. .

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Zhao lay on the bed, thinking if such a good person would be more.

The next day, Wei Changfeng and Brother Zhi went to the crew for a meeting. Qi Lean was inconvenient to go out and arranged for the assistant to take Mr. Zhao and Xiaochengzi to the hospital, while Ancheng stayed at home.

Before Zhao left, I was quite worried. Xiao Ancheng took the initiative to say: “Teacher takes her sister to see a doctor, I will stay here obediently.”

At the end, he looked at Qi Lean seriously and said, “You will make your sister better, right?”

Qi Lean squatted down and assured Ancheng: “I will do my best to make Xiaochengzi healthy and healthy.”

An Cheng nodded, quite like an adult: “I know, I will make a good movie for you, you have to cure my sister.”

Qi Lean was amused by the child for some reason and said, “If you don’t help us act, we will heal the little orange.”

Ancheng’s mouth was tight, and he looked very serious.

Qi Le’an couldn’t help rubbing the child’s head, looking at Ancheng’s annoyed eyes, and said, “Children don’t have a stern face!”

On the one hand, Teacher Zhao couldn’t help but chuckled, and Xiaochengzi also smiled sweetly.

Qi Lean has no experience with children, and the only children who have been in contact with them are the little girls who are as clever and clever as their sisters. Ancheng was a stranger, he was really worried that he might not bring it.

However, after spending most of the time together, Qi Lean found that even the child who grew up in the orphanage was just a child.

You are kind to him, he knows it all in his heart.

“Don’t you drink milk?” Qi Le’an stood at the kitchen door and asked An Cheng who was reading a storybook on the carpet.

Ancheng shook his head.

Qi Lean smiled, walked over with milk and tucked it into Ancheng’s arms.

Ancheng looked at Qi Le’an with annoyance.

Qi Lean shrugged and sat on the sofa to watch the script. The figure of An Cheng on the carpet stiffened for a few minutes, and carefully inserted the straw into his mouth.

Qi Lean peeked and smiled.

In the afternoon, Qi Lean wanted Wei Changfeng to come back soon and went to the kitchen to cook. Unexpectedly, after washing the vegetables, a small tail followed, and Ancheng looked at him fiercely, half a step.

Qi Lean thought it was fun and smiled, “What do you want to eat?”

Ancheng’s face was suffocated, and he didn’t speak.

Qi Le’an turned to wash the vegetables and heard a small voice in the back: “Potato shred…”

Qi Lean raised his eyebrows and took a potato, looking at Ancheng said: “Sour and spicy potato shreds?”

Ancheng nodded, an embarrassed expression on his face. Qi Le’an hadn’t spoken yet, the little guy ran away directly. He shook his head with a smile, washing potatoes while humming.

Wei Changfeng came back earlier than Xiaochengzi. As soon as he entered the house, he discovered that Qi Le’an had already prepared the dishes and was almost out of the pot.

He first washed his hands, then touched Ancheng’s head before going to Qi Le’an, saying: “I’ll fry it.”

Qi Le’an smiled and said: “I’m coming, Teacher Zhao has already gone back, just back to eat.”

Wei Changfeng did not compete with him, watching Qi Le’an skillfully cook vegetables in the pan, and he made egg custard for the two children.

He glanced at Ancheng in the living room from the kitchen door and said, “How is it? Good or bad?”

Qi Lean looked around and said, “Brother Wei, don’t you think we have a baby!”

Wei Changfeng smiled and pressed Qi Le’an’s nose and said, “It’s not enough to feed you, to give back children…”

The two laughed and snarled in the kitchen. Ancheng in the living room looked up and peeked out, with envy in his eyes.

After Teacher Zhao came back, he brought good news! Doctors at Children’s Hospital said that Xiaochengzi’s current physical condition is very good, and his age is also very suitable for surgery. As long as you are hospitalized for some pre-operative examinations, the operation can be performed within the fastest week!

After listening to it, Qi Lean was extremely happy, and immediately said that if he can perform surgery, the sooner the better!

Ancheng heard the news, and finally a smile appeared on the face of the little adult. Little Orange gave Qi Lean a hug softly, and Qi Lean’s peace of mind was going to change.

It seems that raising a child at home is also pretty good? Sorry for updating a little bit today, this chapter of QAQ should have been coded yesterday, but after the earthquake last night, there has been no mood to code

I don’t know how to say it. I saw the Xinjiang earthquake again this morning. Little angels should pay attention to safety and security!

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