Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 10


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

A few days flew by quickly as I added the Sea Forest training to my schedule. It probably would have overwhelmed me if not for Life Return. Despite the busy routine, my training had been incredibly fruitful. Reacclimating myself with boxing and learning it anew was not only enjoyable but also a clear asset to my arsenal.

Additionally, I was training to use Sulong, aiming to get used to the power boost and manage the exhaustion that came with it. My ultimate goal was to artificially stimulate my body through Seimei Kikan to use Sulong at will, mimicking the effect of moonlight. Though difficult, I felt I had made some progress even if not alot.

Beyond martial training, I had set my sights on broader changes. I meant what i promised in utilizing the knowledge i possess as Otohime's assassination loomed in the back of my mind unfortunately the exact timing for it was uncertain but i had a vague idea for when it will be. For now until then, I focused on the Fishman District – the slums. It was the least i could do to honor Fisher Tiger's memory by taking up his mantle, protecting the slum denizens from pirate attacks. But I aimed to go further, addressing the root causes rather than just treating symptoms. For now, though, it was preparation time.

Lost in thought, I was brought back to the present as Sensei Namur entered the room. "Lucian," he called. I bowed to him, and he returned the gesture before sitting cross-legged across from me. 

We sat in silence for some time before Namur's expression turned solemn as he began, "Fisher Tiger's death hit us all hard, but we can't let it stop us. We must continue to train, to grow stronger as such we have had enough time to grieve and it is time to continue your training." He paused, his eyes scrutinizing me. "Lucian, you've said you want to make a difference, but how exactly do you want to do that? Why do you train? What pushes you to learn fishman karate?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Fisher Tiger's memory and my own convictions and aspirations as i chewed on the question within my mind before i started to speak. "In this world, people suffer," I began, my voice steady but tinged with emotion. "Man, woman, child, human, fishman..." I paused, the pain of recent events still raw. "This darkness permeates our world so deeply it even reaches the depths of our beloved home. This murky filth that pollutes our oceans is ignored by those who sit upon the heavens, deeming themselves too 'godly' to spare a glance at us mere peasants or even in some cases adding to that darkness. To them, acknowledging such suffering or even thinking about helping would be to dirty their hands with the muck of this world."

I clenched my fists, determination rising within me. "Fisher Tiger was not afraid to dip his hands into that darkness, to extend his reach to those drowning where their cries were stifled. Until he was killed."

Taking another deep breath, I continued, "Fisher may be gone, but I am not. I won't let the light he tried to shine on the world go to waste." I raised my hands, my voice growing stronger. "With my own two hands, I will cast myself into the shadows, diving deep where no light shines, and answer the cries that have gone or will go unheard. I will take the place Tiger would have, to become that light. Even if my hands and soul become blackened by the end of it, I will not stop shining a light on the dark path, illuminating the way for those lost in despair. That is what I train for, and why I need power."

Namur listened intently, his expression unreadable. As I finished speaking, a contemplative glimmer appeared in his eyes. "Those are heavy words, Lucian, especially for someone as young as you... but that's not a bad thing. If you aspire to achieve those lofty dreams, you'll need a will strong enough to carry the burden. Becoming that light you speak of will surely draw out the darkness, and it will fight back with all its might."

He stood up, his posture straightening. "You've already achieved an impressive level of proficiency in Fishman Karate, breaking through to the rank of an expert practitioner. If you truly intend to pursue those ambitious dreams of yours and earn your black belt, then it's time for you to start on a path that will help you realize those goals. It's time for you to begin harnessing Haki."

If not for my impeccable control over my body my eyes would have flew out of my body at senseis words. Haki - the mystical power that set apart the truly formidable in this world.

Namur continued, "Haki is a force that exists in all living things. It's the power of your will. of your spirit. Mastering it will be crucial for you to realize your ambitions and protect those you care about."

I nodded, eager to begin. "I'm ready, Sensei. Teach me."

"Very well," Namur said, a hint of a smile on his face. "Let's begin with the basics. There are three types of Haki: Armament, Observation, and Conqueror's."

He elaborated, "Armament Haki is a weaponized manifestation of your will, increasing the defensive and offensive power of your attacks. Observation Haki extends your senses beyond the natural, aiding you in combat and scouting. Lastly, Conqueror's Haki, a sign of a king's spirit, allows you to dominate those with feeble will, though it's extremely rare."

Namur continued, "We'll start with Observation Haki, as I believe it will be easier for you to access. The key lies in heightening your awareness, which is why meditation is crucial. To use Observation Haki, you must learn to quiet your mind and extend your senses beyond their usual limits."

"How do we begin?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Namur's lips curved into a slight smile. "We start with meditation. Close your eyes, Lucian. Focus on your breathing. Then, try to extend your awareness outward, but don't force it. Let it come naturally..."

 I closed my eyes and began to focus, trying to reach the mysterious power within me.

The next year passed in a blur of intense training and gradual progress. My days were filled with rigorous physical conditioning in the Sea Forest, honing my martial arts skills and recreating the thing's i remembered, and countless hours of meditation to develop my nascent Haki abilities.

Under Namur's guidance, I slowly began to grasp the basics of Observation And Armament Haki. At first, it was just fleeting moments of heightened awareness, barely distinguishable from my normal senses. But as the weeks turned into months, those moments became more frequent and pronounced.

The same can be said for my experience with Armament Haki. While Master Namur was correct that Observation Haki would come more naturally to me, likely due to a combination of factors, starting to learn Armament Haki didn’t present extreme difficulties either. Accessing Armament Haki, like Observation, required a steady, calm mind and concentration—skills that came easily to me. However, Armament also demanded visualization to truly believe with all your will and soul that a black armor coated your limbs, which, thanks to Master’s guidance and my many experiences witnessing it in action either here or within the series, wasn’t difficult for me to grasp.

At first, using Armament Haki was challenging, sometimes flickering like the static of an old TV. But with persistence, I eventually mastered the basics of it, and now I can use Armament consistently, even though I’m still just beginning this journey with Haki.

My training in the Sea Forest intensified as well. I pushed every aspect of my existing skills—Fishman Karate, Seimei Kikan—and even began adding new ones, like Rokushiki, my boxing or other things and going so far as to train every night within my mindscape. I'll admit, juggling all this training was mentally draining, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The cool waters of the ocean enveloped me as I left the familiar confines of Fishman Island. A year of intense training had transformed me, both physically and mentally. My muscles, honed by countless hours in the Sea Forest and under Namur's tutelage, propelled me effortlessly as i kicked and flapped my wings speeding through the water.I had truly grown into the young adult I was becoming, a transformation further accelerated by my relentless training. This had sculpted my body into a lean yet muscular form really fitting into my black furred jack and my checkered hair had grown a little past shoulder length, though I usually kept it slicked back. It flowed comfortably in the water behind me.

As I swam, I reflected on my progress. Observation Haki had become second nature, a constant awareness humming at the edge of my consciousness being able to sense up to roughly 200 to 300 meters currently. My control over Seimei Kikan had improved dramatically, allowing me to push my body to new limits. Yet, I knew the real test of my abilities lay ahead in the Fishman District.

The waters darkened as I approached the separate bubble housing the district that was a remarkable length away from the main fishman island. Even from a distance, the stark contrast between this area and the rest of Fishman Island was apparent. The structures were more haphazard, the waters murkier. This was where my real work would begin.

As I neared the bubble's entrance, my heightened senses suddenly flared. Something was wrong. I could feel a disturbance in the water, a slight sense of fear and panic emanating form it. Focusing my Observation Haki, I pushed my awareness further.

That's when I saw it. A massive ship, clearly of pirate origin, loomed near the district's bubble. Its presence alone was a threat, but the fear I sensed suggested something worse was already underway.

Without hesitation, I increased my speed, my determination to protect the district burning stronger than ever. As I burst through the bubble's membrane and soared through the air with a mixture of powerful flaps and kicks through the air courtesy of Geppo toward the commotion, the full scale of the situation became clear. The pirate ship hovered above the district's structures floating in the water with its crew already having descended upon the resident's attacking them and causing immense chaos.

I clenched my fists, my body tensing for the impending confrontation. The moment I had trained for had arrived sooner than expected, but I was ready. It was time to show these pirates that the Fishman District was no longer an easy target.

I unsheathed the claws on my hand, drawing power from within myself and the surrounding water. A crackling combination of Electro and water coated my arm as I prepared to strike. With a powerful swing, I unleashed my attack at the largest cluster of presences my Observation Haki detected.

Five electrified water slashes erupted from my clawed hand, cutting through the air with deadly precision. They crashed into the unsuspecting pirates, tearing through them as easily as a hot knife through butter sending decapitated heads, severed limbs and internal organs splat onto the ground staining it a deep and visceral scarlet red. My flying claw slashes continued their path of destruction, cutting into nearby houses and the earth itself.

A grim smile crossed my face. My Eviscerate technique, a inspiration coming from the fusion of Rankyaku from the Six Powers and the Electro Claw from the Astra discipline, had come along nicely. It was the cornerstone of my fledgling Beast Claw Style a offshoot of the claw techniques my father had taught me, and it truly lived up to its name.

I began to flap my wings, ready to speed towards the ground and hunt down the remaining pirates. However, my Haki and every instinct in my body suddenly screamed danger. I heeded the warning immediately, tensing my body with Tekkai and coating my left side with Armament Haki.

It was a wise decision. Something slammed into me, sending me flying through the sky. As I regained my bearings, I caught a glimpse of the attack – a nearly transparent wind-like blade. I managed to grasp it and slap it away, stabilizing myself in mid-air.

Looking up, I saw a man floating adjacent to me. My analytical mind kicked into overdrive. The first thing I noticed was his lack of legs, replaced by a dense, tornado-like effect. A Devil Fruit user, most likely a Logia type. His bare upper body was peppered with scars, the mark of a seasoned warrior. A large diagonal scar ran from his hairline to his chin, cutting across a face framed by a chin-strap beard. His hair was an intriguing mixture of black and purple.

As I analyzed him, he broke the tense silence with a smirk. "That was impressive. Your attack on those idiots down there, I mean. Voss, Captain Ryder Voss of the Crimson Tempest Pirates. And you are?"

I met his gaze unflinchingly, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins a taunting smile on my face. "Lucian. But nonetheless what my name is doesn't matter to you, a dead man walking or floating it is."

Voss's smirk widened into a full grin. "Big words for such a young fighter. Those men you just slaughtered? They were the weakest of my crew. Let's see how you fare against a real challenge."

I clenched my fists, determination coursing through my veins like hot fire "Don't worry, you'll join your buddies down there soon enough – gargling on your own blood"

The pirate captain's eyes gleamed with malicious excitement. "Bold. Very bold. Well then, Lucian, shall we dance?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, power erupted within me. Electricity crackled across my body as I took deep, methodical breaths. Suddenly, the visible electricity vanished, only to reappear beneath my skin. My veins lit up with an inner glow, and my hair stood on end, frazzled by the current coursing through me.

Ryder, witnessing my swift transformation, pulled back his hand warily. "Whatever that is, it won't save you from being crushed. Cyclone Surge!" An immense tornado blasted from his hand, hurtling towards me through the sky.

I took in a deep breath, settling into a Fishman Karate stance. Water and electricity gathered around my closed fist that was then further enhanced with a coating of tekkai and armament haki as I prepared my counter. With a sharp exhale, I released my fist in perfect form. A focused shockwave flew forth to meet the oncoming tornado.

My attack, however, carried an undercurrent of electricity, as if the air itself had invisible wires running through it. This was the result of attaching my Electro to the water vapor "highway" created by the Arabesque Tile True Punch technique, effectively bypassing one of the major weaknesses of a Mink's electricity.

Our attacks collided mid-air, resulting in a massive explosion. The clash sent shockwaves rippling outward, reaching even the ground far beneath our airborne forms. The sky itself seemed to tremble with the force of our exchange, a testament to the power being unleashed in this aerial battle.

My attack overwhelmed his tornado, demolishing it and hounding straight towards Ryder. Caught off guard by the viciousness of my retaliation, he took the full brunt of the impact. It was payback for his earlier assault, and then some, as he went careening towards the ground, crashing hard.

While my Tekkai and Armament Haki coating contributed to the attack's strength, the true power came from the enhancements coursing through my body. I hadn't yet mastered replicating the effects of moonlight with Seimei Kikan, but my attempts had yielded other innovations. Most notably, the Breath of Life, inspired by the Demon Slayers' lung techniques to enhance physical prowess. I combined this with my Electro enhancement, an idea born from observing the arcing bolts across my skin during Sulong transformations. By stimulating my nerves with electricity to boost my physical stats - a dangerous but controlled technique - I created what I called Sky Father's Cloak.

I dropped to the ground and dashed towards Ryder's crash site using Soru. As I neared the dust cloud from the impact, my Haki warned me of danger. I contorted my body in a fluid motion, using Kami-E to dodge another wind blade that flew from the smoke.

Narrowing my eyes, I decided to return the favor. The muscles in my leg tensed as I coated it in my augmentations before swinging, sending out an electrified water version of Rankyaku that sliced through the smoke, heading straight for Ryder.

Likely sensing my attack with his own Haki, Ryder countered. Multiple giant tornados manifested, blowing away the remaining smoke and blocking my Rankyaku. The collision produced a high-pitched screech like metal scraping against metal.

Through the dispersing tornados, I saw a disheveled Ryder, still smiling despite his sorry state. "Your sorry excuse for a wind blade would never get past my Tornado Veil!" he boasted as my Rankyaku was deflected.

The tornados dispersed, and Ryder's legs vanished once more as he blasted towards me. Though not as fast as a Logia user like Enel, his wind-propelled speed was formidable. But not too fast for me.

A plan formed in my mind as we rushed towards each other, both rearing back our fists for a clash. At the last moment, I gave a sudden flap of my wings, soaring over him. Confused, Ryder looked up, but I had already capitalized on that split second.

My hair rapidly grew and expanded from my head, forming a spider web-like structure strengthened by Armament Haki and Electro. My Looming Web caught the surprised Ryder, who barely had time to exclaim, "What the fu-" before I cut him off.

With a devious smile, I heaved him over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes, sending him soaring. Then, I slammed him into the ground repeatedly, the impact of each blow with the electrical effect resonating through the air.

As I repeatedly slammed Ryder into the ground, I suddenly felt a change in the air around us. The wind began to pick up, swirling violently around Ryder's body. His eyes, previously wide with shock, narrowed in concentration.

"Tempest Burst!" he roared.

In an instant, a powerful explosion of wind erupted from every pore of his body. The sudden, omnidirectional blast of air pressure strained against my Looming Web, stretching it to its limits. Despite my Armament Haki reinforcement, I felt the hairs begin to snap under the intense pressure.

Taking advantage of the weakening hold, Ryder's body began to dissolve into wind, slipping through the gaps in my hair net. As the last of him turned to air, the wind coalesced a short distance away, reforming into Ryder's human shape.

He stood there, panting heavily, his clothes torn and body bruised, but a fierce grin on his face. "Not bad, kid," he said, wiping blood from his lip. "But you'll need more than fancy hair tricks to cage the wind."

I raised an eyebrow at Ryder's clear bullshitting but before I could respond, multiple presences entered my sensing range. Ryder's subordinates had decided to join the fray, complicating matters.

"Boss, we've got your back!" one of them shouted as they surrounded us.

Ryder smirked. "Let's see how you handle this, kid."

Without hesitation, I sprang into action. Two grunts rushed me from either side, but I was ready. My finger flicked sending out a Leaping Thunder the electrified flying shigan pierced through the first grunt, a small lightning bolt leaping to the second, electrocuting and piercing the hearts of both instantly killing them.

As more approached, I decided to up the ante. Both my hands coated in my augmentation's as all 4 fingers on both hands flicked at the same time sending out a load of shigan lightning bolts resulting in ThunderFang Barrage taking down another group of attackers.

Ryder, not content to let his men do all the work, sent a spiraling tornado my way. I dodged it and then with used a quick Soru, closing the distance between us. He threw a wind enhanced punch, but I was ready.

Dodging the punch I swung my leg out in what appeared to be a powerful side kick, which he dodged with ease. Little did he realize, it was a feint—one he fell for, hook, line, and sinker. Without putting any real momentum or weight behind the initial kick, I seamlessly transitioned into a spinning back kick. My Qirin's Piston Kick connected perfectly, sending him stumbling backward as the sole of my coated foot met his face electrocuting him.

More grunts closed in, and I knew I needed to create some space. Unsheathing all the claws on both hands, I coated them with my augmentations. Then, I began to spin rapidly, a blur of motion that would put a master ballerina to shame. My coated and outstretched claws unleashed a cacophony of flying electrified water claw slashes, forming a destructive tornado of my own. With my Devouring Typhoon, I effortlessly sliced and diced through the encroaching enemies, cutting them down with ease.

Ryder, now recovered and understandably furious, the imprint of a shoe still marring his face, raised his hand and shouted, "Boreas's Spear!" A lance of wind formed from his gale-like body and shot toward me with deadly speed.

Without hesitation, I brandished my still-extended claws, swinging them in a swift diagonal X-motion. The slashes interlocked to form a menacing, razor-sharp net—Cross Claw Scar. The cutting net collided with the air, and while Ryder's spear managed to pierce through with immense power, it only punched a small hole, failing to disperse my attack entirely.

The net continued its relentless advance, and as it surged forward, I swiftly hardened my hands, caught the spear, and with a powerful throw, sent it hurtling back at Ryder. Now, both my attack and his own spear raced toward him, an unstoppable onslaught.

He barely managed to turn into wind to avoid both the attacks, reforming a short distance away. "Not bad, but let's see how you handle this!" He gestured, and his remaining men charged en masse.

I grinned as my hair began to move on its own and became like snakes of electricity once more with a coating from my electro and armament haki before swiftly forming into multiple condensed, thick spikes. With a sharp flick, the spikes shot out connecting with several of the cannon fodder close to me. They fell, impaled by my Piercing Lion's Mane.

As the remaining enemies hesitated, I shifted into a defensive stance. My outstretched hair quickly retracted, covering me like a blanket before transforming into spikes once more. This time, my Stinger Hedgehog technique lived up to its name, creating a bristling barrier of spiked hair that repelled anyone foolish enough to remain close.

Ryder, seeing his men fall, decided to take matters into his own hands once more. He charged, wind swirling around his fist. I waited until the last moment, then with precise timing dodged his punch and with a southpaw stance executed a Lights Out - the precise, lightning-fast hook barely missed as he partially dodged, but the glancing blow still sent him reeling.

I pressed my advantage with Merciless Blows, my barrage of cross punches forcing him back. He countered with a wind burst, pushing me away, but I was far from done.

As we faced off, both tired but not even considering showing that weakness for a second, I knew the real battle was just beginning. Ryder's remaining men regrouped behind him, while I stood alone, ready for whatever came next. The air crackled with tension as we prepared for the next round of this intense fight.

Seemingly as if at the drop of a hat the temporary peace was broken, both me and ryder with his men charged the first up being one of his subordinates wielding a cutlass trying to cut me down easily weaving it, i shimmy into his range and slam my fist into his face with a perfect overhand punch counter before following through on my Retaliation Knuckle sending his head straight to the ground shattering the earth some. 

Another tried to take advantage of me in the middle of attacking his crewmate to cave my head in but i block it with my left forearm as my right fist primed and ready shot out colliding with the undertow of the man's jaw, the Jolted Ascension sending his head snapping back as i unsheathe my claws once again and let loose onto his open guard, the Shigan: Spots filling him full of precise punctures. 

"Storm Chaser!" As the man’s body dropped, it revealed Ryder, who had transformed into a violent, churning cyclone instead of throwing one at me. He charged straight at me, a storm incarnate, while the last vestiges of his men attacked from the other side, attempting a pincer maneuver. My eyes flickered between the two threats, plans rapidly forming in my mind before I settled on one.

I turned to face neither of them directly, stretching out my hands. With a flick of my right hand, I unleashed a Four-Point Shigan, sending four air bullets that knocked down the remaining grunts. At the same time, I fired a single Flying Shigan at the eye of the storm, aiming for Ryder’s head. Predictably, he blocked it with a quickly formed, Haki-coated arm, not wanting to risk a hole in his skull.

I seized the opportunity, rushing toward him, but just as I closed in, he swung at me, his arm now a wind blade. I barely dodged the attack, relying on my Observation Haki and Kami-e, but even then, I sustained a nasty cut on my eyebrow—lucky to escape decapitation from his almost-successful trap. Undeterred, I continued my assault, bombarding him with Shigan: Yellow Lotus, my Haki-coated and augmented, clawed fingers clashing with his wind blade, both of us accumulating damage as the battle raged on and the elemental clashes resulting in beautiful sparks opposite of the seriousness of this battle.

Going for an unorthodox move I believed would finish the battle, I ducked down and drove my finger straight toward his leg, piercing his thigh and most importantly, his femoral artery. "Fuck! Son of a bitch!" Ryder cursed as blood pumped rapidly from the wound. Despite the gushing blood, he swung his other leg at my head. I managed to block it just in time, though the impact sent me skidding back.

When I looked up, I saw Ryder, bloodied but grinning madly. His arms spread wide, and suddenly, wind burst from both of them. At first, I thought he was going to wrap the wind around me and slam it down, but instead, the wind expanded into a thin dome surrounding us. I quickly glanced around, wary of what was coming next.

My attention snapped back to Ryder as he said, "Within my Hurricane Vortex, your lungs don’t stand a chance." At first, I was confused, but then it felt like a vacuum had been turned on inside the dome. The air was sucked from my lips, almost driving me to my knees, but I forcibly clamped my mouth shut with seimei kikan before my lungs collapsed in on themselves.

Not letting up, Ryder dashed forward, his hand-blade morphing into a menacing, whirring wind drill aimed to pierce me clean through. Steadying myself, I stepped forward, weaving through the attack with every ounce of my boxing training and Kami-e. Coating my horned head in Haki and my augmentations, I viciously slammed it into his nose with Moo Galava, crushing it and replacing his smug expression with one of shock and stunned.

I didn’t waste the opportunity. My left fist drove into his abdomen with the Liver Killer, doubling him over, and my right hand followed, slamming into his kidney. I dived back, smoothly transitioning into an uppercut—Hellraiser—which lifted him up sending him to heaven rather than hell leaving him primed and ready for the final technique he will feel.

Raising my hands into a stance any seasoned Rokushiki master would recognize, I prepared for my final move. My fists were coated with an absurd amount of Electro and water, alongside Haki. "Lethal Tap," I muttered, as the two-handed one-inch punch crashed into his chest. Using the principle of the Shark Tile True Punch, I attacked his internal faculties via the water within his body, combining the devastating force of my Rokuogan with the destructive power of Electro. The impact essentially liquefied his organs, and the shockwaves sent Ryder flying smack dab his own wind dome, which began to dissipate.

He collapsed to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth like a faucet left running. As his life drained away, I looked down at him, staring into his eyes even as the blood from the cut on my eyebrow dribbled into my vision. "I told you," I said coldly, " that this would end with you joining your buddies, gargling on your own blood."

With those final words, he attempted to raise his hand toward me—whether to launch one last attack or to plead for mercy, I neither knew nor cared. Without hesitation, I mercilessly punctured his throat with a Shigan, silencing him forever.


Authors Note: 

Honestly, how crazy this chapter got was not planned but im satisfied with it anyway thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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