Bend That Male God

Chapter 238 - Register


“Thanks Enda … without him there would be no me … Thanks An, he is a very good partner, thank you for always making me laugh, thank you gentleman for every minute … Thanks for the team, everyone for the whole Put the soul in the movie, I love you!”

Emma smiled while watching the little gold man, with tears in her smile.

Qi Le’an also felt a little wet in his eyes. He remembered Christmas with heavy snow, Emma’s purple lips, and the dance steps over and over again…

No one in this world has to be born by nature. All glory is the result of hard work and effort.

The biggest attraction of the previous Oscars may be the best film. As the most solemn award, it is naturally the last one awarded.

Despite a total of five nominations, the media put their bets on Emerco and Damien. The celebrities who have won the Lifetime Achievement Awards will have their hearts hanging when they are nominating.

Emmerco’s film won six nominations this time, and now he has won five. Whether it will succeed or not depends on this critical moment.

“Best film of the year…”Boy”!”

All the blessings were on Emmerko, the green-eyed director took the stage, smiling and kissing the trophy.

On the other hand, Damien’s face was full of blessings, and he who didn’t like to laugh also raised his mouth.

This is probably the sympathy. If you win the prize, I wish you the best because of the strength of each opponent.

At the end of the awards ceremony, everyone was interviewed by the media one after another. There are also domestic media who have rushed to Qi Le’an and rushed to ask: “Ms. Qi! Would you feel sorry if you didn’t get the award this time?”

Qi Lean smiled and shook his head, said: “No, I met great directors and partners in “Leguang”, everyone in the team gave their love. Whether or not to win the award, this is my heart An immortal work.”

The media continued to ask: “Teacher Qi, what are your plans for the next career?”

Qi Le’an replied: “I just finished shooting a movie, and this movie made me settle down again. I know that learning can continue to improve, and I will further study and enrich myself.”

“Is it the “abducted boy” directed by Wei Changfeng? Why didn’t Teacher Wei arrive at the scene? It is rumored that Teacher Wei joined the team of Director Spiel. Is it true or false?”

Qi Lean replied lightly and said, “It’s “Kiddie”. I believe this must be a great movie.”

Everyone may have a full spirit to face the interview, but in just ten minutes, Qi Lean is extremely skilled in answering. At the end of the interview, the reporter put away the camera and said to Lean An: “Mr. Qi, I am your fan, can you sign me?”

Qi Le’an of course signed one generously.

Winning six Oscars, “Leguang” was supposed to be overnight until dawn. But it seems that everyone is willing to share the joy with their little family, everyone agreed to change the day and fight again, one after another.

Qi Lean also hurried back home, and Wei Changfeng prepared a candlelight dinner, waiting for his lover to return.

After watching the ceremony, the two children were coaxed to sleep. When Qi Lean entered the house, only Wei Changfeng was in the hall. They first exchanged a kiss, and then Qi Lean went to remove makeup, bathe, and change clothes. After finishing, he went to the children’s room to look at the children. Then they went downstairs to prepare dinner with Wei Changfeng.

The red wine and candlelight on the table all show romance.

“How do you feel?” Wei Changfeng asked with a smile.

Qi Le’an’s eyes were bright, and he nodded, “It’s great… Never been so good.”

The highest art festival in the film, whether it is an award guest or an award winner, represents their own artistic charm. Qi Lean was intoxicated, even unwilling to wake up.

“After going through this ceremony, I became more aware of the direction I should go.” Qi Lean laughed: “It feels like the whole person has sublimated!”

Wei Changfeng and Ren Nijun couldn’t help but Qi Le’an regretted, saying, “Brother Wei should go.”

Anyway, he wanted to be with Wei Changfeng.

Wei Changfeng seemed indifferent. He said: “Brother Wei will accompany you to other ceremonies. Are you hungry? Eat it quickly.”

Qi Le’an was of course hungry. The small steak made by Wei Changfeng had a strong fragrance. He didn’t have enough for one piece, and he had a portion of pasta.

Wei Changfeng looked at Qi Lean with a smile, and suddenly said: “I checked the marriage registration information today and filled in the information registration appointment.”

Qi Lean: “!!!”

Wei Changfeng smiled and said: “Xiao An, would you like to complete the next steps with me?”

Qi Lean is going to be crazy! I can’t take it out of eating, rushing over and holding Wei Changfeng and kissing!

Brother Wei kissed Qi Le’an back, the wine glass was knocked over, but no one ignored it.

Qi Le’an feels that this is even more exciting than he participated in the Oscar!

Marrying in the United States is not an easy task. The two need to make an appointment to register time, then specify the date to register and submit information, find a place to hold the wedding and find a pastor to fill out the witness, and then return to the marriage registry to submit a certificate , It will take a few days to get the marriage certificate.

If the US marriage certificate can be used in China, a lot of formalities such as notarization are required. The whole process will take about one month.

But time is nothing for the two. In the next few days, the two took Ancheng and Los Angeles to play Los Angeles, went to the California beach to bask in the sun, and then returned to New York to register.

The day of registration is March 5th. The lunar calendar is staggering, everything is awake, and spring is coming.

Qi Lean got up early in the morning, and put on a matching casual couple suit with Wei Changfeng, dressed up the two children, and drove to the registration office.

There are queues outside the registration office, full of loving couples, and families with children, which is not uncommon in foreign countries.

Qi Le’an is still famous because he only finished the Oscar a few days ago. The staff at the registration desk gleamed as soon as he saw him, and when he saw the guardian wind on one side, he even called out omg!

Qi Lecheng Cheng filled in the information joyfully, and Wei Changfeng listened to the staff’s instructions. They need to complete the ceremony in about a week to find the pastor to witness, and then return the registration certificate in exchange for the marriage certificate.

The two said with a smile, the staff of the registration office blessed: “I wish you happiness!”

Qi Lean said that he is very happy now!

However, as soon as he left the registration office, the joy on his face did not fade away, and Wei Changfeng received a call.

Qi Lean saw that the gentle gentleman had changed his complexion, and the hand holding the mobile phone began to tremble.

“it is good.”

“I’m going back.”

“Don’t be afraid, I will go back immediately.”

Qi Lean noticed that something was wrong, and the two children looked at Wei Changfeng anxiously. Wei Changfeng hung up the phone and took a deep breath, looking at Qi Lean’s eyes full of confusion.

He couldn’t say it.

“What’s wrong?” Qi Lean knew, something must have happened.

“Mama fainted,” Wei Changfeng said, “I was taken to the hospital, it may be a tumor.”

Qi Lean felt a chill.

“It’s okay,” Qi Lean dried her mouth, and somehow comforted Wei Changfeng: “It must be okay, is the sister there?”

Wei Changfeng nodded and said, “Brother Sheng is having a meeting in Europe. Dad returned to New Zealand. There is only a sister at home.”

“Let’s go back.” Qi Lean made a decision immediately, saying: “Go, get in the car first, and book a ticket when you get home.”

The two still hold a marriage registration certificate in their hands. They need to find the pastor’s signature within a week and return it to the registry to get the marriage certificate.

“Go home first.” Qi Lean said to Wei Changfeng on the street where people are coming and going: “Brother Wei, let’s go home and talk.”

Wei Changfeng nodded abruptly, took Ancheng’s hand, and tried to adjust his state, but he couldn’t completely relax.

The male **** is also a human and will be afraid.

After returning home, Qi Lean immediately checked the ticket. Wei Changfeng was in a daze, silent.

“Brother Wei, there was a trip in the afternoon, I bought it directly?” Qi Lean asked.

Wei Changfeng stopped Qi Le’an as if he was awakened by something, “Wait!”

Qi Lean said: “Well?”

Wei Changfeng looked at Qi Le’an and said, “Book tomorrow’s ticket.”

Qi Lean didn’t know why Wei Changfeng was like this, and said, “Okay, I’ll go to pack my luggage.”

It was not yet noon at this time, Wei Changfeng stood up and said, “I’ll make a call.”

Qi Le’an nodded, preparing to take Ancheng and Xiaochengzi to pack their luggage home. Little Orange asked Qi Lean timidly: “Are we going home?”

Qi Lean said: “Yes… Grandma is sick, we have to go back to take care of her.”

Little Orange nodded incomprehensiblely and said, “It hurts to be sick.”

Ancheng seemed to want to comfort adults, saying, “It’s okay to have an uncle doctor!”

Qi Lean squeezed a smile and said, “Well, it’s fine.”

During the conversation, Wei Changfeng had returned from his phone call. Qi Lean originally thought that Wei Changfeng was contacting a doctor’s friend to inquire about his condition, but he didn’t expect Wei Changfeng to say: “Xiao An, let’s go, let’s go to see the pastor.”

Qi Lean froze.

Wei Changfeng’s gentle and unchanging face also brought a bit of fatigue, he said: “I just asked Professor John to contact the pastor. The pastor said that we can testify first, so as not to invalidate this opportunity.”

“After completing the witnesses, Professor John will help us return the documents to the registry…”

“Sorry, Brother Wei… Brother Wei is sorry for you, Brother Wei owes you a wedding.”

Qi Lean walked over and said nothing, hugging Wei Changfeng.

He felt the shaking of Wei Ge.

He pressed his ear to Wei Changfeng’s chest and listened to the beating of his heart.

He doesn’t remember where he has seen it. You never know which disaster comes first and tomorrow, he thinks it is.

But when disaster strikes, his tomorrow will still protect him.

“It’s okay, Brother Wei.”

“I love you, it doesn’t matter.”

“Don’t apologize to me… we are in love, it’s enough.”

The title of the previous chapter made everyone misunderstand. The award refers to the crew is not Xiao An. The plot arranges that Xiao An finally won the award with Brother Wei. I don’t know if this is the reason, I received a one-star bad review.

This situation is actually very bad. Lying in bed at night is obviously sleepy, but I can’t sleep because of plot insomnia, and people who have insufficient sleep are very irritable. In fact, you should n’t complain about anything here. You can see here are the little angels who like Xiao Anwei ’s support for Huahua. There is no need to bring negative energy to you. But it may be because the glass is almost finished , I hope tomorrow is a day full of vitality.

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